17 best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground – rating from our readers

Each amateur tomato grower has his own preferences: some like tall tomatoes, others short; one likes sweet fruits, while the other likes sour ones. One is looking for varieties that do not require special care, while the other is willing to tinker with tomatoes regularly, as long as they produce an incredible harvest.

Amateur tomato growers from our group on the social network Facebook cast their votes for many varieties that pleased us with their unpretentiousness and productivity in specific conditions. It is simply impossible to mention all varieties of tomatoes in one material. Therefore, we will list only those that, according to practitioners, have become the absolute leaders of the rating. And who, if not tomato growers, can you trust 100%.

Let's start with the lowest lines of the rating and talk about the tomato varieties that received the least number of votes. However, this does not mean that these tomatoes are bad or weak and should not be grown. It’s just not customary to argue about tastes.

Tomato Eagle Heart

A tomato with the proud name Eagle Heart occupies the bottom line of our top. Everyone who grows these giant tomatoes with an elongated tip, shaped like a heart, leaves only positive reviews about the variety. The weight of the fruit reaches 600-800 g, and sometimes up to 1 kg. One such pink-raspberry fleshy “bug” - and you can feed the whole family with salad! The tomato pulp is sugary, juicy and sweet.

The variety is determinate, has a medium ripening period - in a greenhouse with nutritious soil the bushes grow up to 170 cm and require pinching and staking. In open ground they may be slightly lower. But their yield sometimes exceeds 10 kg per bush. For the sake of such impressive results, no effort is spared. Moreover, the tomato shows resistance to most diseases, does not lose its shape during transportation and can be stored for up to 3 months.

Tomato Koenigsberg

A mid-season variety of indeterminate (up to 2 m in height) tomatoes, which confidently took 10th place in our amateur rating. The first fruits usually ripen 110-115 days after sowing the seeds. Even beginners can cope with their cultivation. The variety has been tested and hardened in the harsh conditions of Siberia. Therefore, you can safely plant these tomatoes in open ground. Their productivity indicators are impressive - from 4 to 18 kg per 1 sq.m.

“Konigsberg performed well both in the greenhouse and in the OG.” Yuri Kuzminykh.

The oblong fruits ripen in clusters of 6 pieces, they weigh on average 300 g, under favorable conditions the weight can be 2-3 times higher than the standard declared by the manufacturer. Both the skin and the pulp of tomatoes are dense, which makes them easier to transport. Of course, they are healthier to eat fresh, but they are also very tasty in the form of juice, thick paste or sauce. There are varieties of red and yellow color (Golden Konigsberg).

“Konigsberg is an excellent variety, it bears fruit throughout October, from one bush – up to 2 buckets. In the greenhouse, of course." Lyudmila Petlyuk.

Advantages and disadvantages of indeterminate varieties

Like any plant, indeterminate tomatoes have pros and cons.


These varieties are characterized by a long fruiting period and, as a result, high yields (the yield norm for them is about 14–17 kg/m²). Tomatoes in open ground continue to ripen until the first frost, in greenhouses - until the end of September or even until October. The experience of gardeners shows that 2–3 times more fruit can be harvested from 10 bushes of indeterminate varieties and hybrids than from 20 bushes of determinate tomatoes.

If properly pruned, bushes take up very little space. However, unlike determinate varieties, they are not suitable for growing on the balcony or at home.

Plants that are not overloaded with fruit clusters have better immunity than determinate tomatoes, which often suffer from fungal diseases, unless they have protection at the genetic level. They are also less sensitive to growing conditions - they do not pay much attention to temperature changes, drought or excessive rainfall, or heat.


Indeterminate tomatoes also have disadvantages. The gardener will need competent agricultural technology throughout the growing season, especially with regard to plant formation. Tall bushes must be tied along the entire length of the stem. Accordingly, a trellis or other type of support will be needed. Plants need to be provided with uniform lighting and good aeration.

If the bushes of indeterminate tomatoes are not tied to a support, you can’t count on a large harvest - the fruits simply won’t have enough heat and light

The harvest ripens significantly later than that of determinate varieties, by a month or even more. Therefore, when deciding to plant such varieties or hybrids in open ground, be sure to take into account the climate in the region and choose the right variety. Among the early indeterminate varieties one can note:

  • Alcor F1 - ripens on the 106th day from germination;
  • Andryushka F1 - ripens on the 95th day from germination;
  • Diana F1 - ripens on the 90–100th day from germination.

    Indeterminate tomato variety Andryushka, ripening on the 95th day from germination, suitable for regions with short summers

If the summer is unsuccessful in terms of weather, you may not expect a harvest at all.

Abakan pink tomato

On the 9th line - a variety of medium-late ripening (110-120 days from germination), determinate type (height - 70-80 cm). In a greenhouse it can grow up to 140-150 cm. The bush needs to be formed into 1-2 stems and tied up. It will ripen pink, heart-shaped fruits (weighing up to 300 g) with tasty, dense pulp. If you care for the plants correctly, you can harvest tomatoes weighing up to 800 g, rivaling in size the popular Ox's Heart.

There are many positive reviews about growing this tomato; no one criticizes it. It can be grown in Siberia, and to protect the bushes from returning spring or late autumn frosts, a light film cover will be enough. This representative of the nightshade family rarely gets sick; Colorado potato beetles will only have to be driven away from immature seedlings. In a word, it won’t cause you much trouble, and will delight you with tomatoes – both in salads in the summer and in preparations for the winter.

“I recommend Abakan pink. Unpretentious and very tasty." Lydia Domnikova-Kazakova.

Tomato Chio-chio-san

The only disadvantage of this indeterminate (sometimes growing up to 2 m) tomato is the need for support and shaping of the bush. The rest is a set of advantages! It is resistant to unfavorable conditions and can grow even in Siberia and the Far East. It bears fruit well not only in the greenhouse, but also in open ground. It is not afraid of the main nightshade diseases.

“In the greenhouse, I am always pleased with the Chio-chio-san variety from Gavrish. Maria Dolzhikova.

In terms of ripening time, the tomato belongs to the mid-early category - 100-120 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to the start of fruiting. The variety will not let you down with the harvest either - although the tomatoes are small (about 30-40 g on average), they ripen up to 50 pcs. on the brushes! So the yield from a bush with proper care is 4 kg and can reach a record 6 kg. And the taste of this tomato is excellent! And in the blanks it looks very presentable.

“Chio-chio-san - sweet, very productive, tall, with up to 50 smooth, thin-skinned sweet tomatoes in a bunch! Universal for both food and preservation.” Tatyana Vznuzdaeva. Tula region

Harvesting, transportability and storage of crops

When collecting tomato fruits, adhere to the following rules.

  1. Vegetables are harvested at the “brown ripeness” stage.
  2. The harvest must be harvested 2-3 times a week.
  3. When cold nights set in (up to + 8°C and below), the remaining fruits must be collected, since supercooled or frozen products will not ripen well. By collecting tomatoes from the bushes in a timely manner, as well as removing diseased and ugly specimens, it is possible to speed up the ripening of the remaining fruits.
  4. Vegetable products are collected together with the stalks, which allows them to maintain their elasticity.
  5. For better preservation, it is recommended to store vegetables by immersing them in sawdust or dry peat.
  6. Harvest storage involves constant monitoring for damage to individual specimens.

The process of growing tall tomatoes in greenhouses requires special attention, starting with sowing seeds for seedlings and when caring for adult bushes. To ensure that the gardener’s work is not in vain, it is necessary to provide high-quality preparation of greenhouses, planting material, soil, and pay no less attention to the collection of vegetables.

Tomato Yablonka Russia

Tomatoes with such a reverent name could not help but get into the top - they ripen early - from the time the first shoots appear until the moment when the bushes are completely strewn with small round fruits (weighing about 100 g) and really similar to bulk apples, it takes from 118 to 135 days.

Many consider this tomato to be problem-free - it is determinate, standard bushes grow low - up to 100 cm; there is no need to shape them and pin them; They are not capricious and feel great and set fruit both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. One bush can simultaneously ripen up to 100 neat tomatoes suitable for canning - the skin will not burst, there is no need to worry. Not a tomato, but just a sight for sore eyes!

Varieties that do not require pinching

Stepchildren are extra shoots of a plant that require removal. Most tomatoes require this procedure to be carried out regularly. But breeders are in a hurry to make the work of summer residents easier, and varieties appear on sale that practically do not need pinching.

Galaxy f1

"Galaxy" has a stem growth limit. There are few side shoots. Tomatoes have a beautiful rounded shape, weighing 135 g. The peel is deep red. The harvest is harvested in the 4th month.

Gunin f1

Tomatoes can bear fruit well both under cover and without it. The first ripe fruits, weighing 130 g, are harvested in the 4th month. The variety is characterized by disease resistance and the ability to tolerate unfavorable environmental factors.

Red arrow f1

A plant with a tall stem. Has growth limits. Suitable for large-scale cultivation all year round. Tomatoes reach technical ripeness within 90 days from the date a new plant appears. Fruit weight – 95 g. Transportable.

Favorite 6 f1

Shade-tolerant variety. Has no growth limit. Vegetables ripen in the 4th month of growth. Large – 0.3 kg. They ripen at the same time. Productivity – up to 1 bucket per bush.

Tomato Monomakh's Cap

6th step of the conditional “pedestal”. These bright red tomatoes will appeal to lovers of large fruits - they weigh from 400 to 900 g. The pulp has a balanced taste thanks to the harmonious ratio of acids and sugar.

The type of fruiting is mid-early (90-110 days pass from the moment the seedlings are planted). The bushes are indeterminate, formed on a trunk. The plant successfully resists diseases, but prefers warmth to cold, so in the northern regions it is better to grow bushes in a greenhouse. In protected soil conditions, the yield is impressive and reaches 20 kg per 1 sq.m. In the garden, the indicators are also decent - up to 8 kg per bush.

Siberian early ripening

The Siberian early ripening variety was bred back in 1955, and in 1959 it was included in the state register of the Russian Federation.
The variety is recommended for cultivation throughout Russia. Interest in it has not yet diminished, and it is successfully grown in dachas, as well as in small farms. Gardeners who dream of finding an early-ripening and unpretentious variety should simply pay attention to the Siberian early-ripening. Description of the variety:

Determinate tomato varieties such as Siberian early ripening are considered a variety with an early ripening period, which is an average of 100 days.

The plant is of a determinate type, low, with medium foliage. The leaves are medium-sized and can be light or dark green. The first ovary (inflorescence) is formed after 6 - 8 leaves, and then it appears every 1 - 2 leaves. By the way

, the height of tomato bushes is usually no more than 70 cm, and most often it is 40 cm - 50 cm. And yet, the plant does not need to be pinched, but it will have to be tied up, because with a bountiful harvest the bush may break.

Tomatoes weigh on average from 60 g to 120 g. They have a flat-round shape. The ribs are poorly expressed. The color of the fruit is rich red. There are 4 or more seed chambers. By the way

, a dark green spot can be seen near the stalk.

Benefits of tomato:

  1. Unpretentiousness. Requires minimal attention when growing.
  2. Resistant to adverse weather conditions.
  3. Opportunity to get your own seeds.
  4. There is no need to pin him down or tie him up. Although, it’s worth tying up, because the bush may break under the weight of the harvest.
  5. The purpose is universal. It is consumed fresh and is also suitable for preparing pastes and sauces. Important
    . It is not suitable for whole-fruit canning because the skin bursts.

Disadvantages of tomato:

  • The taste of the Siberian early ripening variety is inferior to many varieties, and even some hybrids.
  • The fruits are uneven in size.
  • Ripens unevenly.
  • Poor keeping quality.
  • The yield is an order of magnitude lower than many other similar varieties. Here, up to 7 kg are collected from 1 sq. m plot. But it’s stable.

Tomato Puzata Khata

In terms of the number of votes received, this variety is not far behind Monomakh's Cap. The appearance of these tomatoes fully explains the name. Large (300 g), pear-shaped, ribbed, just like squat gnome houses, these tomatoes ripen early - 105-110 days after planting the seedlings. True, they turn red gradually if there is a lot of heat and sun. They are grown in open ground and under film, where they ripen faster. The fruits are fleshy, taste very sweet and juicy.

The bushes are indeterminate, but even in a greenhouse their height rarely exceeds 170 cm. However, it will not be possible to do without shaping. The stems are thin and need staking, as they can lie down under the weight of the fruit. And the yield of these tomatoes, ripening in clusters of 3-5 pieces, is quite decent - 10-11 kg per bush. They are little susceptible to common cultural diseases, but preventive protective measures have never hurt anyone.

“This year I also want a Puzata hut. Last year a friend had them - just a miracle!” Marina Samoilova.

Planting tomato seeds

To obtain a high-quality harvest, it is necessary not only to properly plant tomato bushes in greenhouses and provide them with proper care, but also to grow strong seedlings from which strong plants can form. You can buy tomatoes for planting only from a reliable seller who guarantees the quality of his planting material and its compliance with the variety.

Preparatory work

The soil for planting seeds is selected to be loose, neutral acidic, nutritious and light. To simplify the task, you can buy ready-made soil for industrially produced tomatoes. When preparing the soil yourself, it should have the following composition:

  • turf soil – 1 part;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • coarse river sand – 1 part;
  • compost - 2 parts.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! It is useful to add wood ash to the soil for seedlings, in the amount of 1 cup per 10 liter bucket.

The soil, if it is not factory-made, must be disinfected. To do this, a week before sowing the seeds, it must be calcined in the oven at a temperature of 70 degrees for 30 minutes. Then the soil is shed with a strong solution of manganese or phytosporin.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! If the seeds are planted in peat tablets, then no preparatory work is required.

When sowing seeds in the ground, use wooden or plastic boxes, cassettes or cups. For initial planting, containers with a volume of 100 to 200 ml are needed, and for diving - with a volume of 500 ml.

Growing seedlings

Before sowing seeds, they should be prepared. To prevent the occurrence of diseases in seedlings, all seeds that will be sown are disinfected. To do this, they are soaked for 30 minutes in a strong solution of manganese, which can be replaced with the drug phytosporin. After soaking, the seeds are washed in settled water and, to activate growth, they are dipped for 10-15 minutes in a stimulant such as zircon or epin.

Germinate the seeds before planting in the ground. To do this, cotton pads are laid out on a saucer and moistened with water. Then the seeds are placed on them and covered with the same wet disks. To create a greenhouse effect, you need to cover the saucer with plastic wrap or put a bag on it. Afterwards the saucer is placed in a warm place with a temperature of 22 to 30 degrees.

After the seeds germinate, they are planted in prepared soil. To do this, grooves are made in it at intervals of 3 cm between them and a depth of 1 cm, into which the seeds are laid at a distance of 2 cm from each other. If sowing is done in separate containers, then 2 seeds are planted in each cup or cassette, and then the strongest plant is left.

The container with seeds should be kept warm, at a temperature of 22 to 28 degrees, and covered with film until germination. The film is removed as soon as the plants emerge from the soil to prevent excessive moisture and rotting of the sprouts.

Feeding seedlings is mandatory. It is optimal to use for the first infusion, which is prepared at the rate of 1 part humus and 10 parts water. This feeding is carried out a week after the picking. The second time the tomatoes are fed with the following solution: ½ teaspoon of urea, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate per 5 liters of settled water. You can also use ready-made fertilizer for vegetable seedlings, which is sold in all gardening centers.

At the time of planting, the seedlings should have fully formed 9-10 full-fledged true leaves and a flower cluster. The length of the internodes is also an important indicator, and at planting it is 5-7 cm long.

Greenhouse seating charts

Typically, planting is carried out in the first ten days of May. For tomatoes in the greenhouse, beds with a height of 30 cm are prepared. The distance between them should be from 120 cm to 140 cm. A gap of 40 cm should be left between plants. A maximum of 3 bushes of indeterminate tomatoes can be planted per 1 m2.

At the time of planting, the lower leaves of the seedlings are broken off and sprayed with a solution of boric acid. Tomatoes begin to be tied a week after they are planted in the greenhouse. As the plant grows, it will need to be additionally tied up 2 times a week, otherwise the bush will break under the weight of its fruits. In order not to injure the tomato trunk, choose a wide ribbon made of soft material for tying.

See also Dates for picking tomatoes in March 2022

Tomato Golden Domes

The collected votes allowed these tomatoes to take 4th place in the rating. They have a lot of good reviews, since the variety has almost no flaws, for which it is recognized and loved by many. It exhibits high resistance to major diseases, and timely applied insecticides will repel harmful insects.

Determinate bushes (height from 90 to 150 cm), medium ripening period (100-116 days). You will still have to form the plants into 2-3 stems and tie them up, so it won’t be possible without any effort on your part. The yield is very good - up to 13 kg per bush with an average weight of tomatoes of 200-400 g, and if the care is good, they will gain all 800 g! Ripe fruits are bright orange, juicy even in appearance. The pulp is fleshy, very tasty, sweet.

“I love golden domes very much - tasty, productive and beautiful. Excellent variety! Lyubov Chernoguz.

Final table of varieties for open ground

VarietyRipening time, daysHeight, cmFruit weight, gProductivity, kg
Cheerful gnome90-10040-5070-1005-5,5
Yellow Brawler110-11540-5080-1204
Summer resident95-10040-5580-1004
Mazarin F190-105100-130170-20013-14
Crimson Giant100-11075-90550-6505-6
Rio Grande120-13070-9580-1506,5-7

Determinate varieties of tomatoes enjoy the well-deserved love of gardeners. They combine compact size with abundant fruiting, excellent taste of the fruit and ease of care. If you follow simple agricultural cultivation techniques, low-growing tomatoes will delight you with a generous harvest of tasty and juicy fruits.

Tomato Eagle beak

The bronze “medal” and 3rd place in the ranking goes to Eagle’s Beak, popular among many tomato growers! The variety is mid-season (110-115 days), semi-determinate - the height of strong bushes reaches 120-150 cm. Proper shaping, tying to a trellis and timely pinching will help them develop harmoniously and bear fruit well. Under ideal conditions and with proper agricultural technology, the yield can be up to 8 kg per bush.

“Eagle beak is the best, I have no competition yet, the leader for today.” Olga Nesmeyanova.

The fruits are large, of unusual shape, with an elongated and curved tip, similar to a beak. On average, they weigh 200-400 g, but some grow up to 800 g. The pulp is dense and juicy, with a sweetish taste.

The variety is resistant to the main nightshade diseases - late blight, fusarium and tobacco mosaic virus. Tomatoes tolerate transportation well due to their thick skin and do not crack during canning.

“I really like Eagle Beak!!!” Nina Belevtseva.

Tomato De Barao

Having pulled away from its “rivals”, the famous De Barao tomato takes an honorable 2nd place in the top varieties. The variety is late-ripening (ripening dates vary from 110 to 130 days from the moment of planting the seedlings), indeterminate (2-3 m), sometimes bushes can grow up to 4 m. The main advantages of the variety are its cold resistance, shade tolerance and productivity. These tomatoes grow well and ripen successfully in all regions with a temperate climate, both in greenhouses and in open ground. The plants are so unpretentious that even inexperienced gardeners can care for them.

“The tall De Barao produces stable yields in any weather: in the rain, in the heat, and even in the shade.” Tatiana Trach.

The productivity of De Barao is exceptional - from one bush you can collect from 4 to 10 kg of strong, oblong-shaped fruits weighing about 100 g. It is noteworthy that the plant “gives off” its harvest for a long time (up to 3 months). There are varieties with pink, red, yellow and black fruits. Tomatoes store well due to their thick skin and for the same reason are suitable for pickling or pickling.

“The only one who stood in the greenhouse and ripened in October was De Barao. Resistant tin...” Tatiana Gorodetskaya.

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse

To get a decent harvest of tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is important to comply with a number of conditions.


At a temperature of 300C, pollen loses its fertile ability and becomes sterile. In addition, when the earth heats up, it releases moisture faster. Agronomists recommend installing a thermometer in the greenhouse to control air heating and regularly arranging ventilation if a ventilation system is not provided. The crop is not afraid of drafts, so the door and windows can be opened, but this must be done no later than 8-9 o’clock in the morning, so that the plants do not experience a sharp temperature change that occurs by sunny afternoon.


Light for tomatoes is as important as watering. The walls of the greenhouse must be thoroughly washed so that light loss is minimal. For this reason, by the way, it is generally not recommended to plant tomatoes in the shade - they will develop with a delay and in smaller quantities. The greenhouse should be installed in an open area - this will reduce the chance of the structure falling into the shade and at the same time ensure better ventilation.


Regular moistening of the soil will not only nourish the plant with water, but also help maintain the required level of humidity in the greenhouse. Regardless of whether automatic watering is provided or water will have to be delivered to the plants manually, water treatments are indicated only in the mornings before the onset of the afternoon heat - the water will have time to be absorbed into the soil in the required amount by the evening, and the rest will evaporate, creating the required humidity level - normally 60 -70% at the time of fruit set and 75-85% during the ripening period. It is important to monitor this parameter - exceeding it can provoke the accelerated development of pathogenic microflora and rotting processes.

Until the fruit set, watering should be moderate, and while pouring tomatoes - intense, but not excessive, so that small tomatoes do not crack before ripening.

Fertilizing in the greenhouse

Fresh fertile soil, used the first year, will provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients at the initial stage.

Additional feeding option:

  1. The first feeding is carried out at the moment when the fruits gain mass. A tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate is dissolved in 10 liters of water and 3 liters of solution are poured under the bush.
  2. After 20-30 days, the procedure is repeated in the same amount with the same solution.

Cocktails to increase the immunity of tomatoes to diseases:

  1. Superphosphate or sulfate is diluted in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of concentrate per 10 liters of water and watered 1.5 liters per bush.
  2. 1 teaspoon of boric acid per 10 liters of water, 1.5 liters of solution per bush will help cope with mole crickets and other parasites.

The leaves have turned yellow - what to do?

If the leaves of the bushes turn yellow, this is a sign of excess/lack of water during irrigation, a lack of fertilizer, or a consequence of damage to the root system. It is important to normalize watering and monitor sufficient air humidity, review the amount of fertilizer used and its concentration. If the cause of yellowing is a root injury, determine its nature: in the event of mechanical damage, the plant will self-heal in a short time and the foliage will return to normal. If there are mole crickets or other parasites in the soil that eat the roots, use the preparations “Grizzly” or “Thunder” in accordance with the instructions. It is important to use these and other means no later than 20 days before harvesting.

Tying up

Depending on the growth of the bushes, they are tied to pegs stuck next to the root system parallel to the growth of the trunk, or to a wire stretched to the ceiling of the greenhouse. To do this, use a polymer household cord, which is tied in the middle of the trunk, wrapped a couple of circles towards the top of the head and the thread is fixed on the suspension. As the bush grows, it is carefully wrapped with the same rope.

How and when to plant?

Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse in the first weeks of May; they are buried down to the cotyledon leaves, which must be broken off.

The distance between plants depends on the type of tomato growth. Bushes of low-growing, early-ripening varieties of tomatoes are placed in a checkerboard pattern at a distance between trunks of at least 40 cm, the gap between the rows should not be less than 55 cm. Oddly enough, taller varieties are allowed to be planted at a distance of 30 cm with a gap of 45-50 cm.

Bushes that will grow almost to the ceiling are placed at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other, leaving 80 cm for passage - this is a solution for large wide greenhouses.

Immediately after planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly and tied to pegs or wire.

A high yield is obtained when growing determinate bushes, since the brushes are formed through 2 leaves. But they need more careful care. And indeterminate plants constantly need tying and pinching. There are a large number of varieties and hybrids. Our experts have ranked the best of them.

Tomato Oxheart

The absolute leader in the popular rating of tomatoes, which received a record number of votes, is the generally recognized and most popular variety, Bull's Heart! A real Senor Tomato in all respects!

The variety is late-ripening - the first fruits (5 pieces in a cluster) ripen 120-130 days after emergence. In open ground, the yield ranges from 3 to 5 kg of tomatoes per bush. In a greenhouse, this figure can increase to 12 kg. Determinate type bush - stems grow up to 1.5 m or more. To achieve record harvests, do not neglect care - timely shaping and tying to the support, preventive treatment against late blight - and the harvest will not keep you waiting!

The tomatoes are heart-shaped and bright red. In hybrids, the color varies from lemon and crimson to deep brown and black. Average weight - from 300-500 g to 800 g and even up to 1 kg. On the bush, large specimens are located closer to the ground, smaller ones - in the upper part of the stem. The gigantic size of the fruit, dense pulp and unique sweet taste make this tomato an unconditional favorite of all gardeners without exception. This is confirmed by the voting on the Ogorod.ru portal and our rating compiled based on its results.

“I planted Ox’s Heart, even in the cool and rainy summer season, and it gave a good harvest. My husband adores him!” Tatiana Arzhanova.

Now let’s name a few more varieties and hybrids that have not yet been included in the ranking of the best, but have become a pleasant discovery for some amateur tomato growers. Perhaps among them you will find the very same variety or hybrid that will become “Tomato No. 1” in your garden.

Tomatoes for the Leningrad region

The main criterion when choosing tomatoes for the Leningrad region and Karelia is frost resistance. In a polycarbonate greenhouse, the following species will produce a bountiful harvest.


Indeterminate hybrid, suitable for planting in mineral-poor soil.


Frost-resistant hybrid variety that is immune to powdery mildew.


One bush will yield 4-6 tomatoes with smooth glossy skin and a pleasant taste.


It takes root well in poor northern soil, while producing juicy fruits.

Tomato Hospitable

The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground. The bush is of a determinate type, but tying to a support is still necessary. In open beds, the height of the plant does not exceed 70-80 cm; when cultivated in a greenhouse, it can reach 1 m. The best harvest is obtained when a bush is formed with 2-3 stems. If you do not want to grow fruits of gigantic size, then when growing, you can do without pinching.

Tomato is mid-ripening: the first fruits appear after 115-120 days. The tomatoes are round, slightly flattened, slightly ribbed. In a state of biological ripeness, they acquire the traditional red color of tomatoes. The skin is thin but dense. The pulp is fleshy and sweet. The fruits on one bush differ in size: they can be 300 g or 600 g. The yield ranges from 4 to 9 kg/sq.m. Tomatoes are recommended for fresh consumption, but are also suitable for making juices and sauces.

What varieties of tomatoes to choose for planting

Several determining factors will help to significantly narrow the search for a suitable variety of tomatoes for planting in a greenhouse.

Why grow it?

Practical gardeners choose tomato varieties, primarily focusing on the intended use of the fruit:

  1. For fresh consumption, early varieties that ripen in June-July are usually chosen, mainly tomatoes with soft skin. The possibility of long-term storage is fundamental for them, so that fresh vegetables are preserved as long as possible beyond the fruiting period of the bushes.
  2. For pickling, choose tomatoes with a dense structure and elastic skin - they must retain their shape and integrity, even after thermal exposure. Different tomatoes are suitable for canned preparations - if it is not important for the fruit to retain its shape, you can use any variety.
  3. To sell, tomatoes must have the correct shape - round or plum-shaped. Fruits also need to be well transported and stored. Abundant fruiting is another important factor for commercial growing of tomatoes, so that the yield of the bushes is as beneficial as possible.

In the description of varieties, the manufacturer, as a rule, indicates the intended method of consuming tomatoes; this information can be used as a guide when choosing an unfamiliar variety.

When to harvest?

Harvest timing is also an important selection factor. It is better to plant several varieties that will bear fruit at different times, for example, early and late. Thus, it will be possible to harvest tomatoes for different purposes throughout the summer and early autumn with minimal interruption or continuously.

Guaranteed result or experiment?

Today there are a lot of varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses; they can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Registered varieties, the characteristics of which are clearly described, and the fruits themselves are well researched.
  2. Experimental varieties of private farms, not included in the register. Let’s just say that this is often a lottery, since the plant has not undergone official registration, you just have to take the seller’s word about the parameters of the future vegetable. Some summer residents are interested in this excitement, but productivity is not an end in itself.

When you have decided on the purpose of the crop and its taste characteristics, it’s time to select a variety taking into account the parameters of the greenhouse.

What kind of greenhouse - for a season or all year round?

It turns out that for a greenhouse intended for the spring-autumn season and operating all year round, the varieties of tomatoes are radically different.

  1. For the summer season, they choose varieties that do not require special care - they only need plenty of watering and fertilizer. As a rule, they have enough sunlight, as well as warmth.
  2. In a year-round greenhouse, stress-resistant varieties should be planted that can produce tasty fruits in conditions of lack of sunlight, temperature changes and in case of interruptions in the heating system. They must also be self-pollinating.

Glass or polycarbonate?

A greenhouse with glass walls is maximally translucent - only 7% of the sun's rays are absorbed by glass. A 4 mm thick polycarbonate wall will already absorb 15% of the light, so for such a greenhouse it is necessary to select varieties with a reduced need for light.

Is watering regular?

Tomato varieties that are resistant to drought are chosen by those summer residents who do not have the opportunity to water the plants several times a week - this is important for those who come to their garden plot only on weekends. It should be remembered that on warm sunny days the air in the greenhouse heats up significantly, this contributes to accelerated drying of the soil. The solution to the problem of water shortages can be the organization of an automatic water supply system.

Note that juicy, fleshy varieties of tomatoes are extremely rarely able to survive a lack of moisture; thick-skinned tomatoes, which are more suitable for preservation, are mainly “taught” to do this.

Is the variety susceptible to diseases?

The greenhouse is warm and humid - this is an ideal environment for the development of harmful microflora. Thus, bushes and the fruits themselves suffer from diseases much more often in closed ground than their counterparts growing in the open air.

Hybrid varieties with the designation F1 are better resistant to pathogens; breeders have worked hard on the resistance of individual varieties; this information is present in the description of the seeds, but they are usually more expensive.

Conventional varieties of tomatoes can also feel good in a greenhouse; to do this, it is enough to maintain a healthy microclimate in the greenhouse and treat the bushes and fruits with chemical and biological preparations.

If the expansion and development of tomato diseases is observed in the greenhouse from year to year, choose low-growing, early-ripening varieties - they will have time to produce a harvest before the significant onset and development of pathogens.

How high will the bush grow?

The description of the seed variety must contain information about the standard height of the bush - it should be less than the height of the roof in the greenhouse. In general, tall tomato bushes (indeterminate), as a rule, begin to bear fruit early, and their yield is maximum. Some varieties begin to slow down in growth at a height of 150 cm, if trusses with tomatoes have time to form on them. So that the trunk can stretch further, a stepson is left at the top of its head.

For low-rise greenhouses and greenhouses, low-growing varieties of (determinate) tomatoes are suitable, sometimes used for border compaction of greenhouse beds.

Is it possible to put several varieties in one greenhouse?

It is possible to plant different varieties of tomatoes in one greenhouse - they will not interfere with each other’s development, provided they require identical growth conditions. Plus they pollinate better!

Tomato Pudovik (Sevruga)

The variety is suitable for cultivation both in open and protected ground. Bush of indeterminate type, height –1.2-1.5 m (in a greenhouse reaches 1.7 m). It is better to grow the plant in 1-2 stems. It forms weak shoots, so it is impossible to do without gartering and pinching when growing.

According to the ripening period, Pudovik belongs to the mid-season varieties. Tomato ripening begins 110-115 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The size of the fruits on one plant decreases from the lower branches to the upper ones. The weight of the largest tomatoes reaches 500 g; as the bush grows, they gradually become smaller and at the top they grow no more than 150-200 g. When almost all the ovaries are removed, record-breaking tomatoes weighing 1-1.5 kg often ripen. The average yield is 5 kg per bush.

Fully ripe, heart-shaped tomatoes are raspberry-red in color. The pulp is fleshy, fine-grained (due to the small number of seeds, it can be difficult to collect planting material). Tomatoes have excellent taste: they are sweet with barely noticeable sourness. Most often used for fresh consumption. Can be used for any type of processing, except for whole-fruit canning.

Top 5 best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses in 2018-2019

St. Andrew's surprise

Tomato Andreevsky surprise
Late-ripening variety of tomatoes. The plant is tall, up to 2 meters. One bush with proper agricultural technology produces 8 kilograms of tomatoes.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round, slightly ribbed. Weight – 0.6-0.9 kilograms. The peel is pink or raspberry. The pulp is sugary, sweet, fleshy. Universal application.

Review: Panteleeva Margarita

I have not yet come across a better variety in terms of taste than the Andreevsky Surprise tomato. The bushes are tall and powerful, growing up to 2 m. It’s good that the greenhouse is high and allows you to grow such plants. The tomatoes are large, the weight of the fruit reaches 600-900 g. Each bush grows into two stems and produces many stepsons.

Pride of the F1 Feast

Tomato Pride of the Feast F1
Early hybrid variety, up to 2 meters high. The yield of a plant is 5-6 kilograms, a square of greenhouse is 17-19 kilograms.

The fruits are flat-round, slightly ribbed. Weight – 0.3-0.5 kilograms. The peel is deep pink with a green spot at the stalk. The pulp is dense and juicy. The purpose is salad.

Review: Elena

Pride of the Table is my favorite this season. Tomato with amazingly tasty and beautiful tomatoes.

Scarlet Mustang

Tomato Scarlet Mustang
An early productive variety of tomatoes, about 1.5 meters high.

The shape of the fruit is elongated and irregular. Weight – 200 grams or more. The peel is dark red, dense. The pulp is sourish-sweet, dense and fleshy. A variety for universal use.

Review: Irina

Dense, tasty, sweet, very productive. I’m satisfied, I’ll plant more.

Tretyakovsky F1

Tomato Tretyakovsky F1
Fruitful mid-early hybrid variety. The plant is compact. 12-14 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested per square meter.

The shape of the fruit is flattened and round. There are 7-8 tomatoes growing in a bunch. Weight – 110-130 grams. The peel is a rich crimson color, dense. The pulp is sugary, fleshy, dense. Tomatoes have a universal purpose.

Review: Nikolay Vasiliev

The tomato variety Tretyakovsky F1 pleased me very much with the harvest. I planted it for the first time and formed the bushes into two trunks. The tomatoes are ripe, fleshy and dense. Excellent taste in salads, I hope that the tomato will be tasty when preserved. I liked that the fruits were collected throughout September.

Yellow giant

Tomato Yellow Giant
Mid-season tomato variety, 1.2-1.7 meters high. The yield of the bush is 5.5 kilograms.

The fruits are round, slightly flattened. Weight reaches 400 grams. The peel is yellow, elastic. The pulp is tasty, sweetish, with notes of honey. The fruits are of the salad type.

Review: Foxi

The most delicious yellow-fruited tomato!!! I advise everyone who loves exotic things to try it!

Tomato Alyoshka F1

Alyoshka F1 is an early-ripening hybrid that can be grown in open ground and under film covers. Fruiting begins 95-100 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The plant is determinate, but quite tall (height about 1.2 m), so support, garter and pinching are necessary for normal development. When forming a bush, manufacturers recommend leaving no more than 1-2 stems. The yield in the greenhouse can reach 14 kg/sq.m.

The fruits are smooth, round in shape, dense, fleshy. At the stage of biological ripeness they acquire a bright red color. Average weight - 200-250 g. Tomatoes are not prone to cracking, so they are well stored and can be transported over long distances. The sweetish taste and pleasant aroma of tomatoes make them ideal for both fresh consumption and canning.

The hybrid is resistant to most tomato diseases, including late blight.


Pearl of Siberia

Pearl of Siberia is a relatively new variety of greenhouse tomatoes. It is characterized by high yield and good taste of fruits. This variety was bred by our compatriots in the Siberian Federal District (Novosibirsk region).

The variety is mid-early, fruiting begins 115 days after germination. Fruit ripening occurs from bottom to top. The yield from one plant is about 3 kg, from 1 m2 - about 8 kg. The fruits are slightly elongated cream with a smooth surface, red in color. They have excellent shelf life and transportability, and are not prone to cracking.

It is characterized by good resistance to most diseases (“mosaic”, stem and root cancer, late blight, gray and white rot, etc.).

Siberian lights

This indeterminate tomato variety, created by Siberian breeders, has a whole set of attractive features: high yield (one bunch produces 6-7 fruits), impressive size (fruit weight up to 250 g) and an unusual cuboid shape of tomatoes. Due to their high dry matter content, when processed, they produce excellent juices, colorful and tasty ketchups and tomato pastes.

The fruits are cylindrical, smooth, bright scarlet in color. For their excellent taste they received a tasting rating of “Excellent”. Tomatoes are leveled, transportable and shelf-stable. They are versatile in use - they make excellent summer salads and a variety of preserves.


An excellent variety for whole-fruit canning. Siberian Cascade tomatoes surprise with their high yield - from one bush you can get up to 3.5 kg of tomatoes if agricultural practices are followed. This variety forms complex clusters, each of which can contain up to 24 fruits weighing up to 100 grams. The fruits are cylindrical, with a spout, dark red and tasty. They are suitable for all types of processing and fresh consumption.

A special feature of this variety are low-growing bushes with short internodes, which is ideal for low greenhouses, since the plant, when 5-7 shoots are formed, will be lower than ordinary varietal tomatoes of unlimited growth.

Novosibirsk red

The early-ripening, cold-resistant variety Novosibirsk Red has a compact, medium-sized bush with a stem height of up to 70-80 cm. The first inflorescence is formed above the 8th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 1-2 leaves.

The fruits are original cube-shaped, red in color, dense, with an average weight of 90-100 g. The pulp is dense, the skin is glossy, durable, and does not crack. The taste combines sweetness and sourness.

The variety easily adapts to difficult climate conditions, is resistant to many diseases, but is demanding on soil fertility.

Novosibirsk pink

The “brother” of Novosibirsk red is the early ripening variety Novosibirsk pink.

The bush is compact, densely strewn with fruits. The high yield and productivity of tomato ensures a bountiful harvest.

The fruits are appetizing pink in color, cube-shaped, dense, weighing up to 110 g on average, and remain on the bush for a long time without cracking.

Tomato Pink Elephant

A semi-determinate tomato variety that is suitable for cultivation in both open and protected ground. The plant is spreading, the stems are strong and powerful. Under film cover it reaches a height of 1.5-1.7 m, in open beds - lower. A garter to a support and a stepson are required. It is best to form 1-2 stems.

The variety has a medium ripening period, fruiting begins in 110-115 days. The fruits are round in shape, slightly flattened, ribbed at the stalk. The size of the upper and lower brushes of the bush varies greatly: the lower ones are larger (can reach a weight of 400 g), the upper ones are smaller, usually no more than 150 g. Productivity - 6.2-8.2 kg/sq.m, with good care greenhouse can reach 12 kg/sq.m. Fruiting lasts until autumn.

The color of the fruit during the period of biological ripeness is pink (closer to coral). The skin is thin, but quite strong, not prone to cracking, so the tomatoes are well stored. The pulp is fleshy, tender, with a small amount of seeds. The taste is excellent, sweet.

The Pink Elephant variety is resistant to late blight and Alternaria.

The best varieties for greenhouses

The best greenhouse varieties of tomatoes have won the trust and love of gardeners due to their qualities and taste of the fruit.

Early varieties

Berberana F1

Berberana tomato F1
This is a hybrid tomato variety, 1.5-1.8 meters high. 8-15 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from a square of greenhouse. The tomatoes are round, slightly flattened. Weight – 0.2-0.25 kilograms. The peel is smooth, dense, bright red. The pulp consists of 4-6 chambers, juicy, sugary. The use of tomatoes is universal.

Review: Victoria

I grew it last year. I was more than satisfied. “Berberana” is a variety with incredible productivity; the ovaries were formed from bottom to top. And the tomatoes are a sight to behold - large and beautiful.

Red red is an unpretentious hybrid variety. The plant is spreading, tall, about 2 meters. The yield of the plant reaches 8 kilograms.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round, ribbed near the stalk. Fruit weight is 0.2-0.35 kilograms. The peel is thin, dense, rich red. The pulp is loose, juicy, sugary, sour-sweet, low in seeds. Tomatoes are used in salads, purees, soups, and juices.

Review: Summer resident

I planted Red Red for the first time, I liked the design of the bag, the tomatoes looked very appetizing in the photo. There were 6 seeds in the package, not all of them sprouted, only 3. The hybrid did not disappoint. Planted it in a greenhouse. There were 5 decent sized tomatoes per brush. I liked the taste of the fruits, they turned out sweet. Next year I will plant again.

Banana legs are a productive, unpretentious variety. The plant is medium-sized. Productivity – 5 kilograms of tomatoes per bush.

The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, with a tuberculate surface and a long, thin, sharp nose, shifted to the side. Fruit weight is 50-80 grams. The peel is yellow-orange with yellow streaks and pink spots. The pulp is two-chambered, tasty. The fruits are suitable for salads, processing, twisting and pickling for the winter.

Review: Valentina

I have been planting the Banana Legs tomato for a long time. To get a rich harvest, you must definitely plant them. Previously, I left only two stems, but then I started leaving 4 on each bush. Now the yield is high. The tomatoes are very tasty, my family likes the bright yellow color. They love “Bananas” very much, and taking them out of the jar in winter is a vivid reminder of the sunny summer.

Biathlon is a hybrid variety, no more than 85 centimeters high. The plant's yield is 4 kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits are round. Weight – 80-105 grams. The peel is deep red, with a yellow spot at the stalk, which disappears as the fruit ripens. The pulp consists of 3-4 chambers, fleshy, sweet and juicy. Fruits of universal use.

Review: Elena Lenshina

Excellent variety. Fleshy, medium-sized tomatoes, with 3 or 4 seed chambers, bore fruit for a very long time and abundantly. They taste good. Good for both pickling and salads! Does not require pinching or gartering.

White filling 241 is an unpretentious variety. The plant is low-growing, no more than 70 centimeters high. From one bush, 3 kilograms of fruit are collected.

The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened. Weight – more than 100 grams. The peel is thin, bright red. The pulp is dense. Fruits of universal use.

Review: Maxim

Once again I purchased White filling tomato seeds for seedlings. The variety is proven for our region. The purchased seeds were divided for planting over two years. In the second half of March I planted them in boxes with soil. The seedlings sprout together. The tomatoes themselves grow up to 0.5 m. The variety tastes very pleasant, suitable for preparations and salads.

The most productive

Evpator F1

Tomato Evpator F1
An early-ripening hybrid variety of tomatoes, up to 2 meters high. From each meter it is possible to collect up to 40 kilograms of tomatoes.

The shape of the fruit is oval, flattened on the sides. Each inflorescence ripens 6-8 tomatoes. Fruit weight is 130-170 grams. The peel is shiny, dense, red. The pulp consists of 4-6 seed chambers, sweet and sour, aromatic. Ripe tomatoes are suitable for making juices, fresh and canned dishes.

Review: Olga Petrovskaya

My greenhouse surprises all my neighbors and acquaintances: in it, tomatoes literally hang in clusters from tall, bare stems. Many, seeing such a picture, say that I harshly peel off the leaves, thereby offending the plants.

But in fact, it is precisely this formation of bushes that allows me to get the maximum yield of “Evpator” tomatoes. These tomatoes are very tasty and productive. Even a dozen seedlings in a greenhouse can feed the whole family with very tasty and healthy vegetables.


Tomato Australian
This is a high-yielding late-ripening variety of tomatoes, reaching a height of 2 meters. The variety, if agricultural practices are followed, produces 6-7 kilograms of tomatoes per bush.

The fruits are flat-round. The average weight is 0.4-0.7 kilograms. The peel is red-raspberry. The pulp is fleshy and tasty. Tomatoes are suitable for making slices, salads, ketchup, sauces, and tomato paste.

Review: Alisa

I grew Australian last year in greenhouses. In terms of ripening, it was a little late. I sown seedlings on the 10th of March, and began to ripen in mid-August. The bush has grown tall. The stems are thin, you can’t do without a garter. The fruits are large (about 500-700 grams), fleshy, very tasty.


Tomato Babushkino
A mid-early tomato variety with extended fruiting. The plant is tall, reaching 2 meters. The average yield is 5 kilograms per bush and 22 kilograms per 1 square meter of greenhouse.

The shape of the fruit is flattened-round, ribbed at the stalk. About 12 fruits are collected in a brush. Weight ranges from 0.3 to 0.8 kilograms. The peel is glossy, pink-red. The pulp is dense, sweet with slight sourness, aromatic. Salads, juices, sauces, purees and other preparations are prepared from tomatoes.

Review: Nikolaeva Vera

I saw Babushkino tomatoes from a friend. It’s hard not to notice them, the whole bush is hung with huge fruits! I took the seeds and planted them at home. A lot has also grown. True, they need to be constantly fed, but the result is worth it. The bush is large, I tie it up, and the clusters with the fruits themselves also need support.

Bohemia F1

Tomato Boheme F1
Mid-early hybrid tomato variety, up to 1.8-2 meters high. The yield of the bush is 6-8 kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits are flat-round. Weight –0.3-0.7 kilograms. The peel is strong, pink-red. The pulp is sugary, fleshy, juicy. Tomatoes are used for salads, slices, and winter preparations.

Review: Anna

This year I planted the Boheme tomato; my sister planted it last year and was very pleased with the high yield, so she advised me. I grew it in seedlings in a greenhouse, fertilized it a couple of times, and picked off the shoots. I liked the taste, large and juicy fruits, simply amazing in salads! I salted medium-sized tomatoes and they turned out very tasty. So Bohemia is the first candidate for landing next season!

Kostroma F1

Tomato Kostroma F1
Early ripening hybrid tomato variety. The plant is 1.9-2 meters high. One bush produces 5 kilograms of fruit, a square meter - 20 kilograms.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round, with a slightly depressed petiole and slight ribbing at the stalk. The weight of the fruit ranges from 85 to 150 grams. The peel is red, smooth, durable. The pulp is tasty, juicy, sweet and sour. Universal application.

Review: Larisa Milovanova

I am very pleased with the Kostroma variety. I have been planting these tomatoes for many years, I try to place at least 5-6 bushes in the greenhouse. There are enough early tasty tomatoes for the whole family, we eat them all June. The bushes grow quickly, do not get sick, and do not require much attention. I water my stepson once every two weeks and water it the same way. I plant several more varieties with different ripening dates, but I don’t want to change this early one.

Sweet varieties

Pink honey

Tomato Pink Honey
A productive mid-season tomato variety, up to 1 meter high. Productivity – 6 kilograms per plant.

The fruits are heart-shaped, slightly ribbed. Weight – 0.6-1.5 kilograms. The peel is pink, thin. The pulp is 4-5 chambered, sweet, fleshy. The purpose is universal.

Review: Talsen

Delicious, you can make a salad from one tomato.

Handbag F1

Tomato Handbag F1
Mid-season hybrid variety, 1.6-1.8 meters high.

The fruits are cube-shaped. Weight – 0.2-0.25 kilograms. The peel is dense, red-pink. The pulp is aromatic, 4-6 chambered. Table use.

Review: Vera

I have been growing tomatoes for 3 years in a row. I am satisfied with everything, the taste, yield and aroma of tomatoes. I especially like it fresh. I will continue to plant.

Tea rose

Tomato Tea Rose
An early ripening variety of tomatoes, fruiting is extended, about 2 meters high. The yield of the bush is 6 kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits are round, with pronounced ribbing around the stalk. Weight – 250-400 grams. The peel is pink, dense. The pulp is juicy, sweet, fleshy, with few seeds. Tomatoes have a universal purpose.

Review: Irina

An excellent variety, productive, tasty, beautiful. Thanks to the people who developed this variety.

The Tsar Bell

Tomato Tsar Bell
Medium early variety, growing up to 1.5 meters. The yield of one meter is 9-12 kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits are heart-shaped. The average weight is 0.4-0.6 kilograms. The peel is dense, red. The pulp is sweet, fleshy. Salad tomatoes.

Review: Alexey

I have been growing Tsar Bell tomatoes for five years and am always pleased with the results. I exclusively use my own seeds for seedlings, since stores often sell low-quality products. The seeds have good germination and the seedlings grow strong. In early May I plant tomatoes in the greenhouse. At the end of July we eat the first tomatoes. I am very pleased with their taste and appearance. I recommend this variety to everyone. You will not regret!

Roma F1

Tomato Roma F1
A mid-season hybrid variety of tomatoes, reaching a height of 1 meter. 12 or more kilograms of fruit are harvested from a square meter of greenhouse.

The fruits are elongated-oval. Weight – 70-85 grams. The peel is deep red. The pulp is dense and sweet. The purpose is universal.

Review: Terekhova Vladislava Mikhailovna

I tried to grow seedlings myself. I bought the seeds, fortunately they were processed. It was easy for me to work with this variety, I enjoyed growing and caring for tomatoes. After 100 days they began to bear fruit and quite abundantly.


Japanese crab

Tomato Japanese crab
A mid-season variety of tomatoes, reaching a height of 2 meters. One plant produces 5 or more kilograms of fruit.

The fruits are ribbed. Weight ranges from 0.3 to 0.9 kilograms. The peel is dense, tender, crimson or red with a dark spot at the stalk. The pulp is fleshy, aromatic, consists of 5-6 chambers. The purpose is universal.

Review: nechaevatu

A wonderful variety, it ranks first in my collection of pink tomatoes in terms of taste and yield.

De Barao Giant Red

Tomato De Barao Giant Red
Mid-season tomato variety, exceeds 2 meters in height. The yield of the bush is 5-6 kilograms of tomatoes.

Tomatoes are elongated-oval, sometimes with a spout. Weight – 65-190 grams. The peel is dense, deep red with orange-yellow splashes at the stalk. The pulp is fleshy, sweet and sour, dense, juicy, low in seeds. Universal tomatoes.

Review: Olga

De Barao giant became a good variety. It is a pleasure to grow it, and the results are pleasing. The tomatoes are huge, even bring them to an exhibition. The taste is normal, a little sweet. This is the kind of tomato that once you try, you will grow all your life for your own pleasure.


Tomato Batyanya
An early ripening variety, 1.8-2.2 meters high. The yield of one meter is 9 or more kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits are heart-shaped, slightly tapered. Weight – 250-700 grams. The peel is deep crimson or pink, smooth, glossy. The pulp consists of 4 chambers, sweetish with sourness, juicy, fleshy, few seeds. The variety is used for salads, slicing, processing and preserving in slices for the winter.

Review: Ksenia Olegovna

I planted Batyan tomatoes both in the greenhouse and in open ground. Good taste, sweet, flesh without white streaks, very juicy. True, they are not suitable for canning because the size of the fruit is quite large, but just right for fresh salads. I advise you: plant the Batyanya variety, you won’t regret it.


Tomato Auria
Mid-early tomato variety. Plant 2 meters high. The tomato yield is 5 kilograms per bush.

The shape of the fruit is elongated, slightly forked at the bottom. The number of fruits on each cluster is 6-10 tomatoes. The average weight is 150-180 grams. The peel is red and dense. The pulp is dense, aromatic, juicy, with few seeds. The purpose of the variety is universal.

Review: Borisova Olga Evgenievna

I really love canning tomatoes for the winter, I try to select suitable varieties. The characteristics and description of the Auria tomato variety seemed interesting; last spring I bought seeds for the first time. The fruits turned out to be really very juicy, with thick skin and pulp - ideal for canning.

Alice's dream

Tomato Alice's Dream
Mid-season variety of tomatoes. The plant is tall. Productivity – more than 5 kilograms.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round. 10 or more tomatoes are formed on the bunch. Weight – 120-270 grams. The peel is dense, yellow-orange with lilac stripes and dark purple shoulders. The pulp is orange-pink, juicy, sweet. The purpose of tomatoes is salad.

Review: Nadezhda

Despite the fact that Alice's Dream requires warmth and sunlight, growing in a greenhouse still allows fruits to ripen with a sweet taste without pronounced sourness. The external color of the tomatoes is interesting. Tall bushes require care. You should especially remove unnecessary greenery and shoots. Then the tomatoes will be large.



Tomato Carbon
A productive mid-season variety. The plant is spreading and tall.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round, ribbed. The weight of the fetus is on average 250 grams. The rind is dark cherry with brownish streaks. The pulp is raspberry, sweetish, slightly sour, juicy, fleshy. The purpose of tomatoes is for table use.

Review: Valentina Iosifovna

I think that this variety has a place in a greenhouse and is worth fussing with. The taste of the fruit is unusual, exotic, with some kind of sourness or something... My family liked it so much in salads that we will definitely plant it again next year.

Explosion F1

Tomato Explosion F1
Unpretentious early ripening hybrid. The plant is spreading, 45-60 centimeters high. One bush brings 3 kilograms of tomatoes.

The shape of the fruit is ribbed-round. Weight – 120-250 grams. The peel is red. The pulp is dense, small-chambered. Tomatoes are used in the preparation of salads, purees, juices and other homemade preparations.

Review: Elena

I really like to grow vegetables in my dacha; I try to choose new varieties every year. This time I chose the Explosion tomato based on the photo and description. I planted the seeds in mid-April, and the seedlings sprouted very quickly. A month later I transplanted it into a greenhouse. The height of the bushes was 60 cm, which greatly simplifies their care. I picked the tomatoes green, there were so many of them that I was afraid that the bush would simply break.

F1 doll

Tomato Doll F1
Hybrid variety. The plant is 0.7 meters high. The yield of the variety reaches 9 kilograms per meter of planting.

The shape of the fruit is round. Weight reaches 0.4 kilograms. The peel is pink, smooth. The pulp consists of 5 chambers, fleshy and sweet. The purpose of the fruit is universal.

Review: Lera1

We usually call this type of tomato “pink” because of their color; on the market they are more expensive than other varieties of tomato and it’s clear why. This variety is very tasty and very different from the others.

Gina TST F1

Tomato Gina TST F1
Mid-early hybrid variety, 55-60 centimeters high.

The shape of the fruit is round, slightly ribbed, slightly flattened at the stalk. Weight – 200-350 grams. The peel is dense and elastic. The pulp is sweetish, with slight sourness, meaty, juicy. Tomatoes are universally used.

Review: Svetlana Anokhina

I've been friends with Gina's tomato for four years now. I like that unripe tomatoes are stored well and slowly ripen. Therefore, in the fall we still have our fresh tomatoes.


Tomato Alaska
An early ripening variety of tomatoes. The plant is 60 centimeters high. The average yield is 9-11 kilograms per square planting.

The shape of the fruit is flattened and round. Weight – 90 grams. The peel is smooth, dense, red. The pulp is tasty, sweet, dense. The purpose of tomatoes of this variety is universal.

Review: Olga Viktorovna

"Alaska" is a wonderful variety. Unpretentious and productive. The taste is sweet and very delicate. The salads they make are simply amazing. All the guests ask what these wonderful tomatoes are.


Bull's heart

Tomato Bull's Heart
A mid-season tomato variety that reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Up to 8 kilograms of crop are harvested per square meter.

The fruits are heart-shaped. Weight – 0.2-0.8 kilograms. The peel is dense, red-pink in color. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, sour-sweet, low in seeds. The purpose is mainly salad.

Review: nikova09

The most delicious, juicy tomatoes.

Azores red Nevesa

Tomato Azores red Nevesa
A high-yielding mid-season tomato variety, reaching 1.8-2 meters.

The fruits are flat-round. Weight – 0.4-0.8 kilograms. The peel is red, smooth, elastic. The pulp is tasty, dense, sweet and sour. Purpose: salads, pasta, ketchups, juices.

Review: Kae

I grew Azores this year. There was 1 bush in the greenhouse, height about 1.40. The bush is very powerful, it tied the first bunch, albeit from 9 tomatoes, which took a very long time to fill and sang. We only tried them at the beginning of September. All tomatoes per gr. 500-600, there was no less. I tied the remaining 5 brushes, but did not have time to grow. The tomatoes are very dense, beautiful and quite tasty.

The Scarlet Flower

Tomato Scarlet Flower
High-yielding mid-early variety. The plant is tall, up to 1.8 meters.

The shape is flat-round or comb-shaped. 5-6 tomatoes ripen into cysts. Weight – 0.25-0.7 kilograms. The peel is red or pink. The pulp is sweet, tasty, sugary, with a small amount of seeds. Tomatoes are used in salads, slices and in the form of juice.

Review: Svetlana

I always grow seedlings of this variety to eventually get a good harvest. It is at the seedling stage that tomatoes can be given good resistance to many diseases and external factors. Also, do not forget about gartering adult bushes so that they do not break under the weight of the fruit.

Altai honey

Tomato Altai honey
Mid-season variety, reaching 1.5-1.7 meters. About 5.5-6 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from one bush.

The fruits are heart-shaped. Weight – 0.3-0.8 kilograms. The peel is red-pink or orange-yellow. The pulp is fleshy, with a honey taste.

Review: Nadezhda

I immediately liked this tomato for its delicate sweet taste. In addition, the fruits grow quite large, which already increases the yield from one bush. But it is very difficult to grow this variety, since the bushes are tall and require regular pinching, staking and removal of unnecessary shoots.

Angela Giant

Tomato Angela Giant
A high-yielding mid-season variety, reaching a height of 2.5 meters. 7 kilograms of tomatoes grow on a bush, 25-30 kilograms on a square.

The fruits are flat-round. Weight from 0.3 to 1.5 kilograms. The skin is red. The pulp is juicy, sweet, fleshy, low in seeds. They are used in salads, preparations, and cooking.

Review: Natalia

I manage to harvest this variety for quite a long time, even in the fall. The fruits ripen large and juicy, making them excellent for juices and sauces. When growing, it is worth considering the height of the bushes. A mandatory garter to the supports and regular stepsoning are required.

Resistant to late blight

Adam's apple

Tomato Adam's apple
A productive mid-early variety, up to 1.3 meters high. The plant produces 4-5 kilograms of fruit.

The fruits are round. Weight – 0.3-0.5 kilograms. The peel is glossy, smooth, deep red in color. The pulp is sweet and sour, with few seeds. Fruits of universal use.

Review: Marina

Last year I tried to grow an Adam's apple tomato. I planted 5 bushes in a greenhouse and 5 bushes in open ground. I am a fan of winter preparations, so I planned to put the entire harvest in jars. The fruits turned out to be quite tasty, and I didn’t notice how the whole family ate all the tomatoes, of which there were a lot.

Next year I want to plant more bushes, because I liked the high yield and unpretentiousness of the tomato. The fact is that at the beginning of July, some of my tomatoes in the greenhouses were affected by late blight, but the Adam’s apple was not, although I did not treat them with anything. In general, I was pleased with this tomato and recommend it to all gardeners.

Verlioka F1

Tomato Verlioka F1
Mid-early hybrid variety, 1.5-2 meters high. 5-7 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from a bush.

The fruits are round. 5-10 tomatoes ripen in a bunch. Weight – 70-100 grams. The peel is red and elastic. The pulp is fleshy, sourish-sweet. Tomatoes are universally used.

Review: Valentin

I love something new and unusual, so every year I plant several new varieties. About five or six years ago I planted “Verlioka” for an experiment and I must say that we really liked these tomatoes. They make very tasty ketchup. My wife still freezes them. Makes a vegetable mixture and puts it in the freezer. So we are provided with tomatoes almost all year round.

Orange heart

Tomato Orange Heart
A mid-season variety, reaching a height of 2 meters or more. The bush produces 6-10 kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits are heart-shaped, with slight ribbing at the stalk and a pointed nose. Each brush contains 3-6 tomatoes. The weight of tomatoes is 0.15-0.3 kilograms. The peel is tender, thin, orange. The pulp is sourish-sweet, with fruity notes, fleshy, low in seeds. The fruits are universal in purpose.

Review: Svetlana Khominok

Everyone in our family loves Orange Heart tomatoes. They are very sweet and meaty. I fill the entire greenhouse with the variety and always get an excellent harvest. We eat tomatoes until November.


Tomato Cardinal
An early ripening variety, up to 2 meters high. The yield of the bush exceeds 9 kilograms.

The fruits are rounded, flattened or heart-shaped. Weight – up to 0.9 kilograms. The peel is bright crimson. The pulp is fleshy. Fruits of universal use.

Review: nechaevatu

Seed germination is good. The description of the variety is completely true.


Tomato Metelitsa
Mid-early hybrid variety, 50-60 centimeters high. From 17 to 20 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested from one square.

The fruits are flat-round, slightly ribbed. Weight – 60-200 grams. The peel is dense, rich red. The pulp is fleshy, sourish-sweet, 4-chambered. The purpose is universal.

Review: Svetlana

I like low-growing tomatoes best because they are much easier to care for than tall bushes. I have been growing the Metelitsa tomato for five years now. Excellent tomatoes with high yield and fruits of excellent taste. Suitable for fresh consumption and for winter preparations. I advise you to plant at least 2-3 bushes, you won’t go wrong.



Cherry tomato Dessert
An early ripening variety, reaching 2 meters. The yield of a square greenhouse is 6-8 kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits are round. Weight 15-25 grams. The peel is smooth, durable, bright red. The pulp is two-chambered, sweet, low-seeded, juicy. The purpose is universal.

Review: Evgeniy

I have always been partial to this variety of tomatoes. Small tomatoes that are delicious! The yield is simply magnificent! The tomatoes are small, but so tasty and juicy! For an ordinary gardener, it will not be difficult to grow and harvest a large harvest.

Madeira F1

tomato Madeira F1
Early productive hybrid variety. Productivity – 4.5-7 kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits are round, collected in a dense cluster of 12-15 pieces. Fruit weight is 20-25 grams. The peel is smooth, thin, bright red. The pulp is two-chambered, dense, juicy. Tomatoes for universal use.

Review: Yulia Drozdova

“I’m planting Madeira for the second year in a row. The tomatoes sprout quickly and bear fruit superbly, so be sure to pick them in time. The skin is thin, delicate, but does not burst in the sun.”

Cherry Ira F1

Tomato Cherry Ira F1
Early hybrid variety, up to 90 centimeters high. 3.5-4 kilograms of tomatoes are removed from the bush.

The shape of the fruit is ovoid. Weight – 35-40 grams. The peel is elastic, bright red. The pulp consists of 2-3 chambers. The fruits are universal in purpose.

Review: Natalia

The most delicious cherry tomatoes, no need for others! Fruitful, strong, sweet! The grandson ate it like berries.


Cherry tomato Thumbelina
Early variety of tomatoes. The plant grows up to 1.6 meters in height. About 4.5 kilograms of tomatoes are harvested per square meter.

The shape of the fruit is round. One brush contains 10-18 tomatoes. Weight – 15-20 grams. The peel is dense and smooth. The pulp is tasty, sweetish. The purpose is universal.

Review: Elena Moiseeva

For the first time, I planted several bushes in the greenhouse (for testing). I left one stem in the bushes. The clusters have ripened very elegantly - each bears 16-18 delicious fruits of Thumbelina tomatoes. The fruits turned out to be tasty and sweet. Of course, it’s not for everyone, but my loved ones liked it. It was a pleasant surprise that the harvest was still being harvested at the end of September.

Magic Harp F1

Cherry tomato Magic Harp F1
An early hybrid tomato variety reaching a height of 2 meters. The yield per square meter is 8-10 kilograms of tomatoes.

The fruits are round. Weight – 20-25 grams. The peel is orange, dense. The pulp has a sweet and sour taste. Tomatoes have a universal purpose.

Review: Anton Nikolaevich

It is beneficial for me to cultivate this variety, because with proper care the bushes reach 2 m and the crop can be harvested along its entire height. This saves the sown area in the greenhouse. As for the fruits themselves, they are quite suitable for canning, so there is a reason to increase the yield.

Read more in the article: The best varieties of tomatoes for 2022 according to reviews from gardeners

Tomato Honey Drop

A mid-early tomato variety, intended for growing in open ground and under cover. A bush of indeterminate type, tall: in open ground the height of the plant reaches 1.5 m, in a greenhouse it exceeds 2 m. Reliable support and garter are required. During the growth process, the bush forms many stepsons. If they are not removed in time, the plantings will quickly turn into an impenetrable jungle. Manufacturers recommend forming tomatoes into 2-3 stems.

From the appearance of the first shoots to fruiting, 105-110 days pass. The fruits are set in clusters. Each plant produces 10-30 pear-shaped tomatoes. At the stage of biological ripeness, they are colored bright yellow. The fruits are small: the weight of each does not exceed 20-30 g.

The taste is sweet with a delicate honey note. The skin is strong, but not rough. The pulp is dense, juicy, aromatic. Tomatoes are universally used: they are used fresh, for whole-fruit canning and for decorating dishes. Children love the bright pear-shaped fruits.

The variety is resistant to most diseases of nightshade crops. The fruits have good keeping quality and transportability.

Planting and further care

Tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse in early May. By this period, the plants will already be quite strong, so they will take root well in greenhouses. To do this, one and a half to two weeks before planting, the bushes are hardened off, leaving containers with plants for some time (from 30 minutes to 2 hours) in the open air.

Important! Well-hardened tomato seedlings should have foliage color with a subtle purple tint.
Instructions for planting seedlings and further caring for them.

  1. It is necessary to first prepare the beds in the greenhouse by digging up the soil and forming a mound 30 cm high.
  2. Seedlings are planted only in warm soil (not lower than +15°C): for this purpose, they are moistened with warm water, or covered for a while with black film material.
  3. The beds are placed at a distance of 1.2–1.4 m from each other (3 bushes per 1 m²).
  4. A gap of 40 cm is maintained between the bushes.

  5. When planting, the lower foliage of the plants is broken off, and the bushes themselves are sprayed with boric acid.
  6. A week after planting, the plants need to be tied with twine to vertical trellises: the end of the twine is tied around the shoot above the ground in the form of a loose loop. Afterwards, the vine trunk is wrapped with twine through two leaves, and the rest of the twine is transferred through the trellis, and its end is secured with a free loop. As the plant grows, its main shoot is periodically twisted around the twine (this must be done twice a week, otherwise the bushes will begin to sag under the weight of the tomatoes).
  7. In order for tomato inflorescences to be better pollinated, you need to vibrate the shoots and trellis twice a week, and also gently shake the flowers (from 9 to 12 noon).
  8. For good root development, do not allow the soil to dry out or become waterlogged: in warmer regions, it is recommended to mulch the soil to retain moisture; in cool ones, they organize high beds. Mulching is carried out only after sufficient heating of the soil.

  9. The tomatoes in question are moistened rarely (2 times every 7 days), but abundantly (up to 20 liters per 1 m²), after which the soil is loosened.
  10. The lower and older foliage, which turns yellow as it grows, is gradually removed (down to the first cluster). This will improve air exchange around the bush, reduce the spread of diseases and speed up the ripening of the crop.
  11. Plants of the species in question are grown in one shoot, with all shoots removed. When the stem reaches the top of the trellis, it is thrown over the support, and the growing point on the stem is pinched - up to 6 tassels are left on the main shoot.
    Important! Since indeterminate varieties of tomatoes are not limited in growth, they continuously form lateral shoots and flower clusters on the stems, the plants need pinching, forming bushes and pinching out the growing point of the crown. Otherwise, the fruits that

    they will get stuck

    and will not have time to ripen.

  12. The bushes need to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers every 14–20 days. The first time - 2-3 weeks after planting: water (10 l) + ammonium nitrate (15 g) + superphosphate (50 g) + potassium sulfate (40 g). The second feeding is during the fruiting period: 10 liters of water + ammonium nitrate (30 g) + potassium sulfate (50 g) + superphosphate (30 g). 1 liter of mixture is consumed per bush. During the flowering season and at the beginning of fruiting, up to three foliar feedings are carried out using a solution of mineral fertilizers: water (10 l) + superphosphate (10 g) + urea (10 g) + potassium sulfate (10 g) + boric acid (2 g) + zinc sulfate (2 g) + copper sulfate (2 g). Mixture consumption: per 10 m² - 0.5 l.

Tomato Ob domes F1

The hybrid is intended for cultivation in open ground and under film cover. The bush is determinate, low: in open ground the height of the plant rarely exceeds 50-60 cm, in protected ground - 70 cm. When growing, staking and partial pinching are necessary. Productivity is about 5 kg per bush, subject to compliance with agricultural technology.

Fruits weighing 200-260 g are formed 95-100 days after emergence. When fully ripe, the surface of a tomato is raspberry-pink. There is a yellowish spot near the stalk. The skin is dense, so the Ob domes F1 are distinguished by good shelf life and transportability. The pulp is fleshy, sugary, low in seeds. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and any processing, however, some tomato growers note that the tomato skin bursts during heat treatment.

The hybrid is resistant to most tomato diseases. It grows well and bears fruit even in unfavorable climatic conditions.

We think that from our selection you will be able to choose which tomatoes are best planted in a greenhouse or in open ground. If you still haven’t decided, then look at the entire rating and comments of the participants.


Determinate tomato bushes stop growing independently after forming 4 to 8 bunches. The following are considered the best for greenhouses.


The first place in the ranking is taken by the Alpha tomato. It belongs to those varieties that ripen early.

The height of the plant is 40-55 cm. The shoots are quite thick and grow without bending. Their foliage is very similar to that of potatoes. Tomato varieties are round, small and slightly flattened. They are bright red in color and have dense flesh. An average tomato weighs about 55 g.

Harvested Alpha tomatoes do not last long and are quite difficult to transport. Gardeners note in their reviews that tomatoes crack when canned, so it is better to eat them fresh, and also make sauces or salads from them.

Experts ranked the Alpha variety as one of the best because it is profitable to grow. When caring for tomatoes that do not require heat and light, simple agrotechnical techniques are used.


The early ripening tomato variety Valentina takes second place in the ranking. The ripening period of this vegetable is 102-105 days. The variety is not standard. The bush is medium spreading, covered with a small number of yellow-green, slightly wavy leaves.

Tomatoes hang from the stems in clusters. They are not very large (maximum weight - 90 g), but numerous. Valentina tomatoes have an oval shape, reminiscent of a plum. Color varies from orange to red. Under the smooth skin, which usually does not crack, there is a fleshy pulp. These tomatoes are most often canned whole or used for other winter preparations.

Valentina tomato lovers note that the only drawback of these tomatoes is the need to install supports to support the bushes. They are deservedly included in the ranking of the best varieties, since they have a good presentation, which is not lost during transportation. The fruits can be stored for a long time if picked unripe.

Explosion F1

In third place was the early hybrid tomato variety Vzryv. The bushes reach 45-60 cm in height. From the moment the seeds are planted until ripe tomatoes appear, 100-110 days pass. Each bush can produce up to 3 kg of tomatoes.

Tomatoes are round in shape and slightly ribbed. The fruits ripen simultaneously on one branch. They are meaty, but at the same time dense. They are distinguished by their rich red color.

Tomatoes of this variety have universal use. The reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Experts ranked it among the best, since Explosion tomatoes can be stored for a long time and are also excellent for transportation. Their seeds germinate well and the fruits ripen quickly. This variety is unpretentious, its yield is high and stable.

Openwork F1

Azhur takes fourth place in the ranking. The bushes are medium-sized, reaching a height of 60-90 cm. The Azhur variety can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. It has a simple inflorescence, an articulated stem from which the fruit develops, and large leaves.

When tomatoes reach maturity, they become slightly flattened and turn red in color. With an average weight of 240-280 g, they have fleshy flesh and thick skin. The Azhur variety is characterized by a pleasant taste and aroma of the fruit. Ripe tomatoes have on average about 4 seed chambers.

Gardeners note in their reviews that Azhur is tolerant of heat and lack of moisture. Experts included this hybrid in the rating because it is known for its high yield. If you follow all the rules of agricultural technology and choose the right fertilizers, you can get up to 10-12 kg of tasty tomatoes from 1 m² of planting.


This low-growing, early-ripening variety took fifth place in the ranking. The height of the bush does not exceed 50 cm. The leaves are medium sized, light green. The inflorescence is erect. Tomatoes ripen in 80-100 days. They can be grown in a greenhouse or in an open garden bed.

Alaska tomatoes are smooth and flat, round in shape. All fruits are approximately the same size and weight (about 90 g). The taste is excellent. The Alaska tomato is most often used in fresh salads. According to available data, in greenhouse conditions up to 2 kg of fruit can be collected from one bush.

The Alaska variety is deservedly in the ranking of the best, as it is characterized by high productivity, despite the low growth of the plant. In addition, the bushes of these tomatoes are unpretentious; they are easy to grow even for inexperienced gardeners.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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