Date: a healthy treat or extra pounds on your sides?

Types of dates

These are the sweet, edible fruits of date palms - tropical trees that grow up to 30 m in height and have leaves up to 15 m long. They are believed to be among the first plants that ancient people showed interest in and then cultivated.

Today, about one and a half thousand varieties of dates are known, some of them are the most popular.

Chinese (Unabi or Jujube)

The Chinese date is also called jojoba.
It grows in Asia and the Mediterranean region. The fruit is famous for the fact that it makes excellent date honey for unusual sauces and other culinary masterpieces.

The leaves contain an anesthetic substance that, when chewed, temporarily paralyzes the perception of sweet and bitter tastes, resulting in the loss of the ability to sense sweet and bitter tastes for some time. Sugar, when tasted after this, is perceived as tasteless. However, the ability to sense salty or sour is completely preserved.


The Canary date can be seen in nature even on the Black Sea coast.
The homeland of the Canary date is islands with a similar name. The fruits are collected in orange clusters, have an oval shape, grow up to 2 cm in length and 1 cm in width. The palm tree is valued not only as a fruit, but also as an ornamental crop.

Mazafati (Iranian date)

Mazafati dates can be seen on many shelves around the world, as they are in great demand. They
grow in Iran and produce caramel-flavored fruits, the colors of which vary from chocolate to almost black. In our country, the variety is sold under the name of Paradise dates, and is also known as Zar and Kaspiran.

Returning to the Chinese date (also known as jujube, jujuba, jida), it is worth saying that from the point of view of botanists, this is not a date at all, but the fruit of a plant belonging to the buckthorn family. Its drupes, unlike real dates, often have a pear-shaped or spherical shape, reaching the size of a chicken egg.

It is noteworthy that almost 200 days pass from the moment the female palm tree is pollinated until its fruits fully ripen. The harvest begins in August and ends at the end of autumn.

Growing date palms at home

Various types of date palms are often grown in indoor and greenhouse culture. The most popular dates are palmate, canarian and robelena dates. The last two are more decorative, but novice gardeners most often experiment with palmate due to the easy availability of its seeds (you can sow seeds from edible dates sold in grocery stores).

Types of dates for indoor cultivation (photo gallery)

The palmate date is often grown indoors due to the easy availability of its seeds.

The Canary date in indoor culture is more decorative, and its fresh seeds can be brought from the south

The Robelena date is better suited for indoor cultivation than other types and is very decorative.

Of course, no fruiting or harvest of dates can be expected under indoor conditions. The indoor date palm is a purely ornamental plant.

At home, it is easy to grow a date palm from seeds from purchased dates:

  1. Rinse the seeds of eaten fruits thoroughly with clean water.

    The pits from eaten dates can be washed with water and used for sowing.

  2. Stick each seed vertically into an individual cup with an earthen mixture so that the layer of soil above its top is about 1 centimeter.
  3. Place in a warm place with a temperature not lower than +25°C and keep the soil slightly moist at all times.
  4. After 1–3 months, shoots will appear.

    Date palm seedlings have whole leaves, not pinnate leaves.

  5. After the shoots emerge, place them in the brightest window.

How to sow date pits correctly (video)

The first feathery leaves appear on date palm seedlings 1–3 years after sowing. If at this age the leaves still remain intact, it means the plants do not have enough light. Date palms are very light-loving. In summer you can put them on the balcony or in the garden; it is very useful for them to be in the fresh air. In winter, the room temperature should be around +15°C. Moderate watering is required; the soil in the pot should always be slightly moist in the depths. Over-drying of the earthen coma and over-moistening are equally dangerous. Pots for date palms are preferably tall, with obligatory drainage holes in the bottom and a drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. Young plants are replanted every year in the spring, adults can be replanted less often, once every 2–3 years. For very large old plants growing in large and heavy containers, it is sometimes recommended that instead of labor-intensive replanting, one should limit oneself to partial replacement of the top layer of soil with fresh soil. It is not necessary to spray palm leaves with water, but it is necessary to regularly wipe them from dust with a slightly damp cloth or sponge.

The Robelena date is one of the most beautiful indoor palm trees with feathery leaves.

During my childhood, in the spacious and bright lobby of our school, among other plants, there were several large and beautiful date palms in wooden tubs with a capacity of about twenty or thirty liters each. I don’t remember that they were ever replanted, but we were regularly sent to wipe the leaves while on duty. My own attempts to grow dates from seeds were not particularly successful: the first time, nothing simply sprouted (probably, the fruits turned out to be too old or overheated during drying, they were very suspiciously dry). And the second time, although I managed to wait for the shoots, my dirty omnivorous cat decided that this was some new cat grass, and quickly dealt with the palm seedlings.

Composition and benefits

Dried dates do not lose their valuable properties after processing.
The healing properties of dates are due to their unique composition. Thanks to the beneficial natural components, the fruits are classified as life-prolonging products.

The pulp contains one of the most important amino acids necessary for the functioning of the brain and central nervous system - tryptophan. It slows down tissue aging, normalizes the nervous system, and has a mild sedative effect. This is why dates are useful for schoolchildren, students and other people whose work involves stress and high mental tension. In addition to tryptophan, sweet pulp contains:

  • glutamine amino acid, which, among other things, is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • vitamins belonging to the B group and necessary for normal muscle function;
  • pectins and fiber, to maintain the digestive functions of the intestines and duodenum;
  • vitamin A (beta-carotene), which is extremely important for vision, regardless of a person’s age;
  • fluoride, which makes teeth enamel strong;
  • selenium, which prevents the formation of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as strengthens the immune system;
  • other elements necessary and beneficial for the body.

The energy value of each date is about 23 kcal. There is almost no difference between the indicators of fresh and dried fruit, but the calorie content of different varieties may differ.

With sugar crystals

They seem to be sweeter. But no, on the contrary, because they will be empty. Such a product can be considered stale and if you see that they are covered with sugar, then most likely this is last year’s product.

By the way, the shelf life of dates is 9 months. Don't be lazy, look at the label.

Another reason for sugaring may be the previously mentioned incorrect storage temperature at high humidity.

Beneficial properties of dates for the body

Dates are especially useful for weakened people who have frequent health problems.
In addition to all of the above, dates are useful because:

  • normalize stomach acidity and help get rid of heartburn;
  • quickly satisfy hunger and restore the body's energy reserves;
  • improve mental activity;
  • do not contain pathogenic microflora, since the pulp is a destructive environment for it;
  • used to combat anemia and intestinal parasites;
  • minimize the side effects of antibiotics;
  • do not contribute to the growth of cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalize sleep.

Dates are a valuable product that allows you to maintain health and quickly restore strength after illness.

For women

The benefits of dates for the fair half of humanity are beyond doubt, so it is recommended to use them to support the body during pregnancy, childbirth and immediately after. The fruits are recommended for women to consume in everyday life because they:

  • improve the appearance of nails, hair and skin;
  • reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome;
  • relieve apathy, absent-mindedness and mood swings;
  • slow down the withering process;
  • help overcome depression and restore vitality.

A few dates taken with you on the road or to work will help restore strength and replenish the necessary energy reserves.
If you put a few dates in your purse, the fruits will not take up much space, but they will help out a lot as a light and pleasant snack.

For men

It has been proven that dates are also beneficial for the stronger sex because they:

  • increase stamina during sex;
  • are excellent prevention of prostate cancer and cardiovascular problems;
  • help fight carcinogens resulting from smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol;
  • have a positive effect on sperm quality, increasing the volume of viable and active germ cells.

In addition, consuming dates increases the body's resistance to stress and improves performance.

For children

It is not recommended to give exotic fruits to children under one year of age. It is better to introduce the baby to them when he is already one and a half years old. Dates are good for a growing body, especially if there are problems with the heart.

Before offering unusual fruits to your baby, pour boiling water over them and set aside for 10–15 minutes. Then rinse under the tap, peel off the hard skin and remove the pit. The child will be able to chew such a delicacy, regardless of the number of teeth. Older children are given dates like adults, after rinsing them with warm water.

The fruit is introduced into the child’s menu gradually. Start with 1⁄4, then give half of the peeled fruit. If within 3-4 days the body has not shown alarming symptoms of intolerance, you can add dates to porridges, purees and curds, and also use them in making compotes.

Which is healthier: fresh or dried?

Over the years, the yield of one palm tree increases from 8–10 kg per tree to 60–80 kg.
Residents of countries where date palms grow have the opportunity to feast on their fresh fruits, as well as prepare healthy delicacies based on a sweet base. Europeans are less fortunate - they receive valuable fruit in dried or dried form, but its important qualities do not suffer.

Beneficial properties of date products for the body

Dates can be used to make many healthy products that are lower in calories and have a rich, sweet taste.
The fruits have a rich, sweet taste, so they are used as a raw material for making syrups and brown sugar.

Honey (syrup)

It is a syrup made from condensed fruit juice, without additives. The product turns out to be sweet and less calorie than traditional beet sugar (289.4 kcal versus 399 kcal per 100 g), while being more healthy due to its composition.


It is obtained by drying or dehydrating the fruit or made from date syrup, so the beneficial properties of the original product are preserved. As a result of processing, a crystalline powder of a dark color and a pleasant, specific odor is obtained. Its calorie content ranges from 300 to 325 kcal. Compared to beet sugar, date sugar is sweeter, so a small amount is enough to get a pleasant taste.


They also have a lot of useful properties, and in terms of the amount of proteins and fats they even surpass pulp. In addition, the hard part of the fruit contains selenium and potassium, copper and magnesium. When ground into powder, date pits are recommended to be consumed to maintain gastrointestinal health.

The beneficial properties of the hard part of the date have long been known, for example, to the Arabs, who to this day add the product to the feed of poultry and livestock.

Contraindications for use and harm

Before using dates for food, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.
Despite the impressive list of beneficial properties, dates are not allowed for everyone:

  • If you have diabetes, you should limit their quantity due to the high sugar content. For the same reason, the product was not recommended in large quantities for people with excess body weight;
  • for gastritis, stomach ulcers, enteritis, gastroduodenitis and other inflammatory processes affecting the digestive tract, dates should be excluded from the diet during periods of exacerbation;
  • If you have fructose food intolerance, the fruit is contraindicated.

In addition, you should not eat palm fruits at the same time as citrus fruits to avoid eating disorders. Even sweet dates themselves can create an additional burden on the stomach, as they take a long time to digest. If you get carried away with them, you can cause constipation.

Growing problems

If not properly cared for, problems may arise. A diseased plant looks unsightly: dark yellowed leaves, a soft trunk, a rotting smell.

Table: date palm problems, causes and solutions

Problematic signsThe reasons for their occurrenceSolutions
The tips of the leaves turn yellow
  • insufficient soil and air moisture;
  • there are few nutrients in the soil.
  • at high air temperatures, spray palm trees frequently;
  • organize a normal irrigation regime with settled water at room temperature;
  • feed the plant;
  • Carefully trim off the dried edges without touching the living part of the leaf blade.
Darkening of the leaves, softness of the trunk, the appearance of a putrid odorOvermoistening of the soil.
  • stop watering;
  • dry the soil;
  • ventilate the root system (to do this, the plant must be removed from the pot). Dark, softened roots indicate the death of the plant.
The ends of the leaves have become dark
  • insufficient watering;
  • dry indoor air;
  • draft;
  • sudden changes in temperature.
Systematize the regimes of spraying and watering the plant.
The leaves of the plant droop downLack of moisture.Normalize the watering and spraying regime, install a support for the leaves.
Yellowing of leavesWatering with hard water.Use settled water at room temperature for watering and spraying.
Pale leaves
  • excessive lighting;
  • red spider mite infestation.
Plant shading.
Drying of young shoots, rotting of their bases
  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • When spraying, water stagnates in palm rosettes;
  • insufficient lighting.
  • reduce the number of waterings and sprayings;
  • provide the plant with normal lighting;
  • Sprinkle areas of rotting stems and leaves with tetracycline or foundation.
The palm tree stopped growing during the period of activity
  • soil depletion;
  • small volume of landing capacity.
  • feed the plant;
  • if the root system is cramped in the pot, then replant.
Darkening, curling and falling of leaves, brown spots on the surface of leaf bladesDamage by pests (spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs).
  • treatment of leaf plates with a solution of laundry soap;
  • spraying with garlic extract;
  • treatment with Actellik (according to the instructions).

How to use it correctly

It is well known that dates are good for expectant mothers. Therefore, they are necessary in the diet of both pregnant and lactating women.

In early pregnancy

  • Folic acid is needed for the formation of cells and tissues of the unborn child. During the gestation period, the mother's body's need for it increases, and with the help of dates you can easily maintain the required level. In the first trimester, it is recommended to eat no more than 5 pieces per day, so as not to cause an increase in oxytocin and not provoke a miscarriage.
  • Iron controls the level of hemoglobin, a blood protein that is extremely important for the full development of the fetus and the normal well-being of the pregnant woman.
  • Potassium. Thanks to him, date fruits are recommended to alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women. The trace element helps cleanse the body of toxins, normalizes blood pressure and helps deliver oxygen to brain structures. To get the maximum benefit from the fruit, in the second trimester the daily amount of dates can be increased to 10 pieces.

Late pregnant women

  • Vitamin A has a positive effect on the expectant mother’s immunity, maintains healthy teeth and gums, and prevents vision deterioration.
  • B vitamins and magnesium have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and help the pregnant woman avoid unnecessary worries.
  • Phosphorus and calcium are required for proper intrauterine skeletal formation and protect the mother’s bones from osteoporosis

It was mentioned above that consuming dates promotes the production of the hormone oxytocin. It kickstarts the birth process, as it causes contraction of the uterine muscles, so by the end of the third trimester, the daily amount of sweet fruits can be increased to 15 pieces.

After childbirth and during breastfeeding

After the birth of a child, the hormone helps reduce the maternal uterus to normal size, and is also one of the elements that triggers the lactation process.

The birth of a child is accompanied by large blood loss on the part of the woman. Dates eaten immediately before delivery will prevent sugar deficiency from developing, as they are rich in fructose.

During the period of breastfeeding, everything useful and valuable that the mother’s body received from dates is transferred to the newborn with milk.

For diabetes

The sweet fruits of date palms are almost 70% sugar, so they pose a danger to people with diabetes. However, there is no consensus in the medical community on this matter. Israeli doctors, for example, believe that it is quite possible to consume 2-3 fruits of the Majhol variety per day, not forgetting to control the total amount of carbohydrates received per day.

Dates for diabetes can prevent or reduce the severity of concomitant pathologies. And yet, for people whose underlying illness is severe, it is better to abstain from the sweet palm delicacy.

For gastritis with high or low acidity

Date decoctions and compotes are an effective folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
Dates are contraindicated with high acidity, as they stimulate the production of gastric secretions. But compotes and decoctions with dried fruits can improve the condition. At low acidity, dried dates are allowed.

For pancreatitis

It is undesirable to consume sweet fruits during acute inflammation of the pancreas, as symptoms may worsen.

A few days after an attack of exacerbation, sweet fruits are allowed only in the form of decoction, compote or jelly. Dates have an antiseptic and healing effect, so they will be useful after drug relief from an acute condition. If they are used periodically during remission, you can reduce the number of exacerbations and ease their course.

For gout

This pathology is characterized by metabolic disorders, due to which the kidneys become unable to remove uric acid from the body. It accumulates in the body, disrupting well-being. Dates stimulate metabolism and have a diuretic effect, so drinking them with tea or water will be beneficial.

For high cholesterol

Due to the content of a large number of useful substances, dates have a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood. Their consumption, among other things, normalizes sugar levels and reduces cholesterol.

For hemorrhoids

During the treatment of this disease, the following foods are removed from the diet:

  • promoting the formation of intestinal gases;
  • causing putrefaction or fermentation in the digestive tract;
  • slowly digested.

These include dates.

For oncology

Palm fruits are recommended for restoring strength after chemotherapy. Their pulp is added to a mixture of honey, caraway seeds and cassia (a type of cinnamon). This home remedy will be a source of vitamins and microelements and will help improve your well-being.

For anemia

In addition to iron, dates are richest in substances such as potassium and magnesium.
A deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood worsens health, causing a decrease in vitality. Dates will be useful for restoring strength and normalizing blood composition, as they are rich in iron and other valuable microelements. For anemia, they should be included in the daily diet.

For hypertension

Dates are high in potassium and low in sodium, making them good for those who experience occasional increases in blood pressure. For people suffering from the opposite problem, these fruits are not recommended.

In case of poisoning

In case of food poisoning, it is not recommended to eat fresh dates, so as not to create additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract, but they will be useful as part of a compote based on dried fruits.

For digestive disorders

Dates are effective against constipation. To enhance the laxative effect, the fruits are soaked for several hours and then consumed. Fiber accelerates the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, preventing and eliminating fecal congestion.

For diarrhea, fresh dates are not recommended, but their infusion or decoction will be useful. Thus, they restore a healthy balance of water, minerals and glucose in the body, disturbed due to diarrhea.

For psoriasis

The tropical fruit is rich in:

  • calcium and sulfur;
  • iron, zinc and copper.

The health of the skin, which suffers greatly from the manifestations of psoriasis, directly depends on their content in the body. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to consume dates instead of sugar.

For the kidneys

Sweet palm fruits are an excellent prevention of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system, prevent the formation of stones, and help eliminate edema.

For hepatitis C

Dates have a beneficial effect on the liver as an antimicrobial and antiseptic that helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain. The fruits are included in the daily diet and consumed together with other dried fruits, as well as compotes prepared on their basis.

For GERD and gastroduodenitis

Gastroesophageal reflux disease requires a strict diet. Dates are shown in the form of decoctions and compotes. The fact is that in a dry and dried state, these fruits can cause gas formation, and the peel can become an irritant for the gastric mucosa. Both stimulate the reflux of swallowed food back into the esophagus.

For coughs and colds

Dates have soothing, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.
They prepare a delicious medicinal dish - dates with milk. With its help, spasms of the respiratory tract are relieved quickly and effectively, and sputum is cleared better.

For cholecystitis and other inflammations of the gallbladder

Eating dates for this pathology can reduce the severity of pain, restore metabolism and reduce inflammation of the gallbladder. The fruits are recommended to be consumed during the main meal.

For allergies

Dates, even by themselves, can be an intolerable product for the body, so if you are prone to allergies, they are not recommended.

For varicose veins

Palm fruits are rich in potassium and magnesium, making them useful for maintaining the health of the heart muscle and blood vessels. They are included in the diet for the prevention of conditions such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis and varicose veins.

For cirrhosis of the liver

Moderate consumption of dates will help remove toxins from the organ and also alleviate the symptoms of fibrosis.

When losing weight

Date fruits contain a large amount of calories, so they are recommended in cases of underweight. If you are overweight, you can use them to lose weight if you periodically include a small amount of dried fruits in your diet instead of the usual sugar. Due to their high fiber content, they will help the intestines to empty in a timely manner, so the process of losing weight will be easy and enjoyable.

How to grow a palm tree from a date seed

The uniqueness of the date palm is that it can be grown from a seed.

For reproduction to occur, it is important to choose those dried fruits that have not been subjected to heat treatment. But such a palm tree will not bear fruit

Date pits, potting soil and sprouts

Preparing and germinating the seed

Separate the seeds from the dates, rinse thoroughly and soak in warm water for a day. For better germination, you can scald the seeds with boiling water. Next, the date seeds must be placed on a layer of wet cotton wool and covered with another layer.

Place the cotton wool in a container and place it in a very warm place for germination. It is necessary to constantly moisten the cotton wool and ensure that mold does not appear. Germination may take more than one month, so you should be patient.

Soil selection and planting

When a sprout appears on the seed, it can be planted in previously prepared soil. To prepare it, take: turf, peat, sawdust and humus in equal quantities. You can also use store-bought palm substrate.

Important! Place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the container. Deepen the bone a third into the ground

Place the container with the plantings in a warm place. Make sure that the soil in the container is slightly moist. A layer of sphagnum moss can be laid on top of the soil.

Sprout care

The first shoots will appear in 1-6 months. When they grow to 10-15 centimeters, they need to be transplanted into separate pots

It is important that the pots are high, as dates grow long roots. This is followed by an annual transplant into a larger pot.

During the growth period of young plants, pruning should not be carried out, since the growth point is located at the very top. The sprouts also need to be provided with full daylight and a stable air temperature.

Growing a date palm at home is the dream of many gardeners; it can easily be made a reality, you just need to put in a little effort and patience.

Diets and proper nutrition

If you add a variety of ingredients to date jam, it will differ in its medicinal and nutritional properties.
To get the maximum benefit from dates, you need to choose them correctly. It is better if the fruits are scattered, and not stuck together in a tight package. It is important that:

  • their surface was not too shiny and did not contain sugar crystals;
  • the fruits were dark, wrinkled, but not overdried, without damage or signs of mold;
  • there was a bone inside. It is believed that such dates are more useful.

You can prepare a lot of useful things from sweet exotic fruits.

Jam or paste

  • Dates - 24 pcs.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • orange - 1 pc.

Soft dates are pitted, poured with a mixture of freshly squeezed citrus juices and crushed into puree. The jam can be used as cream for cakes and pancakes. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a month.

Composition to combat impotence, anemia and chronic fatigue

  • Dates - 10 pcs.;
  • ginger (gruel) – 1 tsp;
  • cardamom - 1/8 tsp;
  • dried saffron - 1 pinch.

Place the palm fruits in a glass jar, mix with the remaining ingredients and keep at room temperature for 2 weeks. Then eat one date every morning until your health is restored.

Decoction against sand and kidney stones

A decoction of date seeds is actively used as a folk remedy for the treatment of kidneys, stomach, and also for healing deep wounds.

  • Date pits - 6 pcs.;
  • water - 0.5 l.

The seeds should be crushed into a fine powder, add water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for another 5-7 minutes. Then set aside, and when it has steeped and cooled down, strain.

The decoction is consumed throughout the day, divided into 3 doses. The duration of treatment is individual. It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks for small stones and sand to start coming out.


In general, there are more than 1000 varieties of dates in the world. There are softer varieties and harder ones. And yet, if the fruit is very soft, crushed with your fingers like plasticine, loses its shape and integrity, then there is an excess of moisture in it.

Moisture is an ideal breeding ground for mold. So they may already contain fungal spores that are not yet visible and they can also be poisoned.

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