Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses: rating of the best and recommendations for selection

Early varieties of tomatoes are very popular among Russian gardeners because many regions in Russia are in the zone of risky farming. And such regions usually have short and not very warm summers. And in such conditions, early tomatoes should have time to ripen. By the way
, our Russian tomato varieties bred in our country are most suitable for cultivation, because they are acclimatized for such conditions. There are a great many varieties of early tomatoes, and later in the article we will try to understand this variety. Go?

Description of early tomatoes

Early varieties of tomatoes are characterized by uniform yield, and they are also resistant to disease. These are the varieties that should be chosen for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals. These regions usually have not very warm summers, but closer to autumn it can also be rainy.

Differences in early tomato varieties by ripening time:

  1. Ultra early varieties of tomatoes. Ripening occurs in 70 - 85 days.
  2. Early tomatoes. Ripen in 90 - 95 days.
  3. Mid-early tomatoes. Ripening period is 100 - 110 days.

Also, early varieties of tomatoes differ in their growth type:

  • Determinate varieties have growth restrictions. These varieties do not need to grow a lot of green mass, so they usually yield quickly. They form only 5 - 6 brushes.
  • Superdeterminant. They are also limited in growth, with only 2 - 3 brushes formed.
  • Semi-determinant. Such tomatoes stop growing at 120 cm - 150 cm.
  • Indeterminate varieties have no growth restrictions, and they grow throughout the entire growing season. Important
    : such tomatoes must be shaped (stepchildren). And yet, most often indeterminates are grown in greenhouses.

The choice of variety is also influenced by:

  1. Growing region.
  2. Growing in a greenhouse or open ground.
  3. Further use of the crop. Use fresh or preserve.
  4. Productivity. The bigger, the better.
  5. Large fruit. Large and meaty varieties are suitable for salads, but smaller ones can be used for whole canning.
  6. Good immunity.
  7. Fruit color. It all depends on the preferences of the gardener.

Ultra-early ripening varieties

Early varieties of tomatoes that ripen in 70 - 85 days are considered super early ripening. Such tomatoes usually get sick less, and this is because the ripening process occurs very quickly.

And yet, for rapid growth you definitely need fertile and loose soil. It is also important to follow all agronomic practices, for example: crop rotation and proper care (watering, fertilizing). Important

: ultra-early varieties are most often determinate, or in extreme cases semi-determinate. And they usually do not have tall bushes.

Popular ultra-early ripening varieties

: Boni MM, Volgogradsky, Skorospelka, Doll F1, Far North, Alaska.

The best ultra-early ripening varieties


Determinate variety that ripens within 80 - 95 days. The bushes grow only up to 60 cm - 70 cm. There is no need to shape them. Possible to grow on a balcony or loggia. The fruits are round, weighing on average 80 g - 90 g. Harvest from 1 sq. m remove 6 kg - 7 kg. Variety value
: unpretentiousness and disease resistance.

Far North

A determinate plant that can reach a height of 65 cm. A standard-type bush that does not require pinching. The growing season of the variety is 85 - 95 days. The fruits are red. Their average weight is 60 g - 70 g. Productivity - up to 1.5 kg of tomatoes are harvested from 1 bush. Pros
: cold resistance and unpretentiousness.

F1 doll

A hybrid of determinant type, ripening in 85 - 95 days after full germination. The bush is not standard, weakly branched, which grows in height 50 cm - 60 cm no more. The fruits are round in shape. Smooth to the touch. Their color is deep pink. Productivity can be up to 9 kg per 1 sq. m plot. The value of the hybrid
: high yield, resistance to major diseases, excellent presentation, and the hybrid can be stored.


An ultra-early ripening variety that ripens within 87 - 95 days. A plant of a determinate type that stops growing on its own. The average height of the bush is 50 cm - 70 cm. The variety has abundant shoot formation, so it needs to be pinched. The fruits are red. Weight 60 g - 70 g. Harvest from 1 sq. m collect 5 kg - 7 kg. Advantages
: transportability, strong immunity, cold resistance.


An early ripening variety that ripens in 100 - 105 days. A determinate type bush with a height of 70 cm - 100 cm. The fruits are flat and round, and they are smooth to the touch. Their average weight is 90 g - 150 g. The yield is high - 4 kg-8 kg per 1 sq. m plot. Advantages of the variety
: excellent taste and yield.

"Evpator F1"

Among the early ripening tomato varieties for greenhouses, “Evpator F1” stands out. This is an indeterminate hybrid, the seedlings of which can be planted in a greenhouse 45 days after planting the seeds. When transplanted early, tomatoes show the best results. From one bush it is possible to harvest 4.5-5.5 kg.

The plant is quite tall, it is formed into one stem. Stepchildren pinch during the entire summer period. The growing point should be removed closer to the end of the season. The seedling planting pattern of 40 x 60 cm allows you to reap the maximum harvest.

The fruits of this variety are flat-round. They weigh from 130 to 150 g and are well suited for home preparations. They are also used in salads and slices. The fruits are not subject to cracking. The hybrid is unpretentious in care and is resistant to a number of diseases, for example, TMV, fusarium, blossom end rot, and cladosporiosis.

Early varieties of tomatoes

Early varieties of tomatoes that ripen in 90 - 95 days are considered simply early. Here, ripening occurs in a short time, and the plants do not even have time to get sick. By the way

, late blight peaks in August, and the harvest is harvested in July. And yet, the soil must be fertile and loose. Most often, early tomatoes are determinate.

Popular early varieties

: Fighter, Snow White, White filling 241, Betta, Children's sweetness, Golden heart, Flash, Pearl, Cinderella, Caramel, Lazy person's dream, Coin, Peach, Pygmy, Button, Compass rose, Northern baby, Florida petite.

The best early varieties

Snow White

Ripens in 85 - 90 days. The plant is determinate and grows no more than 50 cm in height. The fruits are round in shape with thick skin. Their average weight is 50 g - 90 g, although it can be 120 g. The color of tomatoes is red. Value of the variety
: excellent taste, cold resistance, heat resistance, transportability, not prone to cracking.


The variety ripens in 80 - 85 days. It has a standard bush of determinant type, which reaches a height of up to 0.5 m. The foliage is average. The fruits are red. Their shape is flat and round. The ribbing is weak. There are 4 - 5 chambers in the fruits. Weight 50 g - 70 g. Value of the variety
: do not crack, transportable, drought- and cold-resistant, do not require garter.

White filling 241

The hybrid has a growing season of 80 - 100 days. A bush of determinate type, which rarely reaches a height of more than 50 cm - 60 cm. The fruits are round. Their color is red. Average weight is 100 g. Productivity - up to 3 kg of fruits are collected from a bush, and from 1 sq. m turns out to be up to 8 kg. Advantages of the hybrid
: high yield, unpretentiousness, excellent taste and presentation.

Children's sweetness

. Determinate variety with early ripening, which ripens within 90 - 95 days from full germination. The bush is compact and strong, which can be 50 cm - 60 cm high. Does not require pinching. Tomatoes are shaped like elongated cream. Their weight can be from 70 g to 100 g. The fruits are colored bright red with gloss. The skin is strong and dense, which is not prone to cracking. Harvest from 1 sq. m are harvested at 8 kg - 10 kg, which is approximately 4 kg - 4.5 kg per bush.

Golden heart

Determinate medium-growing variety with a height of 70 cm. In a greenhouse it can be higher. Ripens in 95 days. The fruits are elongated and oblong in shape. The ribbing is moderate. There are 4 seed chambers. The color of ripe persimmon. Productivity - from 10 to 12 kg per 1 sq. m plot. Value
: immunity to disease, productivity.

Mid-early tomato varieties

Such early varieties of tomatoes have a ripening period of 100 - 110 days. And they are almost no different from the early ones, which have a slightly shorter ripening period. But even indeterminate tomatoes can already be found in this category. For such tomatoes, the condition of the soil is very important, which must be fertile. It is also important to observe crop rotation, fertilizing and watering.

Popular mid-early varieties

: Scarlet Sails, Cheerful Dwarf, Casper, Beauty of Siberia, Leader, Lotus, Moskvich, Polar, Puzata Khata, Black Truffle, Dark Chocolate.

The best mid-early varieties

Scarlet Sails

A mid-early indeterminate variety with a ripening period of 100 - 108 days. The tomato bush is slightly leafy and can grow up to 1.7 m in height. The plant needs to be shaped. Tomatoes are flat-round with slightly pronounced ribs. The average weight of one fruit is 170 g, while the fruits have 4 - 5 nests. The average yield from 1 bush is 4 kg. Advantages of the variety
: good yield, marketability and immunity.

Puzata hut

Ripening occurs after 100 days. The variety is considered mid-early. Bushes of indeterminate type, which grow in height up to 1.5 m - 2 m. They have average branching and foliage, while the stems of the plant are thin and fragile. The fruits are pear-shaped and have pronounced ribbing. The average weight is 150 g - 300 g. They are colored orange-red. There can be from 4 to 6 seed chambers. The yield is 9 kg - 11 kg per 1 sq. m plot. Advantages of the variety
: storage ability, excellent taste and good immunity.


A determinate variety that ripens within 100 days after full germination. The height of the plant is on average 40 cm. A bush with thick and strong stems. The fruits are round with a strong skin that does not crack. Weight - 60-80 g, and on the lower clusters it can be as much as 100 g. Value of the variety
: good keeping quality, unpretentiousness, excellent taste.

Cheerful gnome

A low-growing (40 cm) variety of determinant type, which ripens 96 days after full germination. The plant has medium foliage. It can even be grown in flowerpots on the loggia. The fruits are shaped like an elongated oval. Their weight can be 70 g - 90 g. Length 12 cm. The color of the skin is bright red. Advantages of the variety
: the skin does not crack, whole fruits can be preserved, excellent taste and excellent presentation.

Features of agricultural technology

When choosing seeds, take into account the planting location: closed ground or on ordinary beds in the garden.

Sow in fertile soil, do not add a lot of nitrogen for early ripening, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should predominate in the fertilizing composition. At the age of 50 days, flower clusters begin to appear. It is recommended to plant in a permanent place before the buds bloom.

Lack of lighting and high temperature cause the sprouts to stretch; in such cases, additional lighting is used with the help of special lamps; the best specimens are stocky and strong.

Before being sent into the ground, the seedlings are hardened off, taken out to a cool room during the day, and returned at night. In outdoor beds, after transplanting, they are covered with non-woven materials.

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses and greenhouses

These varieties and hybrids are chosen for greenhouses


  1. Indeterminate. Such tomatoes are not limited in growth.
  2. Semi-determinant. Varieties and hybrids of such tomatoes grow to a height of 1.2 m - 1.5 m. At the same time, they themselves stop growing.

On a note!

It is simply unprofitable to grow determinate varieties in a greenhouse. Such tomatoes can be planted in a greenhouse as a sealant. And sometimes situations arise when this needs to be done. For example, if a greenhouse is heavily infested with pathogens. Here, early determinate tomatoes will ripen before disease outbreaks.

Popular varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

: Golden brush, Mandarin duck, Greenhouse early ripening F1, Poznan, Present F1, Sugar plum raspberry, Sweet bunch, Superstar, Meal, President F1.

Early varieties of tomatoes
and hybrids for greenhouses

  1. Determinant
    . Typically, such varieties of tomatoes can grow no more than 40 cm - 70 cm. Therefore, such tomatoes are best suited for greenhouses.

Popular early varieties for greenhouses (mentioned above)

: Fighter, Snow White, White filling 241, Betta, Children's sweetness, Golden heart, Flash, Pearl, Cinderella, Caramel, Lazy person's dream, Coin, Peach, Pygmy, Button, Compass rose, Northern baby, Florida petite.

The best early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

golden brush

An early variety of indeterminate tomatoes that ripens in 90 - 95 days. The bush grows in open ground up to 1.5 m, but in closed ground up to 1.8 m. The foliage is average. Mandatory garter required. The fruits are formed in clusters of 20 pieces. The shape of the fruit is drop-shaped. Their weight is 20 g - 30 g. The color is yellow. Seed chambers - 2. The pulp is white. Productivity 5 kg - 6 kg per 1 sq. m plot. Value of the variety
: early ripening, transportability, unpretentiousness.

Sweet bunch

The variety is indeterminate and can grow, if left unchecked, up to 2.5 m. The bush is well leafy with dark green large leaves. Tomatoes are formed in clusters of 20 - 25 pieces, while on the lower clusters there may be more fruits (30 or more). The shape of the fruit is round. The weight of one is from 15 g to 30 g. The skin color is red. Ripening time is 100 - 110 days from full germination. Harvest from 1 sq. m are collected at 6.5 kg - 7 kg. Advantages of the variety
: versatility in use, high yield, decorative appearance, long-term fruiting.

Mandarin duck

A semi-determinate variety that stops growing at 120 cm - 150 cm. A mandatory garter is required. Ripening occurs within 100 - 110 days. The foliage and shoot formation are average. During the season, 6 - 8 clusters are formed, each of which produces 10 tomatoes. Each of which can weigh 100 g - 110 g. The number of seed chambers is 4. The ribbing is weakly expressed. The fruits are aligned and round in shape. Productivity - from 1 sq. m of plot is 6 kg - 7 kg. Value of the variety
: good immunity, excellent presentation and excellent taste.

The best varieties for greenhouses

Fighter (Brawler)

The variety is super-determinate, which means that it is standard and low-growing (up to 45 cm). It has dense dark green foliage. The fruits of the variety have an oval-cylindrical shape. And they can be red or yellow. Their weight on average ranges from 70 g to 180 g. There are 3 - 4 seed chambers. The skin is smooth to the touch, but strong, so it does not crack in high humidity. Productivity, with a planting density of 5 pieces per 1 sq. m, sometimes 4 kg - 5 kg per 1 sq. m plot. Value of the variety
: early ripening, no need for garter, unpretentiousness, versatility in use.

A lazy man's dream

The bushes of the variety are of a determinate type and they are standard. The Lazy Dream grows up to 40 cm in height. The foliage is average. The bushes do not require shaping (pinching). The fruits are flat-round in shape with slightly pronounced ribbing. Their color is bright red. Tomatoes always have 4 or more seed chambers. The average fruit weight is 120 g - 125 g. Harvest per 1 sq. m plot can be 4.5 kg - 5 kg. Advantages of the variety
: resistance to major diseases, easily transported, resistant to cracking, compactness, excellent taste.

Rose of Wind

Ripens in 95 days. It has bushes of a determinate type, which are no more than 50 cm in height. The plants are densely leafy, and their leaves are slightly corrugated at the edges. Their color is light green. Tomatoes have a flat-round shape. The color of the fruit can be pink or dark pink with gloss. The skin is dense. Productivity per 1 sq. m plot there is an average of 6 kg of tomatoes. Advantages of the variety
: drought resistance, cold resistance, high yield, transportability, keeping quality, excellent presentation.

"President 2 F1"

When choosing early ripening varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, you should pay attention to such an option as “President 2 F1”. This Dutch hybrid has long managed to win the love of domestic summer residents. The fruits have a rich red color. They are not only tasty, but also look very impressive, have an even round shape, and weigh from 250 to 300 g.

The bushes belong to the category of semi-determinate type. They stop growing on their own, but can reach a height of 1.8 m at the peak of fruiting. The stems have little foliage. The plant produces a moderate number of shoots. The harvest can be harvested quite early. Moreover, the bushes begin to bear fruit almost simultaneously.

The variety has good immunity and high yields. The fruits are well stored and tolerate transportation well. In mid-June, you can harvest the first harvest of tomatoes grown in the greenhouse.

Early tomatoes for open ground

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground are usually of the determinate or super determinate type. As a last resort, you can grow semi-determinate tomatoes. Such tomatoes should have time to yield their harvest even before the peak of late blight. Most often, tomatoes for open ground are more resistant to various diseases. Tall indeterminate tomatoes can be grown in open ground only in the southern regions. Important

: Any determinate or super-determinate varieties are suitable for open ground, and they should adequately resist disease. Below are the varieties that have already been mentioned above, and they satisfy our requirements.

Popular varieties for open ground

: Fighter, Snow White, White filling 241, Betta, Children's sweetness, Golden heart, Flash, Pearl, Cinderella, Caramel, Lazy person's dream, Coin, Peach, Pygmy, Button, Compass rose, Northern baby, Florida petit, Gina, Sanka, Snowy Leopard, Debut, Labrador.

The best varieties for open ground


The variety ripens in 95 - 100 days. A determinate type plant that grows in height up to 40 cm - 50 cm. The bushes are heavily leafy, with leaves of medium size and dark green color. The inflorescences are of a simple type and the first inflorescence is formed above the 5th or 6th leaf. And then, inflorescences are obtained through one leaf or after each leaf. There is no need to shape the plant. The fruits have a round shape. Their color is red. When cut, you can see that the tomato has 5 - 6 seed chambers. The ribbing is weak. Fruit weight 80 g - 100 g. Average yield 8 kg - 9 kg per 1 sq. m. Advantages of the variety
: good immunity and excellent taste.


A low-growing determinate variety of tomatoes that has a growing season of 100 - 108 days. The bush is weakly leafy. The inflorescences are simple, which are formed after each leaf. The fruits are red with 4 or more seed chambers. The average weight of tomatoes is 140 g. Harvest per 1 sq. m of plot, 7 kg - 8 kg of leveled fruits are collected. Variety value
: unpretentiousness, large-fruited, drought-resistant.

Northern baby

Determinate low-growing variety with a height of up to 40 cm - 50 cm. Branching and foliage are average. The bushes are spreading, but easy to care for. There are 6 - 8 brushes on one bush, and 5 - 7 tomatoes are formed in each brush. Their weight varies from 45 g to 65 g, although there are also specimens weighing 80 g to 100 g. The skin is dense, so the tomatoes do not crack. Harvest from 1 sq. m are removed 7 kg - 8 kg. Advantages of the variety
: early ripening, unpretentiousness, transportability and versatility in use.

Selection criteria

If there is a polycarbonate greenhouse on the site, then you should definitely use it. It retains heat more effectively and prevents plants from burning under the sun's rays. If you need an early harvest of tomatoes, it is better to give preference to early varieties. But late tomatoes, the large fruits of which are harvested in the fall, are equally suitable for polycarbonate structures.

When choosing and purchasing tomato seeds for a polycarbonate greenhouse, gardeners often make the same mistakes, buying up all the familiar tomato varieties by name, taking in addition to them several unusual ones. Sometimes the choice is based on the advice of neighbors and friends, but this is not always true.

It is important to choose seeds taking into account your own needs and desires, while at the same time taking into account known useful tips.

Polycarbonate greenhouses always have a unique microclimate; sometimes humidity rises in the absence of timely ventilation. Rarely, but still there are temperature changes, although not too significant compared to open ground. In greenhouse conditions, it is more difficult to cope with diseases due to the confined space.

Important! Dim lighting in polycarbonate greenhouses, compared to glass ones, creates unattractive conditions for bees. In this regard, it is recommended to select self-pollinating hybrid tomato varieties.

The yield and immunity of the tomato variety to diseases should also be studied at the time of purchase. Now there are many new modern varieties that are not susceptible to late blight outbreaks.

In a greenhouse, it is important to take into account the type of tomato bush - short and compact or tall, requiring support and fastening.

The latter develop better in greenhouse conditions.

The most productive early tomatoes

The most productive early tomatoes are considered varieties that can produce a yield of 10 kg - 15 kg per 1 sq. m plot. It is worth noting that hybrid varieties are usually the most productive. And yet, most often high-yielding are tall indeterminate tomatoes. Important

: High-yielding varieties can be large-fruited or small-fruited. Therefore, we choose a variety or hybrid based on our preferences.

The best productive
early varieties of tomatoes and hybrids
: Andromeda F1, Lethal force, Mandarin duck, Golden brush, Sweet bunch, Velikosvetsky F1, Raspberry ringing F1, Magnus F1, Legionnaire F1, Katherine F1.

Disease resistant tomatoes

Varieties and hybrids with early ripening periods are often the least susceptible to disease. And this is because early-ripening tomatoes have time to ripen before disease outbreaks begin. By the way

, if you choose from varieties and hybrids, then hybrid varieties are usually an order of magnitude more resistant to diseases and more productive. This is exactly what breeders achieve when they develop new hybrids.

On a note!

Various infections can be present in seeds, in the soil, on the greenhouse structure and on gardening tools. And the selected variety or hybrid must successfully resist these infections. And yet, prevention is very important.

The most disease-resistant varieties and hybrids

: Crimson Ring F1, Cardinal, Magnus F1, Resonance, Legionnaire F1, Sanka, Katherine F1, Gina.

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