Varieties of lilies: Asian, double, low-growing, tall, white

Gardeners who already have experience growing lilies on their plots know that these flowers, despite their luxurious beauty, are for the most part very unpretentious and require minimal care. But the variety of lilies is great and not all of them can boast of such properties. To the eyes of a beginner, flowers that are similar in appearance may differ greatly in their requirements for the place of growth, type of soil and methods of propagation. In the article you will be able to get acquainted with the richness of the species and varietal composition of lilies, learn the characteristics of each group, and admire the photos of the most interesting and beautiful representatives of this genus.

Main international classification of lilies

At the end of the last century, the total number of lily varieties obtained from crossing different species and hybrids with each other reached 10 thousand and increases by several hundred varieties every year. Since lilies differ quite greatly from each other in care requirements and other characteristics, a unified international classification was adopted in the middle of the 20th century, which, with minor changes, has survived to this day.

According to this classification, it is customary to distinguish the following 10 sections among lilies:

  1. Asian hybrids.
  2. Curly (Martagon).
  3. Snow White (Candidum).
  4. American.
  5. Long-flowered (Longiflorum).
  6. Tubular and Orleans (Trumpet and Aurelian).
  7. Eastern (Oriental).
  8. Interspecific hybrids (hybrids between varieties of previous sections, named after the first letters of their Latin names, LA-, OT-, LO-, OA-).
  9. All wild species.
  10. Hybrids not included in previous sections.

Flower growers are creative people and often come up with their own classifications of flowers. Thus, one can often find classifications of lilies according to the color of the flowers, according to the height of the stems, according to the structure of the flower (double or not), according to the presence or absence of aroma, according to winter hardiness, and according to methods of reproduction. All these features will definitely be discussed in the description of groups and varieties of lilies given below, with the obligatory names of varieties and photos.

Flower in landscape design

Lily is common in landscape design. There are different options for using garden crops on the site:

  • in the form of a solo planting;
  • in flower groups;
  • in containers;
  • under the crowns of plants that do not create shade.

In flower beds, the lily acts as a bright accent, combining well with evergreen shrubs, border plants, and tall flowers - delphiniums, gladioli, phlox. The flower is sometimes planted near ponds and in rockeries. The flowerbed on which lily varieties are planted looks interesting: the variety of shades, stem heights, and bud sizes is admirable.

Asian hybrids

It was with these hybrids that the breeding of new varieties began long ago and at the moment they are the largest group in composition. The largest number of natural species, mainly native to Asia, took part in the creation of varieties of this group (hence the name of the group). It includes more than 5 thousand varieties, and in terms of variety of colors and ease of care, these plants have no equal among other lilies.

Asian hybrids include very tiny varieties, growing no more than 40 cm in height, and tall giants, up to 1.5 meters in height. Among them there is a whole range of shades from white to black, with the exception of blue and light blue.

Comment! The color of flowers can be one-color or two or three colors, as well as decorated with various strokes, dots, and spots.

Flowers come in a wide variety of shapes, including double ones. In size they are not the largest among lilies - on average they reach 10-15 cm in diameter.

Flowering does not last very long - usually about two weeks. Flowers usually appear from early June to early to mid-August.

Asian hybrids can rightfully be called the most unpretentious varieties of lilies - they can be grown from the south to the most subarctic latitudes. They do not require shelter for the winter in the middle zone; they reproduce in all possible ways, and their diversity has already been mentioned above.

Lilies of this group have absolutely no smell - for some this is a disadvantage, but for others it is a great advantage.

Asian hybrids cannot tolerate the presence of lime in the soil; they need soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. They can grow equally well in the sun and in light partial shade.

Among the best and most beautiful varieties of Asiatic lilies are:

Lion Heart

The coloring of this lily's flowers can be called avant-garde. Up to 12 star-shaped flowers can bloom on one plant. Blooms in the second half of summer.


Thanks to the Marlene lily, rumors arose among people about the appearance of so-called pyramidal lilies, varieties of which can form up to several hundred flowers on one bush. Sometimes they are also called bush lilies. All these names, to put it mildly, are incorrect, since, firstly, lilies almost always develop only one stem. Secondly, sometimes with some varieties the phenomenon of fasciation occurs, that is, the fusion of several stems. As a result, the stem actually acquires a powerful appearance and many (up to several hundred) flowers can form on it. But this phenomenon is not programmed and does not depend on any specific factors. If you are lucky, you will be able to observe such flowering in the lily varieties Marlene, Aphrodite, Ilia, Red Hot and Fleur.


I can’t even believe that such a delicate flower can withstand temperatures down to -25°C at rest without shelter. It blooms within 70 days after germination. The inflorescences are not very large, containing about 5-6 flowers.

Tribal Dance

Among the new varieties of lilies, this hybrid especially stands out for its unique color. It blooms in July-August and grows up to 110 cm.

Low-growing lilies: varieties + photos

Among Asian hybrids, there are many low-growing varieties that can be successfully grown in small flower pots on terraces, balconies, and even indoors. All of them do not grow more than 50-60 cm, and many varieties reach only 40 cm.

It is these varieties of lilies that are called by some unscrupulous sellers as the newest varieties of "pot" or pot lilies. In fact, many of them have been known for quite some time, and by planting several bulbs of different varieties in a pot, you can really soon get a luxurious bouquet of small multi-colored lilies.

But the flowering of this bouquet will last relatively short time - no more than two weeks. If you want to enjoy flowering for a longer period of time, about a month, then you can use for these purposes low-growing varieties of lilies from the group of oriental hybrids, which will be discussed below.

Advice! If you see the words “Pixie” or “Tiny” in the name of a lily variety, this means that this is a flower that belongs to short Asian hybrids.

What other low-growing varieties are there:

  • Belem

  • Buzzer

  • Sorocaba
  • Spider
  • Curitiba

  • Ivory Pixie
  • Joao Pesao
  • Rio de Janeiro

  • Lady like
  • Matrix

  • Tiny Chost

Landing Features

It is necessary to plant the pyramidal lily in a sunny area that is free from draft penetration. Before the procedure, peat or humus is added to the soil. Adding manure is prohibited, as this may cause the death of the plant. First of all, you should choose high-quality planting material: the bulbs should not be damaged or diseased. Purchased lilies should be planted in containers and sent to a cool place where they will get used to the ground until planting.

The next step is to dig a hole that should be equal to three times the diameter of the plant bulb. The distance between the holes should be at least 0.1 meters, since the perennial is capable of producing a large number of children. Columnar lily bulbs are placed in holes and sprinkled with a small amount of substrate. The last step in planting a crop is watering the crops. Lilies do not like a lot of moisture, so they do not need abundant irrigation.

The pyramid lily can be grown indoors, but in this case the plant is not multi-flowered. In order for a lily to grow at home, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • prepare a pot with a diameter of 40 and a height of about 30 centimeters;
  • the weight of the bulb should be about 30 grams;
  • no more than 4 units of planting material can be planted in one pot;
  • before planting, the bulbs spend about half a month in the refrigerator, after which they are treated for 2 hours in potassium permanganate, and then 8 hours in a fertilizer solution;
  • the pot needs to be equipped with holes for drainage;
  • the bottom of the container is laid with a drainage layer in the form of expanded clay or foam;
  • then a substrate in a volume of 15 centimeters is poured into the container; it contains sand and earth;
  • the bulb is planted in the ground so that the roots are lowered downwards;
  • planting material is covered with 10 centimeters of soil;
  • the top soil layer needs to be loosened by hand - this will provide oxygen access to the roots of the lilies;
  • At the end of planting, the young crop should be watered with warm water and sent to a cool room for 30 days.

Terry varieties of lilies with photos and names

Among Asian hybrids, many double varieties of extraordinary beauty have been created in recent years. The most interesting thing is that in terms of care and winter hardiness they are no different from their counterparts and can be grown in almost any region of Russia.


This delicate flower reaches a height of 110 cm, with a diameter of the opened bud of 15-18 cm. On average, about 8 flowers are formed on the stem, but under good conditions up to 20 of them can bloom. In this case, the width of the bush can reach half a meter.


Huge double snow-white flowers adorn the medium-height stem (about 70-80 cm). Blooms in the first two summer months.


Dense red double flowers of this variety with a diameter of 15-18 cm look upward. The plant reaches a height of 110 cm. It blooms in the first half of summer.

Fata Morgana

Looking at this lily, it seems that the golden sun has blossomed. Blooms in the second half of summer. The height of the plant is average – reaches 90-95 cm.

Double Sensation

In addition to its double petals, this plant is also striking in its two-tone color. Medium-sized flowers appear around mid-summer.


Among the low-growing varieties of Asian hybrids, a lily with double flowers also appeared. This miracle barely grows to 45-50 cm, but at the same time it blooms very profusely.

Mystery Dream

A unique double flower of a light green color with dark specks in the center. Terryiness appears from the second year. The opening of the layers in a flower occurs slowly, making it possible to observe a new type of flower every day.


Most often, two types of lily propagation are used - division and seeds.

Generative propagation by seeds

When sowing seeds, the first flowers appear after 3–5 years. Lilies grown in this way do not inherit the characteristics of the mother plant. This option is used by breeders creating new varieties.

Vegetative propagation by division

The most common propagation option, in which the properties of the mother plant are reproduced. In the fall, the daughter bulbs are separated from the central bulb and planted in a new location. With good care, flowers can take 3 years to appear.

In some species, small aerial bulbs are formed in the axils of old leaves. They are collected in August. Place in moistened peat and store at room temperature in a dark place. In winter the temperature is reduced. Planted in the ground in the spring.

Black lilies, varieties

Mysterious black lilies are also present among the group of Asian hybrids. Of course, all of them are not purely black in color, but only very dark shades of burgundy or purple, but still they can rightfully be classified as black lilies.


This variety is currently considered the blackest of all existing ones: depending on the lighting, the color of the flower varies from dark burgundy to gray-black.


Another lily color so dark that it could easily pass for black. Plants of medium height (1.3 m) can flower in any of the summer months depending on suitable conditions.


This almost black lily is not a completely pure Asian, but rather a mixture of Asiatic and trumpet hybrids, so-called AT hybrids.

Black Out

The name of the variety already reminds of the color black, although the flower itself is rather dark red with dark spots on the petals and a black center.

Flora Plento

This hanging double lily will definitely become the queen of the garden. She looks like an exotic butterfly that has mixed up the continents. And the reason for this is not only the bright orange coloring with small black spots, but also the unusual shape of the petals. They are bent far down, giving the flower an openwork appearance. The doubleness is very pronounced: in the inflorescence the number of petals reaches 26-36.

The side buds are oriented in different directions, so the flowering of Flora Plento is an indescribable spectacle. In order for all decorative qualities to fully manifest themselves, the variety must be fertilized with complexes for flowering plants.

Curly lilies, varieties

Lilies from this group are ideally suited for growing in partial shade, for example, under trees. They will not live long in direct sunlight. They also do not like frequent transplants; it is advisable to replant them once every 10 years. Otherwise, they belong to the most unpretentious varieties, easily wintering in open ground even in the north of Russia. Flowers can grow on a wide variety of soil types and are practically not susceptible to fungal diseases.

They originate mainly from the Martagon or Curly lily, mixed with other species. The flowers are turban-shaped, not too large, from 5 to 10 cm, and come in a wide variety of colors. There is even a rare lavender color.

Unlike Asian hybrids, lily varieties of this group are characterized by a light, unobtrusive aroma.

The best varieties from this group are presented below.

  • Lancongensee

  • Claude Schride

  • Maroon King

  • Arabian Knight

  • Gaybird

  • Russian Morning

  • Martagon Album

  • Sunny Morning


It should be taken into account that increased fertilizer rates are used to feed plants that have undergone fasciation. It is advisable to feed flowering perennials once every 7-10 days. It is recommended to use special complexes for flowering bulbous crops as fertilizers.

Under the weight of buds and numerous large flowers, a bush lily can break. For this reason, it is necessary to provide the plant with reliable and stable support in a timely manner. In addition, experienced gardeners recommend not neglecting the removal of excess buds and flowers.

A flowering plant should be protected from drafts and wind, which can cause buds to fall off and flowers to wilt. In addition, strong gusts of wind can severely damage perennials.

It should be noted that fasciation is a rare and unpredictable phenomenon, the occurrence of which cannot be predicted. Some varieties of lilies can be exposed to it once or several times during their life, others - not even once.

To learn how to care for bush lilies, watch the following video.

Snow-white hybrids

Lilies from this section are often also called European hybrids, since they originate from natural species growing in Europe: Candidum lily, Chalcedony lily and others.

Lily varieties in this section are distinguished by special agricultural care techniques. Their bulbs are planted at a shallow depth, literally 3-5 cm. Their dormant period is very short and occurs in the summer, in August. It is then that they need to be replanted if necessary. And already in September, a rosette of leaves should appear in the form of shoots, from which only in the spring a flowering shoot will grow.

These varieties are susceptible to fungal diseases and require mandatory shelter for the winter. Prefers to grow in the sun, in alkaline soil.

Plants are tall, up to 180-200 cm with large tubular or funnel-shaped flowers. Among the colors there are mainly white and light colors. The flowers of this group have a rather strong and pleasant aroma.

There are not many varieties represented (about 1% of the world assortment of all lilies):

  • Apollo
  • Testacium

Meaning in the language of flowers

The peoples of the world recognize the incredible beauty of lilies and give it the meaning of purity and purity, tenderness and tranquility.

For the French, the bouquet also personifies mercy, and in eastern countries they see the plant’s resemblance to a lotus.

In ancient times, Candidum was a sign of refined taste and high origin: it could be found on lodges and chariots, and ladies decorated their hair with it.

White lilies decorate hair

American hybrids

The varieties of this group are so named because they originate from North American lilies: Columbian, leopard, Canadian and others. Despite their beauty, flowers are not very popular in their homeland.

American lilies have rather large bell-shaped or turban-shaped flowers, often bicolor, covered with numerous dots and strokes. They have a pleasant aroma, prefer partial shade, and do not like frequent transplants. They usually bloom in July. Quite demanding to care for - they need shelter for the winter.

The most interesting varieties are the following:

  • Lake Tulare
  • Afterglow
  • Shaksan
  • Cherrywood

Long-flowered lilies

There are very few varieties bred from tropical lilies, so in Russian conditions they can only be grown in greenhouses for cutting. The plants are low - 100-120 cm. The flowers look like bells elongated into a tube of various shades of white with a pleasant aroma.

Among the best varieties:

  • White Haven

  • White Elegance

Oriental lily hybrids

Oriental hybrids, without exaggeration, can be called the most beautiful varieties of lilies, and you can appreciate this fact by looking at their photos with names below. The plants are medium in height, but they are distinguished by huge flowers, sometimes reaching 30-35 cm in diameter. They bloom later than all varieties, usually in August-September. Flowers come in single and double varieties; the most common shades of flowers are pink, red, and white. The shape of flowers can be very diverse.

Attention! A distinctive feature of oriental hybrids is the presence of either a border of a different shade along the edge of the petals, or a stripe in the center of each petal.

But they cannot be called unpretentious. Oriental hybrids can be affected by viral diseases, and they are very thermophilic. In the conditions of the middle zone, they definitely need reliable shelter for the winter, and even under such conditions their life may be short-lived. But among them there are low-growing flowers that can be successfully grown in containers and stored in winter in frost-free rooms. Examples include the following varieties:

  • Magni Corse
  • Garden Party
  • Mona Lisa
  • Entertainer

But many tall varieties of oriental lilies can be successfully grown in the middle zone if you dig them up for the winter in the fall.

  • Stargazer

  • Salmon Star

  • Casablanca
  • Le Rev
  • Crystal Star
  • Lovely Girl

  • Barbados
  • Muscadet

And finally, double oriental lilies stand out for their fabulous beauty, varieties of which often appear in all their splendor only in the third or fourth year after planting.

  • Broken heart

  • Miss Lucy

  • Polar Star

  • Distant Dram
  • Double Surprise
  • Soft Music

Important! Flowering of oriental hybrids, unlike Asian ones, can last about a month or even more.

Digging and storing bulbs

If there are often frosty winters and little snow falls, lily bulbs are dug up for the winter. Be sure to transfer royal lilies, oriental hybrids and candidum lilies to storage. The bulbs are freed from the remaining soil, dried and placed in a cardboard box, the bottom of which is sprinkled with peat.

The laid layer on top is also sprinkled with peat. The material prepared for storage is placed in the refrigerator, cellar or on an insulated balcony. When choosing a place, take into account that it:

  • well ventilated;
  • was not too dry or wet;
  • it was moderately warm.

The bulbs can be placed in a plastic bag with wet peat, tied and left indoors, choosing a dark place. After 3 months, the bulbs and the children are planted in peat pots. It is important that the tip is slightly visible above the ground. The pots are placed in the basement or cellar. 3 weeks before planting in a permanent place, bring it into a bright, warm room and begin to water it.

Video “Secrets of growing lilies”:

LA hybrids

One of the most beautiful and at the same time unpretentious lilies that can winter in open ground, are resistant to diseases and whose flowers have a delicate aroma. From Asian hybrids they took stability and variety of shades, and from long-flowered hybrids they took the speed of development and the sophistication of waxy large flowers. They usually bloom in June-July. Among the most popular varieties are:

  • Bestseller
  • Fangio
  • Samur
  • Indian Diamond
  • Cab Dazzle

OT hybrids

These varieties were obtained as a result of crossing oriental and tubular hybrids and are distinguished by the large size of both stems and flowers. These are the most gigantic lilies among all currently known in the world - under favorable conditions they can reach a height of 2.5 meters. It is some varieties of OT hybrids that are sometimes called tree lilies.

Tree lilies

Of course, calling these lilies trees is not entirely correct. After all, they do not have a lignified trunk at all, and even in the southern regions they completely die off in the winter. They can only be related to trees by their significant height, which is usually not characteristic of flowers. But even here you should not believe that in the conditions of the Urals and even the Moscow region, these flowers will be able to reach a height of 2.5 meters, even under the best care conditions. This can only be possible in the southern regions of the country, where, as a rule, photographs of amazing miracle lilies are taken.

But the maximum height of 150-170 cm, which OT-lily hybrids are able to achieve in the middle zone, is also worthy of respect.

At the same time, they do not require special care and tolerate winter well.

Comment! By the way, some varieties of tubular hybrids can also be called giant lilies.

Listed below are some of the most interesting OT hybrid varieties.

  • Debbie

  • Labrador
  • Manissa
  • Purple Prince

  • Sucinto

  • Empoli

Wild species of lilies

Among the types of lilies found in nature, there are many interesting representatives that can be successfully grown in the garden:

  • Curly or Saranka,

  • Candidum,

  • Daurskaya,

  • Royal,

  • Bulbous,

  • Tiger.

The last two species are of particular interest for gardeners due to their unpretentiousness.

Tiger lilies: varieties, photos

The tiger lily or lanceolate lily, which is the ancestor of this group of flowers, is distinguished by its turban-shaped flower shape and orange color with many purple spots.

The most interesting representative of tiger lilies is the Fluffy Leopard variety - with double flowers. Unpretentious and winter-hardy, it forms from 12 to 20 buds on each stem.

Another interesting and popular terry variety of tiger lilies is Flore Pleno.

There are also varieties of other colors, but with the same spotted pattern.

  • Yellow shade – Citronella
  • Pink shades

Truths and myths about modern hybrid varieties

By the beginning of the 21st century, there were 110 species of lilies, 10 thousand varieties, but breeders continue to work on creating new forms. The flowers of garden plants come in a variety of shades, but the blue and dark blue lilies that are offered to customers at the market or in a store do not actually exist. There are no columnar or pyramidal hybrids, and varieties of lines that have changed the shape of flowers as a result of mutation are passed off as spherical varieties.

Medicinal herbs that are found in nature relieve inflammation, eliminate pain, accelerate wound healing; varietal lilies and hybrid forms are ornamental crops and do not provide a therapeutic effect; they are not used in medicine.

Bulbous lilies

The bulbous or bulbous lily has a tiger-like color, but the shape of the flower is different - tubular. The main feature of the bulbous lily is the formation of numerous bulblets or aerial bulbs in the axils of the leaves, with the help of which this flower is very easy to propagate.

Many varieties of Asian hybrids have the same ability to reproduce, for which they are often called bulbiferous.

Comment! Tiger lilies also produce many bulblets.

Short description

  • Lilies are popular bulbous plants with stems topped with beautiful flowers in bunches or umbels.
  • The bulb is made of overlapping scales growing from the heel. The scales act as a warehouse that accumulates nutrients.
  • There is usually only one shoot growing from a bulb. The leaves on the shoot can be placed in a spiral or opposite each other.
  • The most important, from the point of view of the garden owner, are flowers that have a variety of cups and crowns.
  • The flower has long stamens, at the ends of which there are 2 large anthers.

What types of lilies are there? Flower shapes are:

  1. tubular (L. regal);

  1. curved turban (L.martagon);

  1. bell-shaped (L.parryi);

  1. cup-shaped (L. bulbiferum).

Plants are short and tall, the flowers are smooth and double. The color variety is represented by all shades except blue.

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