Growing carrots in a greenhouse: choosing a variety and features of agricultural technology

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Carrots began to be grown in greenhouses relatively recently. Carrots are a plant from the Apiaceae family and are cultivated almost everywhere. Before growing carrot seeds, you should take into account that this vegetable crop is biennial and in the first year of cultivation it forms only a leaf rosette with a root crop. A seed bush with seeds is formed in the second year of life, which makes it possible to obtain high-quality seed material in the beds. Carrot seeds have good germination. In agricultural conditions, carrots can be grown, which show good and high yields.

Growing carrots in greenhouses began relatively recently. At one time, this vegetable crop was cultivated exclusively on open ground ridges, and carrots were sowed not only in early spring, but also before winter. Before growing carrots, you should familiarize yourself with the biological characteristics of this popular vegetable crop, and also take into account criteria such as the timing of planting carrots, as well as caring for carrots, including proper watering of the crop.

Growing carrots

For an experienced gardener, planting carrots and growing them is not a particularly troublesome task, but it requires certain knowledge. For a person just starting out, planting carrots in the spring will give a good harvest if he follows all the rules for caring for this tasty and healthy vegetable, which are given below.

Planting carrots in the spring will bring a good harvest if you follow all the rules of care and cultivation.

Preparing carrot seeds

In order not to wait a long, long time for germination, it is better not to plant carrots with dry seeds. How to speed up the germination process? Seed pre-treatment methods are quite simple. For example, you can wrap them in a piece of cloth (or put them in a small rag bag) and bury them in cold, damp soil to a depth of about 20 cm 10 days before sowing.

The second option for preparing seeds is more acceptable for urban residents: dry seeds should be washed with warm water and filled with a nutrient solution so that they swell. The solution can be purchased ready-made or prepared yourself: add 1 tablespoon of wood ash to 1 liter of water. After any preparation method, rinse the swollen seeds, wrap them in a damp cloth and put them in the refrigerator to harden for a couple of days. Then plant the carrots with the seeds dried for half an hour.

Planting seeds

The soil for planting carrots must be warm.

Carrots are planted in spring in prepared beds in 3-4 rows. Leave a distance of about 20 cm between the rows. To keep the rows even, you can use two pegs with a rope tied to them. The depth of the groove depends on the type of soil on your site. In heavy soil, seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 centimeters, in light soil - 2-3 centimeters. The furrow should be compacted along its entire length to ensure a good flow of moisture to the sown seeds.

Some gardeners believe that it is better to plant carrots with granulated seeds. In this case, you can plant plants at a certain distance, immediately laying out the granules every 5 centimeters. You can buy ready-made granules, glued on paper tape at the required intervals. In the future, this will eliminate the need to thin out the seedlings. But granules require an increased amount of moisture, that is, at first, the soil in the garden bed should always be well watered. In order not to overpay, you can glue the granules yourself to a tape of loose paper in advance.

Carrot planting dates

In the spring, carrots are planted as soon as the soil thaws and the earth warms up a little. Moreover, the timing of planting seeds, granules or granules on the tape is the same. Some experts advise doing this as early as possible to reduce the likelihood of pest damage to root crops. Before winter, planting is best done in late October-early November (for central Russia), before persistent cold sets in, when the soil temperature is about 3 degrees Celsius. Previously, it was not recommended to plant carrots for the winter so that the seedlings would not germinate and freeze.

Caring for carrots

On warm days, young plants should be watered 1-2 times a week.

After the shoots appear, the soil between the rows must be carefully and periodically loosened. When the first true leaf appears, it is necessary to thin out the seedlings, leaving them at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other. After this procedure, do not forget to water the carrots abundantly and carry out standard care, the same as for beets, that is, remove weeds and loosen the soil between the rows.

Proper plant care means, first of all, proper watering. On sunny and warm days, young carrot shoots should be watered 1-2 times a week, while 3-4 liters of water are consumed per 1 square meter of area . Afterwards, when root crops begin to form, you need to water once a week, but with a large amount - 10-15 liters per 1 square meter.

In addition, caring for carrots includes two feedings per season. A month after the shoots appear, the bed is first watered with a solution of nitroammophoska or nitrophoska in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water and at the rate of 5 liters per 1 square meter. After another 3 weeks, the same fertilizing is applied at a rate of 7-8 liters per 1 square meter.

Carrot pests and methods of controlling them

The root crops of carrots and beets have many pests that begin to become active in early spring, in late April - early May. At this time, the soil is already warming up to 10 degrees. Almost all insects survive the winter in the near-surface layer of soil and in dry residues on the surface, and with the first warmth they appear in beds with newly planted root crops.

The most dangerous pest of carrots is the carrot fly. Its larvae penetrate under the skin and gnaw through the passages inside. Moreover, two generations of flies appear during the season! Damaged root vegetables become woody, tasteless and have a rather ugly shape. Such fruits cannot lie all winter; they are no longer suitable for storage.

Less damage to carrot beds is caused by umbrella psyllids, carrot-hawthorn aphids and umbrella moths. These insects settle on carrot tops, sucking out the juices and causing oppression of the leaves.

Before harvesting, carrots should not be watered for two weeks.

Methods for controlling pests of carrots and beets are approximately the same:

  • planting as early as possible in spring;
  • competent care, that is, timely weeding and thinning;
  • repelling insects with odorous substances, for example, a mixture of naphthalene and sand in a ratio of 1:10 at the beginning of the appearance of pests, and then 2 more times with a break a week;
  • biological methods - attracting birds and beneficial insects such as wasps, lacewings and ladybugs;
  • spraying with infusions of garlic, tobacco, onion peels or dandelion;
  • dusting with ash.

How to prepare seeds for planting?

You won't get early carrots from dry seeds. In order to achieve rapid germination, the planting material must be wrapped in a clean cloth and buried for 10 days in moist, cool soil. The depth of the bookmark should be no more than 20 cm.

If you are preparing the seeds for planting in a city apartment, soak them in a solution with nutrients. Before this, the planting material is washed in warm water. To prepare the liquid, add a tablespoon of wood ash to a liter of water. Mix the ingredients. Place the seeds in the prepared solution for a day.

After swelling, rinse the seeds in water, wrap them in a moistened piece of cloth and put them in the refrigerator. In low temperatures, the seeds should remain for two days. All that remains is to dry them for 30 minutes and you can start planting.

General information

The fleshy roots of garden carrots can be truncated-conical, cylindrical or spindle-shaped and weigh more than 350 grams. The plant's peduncle is characterized by inconspicuous cup-like teeth and white petals. The fruit may be oval or elliptical.

The fleshy roots of garden carrots can be truncated-conical, cylindrical or spindle-shaped

Planting carrots and growing this healthy vegetable began a very long time ago. The roots of garden carrots are used as food, and carrot seeds are used in the manufacture of tinctures and medicinal extracts.

Carrots are rich in carotenoids, represented by carotenes, phytoene, phytofluene and lycopene, and also contain an excellent vitamin composition, including B, B-2, pantothenic and ascorbic acids.

It was once believed that eating carrots had a beneficial effect on vision, but this statement has not received scientific confirmation.

To get a good and abundant harvest of this vegetable, you should not only purchase high-quality carrot seeds, but also know what variety and when it is advisable to grow, as well as perform the correct sowing of carrots. Before planting carrots correctly, you should approach the choice of variety with all responsibility. When you want to get a high-quality early carrot harvest in a greenhouse in a short time, you should select seed material especially carefully. Today, gardeners can choose carrot seed material:

  • on tape;
  • coated;
  • ordinary.

At one time, this vegetable crop was cultivated exclusively on open ground ridges, and carrots were sowed not only in early spring, but also before winter

How to increase carrot yield (video)

In addition, in order to achieve a bountiful carrot harvest when growing this vegetable crop in a greenhouse, you should carry out high-quality pre-sowing treatment of the soil and greenhouse structure, as well as purchase exceptionally high-quality seed material in the form of varieties resistant to diseases and pests.

0 Galya 09.17.2015 08:50 I plant carrots in open ground. And last spring, in the greenhouse between the rows of cucumbers, I planted some Chantane carrots on ribbons - just for fun. The cucumbers rose, I tied them up, and the carrots grew beautifully under them. Compared to carrots in open ground, the fruits in the greenhouse turned out to be much larger. This year I also planted some in the greenhouse, but haven’t harvested it yet.


0 Nina 11/12/2015 5:09 pm I have carrots of the “Nantes-14” variety planted in my greenhouse.
I usually sow it in sparse rows, thin out the plants if necessary, and as soon as the carrot reaches a certain size, I carefully pull out every second plant. I immediately eat young carrots; sometimes, as needed, I store the carrots in the refrigerator for several days, putting them in a plastic bag. Quote

Description of varieties

Nowadays, greenhouse structures are increasingly being used to grow vegetable crops, which were once used only for the cultivation of heat-loving plants, including cucumbers, peppers, eggplants and tomatoes. It is advisable to plant carrots in a greenhouse only in a few varieties that are most optimally suited for such growing conditions. The category adapted for cultivation in protected soil includes the following varieties and hybrids of carrots:

  • forming very high-quality cylindrical root crops, variety “Amsterdam Forcing 3” ;
  • ultra early ripening and productive variety "Minicore" ;
  • The long-term storage varieties “Nantes-4” and “Nantes-14” ;
  • an early carrot variety that produces juicy, high-quality root crops “Mokush” .

In addition, planting carrots of the varieties “Vitaminnaya-6”, “Losinoostrovskaya-13”, “Red Giant”, “Boltex”, “F1-Zabava” .

When purchasing seed material, you should take into account the fact that once upon a time preference was given to ordinary seeds, but today the use of seed material on a tape is considered more promising. High-quality carrot seeds can also be coated.

It should be remembered that seeds on a tape and coated can cost much more than plain ones. Before planting carrots, you should decide on the purpose of the crop, based on which you should select the variety, as well as the optimal timing for planting greenhouse varieties of carrots. It is most convenient to plant carrots with seeds on a tape. However, as practice shows, productivity does not depend on this.

Vitamin 6

A popular variety Vitaminnaya 6 with an average ripening period (about 100 days), the distinctive feature of which is the increased content of sugars and carotene, which is how the variety got its name.

A plant with a semi-erect rosette consisting of 6–12 dissected leaves of bright green color. The root crop has an oblong cylindrical shape with a star-shaped, small core, 17–20 cm long and 5–8 cm in diameter, completely immersed in the ground.

The average weight of one vegetable is 170–190 g. The fruits are red-orange in color, even along the entire length. Average yield per 1 sq. m is 10 kg of carrots .

Features and planting pattern

When the choice of variety and purchase of seed material is completed, it is time to plant the selected carrot variety. Purchased seeds on a tape do not require pre-sowing preparation. Planting carrots with pelleted seeds is also not difficult. For sowing, you should use calibrated seed material that has a good supply of nutrients. Carrots should be planted with pre-soaked and then dried seeds.

In greenhouse conditions, carrots should be planted in an ordinary way and according to the standard pattern for such a vegetable crop. The depth of seeding should not exceed two centimeters, and the calculation of seed material is about one hundred seeds for each square meter of greenhouse soil. The inter-row distance should be maintained at fifteen centimeters.

For sowing, you should use calibrated seed material that has a good supply of nutrients

Carrots are very demanding on soil and yield largely depends on the type of greenhouse soil. The best option would be to sow greenhouse carrots in dry sandy loam soil. Do not forget that growing this vegetable crop in sandy soil has a bad effect on the shelf life of root crops.

Landing rules

A large harvest of carrots can only be harvested on dry sandy loam soil.

First of all, you need to prepare the soil. Dig and loosen it thoroughly. There should be no large lumps or foreign objects left in the soil.

Arrange the beds in three or four rows. Try to maintain a distance of 20 cm between the grooves. To make the bed even, you can draw it along a rope stretched between two pegs.

If the soil is heavy, then the seeds are planted to a depth of 1.5 cm. On light soils, this distance can be increased to 3 cm. Compact each furrow after sowing.

When planting granulated seeds, you will have to maintain a distance of 5 cm between the granules. To make your task easier, purchase seeds secured on paper tape. Simply roll it out over the garden bed and cover it with soil. In this case, abundant watering will be required to dissolve the granule.

Features of care

Proper care of carrots has a significant impact on the quality of root crops and yield. In order to properly care for this vegetable crop in a greenhouse, you should remember that the technology for cultivating carrots involves the following activities:

  • timely and high-quality thinning of seedlings and plants several times a season;
  • regular shallow loosening of the upper soil layers;
  • periodic hilling of vegetable crops;
  • thorough and timely removal of all weeds;
  • regular and sufficiently abundant watering of carrots and fertilizing with complex fertilizers;
  • carrying out preventive measures and timely control of pests and diseases of vegetable crops.

You can also learn about the features of growing beets in greenhouse conditions.


An early-ripening hybrid of universal use, from the first shoots to harvest it takes from 70 to 85 days ; The plant is compact, medium spreading. A variety with a short and smooth root crop in the form of a cylinder with a small core. Its maximum length is 14 cm and its diameter is 15 mm.

The weight of one carrot is 90–100 g. From 1 sq. m. you can harvest up to 7–8 kg of vegetables. A hybrid of attractive orange color with very tender and sugary pulp.

Fragrant and sweet strawberries - 5 varieties that are perfect for planting in a greenhouse



Diseases and pests

In greenhouse conditions, carrots are less susceptible to diseases and pests, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants and allows one to obtain a fairly high yield. However, regular plant inspections should not be neglected. Most often, this vegetable crop suffers from the following plant parasites and diseases:

  • adult and larval stages of carrot flies;
  • small carrot psyllids;
  • carrot moth, which attacks all plants belonging to the celery family;
  • root-knot nematodes;

CARROT | Plant Carrots | Step by step guide | COTTAGE | Garden | Carrot


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Soil for carrots Carrots need very loose soil. On solid soil, bow-legged freaks will grow. I dig up the carrot bed deeply (as deep as a shovel) in the fall. In the spring I don’t dig up this bed, but only loosen it shallowly with a flat cutter. Carrots require, although deeply cultivated, already settled soil.

Greenhouse heating options

To ensure the optimal temperature for the growth of carrots in a winter greenhouse, it is necessary to consider a method of heating it. If the greenhouse is attached to the wall of the house, then it is more economical to install heating into it from the house. If the structure is located on a site at a distance from the living space, then it can be provided with heat using:

  • electric heaters;
  • wood stove type "potbelly stove";
  • gas boiler installed directly in the greenhouse.

Important! Gas heating is cheaper. However, the initial costs required to purchase equipment and install it are quite high.

Garden bed care

An important difference in caring for carrots in a greenhouse is regular ventilation of the structure. Proper care also requires adherence to agricultural technology.

  • Maintain soil moisture and follow a watering schedule. A lack of moisture will lead to curvature of the fruit, and an excess will lead to their rotting;
  • An alternative to conventional watering is drip irrigation. With this method, water is used rationally, all the moisture is received directly by the root crop, the yield increases by 2-3 times;
  • Mulch the soil after each watering. This will reduce the rapid evaporation of moisture and drying out of the soil;
  • Thinning - removing weak small shoots that prevent stronger ones from forming.
  • Regularly weed and remove weeds;
  • Fertilize moderately;
  • Carry out preventive measures against diseases and pest attacks.

Boiler selection

A single-circuit boiler running on liquefied bottled gas is suitable for heating the greenhouse. It is important that the boiler can operate at low pressure (3-4 mbar), which will allow you to select the maximum volume of gas in the cylinder. It is also necessary to pay attention to the efficiency of the boiler, which should be 90-95%. At lower efficiency values, it is not profitable to use liquefied gas in cylinders.

Important! In order for the boiler to operate effectively on liquefied gas, it is necessary to replace standard nozzles with special ones that have a smaller diameter. Purchase special nozzles separately if the boiler manufacturer does not include them in the kit. In order not to frequently change cylinders, a group of three or four parallel-connected cylinders is connected to the boiler. In this case, it is necessary to use a heated ramp gearbox.

You did not indicate the size and area of ​​the greenhouse, so it is difficult to calculate how many gas cylinders will be needed to heat the structure. For comparison, we can say that it takes about two cylinders a week to heat a house with an area of ​​100 square meters and provide residents with hot water. Thus, 8-9 cylinders are consumed per month.

To use gas economically, it is necessary to reduce heat loss in the greenhouse to a minimum. It is best to make a two-layer polycarbonate coating. This material will not only provide heat retention, but will also provide effective daylight lighting for the vegetables being grown. When using other coverings (glass, film), it is necessary to seal all the cracks so as not to flood the street.

Important! To protect plants in severe frosts, they additionally cover the plantings inside the greenhouse by pulling a sponbond-type covering material over the installed arches.

Later cultures

In the southern regions, all types of carrots are grown and harvesting begins in early summer and ends in mid-autumn. The warm climate is favorable to all fruits and allows you to enjoy fresh produce all year round, especially if they are well stored; late varieties are the leaders in this.

The ripening period of root vegetables lasts from 130 to 150 days, but the vegetables have a fresh taste, they contain less sugar, but there are plenty of vitamins and minerals. You need to think about the choice of seeds in the spring, because early and mid-ripening species go to preparation and preservation, and there is practically nothing left for winter storage.

Leaders of late-ripening carrots: Flyovi, Krasnaya, Bayadera, Vita longa, Flakoro, Olympus, Dolyanka, Monastyrskaya.

Canada F1 - for growing in the middle zone

The Dutch hybrid Canada F1 has proven itself well as a mid-late type of carrot, which is well stored, has a high content of carotene and useful components, rarely spoils and retains its presentation until the beginning of spring. Abundant yields are noted - from 1 sq. m fees are 7-8 kg.

The shape of the fruit is smooth, elongated, conical, with a rounded tip. The color is deep orange, the core is barely noticeable and differs little in shade. The length ranges from 20 cm, and the weight from 120 to 180 grams; with frequent watering and high-quality fertilizing, representatives weighing 300-400 grams can be found.

Red giant - sweet vegetable giant

To obtain a late harvest, gardeners plant the Red Giant variety, which is not only stored for a long time in winter, but also shows considerable results when harvested. After 150 days of growth, carrots reach 20-25 cm and weigh 200 g, in some cases even more.

The surface of the vegetables has ribbing with shallow eyes. The shape is cone-shaped, large. The shade is red-orange. The giant tastes sweet and is a leader in this regard among similar varieties.

Emperor - root vegetable with a fruity flavor

Vegetables of this variety reach 25 cm and weigh 200 g, are cultivated throughout the country and produce stable yields. The manufacturer indicates 75% fruiting, but skilled gardeners achieve greater results through nutritious soil and frequent watering.

The core is pronounced and slightly larger than that of other species. The pulp is juicy and sweet, with fruity notes in taste, for which it is valued in baby food. The fruits are neat, cylindrical, without defects or breaks. The variety is in demand on an industrial scale and is grown for sale.

Queen of Autumn - an indicator of a stable harvest

Each carrot is the same shape, slender and smooth, conical, orange in color with a red tint. The Queen of Autumn belongs to the Flakke variety (Valeria) and shows pretty good results - 9 kg per 1 sq. m. One of the negative aspects is the low carotene content in fruits.

To grow a demonstration crop, you must follow the following rules:

  • Mix garden soil with humus and sand.
  • Plant in sunny areas after potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions or cereals.
  • Soak the seeds for 3-4 days in warm water for faster germination.
  • Maintain distance and sparseness when sowing.
  • Plant beds no deeper than 2.5 cm.
  • Loosen, water and weed from weeds.

When these points are fulfilled, fruiting increases, and carrots have excellent taste and color.

Winter greenhouse lighting

Plants tolerate a lack of lighting very poorly. It has already been noted that the growth of vegetables practically stops when daylight hours are reduced to 10 hours or less. This usually occurs between mid-November and mid-February. At this time, it is necessary to provide additional lighting using fluorescent fluorescent lamps or high-intensity discharge lamps. When calculating the number of lamps, they look at their power, on which the lighting area depends. Additional lighting is turned on in the morning from 6 to 8 o'clock and in the evening from 16 to 22 o'clock. In summer, additional lighting is usually not used.

Artificial lighting in a winter greenhouse is the key to a good harvest

Important! Gas lamps, powered by a propane-butane mixture, are currently used by tourists and fishermen to light their tents for several days. It is more profitable to use electric lighting sources in a greenhouse.

One more tip. See how Chinese greenhouses are designed. Enterprising guests from the Middle Kingdom took into account many ideas for organizing economical heating, lighting and watering of plants in their buildings. Let's list some of them: a blank insulated northern wall, blank ends of greenhouses, a sloping roof made of transparent material, covering the structures with thermomats in the cold season, etc.

Which carrot seeds are better - variety of varieties and their descriptions. Press!

Carrots are the most popular vegetable in our gardens.
Everyone who has a plot of land for planting vegetables buys carrot seeds from 2 to 20 packs. The popularity of this vegetable is understandable. Carrots are present in almost every dish, many preparations are made with them for the winter, and very healthy juices are obtained from them.

It contains a large amount of carotene and provitamin A, therefore it improves vision and skin condition, and affects human growth. (Read more about the vitamins contained in carrots here.

) Many carrots are grown to feed animals and birds. Growing carrots is very easy and they store well.

  • Most popular varieties

What types of seeds are there?

On sale you can find:

  1. Regular seeds in bulk. Sold in bags, colored and white. White bags are cheaper. If the same variety is available in a color and a white bag, you should choose the white bag so you pay for the seeds and not the pictures.
    The number of seeds in a bag is measured in grams. A pack usually contains 2 grams of carrot seeds. If it is an expensive, hybrid variety, then maybe 1 gram, or even 0.5 grams. Imported, hybrid seeds can be colored, so when buying seeds, first look at the weight, and then at the price.

    The price may be lower because there are several times fewer seeds in the package.

  2. Please note: the seeds contain essential oils, so they take a very long time to germinate - 15-20 days.

    Granulated Carrot Seeds

  3. Granulated seeds. Carrots of any variety, if planted very densely, will be small. These carrots are called “mouse tails.” Many people rarely succeed in sowing simple seeds right away. Therefore, seeds are sold in granules.
    The granules are red or green and contain one seed inside. The granule itself consists of nutrients and lime. In packs, granules are poured in pieces. Look at the pack to see how many granules there are. The quantity can be from 150 to 500 pieces, so the price is different.

    Planting pellets requires more moisture in the soil, since the pellet must first dissolve before the moisture penetrates to the seed. Because of this, granulated seeds take longer to germinate and their germination rate is worse. But they definitely don’t need to be thinned out and the carrots are always large. They are much more expensive than regular seeds.

  4. Take note: whenever you plant seeds in rows, you need to apply “Zemlin” or “Provotox” against carrot flies, so that later white worms do not appear in it, which will eat holes in the root crops and ruin the entire harvest.

    Seeds on tape

  5. Seeds on tape. You no longer need to glue seeds onto toilet paper in advance in winter. Carrot seeds are now sold on tape.
    When planting, simply spill the furrow with water, lay out a tape with seeds glued to it, sprinkle with insecticide, add a little fertilizer and cover with soil. It couldn't be simpler. For those who sow few carrots, this is a good way, because there are few seeds on the tape, but it is expensive. Tapes are usually 8-10 m long.

    When buying seeds on a tape, pay attention to the footage.

Take note: carrots are stored better if, before storing them for the winter, you cut off the top so that no green stump remains. Then it will not rot during storage.

The following varieties of carrots are distinguished from the popular ones:

    Carrot Marlink
  • Early and mid-early varieties of carrots: Amsterdam, Tushon, Nantes-4, Marlinka, Children's sweetness. Early varieties of carrots are distinguished by the tenderness and juiciness of the root crop. They are mainly used fresh and made into juices. Root crops of early varieties are thin, long, and form well into summer bunches, which are in demand on the market. The disadvantage of such varieties is their short shelf life. Because of their elegance, tenderness and juiciness, they are stored only until the new year, and then wither or rot. Therefore, it is not recommended to sow such varieties in large quantities.
  • Take note: among the early and mid-early varieties there are root vegetables without a core. This feature must be indicated on the packet of seeds or included in the name. Red Giant Carrot

  • Mid-season carrot varieties: vitamin, Losinoostrovskaya -13, Moscow winter, NIIOH-336, Red Giant, Flakke, Forto. Mid-season varieties are the most popular because the root crops are large (Losinoostrovskaya-13), quite juicy (Vitaminnaya), very sweet (NIIOKH-336), well stored (Moscow winter), and have a beautiful presentation (Flakke). One of the best mid-season varieties is Samson – F1. Very large, smooth root vegetables, excellent taste, perfectly stored. True, the seeds are Dutch and therefore expensive, usually 0.5-1 grams per pack. There are fakes, so you need to buy only from trusted manufacturers.
  • Please note: in Russia, all varieties sold are for open ground; we do not grow carrots in greenhouses. Carrot Queen of Autumn

  • Late-ripening varieties of carrots: Queen of Autumn, Autumn King, Mo, Shantane. Late-ripening ones are large root vegetables, dense, somewhat harsh, and not the most juicy. It’s difficult to just chew carrots of this variety, but they store well and are very sweet. Therefore, these varieties are very popular in villages where carrots are fed to livestock and poultry. Root crops are thicker and wider in shape than early and mid-season varieties, and suffer less from carrot fly larvae. In winter, late-ripening carrots are most often sold in stores.

Take note: before winter you can sow any variety of carrots - they sprout equally. The main thing is that the soil for winter sowing should be loose. As soon as the snow has melted and a dry crust has appeared on the surface of the bed, loosen it. Do not water until friendly shoots appear.

Carrot Chantane

What seeds to buy? It is best to plant a pack of early variety, 2 packs of mid-season, and 1 pack of late-ripening, in this ratio. It is still better to sow in the spring, when the soil warms up and is loose. Carrots are not afraid of frost, but in cold, damp soil, the seeds may rot and not sprout at all. Which often happens, and then it is reseeded.

Out of habit, people buy those seeds that everyone knows about, these are mainly the varieties: Nantes, Queen of Autumn and Chantane. Each variety is good, but you need to sow at least one new variety every spring so as not to take risks and perhaps find an even better, more productive variety.


Carrot Samson F-1

This year I tried to plant the carrot variety Samson F-1. I was satisfied. I dug the carrots with a shovel because they were very large. The root vegetables are even, long and tasty. The productivity is very high. There were practically no cracked fruits.

Irina T., pos. Iglino, RB

Last year I planted an early variety - Marlinka. I liked that the root vegetables were large, juicy, and tasty. They have almost no core. I will definitely plant it again this year.

Natalya K., Ufa

I really liked the carrot variety with the unusual name NIIOX336. I sowed all sorts of varieties, this one seemed the sweetest to me. It is not the largest, but it was stored well all winter, remaining juicy and tasty. I sowed it before winter, it sprouted perfectly in the spring, and there were no ugly root crops.

Sergey V., p. Okhlebinino, RB

This video will help you navigate the variety of carrot varieties:

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Conditions for growing carrots

Carrots are a hardy and undemanding plant, easy to grow. The only condition for it is suitable soil: light and medium loamy, sod-podzolic, chernozem, cultivated peat, sandy loam, with a high percentage of humus, high-quality drainage and no weeds. The pH value for carrots is 5.6-7 (preferably closer to a neutral reaction).

Good predecessors for carrots: cabbage, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, beets, legumes. An additional advantage is the use of organic fertilizers for predecessors. It is advisable not to sow carrots after parsley, beans, celery, zucchini, parsnips and the carrots themselves. Carrots can be planted in the same area once every 4 years.

The area for sowing must have good lighting - carrots love the sun very much; if shaded, the yield can drop by 2-3 times. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture well; at the same time resistant to drought and cold. Growing carrots in the country is done using the seedless method.

The best carrot varieties for 2022: the most productive, tasty, juicy, sweet

Carrots are considered one of the most popular garden crops, which are found in almost every area. In order for the plant to develop normally and bear fruit abundantly, it is important to choose the right variety.

It is recommended to take into account a number of criteria - ripening time, climate of the region, storage period. There are many best carrot varieties for 2022, which helps every gardener make the right choice.

Early varieties of carrots

Variety "Laguna F1"

A hybrid obtained by breeders not so long ago. This is a root crop of the so-called “Nantes” type. With a very short ripening period of 80 days. The root vegetable has a burning orange color, an average length of 18 cm, and a cylindrical shape. It is recommended to plant such carrots both during pre-winter sowing and in early spring to obtain a bountiful harvest.

Variety "Alenka"

Its distinctive feature is high productivity. The root crop ripens quite quickly; only 90 days pass from sowing the seeds to harvesting. The vegetable is orange in color, 10 cm in length, very juicy and sweet. Stores well in a dry cellar. When grown, it requires loose, fertile soil and constant watering.

Variety "Amsterdam"

The best variety of carrots, reviews of which were obtained through numerous consumer studies. It has two distinctive features - early ripeness and high yield.

There is a period of 80 days between sowing and harvesting of ripened root crops. Carrots are orange in color, the fruits are even, smooth and cylindrical in shape. The tip of the carrot is blunt.

Prefers to grow in well-drained soils and enjoys regular but moderate watering.

Variety "Golandka"

Early ripening carrots that fully ripen in 90 days. The fruit is orange, up to 18 cm long. Smooth, cylindrical, smooth, with a blunt tip at the root. It is not particularly shelf-stable, so it is used only for fresh consumption. Loves fertile lands and good watering.

Variety "Touchon"

Refers to varieties for open ground, high-yielding, early ripening. It has a beautiful appearance and ripens in 80 days. The root vegetable itself is a rich, orange-red color, shiny, smooth and cylindrical. The average length of carrots is 20 cm. It grows on loose and well-watered soils.


In terms of characteristics and growing habits, this variety of carrots is similar to Amsterdam carrots. With the exception of the length: usually not exceeding 14 centimeters and the “jumping” weight of the vegetable, when it is 130 grams, and when it is only 80. And also the medium-term storage duration. The harvest is not very good, maximum 4.5 kg.


A variety of carrots, weighing 150 grams, characterized by a high percentage of carotene content. Poured, honey-like pulp. Excellent yield, with tolerance to high humidity. Good for long-term storage. Fruits up to 14 cm long practically do not stick out from the soil. In cooking it is recommended to use for processing.

Orange nutmeg

A proven, consistently productive carrot variety - 5.3-5.9 kg. Lyozhky. The root vegetable has almost no core. It grows up to sixteen centimeters, weight - from 120 to 145 grams. Excellent taste. Vegetable seeds are sown in April-May to a depth of one centimeter. The desired distance between rows is 20 cm. When thinning, leave about five cm between shoots.


These carrots are suitable for a long period of storage. Ripeness occurs after 100 - 110 days. The grown root vegetables have the shape of a cylinder with a pointed end. The color is red. Weight from 85 to 175 g. On average, no more than 4 kg comes out of a “square”. The taste is on par.

Minicore F1

A hybrid carrot variety with a high yield of 7-8 kg. Ripens within 75-90 days. Cylindrical, orange. The length of vegetables does not exceed 15 cm, in diameter - 1.5. They weigh on average about 90 grams. Guarantees early carrots for personal use, but is also good for sale. Recommended for children. Shelf life is limited.

Mid-season carrot varieties

High-quality mid-season carrot varieties combine the advantages of early and mid-late varieties: a relatively quick harvest and quality of preservation until spring. The most popular varieties of carrots for growing on site are:

Chantenay 2461

Some people are still inclined to call it the best of the best varieties of carrots. Growth time ranges from 80 to 110 days. Appropriate care brings about 9 kg. Root vegetables from 90 to 230 gr.

The shape of the vegetables resembles a cone with a truncated end, up to 14 cm in length, with a diameter of about six. Both duration and percentage of preservation are high. It is universal in application. Resistance to excess moisture is higher than that of Nantes.

The agricultural technology conditions are the same as for the Parisian Punisher.

Paris carotel

The best quality of this carrot variety is that it is not picky about soil and climate. But overwatering can lead to cracking. High-yielding.

Appearance: small, orange with a red tint, up to 13 centimeters long, weighing from 80 to 120 grams. Sown in April for early ripening. For storage - at the end of May-June.

Cold-resistant, suitable for winter sowing (preferably in frozen soil and only with dry seeds).

Nantes 4

One of the best, classic varieties of early-ripening carrots. The formation of root crops in vegetables ends by the third or fourth month of growth. The yield is good, about 6 kg. It stores well (in the basement, in a mixture of sawdust and shavings, for a whole year, with minimal damage).

Suitable for a long time in raw and processed forms. Of the mid-season varieties, it is one of the sweetest. The appearance is also standard. The fruits are cylindrical in shape with a small tail the color of a ripe orange. The core is slightly lighter. Length 15-17 centimeters, weight - 120-140 g. However, it is picky about the quality of the soil.

A good harvest will be ensured by fertile and loose soil.

Bangor F1

These carrots are great for storage. Thin, elongated root vegetables with a rounded tip. The color is orange. The weight of the fruit “jumps” very much from 120 to 310 g. Not bad, about 5 kg, yield. Recommended to grow in temperate climates.

Callisto F1

One of the best domestic hybrid varieties of carrots. Wonderful taste and preservation. From germination to readiness 97-108 days. The shape and color of the surface are traditional, the flesh is red, and the core is narrow.

Grows up to 18-20 cm in length, diameter up to 4. Weight - 90-130 g. Contains a lot of carotene. The taste is “one hundred percent”, excellent. Belongs to the best “children’s” varieties of carrots. Vegetables are perfectly preserved throughout the winter.

Biryuchekutskaya 415

The growing season in different climate areas ranges from 70 to 115 days. The shape of the root crops is conical, pointed towards the end. It reaches 16 cm in length. Weight is 60-100 g. Recommended for long-term storage and fresh use.


A cylindrical-shaped root crop with a “cut” tip up to 24 cm long. Good yield of 4-7 kg. Orange color. Weight up to 150 gr. Good taste. Priority in processing and storage.


The vegetable is about 15 cm in length, approximately 250-350 g in weight. The shape is cylindrical, slightly rounded at the end. Bright orange color. The yield is up to 8 kilograms. Retains taste characteristics - sweetness, juiciness, appearance for a very long time. The key to a rich harvest is fertile, loose soil.

Autumn King

An excellent variety, planted for winter storage, ripens 140–150 days from the moment of mass germination. Orange carrots are large in size, growing up to 20 cm in length and weighing up to 200 g, and are characterized by a peculiar spindle-shaped shape. The pulp has excellent taste and delicate structure, sweet, with a pleasant carrot aroma.

Productivity 17–37 kg per 10 sq. m, in the best years it can be 62 kg per 10 sq. m and more. The yield of marketable carrots is excellent, approaching 97%.

Tinga F1

A universal hybrid suitable for storing in cellars, preparations and juices. Harvesting begins 130–140 days after continuous germination. The carrots are bright, oblong-conical in shape, pointed with straight shoulders. The vegetable is large - it grows up to 20 cm in length, weighs 110–120 g. The skin is reddish, the thin core is somewhat lighter. The pulp is tasty, orange, dessert sweet.

The harvest is reliable, high, on average about 50–55 kg per 10 sq. m. The advantages of the hybrid are its versatility, excellent productivity and keeping quality.

Winter candied fruit

Appetizing bright carrots with a sweet taste are indispensable for preparing freshly squeezed fresh juices, freezing and storing in the winter. The vegetables are cylindrical, blunt-ended, with straight shoulders, up to 20 cm long and weighing up to 180 g.

The structure of the pulp is dense, the taste is of the highest level, dessert. The yields are reliable and high - from 35 to 50 kg per 10 sq. m.

The variety is valued by gardeners for the exceptional taste properties of commercial products, the guarantee of a good harvest and keeping quality.

Queen of Autumn

The Queen of Autumn bears its beautiful name by right - among the late varieties it is the best in many respects. Its root vegetables are quite large - weighing up to 220 g, up to 25 cm long and up to 5 cm wide, but the flesh is juicy and tender, although it is believed that large carrots are always coarse and not very tasty.

And they look elegant and beautiful, pleasing to the eye with a bright orange-red color. It is not surprising that to grow such a mass, the Queen of Autumn needs a long growing season - 120-130 days, but it can be successfully grown without seedlings even in areas where the frost-free period is shorter than this period, because its seedlings tolerate frosts well down to -4°C.

This variety deserves a good word for its resistance to flowering, and its root crops do not crack.

Sugar Gourmet F1

Beautiful long carrots, filled with sweetness, fully correspond to the name of the hybrid. Cylindrical root vegetables with a thin core and a colorful orange-orange color, due to the saturation of the tissues with sugars, are famous for their excellent taste. The size of the vegetable is above average, length reaches 25 cm, weight reaches 200 g.

The hybrid is mid-season - when sown from April to May, the harvest “per bunch” is harvested already in July, and full ripening occurs in August-September. The preservation is high; it is preferable to consume healthy vegetables fresh or make freshly squeezed juices.

polar cranberry

Round small carrots are good fresh, including in baby food, as well as in the form of assorted preserves with other vegetables. It ripens early - harvesting begins 65 days after mass germination. Having sown the seeds in April, the first carrots are harvested already in July, which makes this variety desirable in garden beds in regions with cool summers.

The polar beak is shaped like an orange radish, weighs 40–50 g. The skin is smooth, the eyes are shallow. The taste properties are exceptional - the pulp is filled with sweet juice, tender, fine-fibered. The preservation is good, the vegetable practically does not crack.

Sweet tooth

Sweet pulp is the hallmark of this late-ripening variety, ripening at 130 days. The carrot is small, elongated-conical, reddish in color, with a narrow, inconspicuous core. Weight is 90–100 g.

Numerous advantages of the Sweet Tooth are excellent taste, one-dimensional fruit, unpretentiousness to cultivation conditions, resistance to cold weather and excellent keeping quality.

Carotel Parisian

This variety of carrot is considered the most delicious and crunchy, in addition, the root vegetable has a very bright and rich color. In reviews, gardeners indicate that the crop adapts well to difficult weather conditions, so it can be grown in any region of the country.

The Karoteli rosette is semi-spreading, the leaves are moderate in size and have a specific smell. The roots are smooth and conical, the tip is blunt. The skin is very thin, painted orange.

The pulp has the same shade, crunches loudly and has a pronounced smell. The taste is pleasant, delicate and sweet. 100 grams of raw product contains 8% sugar and 10-13% carotene. The core is small, the color of the pulp.

The approximate weight of the fetus ranges from 80 to 160 grams.

The variety is considered mid-season; it is very popular because it is ideal for long-term storage. Harvesting begins 110 days after emergence. If the region is characterized by warm weather, then ripeness may occur a little earlier.

The yield is quite high, so the variety can be used for industrial cultivation. You can collect up to 7.7 kilograms per square meter.

Summer residents have a positive attitude towards Karoteli because it has high immunity to many diseases typical of carrots.

A characteristic feature of the culture is that when the root crop becomes mature, it can be easily removed from the soil. In addition, it does not crack, which has a positive effect on keeping quality. Transportability is also quite good; you can safely transport crops over long distances and not be afraid that they will deteriorate or be damaged.

The purpose of carrots is universal. It is often used in cooking to prepare all kinds of dishes. It is popular because it is very tender, crispy and goes perfectly with different ingredients. You can use it to prepare baby food, juices and desserts. Keeps well frozen.

Carrot growing technology

The agricultural technology for growing carrots is quite simple. Carrots are usually sown in April or May, but there is also the option of winter sowing.

1) Spring sowing.

The soil should be prepared in the fall - dug to a depth of about 30 cm (if the soil is heavy and thick, it should be diluted with sawdust and sand). In spring you can add mineral fertilizers.

The germination rate of carrot seeds is quite low, around 50-60%. It can be increased by selecting the largest seeds, washing in hot water (+45-50°C) for 10 minutes, and germinating in a damp cloth for 2-3 days. Germination is also affected by storage time - it is advisable that it should be no more than a year, although formally it is allowed to keep seeds for up to two years.

Tips for choosing seeds

Juicy, crunchy, sweet in taste, carrots are useful for adults, children and the elderly; they are recommended for people who are losing weight and are included in the diet menu. The low-calorie product contains many important components: vitamins (A, the entire group B, C, D, PP, E), minerals (potassium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus), trace elements (iodine, fluorine, manganese, copper , cobalt, selenium), fiber, organic acids and monosaccharides.

All components have a positive effect on overall health, strengthen the immune system, resist many diseases, help cleanse the body and increase hemoglobin. The benefits of carrots do not decrease after heat treatment; the elements are retained in their original quantities and are easily absorbed by the walls of the stomach. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product does not exceed 40 kcal, so the vegetable is recognized as the best in the dietary menu.

The beneficial properties can be listed endlessly, and this gives impetus to growing carrots in the home garden; moreover, they are not difficult to care for. To get a large harvest, you need to choose the right variety that is suitable for the region, climate and soil composition. Thanks to the work of breeders, this is very easy to do, because we are provided with a huge number of all kinds of hybrids with different characteristics.

Carrot classification:

  • Early varieties ripen in 85-100 days.
  • The average ripening period is 105-120 days.
  • Late – more than 125 days.

To obtain a sweet root vegetable, you should choose early varieties; they are characterized by a high sugar content and are indispensable for making purees, juices, sweet fillings, desserts and fresh consumption. Their negative factor is poor germination. Later hybrids are a little bitter, but are stored in the basement for a long time and are suitable for winter use. By the way, the F1 mark in the name indicates its hybrid origin and the preservation of varietal qualities during annual sowing.

Long-fruited crops grow well in deeply plowed, loose soils.

Differences in taste and shelf life are observed even in the country of the breeder. Domestic varieties are tastier, have a higher carotene content, and have improved winter shelf life. Foreign ones are more curly, smooth and beautiful, but inferior in taste, they are chosen for industrial scale and cultivation for sale.

The main criterion for choosing seeds is the ripening time of root crops.

Features of caring and growing carrots

Separately, you should deal with watering. On the one hand, carrots easily tolerate drought, but on the other hand, the fibers of root vegetables acquire a rigid, woody structure and the crop loses its taste. Excessive watering is also harmful: the tops begin to grow excessively, and the growth of the root crops themselves slows down. Therefore, you need to water carrots regularly and moderately.

In sunny and warm weather, it is enough to water 1-2 times a week, using a watering can, at the rate of 3-4 liters per 1 m². From the moment the root formation phase begins, you can water once a week, 10 liters per 1 m².

Approximately 60-70 days after germination, the root system of the plant reaches such a depth at which the carrots can draw additional moisture from the deep soil layers, which means they do not need watering so much. But if the groundwater is located at a depth of less than 60-80 cm, then as a result of this the root crops will begin to branch and crack.

Another point is related to carrot bitterness. If the top of the root crop begins to become bare, then under the influence of light an accumulation of solanine is produced in it - this alkaloid makes carrots bitter. To avoid this, when loosening, you also need to carry out hilling, covering the carrot heads with earth.

What varieties are there?

In gardening stores, seeds are always in a large assortment and choosing one is quite difficult, and it is not necessary. Every year the climate changes, summer can be rainy or dry, windy or cool, so you should not rely on last year’s yield of varieties, but purchase new ones and preferably several different ones.

Regular loose seeds in packs and granulated are available for sale. The first ones are good with friendly shoots, but require thinning. If this is not done, the fruits will be thin and frail. Seeds in granules are covered with a special shell, which dissolves for a long time and delays germination, but provides nutrition and the harvest is always large, and the volume of the kernel allows you to control the density of sowing in the hole. The price usually varies depending on the amount of material and the country of manufacture.

The distinctive features of the varieties are noticeable in the shape, length, color and taste of the fruit, but since it is impossible to assess the taste from the picture, you should rely on external data, a description from the manufacturer and the ripening period. Experts have developed hybrids of white, yellow, orange, red and purple colors with a variety of shapes: triangular, short, long, blunt and round. The list offers fruitful types of carrots that have proven themselves well on domestic soils in different regions.

Growing Carrot Seeds

Carrots are a biennial crop. Therefore, it produces seeds only in the second year. The first stage begins when the autumn carrot harvest is harvested. You need to select the best and most beautiful root vegetables of the variety from which you want to get seeds, carefully cut off the tops (2-3 cm should remain before the root crop) and put the carrots in storage. Root crops should not have any damage, rot or mold. Carrots should be stored in a cool place with good ventilation (+1-2°C).

The second stage starts in the spring. We plant the root crops back into the garden bed. They will begin to grow stems up to 50-90 cm in length, and seed caps will form. Before the carrots start to flower, we should remove any carrot varieties that are growing nearby, but we don't want them to create hybrid seeds.

The final stage occurs when the seed caps turn brown and their edges begin to curl inward. The stems need to be cut and placed in such a place that they do not get wet, but are warmed by the sun. They need to be kept for 2-3 weeks until they dry properly. After this, the seeds are shaken out of the seed caps onto paper, collected in storage containers and tightly closed. You can store carrot seeds for about two years, but gradually their germination rate will decrease.

Nantes - 4

One of the best mid-season table varieties, with a growing season of 90 to 120 days. The bunched crop can be sampled 50–55 days after the first shoots.

The above-ground part of the plant is tall, semi-spreading, the shoots are friendly. It is characterized by high yield, which is up to 6.5 kg of fruits per 1 sq. m . Root crops are cylindrical in shape, up to 6–8 cm in diameter and 11–17 cm in length.

The weight of one fruit ranges from 100–150 g. The pulp is bright orange, very sweet, crispy with a juicy core.

When technical maturity is reached, the head of the root crop turns green or purple.

when to sow carrots in a greenhouse

Olya Isakova

Carrots are planted in open ground in October before winter, or in spring in moist soil in April-May.


carrots are not grown in a greenhouse

Vladislav Bai

look at the packet with seeds, and if not, then somewhere in the middle of March, of course, if you need seedlings and by the way, it’s still winter

Max Zaitsev

in spring or autumn, but not in summer or winter

Nadezhda Kuznetsova

Carrots do not like transplants, and there is no reason to grow them in a greenhouse.


It is cold-resistant. Why put it in a greenhouse?

Tatyana Vasilievna

Provide space in the greenhouse for other crops, and carrots outside, they are more comfortable in the open air.

How to properly harvest?

Two weeks before the start of harvesting, watering is completely stopped. During this time, the carrots will dry out. Root vegetables must be collected in sunny, dry weather. The tops should not be cut with a knife, otherwise the vegetables will not be stored well. It is better to twist it and tear it off by hand.

The collected carrots must be dried. To do this, keep it for some time under a canopy in the open air. Avoid direct sunlight. This will cause the root crops to wilt.

Many gardeners advise not to harvest the entire crop at once. Some of it can be left stored directly in the garden bed. After the first freeze, cut off all the tops and cover the vegetables with a twenty-centimeter layer of straw or leaves. Cover with non-woven covering material or plastic film. At the beginning of spring, you can enjoy fresh, juicy carrots.

Growing carrots in a greenhouse will allow you to get a rich harvest without putting in much effort.



Olga Helga

writes: 7 cucumbers is not enough in a mobile box? A friend of mine asks how much to plant in a bucket. I think one thing, well two at most. I plant 4 cucumbers in a barrel myself

In Nadyukha's kitchen

writes: Cool. Like from me. ):):)

Lyudmila Demidova

writes: The beets are overgrown with midge (after potatoes). I sowed them with seeds.

Larisa Shatikhina

writes: Tatyana! Great:) Great videoڰۣ✿

Galina Lomk

writes: Tatyana, tell me about nigella onions and how to plant them on greens, thank you.

Selecting a site and place for planting

If you have never planted a vegetable on the site before, but decide to plant it, you need to choose the right place. Carrots love the sun very much, so the bed should be located away from shaded areas. There should be no bushes or fruit trees nearby so that their crowns do not shade the ground. The more sun the root crop receives, the tastier it will be.

The ideal precursors for red vegetables are:

  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • cucumbers;
  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • cabbage.

You should not grow carrots if you previously planted celery and parsnips in this place. The root crop tolerates joint planting with many crops, including peas, lettuce, radishes, and parsley.

Preparing the bed

A bed for a vegetable is prepared: first, all weeds, roots are pulled out of the ground, stones and any foreign debris are removed. Then the soil is dug up to a depth of at least 25 cm. The clods are broken, the soil is loosened for uniformity and the shape of the bed is shaped. Add a small amount of humus to the soil to increase fertility (about a bucket per planting meter). Sometimes bone meal and wood ash are added (100 g per planting meter).

Soil preparation

Soil for vegetables is laid in the fall to increase yields. Carrots grow well in porous soil, and the groundwater level should not be close to the surface of the earth. Add mineral fertilizers to the soil - urea at the rate of 10-15 g of dry matter per 1 sq.m. The soil surface is carefully dug up and then leveled. If you grow carrots in clay soil, they will have an ugly shape. Excess clay is diluted with river sand with the addition of humus.

In addition to applying fertilizers, the soil is pre-treated with a solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate. Over the winter, pathogenic microorganisms or viruses could accumulate in it, so root crops can become sick. Another misfortune is wireworm. To avoid infection, the bed is treated with insecticides.

Attention! When forming a bed, you cannot add manure or lime to the soil; carrots do not tolerate them.

How to plant carrot seeds correctly in the ground

After preparing the bed for the upcoming sowing, water it generously to saturate it with moisture. If there is heavy rain in the spring, there is no need to water the soil first. There are several ways to plant orange root vegetables. They have some differences among themselves, but give good results. Each gardener chooses his own method that is convenient for him.

Classic method

In the prepared soil, make grooves 2-3 cm deep. The distance between them should be 15-20 cm, and 10-15 cm should be retreated from the edge of the ridge. Usually up to 3-4 long grooves are placed, then it will be convenient to care for the vegetable: weeding , water the ground. Each groove is poured with hot water from a watering can, and the grooves are powdered with a thin layer of ash to provide reliable protection against pests.

The seeds are placed in the recesses in one thin line with a step of 1 cm. It is not necessary to clearly measure 1 cm, it is enough to imagine this distance by eye, do not plant the grains too close to each other. If you don’t have time, you can mix carrot seeds with a small amount of sand, and then pour this mixture into the beards. After planting, cover the carrots with a thin layer of soil and pat them down a little. Mulch the bed with peat and cover the top with a thin plastic film. This method is used by most summer residents, and the germination rate of the seeds will be high.

On a note! If cold weather is no longer expected in the near future, and the nights are warm, then covering with film is not necessary.

Galina Kizima method

The famous gardener Galina Kizima has her own special sowing scheme. It consists of mixing carrot seeds with fertilizers. The mixture is poured directly onto the bed, which has no grooves. Take a small pinch of seeds mixed with fertilizer and scatter them directly on the ground. Then they are sprinkled with a thin layer of peat, patted down a little so that the wind does not blow the seeds away, and left until shoots appear. The method is suitable for those who do not have time to prepare beds and form them.

Landing on the tape

In gardening products you can often find a special device for sowing carrots - a ribbon. The grains are distributed on it in increments of 1-1.5 cm, and then the ribbon is laid in the ground. To save money, some summer residents use simple toilet paper instead of store-bought goods. To keep small grains on it, the paper is lubricated with an adhesive solution. Using a match, distribute the seeds on it, retreating 1-2 cm from the previous one. Usually lay out at least 2-3 layers. When the glue “sets”, the paper is cut into thin strips, and then placed in the ground and sprinkled with a thin layer of peat.

Other unusual sowing methods

Avid gardeners love to experiment, and every year they invent new methods of planting crops. Here are some striking examples:

  • sowing in cardboard egg boxes. Soil is poured into empty egg capsules, moistened with water and 1-2 seeds are planted in each compartment and placed on the garden bed. Over time, from constant watering, the cardboard gets wet and decomposes in the soil, and the carrots do not need to be pulled out in the future;
  • planting grains in starch paste. For 2 liters of water you need to take 6 tbsp. starch. Cook the mixture until thickened, but the consistency should remain viscous. When the mass has cooled, pour the seeds into it, mix everything and pour the cooled mixture into the grooves.

According to reviews from summer residents, alternative methods of sowing root crops are very simple and easy to use, and help significantly save time.

Attention! To sow carrots, it is convenient to use a plastic bottle with a narrow neck.

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