The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

Photo: At first glance, growing vegetables in greenhouses is much easier, because there are stable conditions. And this is true, but you need to choose the right variety. Therefore, we have prepared a large catalog of the best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses with photos, names and descriptions!

Tomato varieties for polycarbonate greenhouses

If there is a stationary polycarbonate greenhouse on the site, then you can grow even the most capricious varieties of tomatoes.


The relatively young hybrid is valued for its high yield - up to 40 kg per square meter. It is also resistant to nematode, mosaic and most other diseases, but is very light-loving.


Wonder of the earth

Beginners are rarely familiar with this variety, but experienced gardeners are delighted with it. It combines high yield, excellent taste, resistance to storage and transportation, and complete resistance to cracking.



The domestic variety ripens in approximately 110 days after planting the seeds. It has beautiful large fruits of an unusual heart-shaped shape, which are consumed fresh.



The Dutch hybrid feels great in a polycarbonate greenhouse, and in such conditions it can grow even in the North. It is resistant to drought, disease and produces a stable harvest, but is a late-ripening variety.



Another very productive greenhouse hybrid, which produces up to 17 kg from 1 square. This is a tall and unpretentious variety of tomatoes that has been loved and grown since the mid-90s.


Correcting errors

What to do if the house for “tomatoes” is already standing, but there is no harvest of thick-cheeked nightshades in it?

  • We insert windows or vents, cut in a second door if there is none, and regularly ventilate the room and seedlings
  • We change the soil. In no case do we introduce fresh manure into fresh manure.
  • We treat the entire house with a disinfectant solution
  • Monitor humidity and temperature
  • During the development of seedlings, humidity is from 60% to 70. Fruiting is from 75 to 85%
  • Soil humidity is not higher than 80%, temperature is not less than 12-15*
  • The air temperature should not rise above 25-28*
  • We follow the landing pattern
  • We plant low-growing “early ripening” from 2 stems at a distance of 40 cm from each other, 55-60 cm between rows
  • Vigorous tomatoes with 1 stem – 25-30 cm apart

Tomato varieties for greenhouses and film greenhouses

Greenhouses and film greenhouses are good for seasonal use, because they can then be completely removed. The following varieties grow wonderfully in such conditions.


A tall variety with beautiful orange-golden fruits weighing up to 100 g. They are easily recognized by their characteristic elongated shape, which resembles cream tomatoes.



The universal hybrid is completely unpretentious to external conditions. Its round, flattened fruits of even, bright color are valued for their impeccable commercial qualities.



The early Dutch hybrid produces round, but slightly ribbed fruits up to 160 g. This variety of tomatoes can even be grown in greenhouses and hotbeds without heating.



Another early variety produces the first harvest approximately 45 days after planting. The fruits are red, beautiful, medium in size and easily stored for up to a month.


Scarlet Mustang

Interesting tomatoes are so elongated that they sometimes resemble cucumbers in shape. The weight of the fruit is about 200 g, and most often they are used fresh.


The highest-yielding varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse

Even finicky varieties in greenhouses usually produce good and consistent yields. But there are also unconditional leaders!


An early-ripening hybrid with medium branching stretches up to 2 m and bears fruit with flat, round tomatoes. From a brush you can collect up to 10 kg of fruits, 100-150 g each.



An early variety with fairly compact bushes that rarely grow above 1 m. It is valued for its resistance to diseases and adverse conditions.



The tall hybrid produces the same tall fruits, up to 400 g, which are ideal for salads due to their delicate pulp. You can harvest up to 11 kg of crop from a bush.



The productive hybrid is distinguished by the fact that a record number of tomatoes are formed on the bunch. The weight of one fruit is no more than 90 g, and they are very neat, round, and uniformly red in color.


Japanese dwarf

One of the most productive low-growing tomato varieties. With a height of about 50 cm, in greenhouse conditions the bush grows up to 50 fruits weighing 70 g each.


The highest-yielding tomato varieties: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

The best, according to reviews from forums

Since greenhouses are set up to get an earlier harvest, it is natural that the overwhelming number of hybrid species intended for closed ground and film “booths” belong to the early and mid-early varieties.

Everyone has their own criteria for choosing the “best of the best,” which is called “taste and color.”

But here are a few options that are repeated most often with a “plus” rating among different people.

Early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Tomatoes in greenhouses always yield faster than in open ground. And the early varieties are even more surprising in their growth rate.

Volgograd early ripening

The harvest can be harvested approximately 100 days after the first shoots appear. The fruits are round, but slightly flattened and ribbed, weighing up to 100 g.



Tall bushes grow up to 1.5 m and produce a stable harvest for about 90 days. The fruits are round, slightly flattened, with dense and pleasant pulp.



The early variety in greenhouse conditions is also famous for its large, stable yield. It is resistant to disease and frost, suitable for salads and canning, and does not cause problems even for beginners.



The standard hybrid grows more than 2 m, so it grows better on trellises. The fruits are small, up to 60 g, but the variety is very productive and produces up to 9 kg per 1 square.



Kolibri are early plum tomatoes weighing about 170 g with shiny red skin. The variety is valuable for its strong immunity and increased resistance to tomato diseases.


Landing error

Trying to get a harvest of nightshades of unprecedented size, new owners of greenhouses plant all available spaces as densely as possible with all types of nightshades in a row. This cannot be done!

In the thickened wilds of various vines and bushes, not only late blight readily reproduces, but also other fungal diseases, for example, powdery mildew or the scourge of any plant grown in a greenhouse - black leg. The spider mite won't keep you waiting either! High humidity and high temperature are optimal conditions for the reproduction of this parasite.

What a harvest there is with such a “bouquet” of nasty things! And, note, in this case, the lack of harvest has nothing to do with tomatoes.

Medium and late varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

If you want to stretch out the fresh harvest over time, then combine early varieties with middle and late ones.


The tall variety is quite capricious in its maintenance and needs proper watering and fertilizing. But the plants are compact, disease-resistant and can produce record yields.


Russian size

The tall and tall bush bears fruit well both in heated greenhouses and under film cover. The average fruit weight is about 650 g, but there are also real giants up to 2 kg.


Citrus garden

Yellow tomatoes get their name from the characteristic shape of the fruit, which resembles a lemon. They are not very large, sweet, tasty and versatile in use.


French grape

The variety is completely unpretentious to cultivation technology and produces very tasty fruits of an unusual elongated shape. They have a tough skin for shipping, but they need sun and warmth to grow.


Miracle of the market

A late and exclusively greenhouse variety that grows on a trellis. It produces a bountiful harvest of large, fleshy tomatoes weighing about 300 g, and sometimes up to 600-800 g.


The best varieties of tomatoes for the Moscow region: photos, names and descriptions (catalogue)

Large-fruited tomato varieties for the greenhouse

A common stereotype is that large and juicy tomatoes from a greenhouse are always tasteless. And these varieties are the best refutation of this!

King of Kings

The name speaks for itself - the fruits of these tomatoes can be truly gigantic, up to 1 kg. At the same time, they have an excellent taste, so among large-fruited varieties, the King of Kings is a real star.



A popular and rather unpretentious salad variety produces red juicy fruits up to 800 g. The bushes are quite tall, so they need shaping and staking.


Amana Orange

An unusual variety of large yellow tomatoes is included in the State Register in 2022. But its original fruits weighing up to 1 kg with a subtle fruity smell and almost no seeds definitely deserve attention!



The mid-season greenhouse variety is not grown in open ground. But in greenhouses it produces large fruits up to 800 g of rich and bright color, depending on the amount of sun.



An ideal large-fruited variety for industrial cultivation. The first fruits grow up to 800 g, and subsequent ones - up to 600 g. From 1 square you can harvest up to 18 kg of tomatoes.


Pink varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse

Beautiful pink tomatoes are tasty, juicy and meaty. Pay attention to these greenhouse varieties!

Pink Elephant

The variety was bred specifically for greenhouses, and gives an impressive harvest even for beginners without experience. The tomatoes are very tasty, tall, and have a beautiful round shape.


Pink spam

This is a pink hybrid of the Ox Heart variety with all its advantages, and with enhanced sweetness. The fruits do not grow so large, up to 250 g, although sometimes there are exceptions even up to 1 kg.


Pink Mikado

This variety is not the most productive and not the most unpretentious, but its fruits are so tasty that it compensates for all the shortcomings. Tomatoes grow round, juicy, sweet, up to 260 g.



Compact bushes produce fleshy and juicy fruits with a bizarre flattened ribbed shape. This is an excellent salad variety that doesn’t need to be tied up, but needs to be pinched.


Pink raisins

These tomatoes have a very recognizable elongated shape of fruits weighing up to 100 g. The variety is resistant to pests and diseases, bears fruit abundantly and is as unpretentious as possible.


Tomato varieties for greenhouses that do not require pinching

Pinching is the removal of side shoots so that all the nutrients go to the benefit of the crop. This is a standard procedure for tomatoes, but there are still varieties that do not need it.


An early ripening variety with smooth and neat cylindrical fruits up to 100 g. They are sweet, slightly sour, red or bright yellow.



The hybrid variety is almost identical in characteristics to cherry tomatoes. The bushes are low-growing, but the fruits are fleshy and larger, up to 500 g. Moreover, up to 7 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from a bush.



A universal mid-season variety with tasty egg-shaped fruits for pickling. The bushes grow quite tall, so they need staking.


Children's sweetness

An early-ripening greenhouse variety of tomatoes is valued for its excellent taste characteristics. It tolerates long-term transportation and storage well, but requires warmth to ripen.


Top ten

An unpretentious yellow variety with fairly large fruits up to 200 g and not at all prone to cracking. Tomatoes are sweet and versatile, and the bushes can be grown even in the Northern regions.


The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

Bison orange

Varieties with the name Bison have long been heard by many gardeners. These are large-fruited and very tasty tomatoes that give a good harvest in protected soil. Breeders have developed varieties such as Sugar Bison, Black Bison, Yellow Bison and Orange Bison. Orange bison stands out in this group for its largest fruits: tomatoes of the first or second bunch can weigh 700-900 g. The fruits are flat-round, ribbed, the flesh is sweet, dense, aromatic, orange in color. The variety is mid-late, determinate. The height of the bush is up to 160 cm. It requires pinching, tying up stems and some clusters with the largest fruits.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses in the Moscow region

With the right combination of varieties and favorable conditions, greenhouse tomatoes in the Moscow region can gradually bear fruit throughout the season.

De Barao

A very high-yielding variety with tall bushes up to 2 m. The fruits are small, smooth and oval, and can be not only red, but also yellow, pink or burgundy.



The low, compact variety is very convenient because it does not require garters or pinching. It is also very resistant to most common tomato diseases.


Sweet bunch

The early ripening variety is most often grown for canning or for tomato juice. Tomatoes are disease-resistant, and the bushes produce up to 50 small fruits, but require staking.



Alenka easily tolerates temperature changes that occur in the Moscow region. The variety is very compact, but productive, so it still needs support.



An early hybrid with low bushes, but impeccable yield indicators - up to 10 kg. In this case, the weight of one fruit reaches about 120 g.



Prepared tomato seeds are planted in nutrient soil. It is most convenient to plant 1-2 grains at once in separate peat cups.

If the seedlings are planted all together, when the first true leaves appear on the stems, they are picked (planted in separate pots). This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots of the plants.

Using a tool, small holes are made in the beds, cups with grown and hardened seedlings are placed in them, and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses for the Urals and Siberia

The greenhouse protects tomatoes from cold and winds, which is especially important in the Urals and Siberia. But we must not forget about the specifics of the soil and the number of sunny days.


An unpretentious mid-early variety produces beautiful and neat fruits weighing up to 400 g. In Siberia and the Urals, it can only be grown in greenhouses, but the harvest will be decent.


King of the Early

One of the fastest ripening greenhouse varieties in the conditions of Siberia and the Urals. It has very high resistance to fungus and diseases, but it is demanding on watering and lighting. The first harvest is quite large - with fruits up to 500 g.



The high-yielding domestic hybrid was originally bred for the Southern and Central regions. But it turned out that it bears fruit well in the North in greenhouses, and produces up to 4 kg of flattened tomatoes per bush.


Honey cream

The classic variety is valued for its unique sweet taste with a slight sourness. And also - for strong immunity, unpretentiousness when growing and resistance to disease.


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