Description and features of planting eggplant “Valentina”

Eggplant Valentina F1 is a productive early-ripening hybrid of Dutch selection. Our gardeners are attracted by its tasty fruits and low maintenance requirements. We will learn about all the features of this variety, how to grow it on your plot and how to achieve high yields.

Eggplant Valentine has no bitterness

Eggplant Valentine

Valentina eggplants store well

Hybrid characteristics

The hybrid “Valentina” was bred by the Dutch company MONSANTO HOLLAND BV and was included in the Russian State Register in 2007. Suitable for growing in personal plots - in open and closed ground.

Description of the plant

Bushes of the Valentina variety can be classified as medium-sized or tall-growing eggplants. The plants have a powerful, straight stem and large flowers.

Description of eggplant bushes Valentina F1:

  • semi-spreading;
  • height – 80-90 cm;
  • hairy, light purple stems;
  • medium-sized leaves, notched along the edges;
  • the flowers are white-violet, 3-4 cm in diameter.


The fruits of the Valentina F1 eggplant have a traditional appearance for this crop.

Fruit characteristics:

  • shape – teardrop-shaped, elongated;
  • length of the ripe fruit – 20-26 cm;
  • thickened, the lower part of the fruit reaches a diameter of 5 cm, the upper – 4 cm;
  • average fruit weight – 200-250 g;
  • the skin is thin, shiny, easy to clean;
  • the pulp is creamy white, with small seeds;
  • The taste of the pulp is pleasant, without bitterness.

Productivity and fruiting

Eggplant Valentina F1 is an early ripening variety. The fruits ripen 60-75 days after planting the seedlings. The first eggplants, in temperate climates, are picked in July. Maximum fruit weight – 300 g.

Productivity of eggplant Valentina F1:

  • in open ground - 2.8-3 kg per 1 sq. m;
  • in greenhouse conditions - up to 5 kg per 1 sq. m.

Area of ​​use

Fruits picked in the technical ripeness phase are used:

  • In cooking. They are boiled, fried, stewed, baked.
  • For blanks. Eggplants are prepared in different ways - they are dried, frozen, canned, pickled.

Resistance to diseases and pests

This Dutch variety has high immunity, but under unfavorable growing conditions it can be affected by pests and diseases. At high humidity, the hybrid is affected by fungi, but is resistant to tobacco mosaic.

The variety can be attacked by pests:

  • aphid;
  • Colorado potato beetles;
  • spider mite;
  • slugs

Description of the plant

Bushes of the Valentina variety are erect, vigorous, semi-spreading, rising to 0.8-0.9 m. The trunk of the plant is pubescent, distinguished by a faint light purple color. Medium-sized leaves of a rich green hue, notched along the edges. The flowers are large, white and purple.

Dark purple fruits are elongated, drop-shaped, can stretch up to 20-26 cm. The diameter of the thickened, lower part of the fruit is up to 5 cm, the upper part is up to 4 cm. The weight of the fruit reaches 200-250 g. The skin is glossy, thin, easy to peel . The dense flesh has a pleasant creamy white color. Descriptions of gardeners who grew this hybrid note a soft and delicate taste of the fruit, without a hint of bitterness.

Advantages and disadvantages of eggplant Valentine

The Dutch hybrid has many advantages, for which our gardeners grow it.


  • Adaptability to different weather conditions. The hybrid withstands adverse external influences without reacting to cold or heat by dropping buds and flowers.
  • High yield.
  • Undemanding to growing conditions.
  • Due to the small number of seeds, the fruits have a delicate structure.
  • The fruits are the same size.
  • Good transportability.
  • High safety. Fruits placed in a dry and cool room can last for a whole month without significant loss of presentation and taste.

The variety has no obvious disadvantages. Some gardeners may not like:

  • Fruit shape. Eggplants grow quite thin, and many people like pear-shaped eggplants, with a large thickening of the lower part.
  • Taste of fruits. Not all gardeners are satisfied with the taste of the hybrid. Also, “Valentina” is not liked by those who prefer fruits with large seeds.

Features of planting and growing the variety

It is recommended to grow eggplants using the seedling method. It allows you to get strong, viable plants and an early harvest - the first fruits are harvested in mid-summer.

Soil preparation

It is best to grow eggplant seedlings in a special soil mixture - it is sold in agro-shops. If desired, you can prepare the soil yourself.

To prepare the soil for seedlings, mix in equal parts:

  • compost or humus;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • fine sawdust or perlite.

Add ash to the thoroughly mixed mixture - 1 cup per bucket, or saltpeter - 10 g. The soil is also enriched with urea - 1 tbsp is dissolved in 10 liters. l. fertilizers


The exact time to plant seeds depends on the growing region. When choosing a sowing date, take into account the time of planting and the duration of growing seedlings. From the moment of sowing to readiness, it takes about 2 months.

In regions with a temperate climate, sowing seeds for growing eggplant seedlings is carried out from the second half of February to mid-March.

Sowing seeds without germination

It is not necessary to germinate eggplant seeds. But they can be disinfected in hydrogen peroxide or a growth stimulant.

Eggplant seedlings are grown in separate containers. They do without picking, since the seedlings have a very delicate root system, and replanting harms them. Therefore, seeds are sown immediately in pots or cassettes, and not in large containers.

Seed sowing order:

  • Fill the pots with the prepared mixture or purchased soil mixture. Do not compact the soil.
  • Make small indentations in the center of the pot. Plant the seeds to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
  • Place only one seed in one hole.
  • Water the crops and cover with soil.
  • Cover the pots or cassettes with transparent material and place them in a warm, well-lit room.
  • Maintain the temperature during the day at +26 to +28 °C, and at night at +15 to +16 °C.

Seedling care

Eggplant crops require daily care - it is necessary to maintain air temperature, soil moisture, feed the grown seedlings in a timely manner, and ensure the correct lighting conditions.


When growing any seedlings, including eggplant, the ambient temperature changes depending on age.

Features of temperature conditions:

  • For 14-15 days after sowing, maintain the temperature at +26 ... +28 °C.
  • When shoots appear, the film or glass is removed, the pots with seedlings are placed closer to the light, and the temperature is reduced to +23...+25 °C. This limitation helps to avoid stretching of seedlings.
  • Night temperatures should be +15…+16 °C.
  • On cloudy days, it is recommended to lower the daytime temperature by 2–3 °C.

Daylight hours

Seedlings need long daylight hours. If there is not enough sun, additional artificial lighting is used.

Features of the light mode:

  • For lighting, it is advisable to install special phytolamps with a red-blue light spectrum, which is favorable for plants. With such lamps, seedlings can be grown even in dimly lit rooms.
  • Daylight hours should be 10 hours.


Seedlings need regular moisture. The main principle of irrigating seedlings is regularity, which should take into account the condition of the soil.

Watering rules:

  • water for irrigation should be heated to +20 °C;
  • the soil is moistened as it dries, the average frequency of watering is once every 2 days;
  • An excess of moisture is not allowed - the seedlings may get blackleg.

During watering, it is recommended to use antifungal drugs - “Fundazol” or “Gauspin”.

Top dressing

If seedlings are grown in fertile, well-fertilized soil mixture, then you can do without fertilizing. Otherwise, the seedlings will have to be fed.

How to feed seedlings:

  • Water with Kristalina solution 2-3 times. To prepare the solution, dilute 6-8 g of the drug in 10 liters of water.
  • Dilute 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of urea in a bucket of water, and pour the prepared solution over the seedlings.

Transplanting seedlings

2 weeks before planting seedlings in open ground, the seedlings begin to harden and are taken outside. First for 20 minutes, then every day the duration of the “walks” is increased, gradually reaching several hours.

Hardening is necessary for plants to improve adaptation to new conditions - sunlight and sudden temperature changes.

Seedlings ready for transplanting must have at least 5 true leaves. The height of the seedlings is 20-25 cm. Another sign of seedling readiness is the appearance of buds.

The procedure for transplanting seedlings into the ground:

  1. Prepare the landing site. This should be a well-lit area in which legumes or melons grew. Dig it up and fertilize it with superphosphate (30-50 g per 1 sq. m), wood ash (1 cup per 1 sq. m) and potassium sulfate (15-20 g per 1 sq. m).
  2. Dig holes for seedlings at intervals of 25-30 cm. If the soil is clayey, add a handful of sand to the holes. There should be a distance of 60-70 cm between adjacent rows. The depth of the holes is 15 cm.
  3. Before planting, water the holes with water - approximately 500 ml per hole.
  4. Place the seedling in the hole. Deepen it to the cotyledon leaves, sprinkle with soil and lightly compact it.
  5. Water the plants again and mulch with dry grass or pine needles. Instead of natural mulch, you can use dark film - it is laid between the rows.

It is recommended to transplant eggplants into open ground in the evening in calm weather.

In order not to provoke excessive growth of green mass, it is necessary to follow the dosage when feeding eggplants with mullein infusion. No more than 500 ml of solution is poured under one bush (200 ml of mullein infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water).

How to grow your own

Eggplant has a long growing season, so it is grown through seedlings. The sowing time for planting in a greenhouse is the second or third decade of February, for open ground - early March.

Growing seedlings

The largest seeds are selected. Disinfect planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin. The seeds of Dutch hybrids are sold already processed, but some gardeners soak them in a biostimulant, for example, Heteroauxin, to improve germination.

The method of seed germination is often used. To do this, they are kept moist at a temperature of +25...+27 °C until sprouts appear.

You can prepare the soil for sowing yourself or purchase it ready-made in the store. Soil composition:

  • turf land - 10%;
  • humus - 20%;
  • peat - 60%;
  • sand or sawdust - 10%.

Attention! Any soil should be disinfected before use.

Eggplants do not tolerate picking well, so it is recommended to sow the sprouted seeds in small pots, and then, as they grow, transfer them with a lump of earth into a container of a larger diameter.

The seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, covered with glass or film on top and placed in a warm place with a temperature of about +25 °C.

After the shoots emerge, the film is removed and the pots with seedlings are placed in a bright place. Since the crop is sown in winter, additional lighting has a beneficial effect on the development of seedlings.

Feeding eggplant seedlings is required only if humus was not used during planting. If the soil is fertile enough, you don’t need to feed the seedlings before planting them in the ground.


Two weeks before transplanting, young plants must be hardened off, starting with a few hours and gradually leaving them in the fresh air for a longer time. Hardening helps plants adapt to sunlight and daily temperature changes.

Seedlings ready for planting have a thick stem and at least five true leaves. The seedlings must be more than two but less than three months old. A sign that seedlings are ready for transplanting is the appearance of the first buds.

Growing eggplants in open ground can only be done by experienced gardeners. Usually this crop is planted in greenhouses or greenhouses.

The required soil temperature for planting this heat-loving plant is considered to be +19…+20 °C, which is problematic for open ground.

In the greenhouse, holes are prepared for planting eggplants at a distance of 50 cm; a handful of wood ash is placed in each hole. Before planting, the hole is spilled with water, the seedling is deepened to the cotyledon and the soil around it is lightly compacted.

Reference. Bell peppers, green crops and legumes will be good neighbors for the vegetable.

Further care

Temperatures considered favorable for growth and fruit set are +25..+28 °C . At temperatures below +15 °C, the plant stops growing, and when overheated above +35 °C, the pollen becomes sterile and fruits are not set. Adjust the temperature by airing, making sure that there are no drafts, which eggplant cannot tolerate.

When watering, moisten the soil to a depth of at least 20 cm. During the growing season, water once a week, and during the fruiting period - twice a week. Watering should be done with warm, settled water.

The row spacing is loosened no deeper than 3–5 cm, so as not to damage the delicate roots of the plant.

During the season, the crop should be fed 3-4 times. During growth, they are fed with complex fertilizers. During the period of fruit formation and growth, eggplant requires a lot of potassium. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are suitable.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

The peculiarity of growing eggplants is an indispensable condition for early sowing of seedlings.

Features of watering: eggplants are moisture-loving plants, but do not tolerate stagnant water.

When planting in a greenhouse, it is not advisable to plant eggplants together with tomatoes, since nightshade diseases easily spread to these delicate plants.

Important! The lack of fertilizing negatively affects the development of the bush and fruiting.

Experts recommend forming a bush: combating excessive foliage, removing excess shoots, especially from the lower part of the plants.

Diseases and pests

Eggplants are susceptible to many viral and bacterial diseases, and their delicate foliage suffers from pests.

Eggplant diseases:

  1. Black bacterial spot. Black spots with a yellow border appear on the leaves, and lesions with ulcers appear on the fruits. Fitoflavin-300 is used for treatment.
  2. Late blight. Brown spots first appear on the leaves, then spread to the stems and fruits, and the plant dies. A control measure is to spray plants with copper-containing fungicides.
  3. Gray rot (Alternaria blight). With high humidity in the greenhouse, gray wet spots appear on the leaves. They are controlled with contact fungicides, carefully spraying the lower leaves.

Eggplant pests:

  1. Whitefly . The 5mm white butterfly can cause damage when grown in a greenhouse. The plants are sprayed with the drug "Aktara" and watered at the root. Other drugs containing avermectins are also used.
  2. Spider mite. If the pest is small, it is enough to tear off the web and remove the damaged parts. Spraying with ammonia solution also helps.
  3. Colorado beetle. The preparations used are “Corado” 1 ml per 5 liters of water, “Aktara” 2 g per 10 liters of water, beetles are collected manually.
  4. Aphid. To combat, use solutions of laundry soap and ash, spraying the plants several times. In case of massive damage, the drugs “Strela”, Iskra”, etc. are used.

Growing in a greenhouse

In regions with cool summers, eggplants are planted not in open ground, but in unheated greenhouses or film shelters.

Features of growing eggplants in a greenhouse:

  • “Valentina” eggplants are planted in greenhouses from approximately May 10 to May 20.
  • The planting pattern is similar to open ground - 60x30 cm.
  • The bushes are watered only with warm water 2 to 4 times a week.
  • After watering, the soil must be loosened, trying not to damage the roots.
  • It is recommended to mulch the soil.
  • 3 weeks after planting, the plants are fed. The best option is to water the plantings with Kemira Universal solution. The solution is prepared by diluting 1 tbsp. l. drug in 10 liters of water. Watering rate is 500 ml per plant.
  • Organic or mineral fertilizers are used for feeding. Recommended organics are wood ash, fermented solution of grass and weeds, diluted manure.
  • When the ovaries appear, half are removed, leaving the largest ones. This will speed up the ripening of the fruits and make them larger.
  • The greenhouse is regularly ventilated so that the eggplants do not “suffocate”. The "Valentina" variety is very resistant; it can withstand unfavorable conditions, including elevated temperatures. The bushes will retain the ovaries, but the fruits will grow small.
  • In the greenhouse it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity - no more than 70%. If the greenhouse is damp, the pollen from the flowers will not be able to move in space, and the yield will drop.

Product and taste qualities

The head is leveled, medium size, obovate, partially covered, very dense, weighing 3.2-3.8 kg. The rosette of leaves is raised upward, the leaves are medium-sized, gray-green, with a strong waxy coating. The leaf shape is concave, the edges are slightly wavy.

When cut, the color is whitish, the structure is predominantly thin; outer stump is medium length, inner stump is short

Taste quality is good to excellent. According to the results of biochemical studies, 100 g of raw product contains 8.5-9.6% dry matter, 4.7-6.1% sugars and 28-39 mg of vitamin C.

Experts note that phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, compared to nitrogen fertilizers, provide a noticeable increase in the vitamin C content in the head of cabbage - by an average of 33%.

High shelf life, that is, long shelf life (over 7 months), make the variety suitable for professional farmers engaged in commercial production.

Cabbage is perfect for fresh consumption, suitable for long-term storage and all types of processing, including pickling

Caring for eggplants in open ground

Hybrid "Valentina" is unpretentious and requires only standard care. It is important to provide the culture with the minimum necessary growing conditions - warmth, water, nutrition.

Eggplants are grown in open ground only in regions with warm summers - in the south of Russia. In the middle zone, it is recommended to plant them in greenhouses or under film covers.

The optimal temperature for the growth and development of eggplants is from +28 to +30 °C. At lower temperatures, the culture lags behind in development.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering eggplant is a necessary agrotechnical measure, on which the development of the plant and its productivity directly depend.

Watering rules:

  • The first time planted eggplants are watered no earlier than 5 days after planting.
  • Water the eggplants at the root.
  • The best time to water is morning.
  • Water temperature from +26 to +28 °C.
  • The frequency of watering in open ground is 2-4 times a week.

Fertilizing is combined with watering so as not to burn the roots of the plants.

Feeding scheme:

  1. 2-3 weeks after transplanting into open ground, eggplants are fed with “Kemira” or “Solution”. Dilute 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. fertilizers The feeding rate per bush is 500 ml. You can also use any organic matter.
  2. At the budding stage, phosphorus and potassium are added. Dilute 1 tbsp in a bucket of warm water. l. potassium sulfate and 1.5 tbsp. l. ammonium nitrate.
  3. During the formation of ovaries, a nitrogen-phosphorus “cocktail” is added. 25 g of superphosphate and potassium salt are dissolved in 10 liters of water. It wouldn’t hurt to add wood ash - 1 cup per 1 square meter. m.
  4. A month before harvesting, plants are given dissolved superphosphate and potassium salt - 1 tbsp is diluted in a bucket of water. l. each component.

Soil care

After each watering, the soil must be carefully loosened. Eggplants have roots quite close to the surface, so loosening must be done extremely carefully.

After loosening, the soil is mulched - with humus, dry grass or other suitable material.

Bush formation

Eggplant Valentina F1 is distinguished by tall and rather spreading plants. But they do not need special pruning; minimal measures are enough.


  • Tie the bushes to supports - pegs.
  • Carry out sanitary pruning - pick off dried leaves and shoots.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Hybrid "Valentina" is resistant to viruses, but can be affected by fungal diseases.

Recommended for prevention purposes:

  • Treatment with Fitosporin or Zircon to prevent fungal damage.
  • Spraying wood ash on the ground will repel slugs.

Between the beds it is recommended to plant plants with a strong smell - for example, calendula or marigolds.


Cabbage "Valentina F1" ripens late: the period from germination to technical ripeness, according to the originator, ranges from 140 to 180 days. When grown in the Moscow region, the yield reaches 68-80 t/ha.

"Valentina F1" is distinguished by high quality products with a marketability of 90%

Like all representatives of the crop, this hybrid is demanding on soil fertility and responds well to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers, which are preferably used against the backdrop of intensive agricultural technology. According to the results of field tests conducted in 2003 by specialists from the UC “Vegetable Experimental Station” in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem Zone, the overall yield and marketability of heads of cabbage improved significantly with an increase in the dosage of mineral complexes. The productivity of plantings increased from 70.3 t/ha to 123.2 t/ha.

It has been established that excess nitrogen leads to excessive leaf growth and a decrease in the density of heads of cabbage, and potassium and phosphorus fertilizers have a positive effect on these indicators.

Productivity and marketability depend on climatic and weather conditions, the mechanical and chemical composition of the soil, and the intensity of agricultural technology used

Diseases and pests

Under unfavorable growing conditions and lack of prevention, even a resistant hybrid can be affected by diseases (viral and bacterial) and pests.

Possible diseases of the Valentina hybrid:

  • Late blight. Accompanied by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. Over time, the spots spread to shoots and fruits. The plant dies. To prevent the disease, eggplants are sprayed with fungicides containing copper - Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride and others.
  • Black bacterial spot. Symptoms are the appearance of black spots with a yellow border. The fruits become covered with ulcers. Plants are treated by spraying with Phytoflavin-300.
  • Gray rot. Appears at high humidity. The leaves are covered with gray spots. Spraying with Horus helps get rid of the disease.

The most dangerous pests:

  • Whitefly. Small butterflies whose larvae suck the juices from the plant. It is recommended to water the roots with Aktara.
  • Aphid. Spraying with a solution of ash and laundry soap helps get rid of it. Several treatments are required. In case of mass destruction, use “Iskra”, “Strela”, etc.
  • Colorado beetle. Spraying with Corado and Aktara preparations is recommended. You can collect beetles with your hands.
  • Spider mite. If there are a small number of pests, the web and damaged parts of the plants are torn off. Spraying with ammonia solution is recommended.

Harvest and storage

The fruits are collected as they ripen. They are picked when they reach technical ripeness, when the skin acquires a dark purple hue. The length of the ripe fruit should reach 20-25 cm.

Recommendations for collection and storage:

  • Start collecting fruits at the end of July - as they ripen. Carry out mass cleaning with the onset of cold weather.
  • Cut the fruits with pruning shears.
  • Store the collected fruits in a cool place. Shelf life – 1 month.
  • Do not pick green eggplants - they are inedible, just like overripe ones. Their flesh is bitter and the seeds become rough.
  • Pick the fruits every few days, avoiding overripeness. If the skin of the fruit has become dull and faded, it means they are overripe. They must be picked, otherwise the formation of new fruits will slow down.

Advice from experienced vegetable growers

There is nothing complicated in growing Valentine F1 eggplants, but there are secrets that will help you get a rich harvest while avoiding losses.

Advice from experienced gardeners:

  • After transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse, do not rush to water it. Let 5-6 days pass.
  • When watering, pour at least 500-1000 ml of water under one bush.
  • Water the plants only with warm water. Pour water under the root, the water should not get on the leaves.
  • Sprinkle ash scattered on the soil with water - pests cannot stand the smell of wet ash.
  • Eggplants get along well with short greens - dill, sorrel and garlic. But proximity to tomatoes is unacceptable. Both crops - eggplants and tomatoes - belong to the nightshade family, and their proximity harms each other. They suffer from the same diseases and have the same insect enemies.

History of selection

Cabbage Valentina F1 - a productive hybrid variety of domestic selection

Valentina F1 is a hybrid form of cabbage obtained from white cabbage. The variety was bred at the Moscow Breeding Station named after. N. N. Timofeeva. The authorship belongs to the breeders A.V. Kryuchkov, G.F. Monakhos and D.V. Patsuriya. In 2004, Valentina F1 was included in the State Register and zoned into the Ural, North Caucasus, Far Eastern, Central Black Earth, East Siberian, Northern, West Siberian, Central, Volga-Vyatka and West Siberian regions.

Reviews from gardeners

Raisa, 40 years old, summer resident, Belgorod region. I have been growing the “Valentina” variety for 3 years.
It has shown itself to be early ripening and productive; in mid-July I begin to pick the first fruits. The taste is pleasant, in no way inferior to the best varieties. The only negative is the thin fruits. ★★★★★
Oleg, 50 years old, gardener, Moscow region. I grow the “Valentina” variety in a polycarbonate greenhouse.
The bushes are tall and have to be tied up. The hybrid is undemanding, grows quickly and is always productive. The downside is that you have to buy seeds every year. Hide

Add your review

The Dutch hybrid "Valentina" performs well in our latitudes. This variety successfully combines unpretentiousness with high yield. By providing the culture with minimal care, you can get 3-5 kg ​​of high-quality and tasty eggplants from every square meter.



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