How to properly whitewash trees in the garden: description, timing (autumn, spring), compositions, preparation, tools | (Photo & Video)
Let's first find out: why do you need to whitewash trees? The answer is simple. In fruit
Planting watermelons for seedlings in 2022: when and how to sow best
Watermelon is a melon crop that can be grown in any region of the country. Watermelon seedlings
Growing strawberries in a greenhouse - all the details of the process from experienced gardeners
Greenhouse strawberries - selecting the optimal varieties and hybrids High-quality planting material is already
watering dracaena
Important nuances of caring for dracaena: how to water a flower correctly? Signs of poor hydration
Dracaena is an exotic and decorative “palm” of the Asparagus family, which grows on average up to 15
Dutch greenhouses: description of the design. Step-by-step instructions on how to build a greenhouse using Dutch technology
Dutch greenhouses are used on an industrial scale and in homestead farming. They outperform their competitors
Planting seeds
How to plant watermelons in open ground: all the subtleties and secrets
Features of growing watermelons in open ground When growing watermelons in open ground, the main factor
Common hazel (Corylus avellana): a detailed description of the leaves and fruits of the bush, beneficial properties and contraindications
Hazel or hazel (Corylus) is a representative of the Birch family. This genus is represented by deciduous trees and
Dutch technology for growing strawberries
Growing strawberries using Dutch technology step by step
The Dutch have proposed an interesting method for growing strawberry bushes to harvest year-round berries. WITH
Strawberry plantations are renewed, as a rule, every 3-4 years; when planting remontant and commercial highly productive varieties, they plan for 1-2 seasons
DIY strawberry beds: how to make + beautiful design ideas
The tasty and beloved berry is usually planted in the spring or, preferably, in the fall. But do
How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round: technology and variety identification
Strawberries are considered a seasonal product, because they are harvested in open ground only in the summer. However
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