51 of the earliest varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Early-ripening tomatoes are those whose fruits reach a state of technical ripeness more than 95 days after the appearance of full shoots. The earliest varieties of tomatoes (usually low-growing, small-fruited varieties) are able to bear fruit as early as 75 days. The owner of a plot located in the Moscow region, having sowed the seeds of early varieties of tomatoes in early March, under favorable weather conditions and compliance with agrotechnical rules, can begin harvesting in June.

Some early varieties of tomatoes are able to bear fruit as early as 75 days

Our article is devoted to just such varieties of popular culture, their biological characteristics and the specifics of cultivation.

Features of ultra-early tomatoes

This group includes hybrid forms and varieties with fruit ripening periods of 80-95 days. There are unique ones whose tomatoes are ready for harvest in 77-79 days.


  • ultra-early ripening plants are usually low plants, standard type, height does not exceed 50 cm;
  • in the group of early tomatoes there are many medium-sized representatives, with a stem height of about 80-90 cm;
  • tomato harvest rates for varieties of this group are lower than for tall mid-season and late varieties;
  • The fruit taste of most early tomatoes is satisfactory. There is sourness, which is explained by the low sugar content in the pulp. Ripening in a short time, often in the cool first months of summer, these fruits do not have time to gain the required level of sweetness.

The “trick” of ultra-early species is different – ​​early harvest (for summer salads), unpretentiousness, resistance to adverse weather factors. They manage to “escape” from the dangerous late blight, without causing gardeners the hassle of spraying and treating fungi.

Breeders have developed early varieties and hybrids with large fruits, although the majority of plants in this group produce tomatoes weighing 60-100 grams. Early ripening plants are suitable for open ground, for areas with harsh climatic conditions, where tall late ripening plants do not have time to ripen.

Selection principles

First you need to decide on the landing site. The selection of varieties will depend on where you plan to grow tomatoes - in a greenhouse or outdoors (in a garden bed, in a greenhouse).

Greenhouse conditions

In closed ground it is beneficial to use all the useful height and long-term heat. Here we need tall bushes with a long fruiting period, resistant to diseases. Two groups meet these conditions:

  • early ripening indeterminate and semi-determinate hybrids;
  • long stem cherry trees.

Sometimes compactors—super-determinate varieties—are planted along the outer edge of greenhouse beds as a border.

Open ground

How to choose early varieties of tomatoes for open ground?
In cases where the owner has the opportunity to tie up the plants well and devote time to moderate pinching, it makes sense to grow semi-determinate varieties and hybrids - they are more productive.

Determinate and super-determinate plants require minimal attention. Some standard forms do not even need a garter. Sometimes they are planted up to the first cluster for the earliest possible ripening, but they can do without shaping. The lowest-growing tomatoes produce little return from the bush, so it is more profitable to place them more densely - up to 9 pieces per square meter.

Determinants themselves limit their growth and do not need pinching of the tops in August. They literally “run away” from infections, forming crops before late blight and other pathogens become rampant. Ultra-early ripening low-growing varieties quickly free up beds for replanting (greens, radishes, green manure, etc.).

Even in northern farming zones, the earliest varieties of tomatoes successfully bear fruit. They are the main focus in harsh regions with short summers.

Culinary purpose

For the sake of an early harvest, you have to put up with the fact that early-ripening tomatoes cannot be very large and fleshy. Many of them have thin skin and watery pulp; they burst when salted (pickled) in a hot way.

For whole-fruit canning, you need to select cherry or plum-shaped tomatoes - they are denser. Hybrids are also a good option - they are usually a bit harsh in salads, but good in pickling.

How to choose the right sowing time

Inexperienced summer residents mistakenly believe that the sooner you sow tomatoes for seedlings, the faster you will get the fruits. But in fact, it is necessary to accurately calculate the timing, taking into account a number of factors:

  • ripening time of a particular variety;
  • climate of the area (the onset of stable heat, warming of the soil);
  • The planned place for growing the crop is in a greenhouse or on open ground ridges.

Seedlings 60 days old (on average) are suitable for planting. If the expected date for planting seedlings in a permanent place is the end of May, then count back two months and add another week for germination. It turns out that the approximate sowing time is March 20-22. When planting late (for example, in the European North), where stable warmth is established in early June, the seeds are sown in early April.

Video: early tomatoes in Barnaul beds

In recent years and decades, breeding scientists have been actively developing tomatoes with an ever shorter ripening period. The success of their work can be seen in the constantly expanding range of offered varieties of early ripening tomatoes. You can always choose the most suitable tomato for any growing location.

  • Author: Larisa Zaporozhchenko
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Review of ultra-early varieties

The group of early ripening birds is constantly replenished. Selection moves forward, offering summer residents interesting types of early ripening.


Presented on the market, it produces a harvest within 80 days. Suitable for cutting into salads, tasty and juicy tomato. The fruits are large, smooth, up to 200 grams. For better performance, it is advisable to remove the stepsons and lead into 1 trunk.

Vasilyevna F1

The Vasilievna hybrid gives a good harvest, up to 8-10 kg per square meter. meters. Tomatoes ripen quickly, after 90 days. The taste of tomatoes is excellent, which is rare for early hybrid varieties. The color is red, there is slight ribbing.


On the low growing bushes of this tomato, fruits weighing 50-80 grams ripen. Terms – 80 days. The variety is usually cultivated directly on the beds, and also bears fruit well under film covers. Fees - 7-8 kg per square meter.


Tomato is presented agro. A fairly early, standard-type variety that grows well in open ground. Fruits in the technical maturity phase can be harvested after 88-90 days. It is not susceptible to disease and tolerates cold weather well. The fruits are dense, 100-130 grams each, intended for any type of processing.

F1 President

The tomato with the obliging name is large, early (80 days), semi-determinate. It is advisable to grow in shelters, as yields are higher. Tomatoes are bright red in color, with thick skin. Weight: 200-250 grams, formed with brushes.


Only 95 days and you can harvest your first tomatoes! The variety is productive and suitable for planting outdoors. Height – 50-60 cm, with elongated tomatoes and cream.

On a note! A tomato from the group of generalists, it stands out for its friendly yield of fruits.


An early and unpretentious species from the category of determinate varieties. Grows up to 50 cm, produces orange tomatoes. In any summer, fruits are formed on Zero; yield indicators do not decline even in an unfavorable season. The fruits weigh about 150-170 grams.

Determinate or indeterminate

  • Determinant These are plants whose main stem stops growing after the first 4-5 clusters have set.
    Determinate varieties are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.

    Removal of stepsons is carried out at will, to obtain a more friendly harvest. In areas with a cold climate and short summers, super-early determinate varieties of tomatoes are recommended to be grown in protected soil.

    There are a large number of varieties of determinate super-early ripening, super-early tomatoes. This is due to the fact that low-growing plants spend less energy on the growth of stems, branches, and leaves, and spend more energy on setting fruits and ripening the crop.

  • Indeterminate varieties continue to grow throughout the life of the plant.
    They require mandatory tying of stems and pinching. More often, indeterminate varieties are grown in greenhouses. In regions with warm climates, they grow well in open ground on a trellis. Prominent representatives of indeterminate early ripening tomatoes are raceme and Cherry varieties - “Kira” F1, “Samara” F1, “Forte Mare” F1, “Grozdevoy” F1 and many others.

The best ultra-early tomatoes depending on the type of planting

The list of ultra-early tomatoes includes varieties that successfully bear fruit in shelters and on ridges. Gardeners themselves select the most suitable tomatoes, based on their conditions. For those who find it difficult to figure out where to land, station wagons have been introduced.


It is recommended to grow early, medium-sized types of tomatoes in film or polycarbonate shelters. This makes it possible to rationally use the area of ​​greenhouses and provide comfortable conditions for plants.

Mandarin duck

Belongs to the group of raceme species, the fruits hang in abundance from the branches. Tomatoes weigh 70-100 grams. The color is orange, the pulp is very juicy, with a small number of seeds. Intended for fresh consumption; when preserved, the skin often bursts.

Glow F1

Gardeners from different regions praise this variety for its stable early fruit harvest and unpretentiousness. Tomatoes at full ripeness are bright pink with a raspberry tint. They weigh 120-150 grams. They note good taste, keeping quality, and suitability for long-term transportation.


An early tomato that turns yellow-green when fully ripe. Tomatoes 200-22 grams, good taste with pronounced sweetness. Recommended for planting in polycarbonate greenhouses; the fruits are ready for harvest after 90 days.

On a note! It is advisable not to overexpose tomatoes on the bushes, as the taste of the fruit deteriorates.

Sugar plum

Tomato from agro, early (90 days), with original beautiful fruits. 3-3.5 kg of tomatoes are collected from a bush. The taste is good, without sourness. Tomatoes weigh 40-50 grams, suitable for packing whole into jars.

Ground tomatoes

In the garden beds, early tomatoes are the “kings”, as they quickly grow, set tomatoes and quickly produce a harvest.


The description of this variety specifically mentions early fruit harvest and abundant harvest. Tomatoes ripen in 87-90 days and are used for processing, for salads, and fresh for food.

The plant is small in height (up to 40 cm), does not need to remove stepsons, and is unpretentious in care. It is advisable to plant bushes densely, 8-9 pieces per square meter. From such an area, up to 6-6.5 kg of tomatoes are harvested.


Representative of the first generation Dutch hybrids. In Russian conditions, it has shown itself to be a very productive tomato, little susceptible to infections.

Tomatoes resemble cream: dense, elongated, weighing 50-70 grams. It is advisable to let the fruits ripen on the bush, then the fruits will be sweeter, without sourness.

Hybrid feature:

  • resistance to late blight;
  • suitability for transportation;
  • keeping quality.


A popular variety among gardeners, it is characterized by high yield and resistance to rot (root, crown). The tomatoes are very dense, 100 grams each. Tasty fresh, suitable for making juice and paste.

Far North

A variety for beginners and those who, due to their work schedule, cannot devote much time to planting. A standard tomato yields up to 2-3 kg per bush; the tomatoes are dense and weigh 60-90 grams. Red fruits are tasty in salads and suitable for canning (even whole). The height of the bush is 40-50 cm, the stepsons do not need to be removed.


Tomatoes are ready for harvest after 80 days. Bushes up to 60 cm, medium foliage. The fruits are spherical in shape, orange-red, and have four chambers inside. A sweet and tasty tomato with a dry matter content of about 7.8% grows well in the garden.


These tomatoes grow successfully in beds and produce high yields in shelters.


The tomato is small in height (up to 40 cm) and has an excellent fruit taste. Tomatoes are red when fully ripe and weigh approximately 120-160 grams. The main purpose of the variety is cutting into salads. When planting on ridges, pinching is not necessary; when grown in shelters, they form 2-3 stems. Productivity: 2-3 kg of fruit per bush.

F1 doll

The hybrid is popular in many regions. Causes:

  • productive (3 kg per bush);
  • unpretentious;
  • early ripening (80-85 days);
  • large fruits – up to 200 grams.

Late blight is not susceptible. The tomatoes set and ripen together, and in the greenhouse they quickly turn red on the bushes.

Ultra early ripening

Bred in Siberia, recommended for cultivation in beds and in film shelters. Ripening time is 80 days, and in such a short period of time it forms fruits with good tomato taste. Tomatoes weigh about 90-100 grams, red, with fleshy pulp. 6-6.2 kg are harvested per square meter of plantings.

Early varieties for balconies

Good harvests of early tomatoes are harvested when special “domestic” varieties are planted. Such tomatoes can be grown all year round, but spring planting is still more acceptable and convenient.

  1. Indoor pygmy. The bushes are 25-30 cm high, and at the moment of fruiting they are strewn with tiny red tomatoes. Each weight is 25-27 grams, the taste is good, with a characteristic sweetness. In terms of timing, the tomato is early, 80 days before harvesting the fruit from the shoots. Tomatoes are used fresh, for dessert and for decorating dishes.
  2. Snowfinch. A very early tomato from Biotechnika, suitable for planting on the balcony (boxes, containers), as well as in the garden. The fruits are harvested after 90 days. The tomatoes are dense, quite weighty, 150-180 grams each. The plants are small, only 30-40 cm long, in trunks. There is no need to remove stepsons; maintenance is minimal.
  3. Pinocchio. An early ripe tomato for planting on a balcony or on a windowsill indoors. Fruit harvesting occurs in 85-87 days. Standard type plants with beautiful curly leaves. At the fruiting stage, the bushes are very decorative. Tomatoes with shiny skin, smooth, weighing 20 grams. 1-1.8 kg of tomatoes are removed from each bush.

On a note! The variety is included in the catalog of the State Register of the Russian Federation.


The medium-fruited category officially includes tomatoes weighing 60-100 g. But this classification is behind the times; gardeners and most agricultural firms classify tomatoes weighing up to 150 g as such.

This is the most numerous and popular group, including the earliest varieties of tomatoes. They are the first to reach the table and are suitable for canning whole fruits, pickling, and making juices.

Andromeda F1

An excellent early commercial hybrid. Created by A. A. Mashtakov specifically for open beds, it was included in the State Register in 1998. It ripens 89-118 days after the seeds are pecked.

Forms a determinate, semi-spreading bush 70 cm high with grayish-green leaves. Red tomatoes are flat-round, with a smooth surface, 4-5 chambers, weighing 70-120 g. Productivity is higher than standards, up to 12 kg/m. sq. The hybrid is valued for its good taste and adaptability to changing weather conditions.


The variety of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing", in the State Register since 1997. The Dubrava tomato is recommended for private subsidiary plots and small farmers. Grown in open ground, known as Oak.

Early, determinate, 40-60 cm high. The tomatoes are round, smooth, red, weighing 50-110 g, suitable for canning whole. From 1 sq.m. 8-12.5 kg are collected.

Pickling miracle

The new productive tomato, Salting Miracle, belongs to agro breeding, in the State Register since 2022. Early hybrid, superdeterminate, up to 60 cm tall. The fruits are slightly ribbed, red, tasty, dense, one-dimensional cream weighing 95 g.

Productivity – up to 11 kg per square meter. m. Purpose – fresh consumption, canning of whole fruits. You can salt it with the stalks. Keeping quality and transportability are high.


Tomatoes from agro, accepted by the State Register in 2008. Determinate early hybrid, up to 80 cm tall.

The originator recommends planting 30-35-day-old seedlings in 2-3 trunks.

The tomato yields a harvest, forms flat-round red fruits weighing 80-100 g, suitable for whole canning and fresh salads. Productivity is about 11 kg/m2. Resistance to fusarium and mosaic is high.


The authorship belongs to Yu. I. Panchev, the year of adoption by the State Register is 2003. The ultra-early tomato Sanka begins to bear fruit 75-85 days after germination. Created for the Central Chernobyl Region, but gained extraordinary popularity when grown in gardens in all regions.

Super-determinate, stretches to a maximum of 60 cm, the bush often falls apart, unable to withstand the weight of the crop. Round, smooth-skinned, red tomatoes weighing 80-100 g are sweet and sour, suitable for any processing, fresh salads. From 1 sq. m harvested about 10, and with satisfactory care - up to 15 kg.

Manages to produce the main harvest before the massive development of late blight.

Ultra-early, low-growing varieties by region

Experienced gardeners prefer to plant zoned varieties in plots. They are better adapted to local conditions and produce higher yields of fruit.

For Siberia and the Urals

For this harsh region, ultra-early tomatoes are a salvation, since in an unpredictable climate they will always delight you with delicious fruits.

Bulat F1

An ultra-early hybrid, very unpretentious, resistant to all tomato diseases. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm, forms 5-7 fruits in a cluster. The color is red, the shape is round, with a dense structure. They weigh 120-140 grams. These tomatoes are suitable for storage and transportation. With full care, 12-15 kg of plantings are collected per square meter.

Petrusha the gardener

This variety was bred in Altai and adapted to the difficult climate of Siberia. Ripens after 90 days, ripens well indoors. The bushes grow up to half a meter, have few leaves, without pinching.

On a note! The plant needs support, otherwise the bushes will fall on their sides under the weight of the tomatoes.

The tomatoes are bright red, elongated, weighing 150-180 grams. The sugar content of the pulp of this early variety is surprising, which is not typical for early tomatoes.


It is unlikely that any gardener has not heard about this variety of tomatoes. The shuttle is a favorite of many, as it has a number of advantages:

  • short;
  • not requiring removal of stepsons;
  • early (80-82 days);
  • cold-resistant.

Tomatoes with a “spout”, dense, weigh 90-100 grams. This is one of the few varieties that is good in canned whole fruit and in salads.


An analogue of the Bullfinch variety, the same early, productive and easy-to-care tomato. They are planted in a dense planting, so the tomato harvest will be higher. Bushes of small height, 40 cm each, are quite suitable for growing in pots at home.

For those who want to get their tomatoes early, this variety is perfect. The fruits are round in shape, with a thin shell and dense pulp. Tasty, but slightly sour. They weigh 170-200 grams.

For the Moscow region

In the milder climate of the middle zone, early standard-type tomatoes, determinate and tall indets are grown


This variety is valued for its successful combination of short height and large fruits. Tomatoes grow up to 200 grams, individual specimens - up to 270-300 grams. Bushes 40-45 cm high, sparsely leafy. Suitable for planting in beds and shelters.

The harvest is quick (85-88 days), the fruits are tasty and fleshy. When preserved, the skin does not burst; when cut into slices in the marinade, the tomatoes retain their shape.


The baby grows in garden beds, bears fruit abundantly and does not require special care. Unpretentious, with good yield indicators for a low-growing tomato - up to 5 kg per square meter. The tomatoes are very fleshy, sweet, weigh 70-80 grams. They are mainly used for juices, pastas, and purees. Harvests in any summer.

Tomatoes for North-West Russia

For the capricious humid climate of these regions, many varieties of early ripening have been bred.


The originator of the variety is . The tomato is adapted to temperate climates and grows well in beds. The bushes are compact, up to 40-45 cm high. Tomatoes are ready for harvest after 85 days. 1.5-2 kg of fruits are removed from the bush. To improve performance, bushes are planted densely, with 7-9 plants per square meter. The fruits are slightly elongated, rich red in color, weigh 40 grams. The tomato is lightweight and suitable for transportation.

Mongolian dwarf

This amazing bush does not grow upward, but spreads along the surface of the soil. The length of the stem is about 30 cm. 4-7 clusters with fruits of good tomato taste are tied on the branches. They weigh 160-200 grams, suitable for salads and fresh food.

On a note! The variety is purchased from collectors, since agricultural companies do not produce Mongolian dwarf seeds.


A well-known tomato among summer residents, suitable for growing in regions with a temperate climate. Compact bushes are strewn with red fruits during the fruiting period.

The height of the plants does not exceed 35 cm. It is characterized by strong foliage and therefore looks like a miniature Christmas tree. In simple inflorescences 4-6 fruits are formed. The variety is resistant to cold snaps and bears fruit even in cool summers.


On bushes about a meter high, an abundant number of ovaries are formed. The fruits ripen after 90 days and weigh 100-130 grams. The pink skin is thin but dense and cannot be felt when eating. The pulp is juicy and sweet. The variety is used for processing (it produces delicious juice and puree) and for salads.

Early tomatoes for Ukraine

The climate allows for growing tomatoes of different fruiting periods, but ultra-early ones are also held in high esteem.

Among them:

  • Don Juan is an increasingly popular variety with fruits of an original color. Oval tomatoes, as they mature, acquire a crimson color with yellow golden stripes. Ripens early, after 88-90 days. Looks great in assorted dishes, suitable for preparing salads and sauces;
  • Cupid - grown in the gardens of summer residents, as well as on farms. An unpretentious tomato that quickly adapts to any area. The tomatoes are round in shape, weigh 120 grams, and are suitable for any processing.

Subtleties of agricultural technology

Caring for early varieties of tomatoes has its own characteristics.

  • Early ripening vegetables should not be given too much nitrogen fertilizer after planting the flower cluster. The emphasis is on phosphorus, potassium and other mineral elements (boron, magnesium, iodine).
  • Tall bushes are planted with 1-2 stems, removing the remaining branches.
  • Semi-determinate plants in greenhouses sometimes mature too early. To extend the growing season, you need to preserve the upper stepson - it will continue to grow.
  • It is not recommended to plant short forms above the first brush. A branched top will produce a more abundant harvest. Planting below the first ovary will speed up its maturation. It is also advisable to remove competitive shoots growing from the ground at the base of the main stem.
  • To protect against diseases, biological preparations (such as Fitosporin) are usually sufficient.

Large-fruited early tomatoes

Among the early ripening varieties, many varieties and hybrid forms have appeared, characterized by large-fruited fruits. It is advisable to pick the fruits in a state of technical ripeness, so that they ripen at home, and other batches of tomatoes have time to form on the bushes.

Variety (hybrid)Ripening time (days)Fruit weight (grams), colorFeatures of the variety
Igranda95-100120-130, redResistant to major tomato diseases
Alsou85-90300-400 (up to 500), redSalad tomato, also makes delicious juices and purees
Fat Jack88-90200-300, redEasy to care for. With partial pinching, the ripening time of fruits is reduced
Big Mama80-90250-350, redThe fruits are tasty and juicy. Used for salads, juices
Darling F190150-180, redDoes not require removal of stepsons, requires supports to support the hands
Raspberry Viscount90-95200-400, raspberryNot susceptible to late blight
Tourmaline80-100200-250, red with a pinkish tintResistant to fruit cracking
Russian delicious90-95 days200-300, redFruits more abundantly in greenhouses
Pride of Siberia80-90300-400, up to 700, redSalad type

Varieties of early varieties

Early tomatoes differ from others in their resistance to diseases and quick yield. Such varieties should be selected in the conditions of the Urals, Siberia and in those areas where rains begin in the fall.

According to the speed of maturation

Classification of tomatoes according to ripening speed:

  • Ultra-early tomatoes - fruits ripen 70-85 days after emergence;
  • Early ripening tomatoes - the fruits are ready for consumption 90-95 days after germination;
  • Mid-early tomatoes - fruits ripen 100-103 days after emergence.

Early tomatoes are considered to be those that begin to ripen 70-99 days after germination. 100-115 days are already mid-early.

By type of growth

According to the type of growth, tomatoes are divided into:

  • Determinate varieties. These are low-growing tomatoes that do not expend effort on increasing leaf mass, but are focused on quickly producing maximum yield.
  • Indeterminate ones continue to grow after fruiting. They need to be planted so that there are more tomatoes. These are mainly tall greenhouse varieties.

Ultra-early tomato varieties of Dutch selection

In the vast expanses of Russia, gardeners successfully grow foreign hybrids, among which the favorites are tomatoes of Dutch selection.

The best varieties:

  1. Shedy Lady F1 is distinguished by its compact bush size and large fruit. Plants up to 50-60 cm high, with large leaves. The fruits are dense, weighing 180-200 grams. The first tomatoes are harvested after 85-90 days. The fruits are suitable for processing. Originator – Nunhems company;
  2. Donald F1 is a very early hybrid and belongs to the raceme tomatoes. The fruits are 45-60 grams, red in color and excellent taste. The plants are not tall; there is no need to remove shoots. Originator – Nunhems agricultural company;
  3. Elegro F1 - suitable for planting in beds and greenhouses. The harvest is stable, the fruits form and ripen together. The tomatoes are bright red in color and weigh 200-250 grams. They ripen in 80-90 days. Originator – Seminis agricultural company;
  4. Polbig is a cold-resistant tomato, productive and easy to care for. Recommended for beginner gardeners. Yields 6-7 kg of tomatoes per 1 sq. meters. The fruits are bright red, do not crack, with glossy skin. They weigh 20-220 grams. Inside there is fleshy pulp, few seeds. Presented on the market by Bejo Zaden;
  5. Sunrise is a productive hybrid with dense fruits of equal size and weight (240-260 grams). The bushes are low, up to half a meter, and require tying to supports at the fruiting stage. The hybrid was bred by Monsanto breeders;
  6. Debut is another early tomato from Monsanto, notable for its productivity and large fruits. The weight of tomatoes is up to 230-250 grams, they ripen in 90 days. The hybrid is included in the list of the State Register of the Russian Federation;
  7. Polfast, a hybrid from Bejo Zaden, has shown excellent productivity in various regions of the Russian Federation. Tomatoes with slight ribbing, 100-140 grams, good rich taste. Miniature bushes 50-60 cm high are planted densely, 7-9 plants per square meter. From such an area, 6.2-7 kg of fruits are collected.

Ultra-early and early-ripening tomatoes are grown everywhere. Thanks to the work of breeders, gardeners can choose varieties with large fruits, high yields, and easy to care for.

Tomato Don Juan

An early-ripening tomato variety of Russian selection for open ground.

The bush is determinate, low-growing (up to 60-70 cm in height). The plant is unpretentious, but has low frost resistance. Possibility of tying to a support and moderate pinching. The leaves are large, rich green, matte. Resistant to late blight.

Ripening period is 90-100 days. Productivity – 5-8 kg per plant.

The fruits are oval-shaped with “spouts,” bright crimson in color with yellow wavy stripes, dense, fleshy, and have excellent taste. Fruit weight – 70-80 g. Intended for fresh consumption and whole-fruit canning. Transportability and keeping quality are excellent.

From the reviews of summer residents : “Very original-looking tomatoes, they can be used both for salads and for winter preparations,” “good tomatoes, productive, the taste is not inferior to their appearance,” “I tried it for the first time, and really liked it, I will continue to grow "

Varieties and hybrids

Varietal vegetables retain their characteristic parental characteristics and reproduce by seeds collected from them.

Hybrids are designated by the F1 sign next to the name and come from the systematic crossing of different varieties to consolidate certain characteristics. Disease resistance is good, productivity is high. The seeds obtained from them do not retain the dignity of the parents.

Classification by growth type

  • Superdeterminant. Growth stops after the formation of the third brush.
  • Standard ones. Dense compact bush, strong trunk allows cultivation without supports or garters.
  • Determinant. Weak-growing, up to 5 flower clusters are laid.
  • Semi-determinant. The maximum number of fruit clusters is up to 12.
  • Indeterminate. Growth is unlimited. The rate of flowering and formation of ovaries will be extended until the end of the growing season.

For regions with short daylight hours, it is advisable to choose an assortment from the first three groups. They will ensure rapid production of a full harvest at the beginning of the summer season and avoid mass damage by late blight during fruiting.

The earliest ripening tomatoes

Early-ripening tomatoes are popular among gardeners - some of them begin to bear fruit within 80-85 days after planting . You don’t have to wait 4-5 months to enjoy fresh vegetables. Below we will look at the most popular varieties of such tomatoes.

The most delicious varieties of tomatoes

The taste of a vegetable is one of the main criteria for choosing a variety. Some tomatoes have a sweet taste, others are sour . Be that as it may, every summer resident wants to grow the most delicious crop.

The top 5 most delicious varieties look like this:

  • Valentina;
  • Blagovest;
  • Aphrodite;
  • Far North;
  • Gina.

The sweetest

Lovers of sweet and juicy tomatoes give the palm to varieties:

  • Golden brush;
  • Sugar plum raspberry;
  • Superstar;
  • Sweet bunch;
  • Mushroom basket.

The earliest varieties for balconies and rooms

If you don’t have your own plot of land on which to plant tomatoes, this is not a reason to be left without fresh tomatoes.

Many varieties feel great on balconies and indoors:

  • Minibel;
  • Room surprise;
  • indoor pygmy;
  • Snowfinch;
  • Garden pearl.

The highest yielding varieties

Will delight you with a rich and stable harvest:

  • Doll;
  • Cupid;
  • Sanka;
  • Sweet bunch;
  • Supermodel.

Tall large-fruited varieties

In open ground you can get a good harvest from tall tomatoes (indeterminate and determinate), but such plants will require special care. Varieties that have early fruiting are suitable, since the tomatoes must have time to form before the onset of unfavorable weather and cold weather. They are harvested green, in a state of technical ripeness; they will reach full maturity in boxes or crates at home.

The advantages of such “giants” are their productivity, as well as the opportunity to get large fruits.


There is another name for the seeds of this variety - Sevruga. The tomato was bred in Siberia and has a powerful bush up to 130 cm. The tomatoes are large, heart-shaped, weighing 800-900 grams. The color is bright crimson. Very tasty and juicy fruits, few seeds.

Big Beef

An early indeterminate tomato variety with fruits of about 250 grams. The height of a powerful bush can reach 150 cm in ridges (in a greenhouse it will be higher). The hybrid was bred in Holland and has proven itself well in open ground, but it still gives the best results in Siberia and the Urals in greenhouses.

Three fat men

If you want to grow bigger tomatoes, choose Three Fat Men. This variety was bred in Altai and has large red fruits weighing about 600-800 grams.

The bush grows up to one and a half meters; intensive feeding and pinching are required. Tomatoes are very tasty and have a universal purpose. Advantage: high fruit set, excellent yield even under unfavorable conditions.

Altai yellow

An unpretentious tall variety that shows good results in open ground. Indet, height – 180-200 cm, with fruits weighing about 500-600 grams. The tomatoes are orange, the taste is high. Used mainly for salads. Tomatoes contain a large amount of sugars and beta-carotene.

The variety is very resistant to diseases.


Another variety of tomatoes, Orange, will delight you with tasty, juicy fruits, each weighing about 250 grams. Tomatoes have a pleasant taste, juicy, sweet pulp with a barely noticeable sourness.

The height of the bush is 150-160 cm; supports are required. Ripening occurs after 115 days, that is, Orange is a mid-ripening variety.

Advantages and disadvantages of large tomatoes

Now let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of large-fruited varieties of tomatoes.

The advantages of growing large-fruited fleshy tomatoes include:

  • Fruit sizes;
  • Juiciness, meatiness, taste;
  • Versatility: you can prepare salads, process it into ketchup, sauce.

The disadvantages of large tomatoes include:

  • Shorter shelf life;
  • Low commercial value due to appearance;
  • Tomatoes often crack;
  • Cannot be used for canning or freezing.

Characteristics by culinary purpose and color

  • For fresh consumption – juicy “salad” vegetables.
  • For processing - they contain few seeds, for making juices and sauces.
  • For canning – small tomatoes, thick skin.
  • Universal purpose.

By color: groups of tomatoes with traditional red, pink and yellow colors. Purple, black and green beauties are characterized by a high content of useful elements.

The earliest high-yielding varieties

The combination of ultra-earliness and yield characteristics is important for choosing varieties in regions with difficult growing conditions. As a rule, among these tomatoes there are no large-fruited ones, but they do not require a lot of time and effort to care for, do not get sick and produce a crop at the same time in any weather conditions. There are many such varieties, among them the following can be distinguished:

  • Aelita Sanka is compact, no higher than 50 cm in height. Produces up to 4 kg of fruits per bush in 65-75 days;
  • Pink Bush F1 is a super-class “guest” hybrid from Japan, one of the leaders in yield among low-growing pink tomatoes, adapted for growing in open ground;
  • Turbojet - a new variety with bushes only 40 cm high, dotted with numerous fruits weighing 50-70 g;
  • the above-mentioned varieties Kukla F1, Don Juan are surprisingly productive in the category of low species. With proper agricultural technology, they produce up to 8 kg of tomatoes per plant.

Main characteristics of tomatoes for the garden

When choosing tomatoes for growing outdoors, you need to consider a number of factors. In the middle zone, and even more so in the northern regions, tomatoes that will be maximally adapted to such conditions are suitable for planting on ridges.

This means they must be:

  • cold-resistant;
  • early ripening;
  • resistant to various diseases and pests.

The taste and size of the fruit are of no small importance.

ON A NOTE! Many gardeners quite rightly believe that self-pollinating tomatoes grown in garden beds are much tastier than their greenhouse counterparts.

The favorites will be low-growing, early-ripening varieties that form compact bushes that do not require pinching. They are easier to care for (you just need to install small support pegs), and the variety of types will allow you to choose the right size and color of tomatoes. Among modern “short” tomatoes there are very productive determinate varieties of tomatoes, large-fruited ones, and popular cherry tomatoes.

Indeterminate tomatoes in open ground are recommended to be grown in the south, as they have unlimited growth and medium-late or late ripening. Although today early indets have been bred, from which, in the short summer season, a good harvest can be harvested.

A large selection of ground tomatoes is offered by Siberian breeders, who are very fruitfully working on developing new varieties and hybrids. The priority is to breed tomatoes that have high immunity, tasty and sweet fruits, and early ripening.

Our review will present various groups (including the newest varieties), so based on the criteria, you can find out which tomatoes to plant in open ground, their description, characteristics, and features.

The best varieties for growing in Russia

Our country is huge, and therefore its climatic conditions are varied. Some regions are famous for their warm climate and fertile soil, while others have unstable weather conditions and lack of sunlight.

In this regard, agronomist breeders have developed special varieties that take root in any climate and at the same time bring a good harvest.

Leaders are considered:

  • Ground Gribovsky;
  • Red Arrow;
  • Gina;
  • Solar;
  • Doris.

For Siberia and the Urals

For gardeners in these regions, we recommend planting the following tomatoes :

  • Bull forehead;
  • Alsou;
  • The Velvet season;
  • Demidov;
  • Lady fingers.

For the Middle Band

The “Middle Zone” conventionally refers to regions with a temperate climate. On such lands they get along well:

  • White filling;
  • Newbie;
  • Alpha;
  • Supermodel;
  • Persimmon.

For the Moscow region

Residents of the Moscow region were a little more fortunate with weather conditions, so they can safely plant tomatoes:

  • Andromeda;
  • Sweet bunch;
  • Nevsky;
  • Fitous;
  • Sultan.

Far North

Varieties for the Far North have increased resistance to frost . Such tomatoes form faster - summer in the regions is shorter, which means there is less sun and heat.

Tomato varieties have good yields:

  • Polar;
  • Taimyr;
  • Labrador:
  • Siberian;
  • Marusya.
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