To pickle cabbage, you need to choose masculine days of the week and a favorable phase of the moon.

Sauerkraut is considered one of the most popular snacks in Rus', but even in our time it is difficult to do without it. From year to year, housewives prefer to make their own preparations for the winter, because this is the only way to get a natural and healthy product. And in order for the snack to be tasty and crispy, you need to know folk wisdom on how to pickle cabbage for the winter.

Optimal lunar phase for salting

When choosing the optimal time for preparing sauerkraut, you need to take into account your needs and what kind of product you need to get in the end. For those who are interested in when to salt cabbage according to folk beliefs, ancient beliefs advise doing this on the full moon. Then the dish will be stored for a long time, even over time it will not lose its original taste. But there is another point of view, which is based on the belief in the great power of the peaks of lunar activity. During such periods, not everyone copes with the energy of the night star. Therefore, the result does not always meet expectations. Therefore, it is better to carry out salting on the waxing moon, namely in the first 5 days after the birth of the month.

But on the waning moon it is better not to do this work. If you ferment vegetables in the first 5 days of the waning moon, the pieces of cabbage will stretch one after another and become too soft and tasteless. The further the moon goes into decline, the less likely it is that it will stand for at least any time at all, and not deteriorate almost immediately.

It is important to pay attention to what exact zodiac sign the moon is in at the moment when it is decided to ferment cabbage; many signs state that under no circumstances should this be done in the signs of Cancer, Pisces, Virgo. If you neglect these requirements of folk wisdom, the dish will become moldy and you will not be able to try it.

All favorable days for pickling cabbage in February

In order to determine whether a particular day for fermenting cabbage will be successful or unsuccessful, you first need to know the phase of the Moon. Thus, it is strictly forbidden to cook cabbage on new and full moon days. The waxing Moon is also a good sign for a favorable date, but the Waning phase is not considered unlucky. It is also worth paying attention to your zodiac sign. Days when the Moon is in one of the following constellations are the most successful: Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn. The rest are considered either neutral or unfavorable.

Based on this, we can conclude that the most successful days in the second half of the current month will be the 15th, 17th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 27th. The following dates can be called neutral: February 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25 and 26. The most undesirable day for procurement will be one single day this month: February 28th.

Such attention should be paid to the Moon because on good days the cabbage will definitely turn out tasty, crispy, and even nutritious and healthy. This cannot be said about unlucky dates, because during them, salted or sauerkraut can quickly deteriorate, turn sour, and may also not be soaked. On neutral days there are no guarantees for an ideal result, but the probability of something bad will also not be one hundred percent.

Optimal day

In order for a dish to please you for a long time with a pleasant taste and the desired crunch, you need to follow these beliefs:

  • You should start work on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays if they fall on a full moon. Then, in addition to the ability to retain its qualities for a long time, the dish will acquire tenderness and softness. It is believed that the word “cabbage” refers to the feminine gender, so work with it should be carried out on women’s days.
  • If you wait a long time before this phase of the moon, the harvest is not waiting, and softness does not seem to be the ideal taste, then it is better to choose “male” days (Tuesday, Thursday, Monday). Salting on men's days gives the cabbage pieces elasticity, which leads to the appearance of a pleasant crunch.
  • Signs for when to successfully salt cabbage so that it crunches are also advised to focus on the days of the week, the name of which contains the letter “P”. This sign most likely falls into the category of superstitions.
  • Other signs for delicious pickling of cabbage say that you need to know what day of the week the Feast of the Intercession falls on (October 14). They remember this day and before the next holiday they try to ferment cabbage only on this day of the week.
  • To this day, there are also signs about when to ferment cabbage in accordance with your health condition. In the old days, women who had their menstrual periods were allowed to work on preparations for the winter.

What kind of cabbage can be fermented?

Not all varieties of cabbage are suitable for pickling. In order for it to produce a high-quality product when fermented, the vegetable must have a sufficient sugar content. In this case, the process of lactic acid fermentation will be most successful. This condition is met by varieties that ripen in the middle and late periods.

Late-ripening varieties are also not all suitable for pickling. Many late varieties of this vegetable are intended for winter storage. Immediately after harvesting, such cabbage contains little sugar, its leaves are not juicy enough, so you cannot get high-quality pickling from it. But after a couple of months of storage, it is already quite suitable for these purposes, since it has time to accumulate the sugar necessary for fermentation.

The best varieties for pickling are domestic ones: Nadezhda, Belorusskaya, Slava, Podarok, Kharkovskaya Zimnyaya, Moscow Late. Particularly good is fermented cabbage made from old domestic varieties Slava and Belorusskaya. Suitability for pickling can be easily determined by appearance and taste. The head of cabbage should be almost white in color, the leaves should be juicy and sweet.

The first time from varieties that are planted specifically for pickling. A few months later, when the first batch is finished, ferment some of the heads of cabbage left for storage. So, the cabbage will not become acidic and will always be of high quality.

Optimal period in the calendar

Regardless of what folk wisdom says, it is known that we salt the cabbage only after it has been “hit” by frost. You should wait for the snow to fall. In different regions, depending on climatic conditions, the specific time varies. It is better to do this after mid-October and before mid-November.

Many people adhere to the point of view that it is advisable to start salting cabbage on the 10th day after the first frost; signs say that this particular period is the best for winter preparations. Moreover, there is an addition: it is better not to buy vegetables, but to bring them directly from the garden and immediately salt them. Then it will be truly juicy and appetizing. The explanation for this, believe me, is quite simple: at this time, acids are actively converted into sugars, which gives the cabbage its unique taste.

Best Tips for Cooking Cabbage

Each housewife has her own signature recipes for winter sauerkraut. Each lady usually adds those ingredients that she and her family like. But you can still give a few examples of additives to the snack. To prepare a winter delicacy, in addition to cabbage and salt, carrots are useful . Carrots should be added to taste. Approximate proportions are 400 grams of carrots and 300 grams of salt. These proportions have been tested for a long time by many housewives. Beginner housewives are recommended to take this proportion as a basis.

And you can also add apples . They can be used whole or quartered. Antonovka is best suited. You can get another tasty snack if you add the following ingredients to cabbage:

  • plums (they should be quite hard);
  • lingonberries;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • celery.

If you want more flavor, you can sprinkle with cumin or parsley .

Cooking method

In order to pamper your family and friends with a delicious snack in winter, you need to prepare it correctly. First, you need to finely chop the cabbage with a knife. A grater may be suitable to speed up the process.

If speed is not particularly important, then with a knife everything will turn out much more aesthetically pleasing. You need to cut the head of cabbage into four parts, then chop from the center against the leaves . The chopped future snack should be placed in a basin, which is best prepared in advance.

Now you should work on other ingredients: cut apples, herbs, carrots and other products that should be fermented along with cabbage. After everything is cut and prepared, you need to raise the sleeves to elbow level and thoroughly mash the cabbage . Now you can place the winter snack under some weighting material and wait until it starts to sour.

When can cabbage be considered pickled medicine?

Sauerkraut is not only a tasty snack that is great to eat with potatoes on a winter day, but it is also a kind of medicine for the intestines. It contains lactic and acetic acid, which prevents the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria.

Pickled vegetables simply need to be consumed by those people who are overweight. This delicacy contains a lot of fiber , and it also helps burn fat effectively.

When a person consumes this fermented product, his digestion improves , cholesterol and blood sugar are normalized.

Features of salting dishes

Not every container will allow you to prepare good sauerkraut for the winter. Ancient folk traditions recommend fermenting cabbage exclusively in wooden vessels. The tub will allow you to preserve the product for a long time and will saturate the dish with a unique aroma. In recent decades, such utensils have fallen out of use. However, today the best folk traditions are remembered, so the tubs have again appeared on sale, are actively purchased and used for winter preparations.

Salting can be carried out in enamel containers. But there are some difficulties here: there should be no chips in the pan or bucket. If there are any, the metal will oxidize. The dish will become harmful to the body.

For many years, salting has been carried out in glass jars. This is a good option that allows you to preserve the product without spoiling its taste. Aluminum cookware is not recommended for use for pickling, either by specialists or by folk wisdom.

Many people prefer to do their own preparations for the winter. Pickles made with your own hands do not cause disgust. And the taste of the product can be made perfect if you follow ancient traditions, not forgetting about modern technologies.

To understand when to salt cabbage according to signs, it is better to try all existing options. Then decide at what time it turns out tastier.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Which head of cabbage is better to take for pickling?

Take medium, dense. It’s good if it’s hit by frost beforehand.

What's the best recipe?

Complex issue. The classic is 3 parts cabbage, 1 part carrot, salt, bay leaf and peppercorns.

Is it possible to ferment purchased heads of cabbage?

If they meet all the parameters (density, size), then you can.

When will cabbage be ready to eat?

Foam from fermentation stops appearing. You can also taste it. The product is crispy, tangy and delicious.

Beliefs about the timing of salting

There are two main points of view on signs when to salt cabbage at home. Both are associated with lunar rhythms. The first opinion is that it is necessary to salt only during the full moon. The point of view is explained by the round shape of the heads of cabbage, reminiscent of the moon. Attention is drawn to the connection of the moon with the feminine principle. This vegetable is associated with the weaker sex, because its name is a feminine word. These folk customs apply to carrots and beets.

When working during the full moon, folk traditions recommend Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday for salting. Women's days are better suited to the energy of the full moon. Not everyone agrees with this point of view.

Another opinion about when to salt cabbage according to ancient traditions is the preference for the new moon. Experts say that when fermented during the period of the emerging moon, the product turns out crispy and tender at the same time. During the growing month, folk traditions advise canning food on any “men’s” day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). According to other signs, cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers are preserved on “masculine” days, because their names are masculine words.

Important! According to both signs, it is forbidden to engage in conservation on the waning moon. Otherwise, the product will not crunch, it will turn out soft, viscous, and will turn sour. Sauerkraut made on the waning moon will not be stored for long.

Remembering when to salt cabbage according to folk wisdom should only be done when preparing for long-term storage. Folk traditions help keep the delicacy delicious for as long as possible. If you cook it to eat it right away, you don’t pay attention to the superstitions.

How to fix sauerkraut?

Asked by: Rodion Gerasimov, date: 06/07/2021

Answered by: Matvey Zhitnikov, date: 06.16.2021

Dilute the brine with water.

As soon as the cabbage produces juice, taste the brine. If there is a lot of salt, pour out the required amount of liquid and replace it with boiled water at room temperature. Shake the jar or pan of cabbage well so that the diluted brine is evenly distributed.

If the cabbage turns out to be too sour during fermentation, then the taste of the dish can be corrected only by soaking the vegetables in water or adding alkalizing products to the preparation. As for soaking, the procedure is very simple: you need to dilute about 30-50 grams of sugar in a liter of cold water, then pour the resulting mixture over the cabbage for a couple of hours.

Religious dates in beliefs about delicious cabbage

In the past, people lived solely by signs. People made long-term forecasts and correlated the events of their lives with the church calendar. Since ancient times, there have been signs of when to salt cabbage in relation to the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated annually on October 14. The celebration coincides with pre-Christian harvest celebrations.

In addition to the religious Christian basis, the Intercession is considered a kind of “control point” in the process of preparing for winter. Therefore, October 14 is inseparable from important matters that help to survive the harsh winter. In order to pickle cabbage deliciously, omens advise remembering what day of the week the holiday falls on. Today they simply look at the calendar and receive important information. All year round from October 14 until the same date of the next calendar year, omens advise fermenting cabbage on this day of the week.

Superstitions about salting

There are completely inexplicable signs for successful pickling of cabbage:

  • It is believed that the workpiece will be stored well if it was made on days in which the letter “r” appears in the name. These include Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
  • Popular beliefs prohibit engaging in any kind of conservation during menstrual periods.
  • A man will be entrusted with chopping vegetables.

It is impossible to explain the above from a logical point of view. but experienced people prove it. that for some reason superstitions “work”, and quite often.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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