Tomato variety Mazarin - characteristics and description, photos, reviews

Tomato varieties that were developed almost simultaneously by two Russian agricultural companies and “Aelita” were named the same, in honor of the famous French Cardinal Mazarin. But they differ from each other in their taste, size and yield. The Mazarin tomato can grow large, sugary, gardeners get up to 15 kg from one square meter, or it can be medium in size with a regular taste. What variety is called indeterminate, what is a determinate hybrid, how to grow tomatoes in the garden, care and processing, about everything in our material.

Description and characteristics

In 2008, she developed a giant variety of tomatoes, which was named Mazarin. The tomato was called the second "Bull's Heart". The company's managers and engineers did not bother to enter their variety into the State Register, where new breeding developments are recorded.

Appearance of the Mazarin tomato

In 2012, she conducted her research and created a variety of determinate hybrids, which were also called “Mazarin”. It is these seeds that are included in the State Register of Plants.

The yield and characteristics of Mazarin tomatoes depend on which company’s seeds the gardeners use. Both options are on sale.

Characteristics and description of the Mazarin tomato variety depending on the breeding company:

  • The ripening period of the f1 hybrid "Aelita" is 94-107 days. Bush type - determinant, i.e. short, the maximum height of an adult plant does not exceed 130 cm. The first inflorescence forms 6 leaves, the subsequent ones - one or two. 5-6 fruits are formed on the hand, the average weight is 140 g. Mazarin from Aelita are suitable for canning and salads and have a sweet and sour taste.
  • Tomatoes from Biotechnika are classified as indeterminate or tall. The height of the bush can reach 3 meters. Ripen in 112-117 days. The first inflorescence forms 8-9 leaves. The first fruits reach a weight of up to 750 g, the next - 300-400 g.

Most gardeners are accustomed to thinking of Mazarin tomatoes as tomatoes from Biotechnika, although the company’s variety does not officially have that name.

Useful video

You can view the description of the Mazarin tomato variety in the following video:

In the table below you will find links to other varieties of tomatoes presented on our website and having different ripening periods:

Early ripeningMid-lateMid-early
Raspberry Viscount Yellow banana Pink Bush F1
The Tsar Bell Titanium Flamingo
Kate Slot F1 Openwork
Valentina Honey fireworks Cio Cio San
Cranberries in sugar Miracle of the marketSupermodel
Fatima gold fish Budenovka
VerliokaDe Barao black Major F1

Taste and shape of fruits

The tomato's appearance and taste depends on which Mazarins are chosen.

Variety from "Aelita"

The F1 hybrid has a distinct red color. The fruit is oblong with a sharp tip and forms four seed sections. The skin is dense and fleshy. The main advantage of the variety is its suitability for home and industrial canning.

Description of the Mazarin tomato variety from Biotechnika

The tomato is matte brown-pink, fleshy, with small seed chambers. The shape of the tomato resembles a heart and has a sharp, elongated nose. The weight of the first ovary is 770-759 g, the next fruits are 310-400 g. Tomatoes are not used for home canning; they are used for salads, lecho, and juice.

Fruits of “Mazarin” tomatoes


The Mazarin variety is considered a salad variety, but these tomatoes can be used for stuffing, stewing, making juice, sauces, and ketchups. Large fruits are suitable for pickling in barrels. When canned, tomatoes turn out tasty with a slight sourness.

Mazarin tomatoes contain many vitamins and useful elements, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium salts. The juice from these tomatoes is very healthy, it normalizes the functioning of the human nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, and improves vision.

Watch the video! Mazarin tomatoes

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Mazarin was bred for planting in the south and central regions. The indeterminate variety takes longer to ripen. For the Siberian summer, it is recommended to choose determinate varieties that technically ripen after cutting a semi-green tomato. At the same time, the tomato does not lose its taste and is suitable for canning.

If we consider the advantages and disadvantages of Mazarin tomatoes, then both varieties have many advantages. The bushes tolerate minor temperature changes well, and the fruits have good keeping quality. Tomatoes are good for inexperienced gardeners to grow. They are resistant to the main diseases of nightshades (the “Aelita” variety is also not susceptible to tobacco mosaic and black spot). They do not require careful care and bear fruit until the first frost.

The conditional disadvantages of the indeterminate variety include the need to pin and tie up the bush.

Reviews from those who planted

Having studied the reviews of gardeners and experts, we chose the most informative ones in order to fully reveal the qualities of these tomatoes.

Alexey Evgenievich, Arkhangelsk region

Alexey Sergeevich, Nizhny Novgorod

Tatyana Viktorovna, Taganrog

Alena Ivanovna, Kaluga region

Pavel Petrovich, Oryol region

Elizaveta Vladimirovna, Moscow region

Marina Fedorovna, Vologda region

Alexander Semenovich, Bryansk region

How to grow and care

The indeterminate variety has medium ripening times. In the central regions it is grown in greenhouses, in the southern regions with long, dry summers - in open ground.

Seedlings will require 2-3 pickings, since after the formation of the first leaves the plant begins to grow rapidly, a small pot will not be enough. Scheme for growing seedlings step by step:

  1. The seed is sown from February 20 in light nutrient soil with low acidity. A good option is a mixture of soil from the garden mixed with humus in a 3:1 ratio.
  2. The manufacturer recommends feeding the plant with complex fertilizers (for example, Fertikoy Lux) or using potassium compounds when sowing and during picking.
  3. Seeds are sown superficially, sprinkled with 1-1.5 cm of soil.
  4. For plant growth, a constant temperature of 23-25 ​​ºC is required; on cloudy days, the seedlings are additionally illuminated. At home you can use film or mini-greenhouses.
  5. Water the seedlings by spraying once every 3 days.
  6. They dive straight into a large container, since the plant forms a deep root system. When picking, you need to feed it with potassium fertilizer.

Many gardeners recommend hardening a tomato: at a temperature of 20 degrees, expose the seedlings to the air for several hours. Transplanting into the ground begins at the end of May, for the northern regions - planting in a greenhouse at the beginning of June.

The growth of the bush must be limited by periodically removing stepsons.

Ripening of Mazarin tomatoes

Growing seedlings of a determinate variety is much easier. Low-growing tomatoes need to be picked once; they do not require additional tying. Sowing of early ripening hybrid seedlings is carried out from March 15 to April 4. After the second leaves have grown on the stem, one pick is carried out with potassium fertilizer. Water the plant moderately.

Planting in the ground is carried out from May 15, after the cessation of night frosts. The determinate variety grows well both in greenhouses and in open ground in any region of the country. Tomatoes have time to ripen in short summer conditions.

Obtaining seedlings

Since this tomato is a fast ripening tomato, there is no need to sow the seeds too early.


The optimal age of seedlings for planting in a permanent place is no more than two months, or even better – 6 weeks. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the first brush (it is formed after the 6th leaf).

For unheated greenhouses in Central Russia, Mazarin F1 tomatoes are sown as seedlings in the middle or in the last ten days of March. Hybrid seeds sometimes take a long time to germinate, so before sowing you can treat them in a germination stimulator (Zircon, Epin Extra, Gumi, NV-1 - according to the instructions). But there is no need to treat diseases: the material has already been processed.

See also: Growing cherry tomatoes at home on a windowsill.


Author-breeders advise growing this tomato with obligatory picking (in the phase of two leaves). This is how a fibrous, branched root system is formed. On the eve of picking, it is recommended to spray young plants with an immunity stimulant (Epin Extra, Zircon). Then they will more successfully endure the inevitable microtraumas.

The growing period of seedlings of this hybrid is quite short, so feeding may not be necessary. In case of excessive stretching, it is useful to correct the development with the drug Atlet (three times, according to the instructions).

Transplantation into the ground

Indeterminate Mazarin will require more careful care, while the “Aelita” variety is unpretentious.

How to plant tall bushes step by step:

  1. Plant 3 bushes per 1 sq.m. If you plant more densely, the yield will decrease by 30%.
  2. The soil should be loosened well and holes should be formed.
  3. Pour 1 tbsp into each hole. a spoonful of calcium sulfate and superphosphate (mix fertilizers in advance).
  4. Plant the plants in the hole and water.

Subsequently, the manufacturer recommends watering the Mazarin indeterminate variety only during severe drought. The plant forms a powerful deep root and is able to provide itself with water on its own. If you water frequently, the bush may rot.

Molding Features:

  • In temperate climates, the bush is formed into two stems.
  • If tomatoes are grown in a difficult climate, shoot them so that only one stem remains.
  • 3-4 brushes are left on the trunk. After the last brush is formed, 1-2 leaves are retreated from the top and the top is pinched. This will stop the growth of the trunk, the fruit will form faster and will be much juicier.

Growing a determinate variety is much easier. Planting in the ground allows the placement of 4-5 bushes per 1 sq.m. Watering is carried out after the top layer has dried to a depth of 1 cm. Determinate Mazarin does not have a well-developed root system and requires systematic hilling and watering.

Feed with complex fertilizer for tomatoes. Fertilizer is applied once every 2 weeks during the ripening period. The main advantage of the determinate Mazarin tomato is that it does not require staking; the harvest takes place as the fruits ripen.

Stepping is carried out up to the first hand. If you remove all the third and fourth branches from the bush, there will be few fruits. At the beginning of August, it is necessary to remove all the inflorescences: the tomato will continue to bloom until the first frost, but the fruit will not have time to form.

Tomatoes “Mazarin”


In closed ground, place 4 plants per square meter. In street ridges and greenhouses it is permissible to make them a little thicker - 5 pieces for the same area. The plants are powerful, productive, with a massive growth of the first wave of ovaries, with prolonged fruiting. They require increased nutrition.

Acidic soils are necessarily deacidified in the previous season. When planting, place a tablespoon of complex fertilizer (with a large mass fraction of superphosphate), a teaspoon of potassium magnesia or Mag-Boron, two liters of rotted humus or compost, and a handful of wood ash into the hole. All fertilizers are thoroughly mixed with the soil.

On the eve of transplantation, it is useful to again treat the tomatoes with immune preparations (Epin Extra, Zircon, etc.). After planting and watering, it is advisable to mulch the soil. It is recommended to tie it up immediately.

How to protect against pests and diseases

During the flowering period, the main pest of tomatoes is the cotton bollworm. The butterfly makes an ovipositor on flowers or leaves. After emerging, the larva quickly penetrates the developing fruit and destroys it. The cutworm is a common pest of nightshade plants that grow in open ground, but the butterfly can also fly into a greenhouse.

To combat the pest, use the drug MATCH, which is sprayed on shoots, leaves and flowers. If there is a large concentration of butterflies, treat tomatoes once every 14 days. MATCH is diluted in the proportions specified by the manufacturer.

To protect against aphids and cicadas, which massively infect tomatoes in open ground, use the Aktara solution. The first watering is carried out on empty soil 2 days before planting seedlings. This will protect nightshades from the Colorado potato beetle and soil pests for 30 days. A month later, the tomatoes are sprayed with insecticides.

Tomato blight (late blight) is a major disease that leads to significant yield loss. The drug “Quadris” allows you to prevent the development of the disease. The first treatment is carried out after rooting the seedlings in the ground. 6 ml of solution is required per 1 sq.m.

In the second half of the season, when the plant is actively forming and filling fruits, treatment is carried out with contact preparations of the “Bravo” type (3 ml per 1 sq.m.). The product prevents the development of alternaria and anthracnose.

History of selection

This variety of tomato was named after Cardinal Giulio Mazarin. He introduced this variety of vegetable to France during the Civil War (1618-1648). The Frenchman had a small pointed beard on his face and rather long hair on his head, and the fruits of the Mazarin species have a regular cone shape, which makes the name of the variety very appropriate.

Due to the unusual shape and excellent taste of tomatoes, this variety has become quite popular among Russian summer residents. Today it is one of the five most common types of tomato.

Ripening and yield

The ripening time for both varieties is approximately the same. For Mazarin from "Aelita" 95 days are needed after seed germination, for an indeterminate tall variety - 115 days. The first fruits ripen in early July, the last ovary, if properly planted, produces a large and juicy fruit in early September.

After ovary, tomatoes grow intensively for 25-30 days. In warm regions, the ripening period is 20-25 days, if the summer is cold - up to 40 days. A special feature of the variety is that after cutting, ripening occurs within 3-7 days.

The yield of the indeterminate variety reaches 14 kg per 1 sq.m., while the low-growing Mazarin variety yields up to 7-9 kg. Both varieties tolerate transportation and storage well.

Reviews from gardeners consist mostly of positive reviews about the Mazarin tomato. Rapid ripening is noted even in cold summers and the tomatoes are resistant to pests and diseases of the nightshade family.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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