Planting melons and watermelons in open ground and greenhouses, care
The stereotype has long been ingrained that in order to enjoy juicy ripe watermelons and melons,
Fungal infection of anthracnose is accompanied by the appearance of brown or yellow spots, which in conditions of high humidity become covered with a pinkish coating
Growing watermelons in the Moscow region: step-by-step instructions for greenhouses and open ground
Features of growing watermelons in the Moscow region To grow watermelons in conditions that are not very hot and
How to grow raspberries in a greenhouse: choosing a variety, planting and care features
Advantages of growing raspberries in a greenhouse When growing raspberries in a greenhouse under certain conditions and
The pineapple should be ripe and aromatic
How to choose a pineapple for planting and grow from seeds, tops, cuttings at home: tips for growing, caring for and combating pineapple diseases
In this article you will learn how to grow pineapple at home. At first sight
Watermelon in the middle zone: how to grow a delicious berry yourself
Growing watermelons in open ground is possible even in the unstable climate of the middle zone. And we
growing watermelons at a summer cottage in Siberia
How to grow real watermelons in Siberia, the best varieties for the region
Watermelon is a crop of southern origin that requires the creation of special conditions when grown in Siberia. Optimal
Pruning raspberries after fruiting: 4 basic rules
Pruning raspberries after fruiting has ended is the key to a good harvest next year. A couple of words
Growing watermelons in Siberia and the Urals in open ground: secrets of planting and care
Who said that watermelons grow only where it is summer almost all year round? Gardeners who
Date palm
How and where dates grow in the wild and in culture, including in open ground and at home
Dates, beloved by many, grow on palm trees. Is it possible to grow it at home? Can! This
How to tie watermelons in a greenhouse - an example
How to tie watermelons in a polycarbonate greenhouse in 2022
2.5 (4) Among the crops grown in the greenhouse, watermelon takes pride of place. It is cultivated in
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