Description of the best varieties of black tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses

The varieties of black tomatoes with photos, descriptions and characteristics presented in this article are gaining more and more popularity among Russian gardeners every year.

Black tomatoes are beautiful and healthy, as they contain special pigments (anthocyanins). It is because of them that the skin of tomatoes is colored black, purple or brown. These pigments have strong antioxidant and bactericidal effects. They also improve health and stimulate the immune system.

What makes tomatoes black?

Classic tomatoes owe their bright color to the combination of lycopene and carotene. These substances are natural dyes. The leaves and stems of tomatoes are rich in anthocyanins.

Red fruits contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and organic acids, but they do not contain such a component, but are present only in black tomatoes and give them a dark tint.

Scientists have been trying for many years to develop varieties in which anthocyanins would be present in the fruits, and they were created by crossing the seeds of cultivated and wild plant species.

About seed quality

If you decide to grow varieties of black tomatoes in your garden, make sure to purchase seeds of decent quality. Seed material sold on the domestic market may be one of the following types:

  • varieties included in the State Register;
  • varieties bred by well-known breeding firms, but not yet passed official tests;
  • imported varieties (in particular, those that were advertised on foreign websites or brought into the country by enthusiastic gardeners).

When purchasing seeds of the first two categories, the risk of receiving low-quality material is low. It is enough to contact a specialized store or the manufacturing companies themselves to reduce the likelihood of mis-grading to a minimum. In the third case, the situation is much more complicated, since seeds of this category are not sold by official sellers. Such material can only be purchased from private individuals or little-known companies, which often turn out to be not very conscientious. For example, they may sell you seeds of not varietal tomatoes, but hybrids, which will produce plants with a random set of properties. Therefore, when choosing foreign seeds for your plot, be careful and try not to fall for intrusive and overly enticing advertising of exotic varieties with “unique” characteristics.

When choosing seeds for your plot, be careful and try not to fall for intrusive and overly enticing advertising of exotic varieties with “unique” characteristics

What are the benefits of black tomatoes?

Tomatoes of purple or chocolate color are rich in ascorbic acid, which protects the body from colds and strengthens the immune system. Anthocyanins present in black tomatoes function as a natural antioxidant:

  1. Relieves inflammation.
  2. Prevents cell degeneration.
  3. Calms the nerves.
  4. Eliminate swelling.

The benefit of black fruits is that when consumed regularly, they strengthen blood vessels and have a positive effect on the heart muscle. B vitamins promote rejuvenation of the body, lycopene prevents the development of cancer.

Potential Harm

Black fruits, like red tomatoes, are not recommended for people who suffer from nephrolithiasis. Tomatoes have a diuretic effect and can dislodge stones. If you have an individual intolerance to one of the components present in the composition, dark tomatoes cause allergies; they do not cause harm to other people, but only benefit.

Specific taste

Some summer residents who planted black tomatoes indoors say that they did not like the fruits because they have little acid and a sweetish taste. Some consider this a disadvantage, others - an advantage.

The benefits of black tomatoes

Tomatoes with dark skin have been popular since the second half of the last century. The first varieties appeared in the State Register of the Russian Federation in the 80s, and the assortment of black fruits expanded at the end of the 20th century. Moreover, the authors of many patented cultivars offered to the general public are domestic breeders. Therefore, today it is not at all difficult to find black tomatoes on sale. It is worth deciding that black tomatoes, as a rule, have a bright red center, like traditional red-fruited tomatoes. In some varieties it may be yellowish-brown or dark crimson. The peculiarity of dark-fruited tomatoes is that they are not actually black, but only darker than classic red ones and have contrasting shades. Only a few specimens, such as the Black Bunch, are famous for their jet-black skin. Most dark-fruited cultivars are brownish, dark burgundy with bluish tints, or brick-green.

The pigment anthocyanin (a plant glycoside) adds blue-violet hues to black tomatoes, while carotene and lycopene (a carotenoid pigment) provide the classic red-orange color of the tomato.

The color of black tomatoes is heterogeneous: it is darker at the stalk, lighter closer to the top, or vice versa; sometimes the color may be contrasting over the entire surface

I would like to refute the established opinion that all black tomatoes are hybrids. Official sources (for example, the State Register of the Russian Federation) offer several dozen varietal tomatoes with dark skin.

What are the benefits of black tomatoes?

  • In terms of the sweetness of their pulp, dark-fruited tomatoes can be compared to orange ones - their center is sweetish and quite aromatic compared to many red cultivars.
  • The increased content of anthocyanins and lycopene helps improve the protective functions of the immune system, fight cancer cells, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • The combination of the above microelements and vitamins in the pulp of black tomatoes allows them to be classified as aphrodisiacs - together, this has a positive effect on sexual function.

Most varieties of black tomatoes are tall, indeterminate, grow well when there is plenty of light, but do not like heat

Black-fruited tomatoes are less common than orange, yellow or green ones - tomatoes with unconventional colors are a little off-putting due to the sharp, cold shades of the skin. But their taste is quite decent. From experience, they not only taste sweet, but also store well. Last year we grew Dark Chocolate - brown “peas” of 15-30 g each. As you know, cherry tomatoes are stored better in bunches than individually; the harvest of our black cherry tomatoes without stalks lay well in a shoebox on the balcony for almost a month. And in a salad, dark tomatoes look quite appetizing, because in the middle they are red-burgundy. Another important feature is that children love them; ours ate black tomatoes like berries.

Video: how to reveal the taste of black tomatoes: their features and a review of the best varieties

Most common varieties

The characteristics of black tomatoes interested gardeners and farmers, and many of them, along with classic tomatoes, began to plant plants with fruits of unusual colors.

One of the very first varieties created, Paul Robeson, is not losing ground, valued for its yield and large size of tomatoes. The weight of individual specimens exceeds 300 g.

The mid-season tomato Black Moor is characterized by rapid growth, and although it requires attachment to a support, caring for the bush is not difficult. One cluster bears 2 dozen miniature fruits.

The Gypsy variety pleases with tomatoes:

  • round shape;
  • brown color;
  • excellent taste.

The weight of one tomato is close to 150 g, the bush barely reaches a meter in height. After reading the description of the Black Prince, many gardeners began to grow this variety. Some of them were disappointed because the tomatoes died from late blight due to the lack of treatment, others were satisfied - they reaped a good harvest of very tasty and sweet fruits. The bushes need to be tied up; they stretch to a height of almost 2.5 meters.

The Black Pear variety is planted with pleasure by summer residents. Tomatoes of a dark burgundy color have dense pulp, are suitable for preservation, and are rich in carotene. Indigo Rose, Black sun tomatoes are distinguished by the fact that the fruits that ripen on the bushes do not have a brown or purple tint, but are colored real black.

Black Baron

An unusual hybrid with excellent productivity and high decorative qualities. With proper care, the yield is up to 3 kg of product per bush. Tomatoes are round, large, dark burgundy in color. There is slight ribbing closer to the stalk. The taste of tomatoes is rich, honey-sweet. The plant tolerates temperature fluctuations well and is resistant to characteristic nightshade diseases.

Care instructions:

  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers;
  • loosening the soil;
  • moderate watering with warm water.

Dark varieties for open ground

Breeders annually create hybrids that take root well in the greenhouse. However, the best tomatoes grow in a field or bed illuminated by sunlight, have a richer taste, and absorb a unique aroma.

Black Crimea

In the southern regions, summer residents are happy to plant this productive variety. An indeterminate tomato bush is formed into 2 stems and tied to a support. Up to 4 kg of tomatoes ripen on one plant:

  • dark crimson color;
  • with thick skin;
  • fleshy pulp.

The weight of individual fruits reaches 500 g; they are ideal for making juices and sauces, but are not suitable for storage.

De barao black

The late variety, bred by Brazilian breeders, is grown in different countries. It is valued because it is immune to most diseases, bears fruit in partial shade, and can withstand cold weather. From bushes reaching three meters in height, up to 8 kg of small tomatoes with thin skin, colored purple, are collected.

Bison Black

The tomato, created by breeders from Russia, grows in greenhouses in the middle zone; in the southern regions it gives a good harvest in the garden if attached to a trellis. Tomatoes ripen 110–120 days after planting; when ripe, they acquire a purple color; the weight of individual specimens approaches 500 g. They are not stored for a long time; they are used for preparing juice and tomatoes. The plant is rarely affected by diseases and produces about 5 kg per bush.

Black pineapple

Breeders from Bulgaria and Belgium worked together to develop a variety with interesting fruits. The result was tall, branching bushes with erect shoots that required pinching and staking. Black pineapple is different:

  • good yield;
  • excellent keeping quality;
  • large fruit weight.

The flesh of tomatoes is colored in different colors - yellow and green, pink and purple; the tomatoes are covered with brown skin on top. When cut, an interesting pattern appears. The disadvantages of the variety include difficulty in care, since the bush needs to be able to shape and constantly pluck off stepsons. In bad weather, the taste of the fruit deteriorates; they weigh 400–500 g and are not suitable for preservation.

Black truffle

In the south of Russia, gardeners sow seeds for tomato seedlings as early as February in order to enjoy early tomatoes. Varieties with a ripening period of only 90 days include Black Truffle. On bushes up to one and a half meters high, brown pear-shaped fruits ripen with an average weight of 150–180 g. They are valued for their excellent taste, long-term storage, and are suitable for canning, but they do not boast high yields.

Black Baron

Having once planted this hybrid variety, gardeners grow it constantly, although the spreading bushes need to be tied up and the shoots need to be plucked off. The Black Baron responds to the care with a harvest of fruits that surprise with the richness of their taste and delight with their juicy pulp and thick, glossy skin. Round tomatoes ripen gradually, several at a time. Ripe tomatoes acquire a dark burgundy hue and weigh an average of 200 grams.

Black gourmet

The indeterminate tall variety surprises with long-term fruiting. The first tomatoes are harvested in July, the last ones ripen in September. Black gourmet tomatoes, covered with orange skin, have a classic shape and weigh about 100 g. The dark brown pulp contains a lot of sugar, which gives the tomatoes a specific flavor.

See also

Do-it-yourself scheme for properly planting tomatoes in a greenhouse


Black chocolate

Miniature plants look original in garden beds and serve as table decorations. Thanks to the work of breeders, a tomato with brown-purple fruits, reminiscent of cherry tomatoes, appeared. Dark chocolate is almost not affected by late blight, and with proper care it does not suffer from root and gray rot. Tomatoes surprise with their fruity taste, but are not suitable for canning or storage.


The Tomatoes Kumat hybrid was bred in Western Europe, but its original colors and excellent technical characteristics attracted the attention of Russian gardeners. On bushes up to 2 meters high, dense chocolate-colored tomatoes with a green tint ripen. The fruits are rich:

  • glucose;
  • provitamin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • fructose.

Tomatoes do not spoil for a long time, but at low temperatures they lose their unique aroma. Kumato variety tomatoes are used to decorate dishes and to extract juice.

Vranac F1

Many hybrids can be grown both in the garden and in the greenhouse. Tomato Vranac F1 is not affected by mosaic and bacteriosis, and is resistant to Fusarium wilt. On one bush, the height of which does not exceed a meter, 200–250 tomatoes ripen in less than 3 months. One fruit weighs up to 20 g, surprises with its rich red color, the skin is covered with dark stripes. This miracle was created by Russian breeders and is perfect for canning.

Chocolate bunny

Despite the low growth, a large number of fruits ripen on semi-determinate tomato bushes. The plant forms side shoots on which one flower cluster is left, each bearing up to 15 plum-shaped tomatoes. When ripe, they weigh about 50 g and acquire a chocolate color. The variety, bred by Bulgarian breeders, is practically not affected by late blight and is resistant to fusarium. Tomatoes have thick skin, begin to ripen in July, and are harvested before frost.

Indigo Rose

The exotic Indigo Rose was introduced in the USA just a few years ago. The hybrid is grown in regions with different climatic conditions; in the north it bears fruit in a greenhouse. A tomato with a height of 1 to 1.5 m has a lot of advantages, including:

  1. Low temperature resistance.
  2. Immunity to fusarium and gray rot.
  3. High yield.

On a bush with curling leaves, about 8 kg of fruits with thin and glossy black skin ripen. Tomatoes have a rich taste; up to 8 pieces are tied on one branch. The juicy pulp has the same color as the classic varieties.

Black Sun

“Elixir of Youth” or Black sun is very popular in its homeland, but in Russia few people know about it. The variety is adapted to mild maritime climates and was created in Italy. The tomato is interesting due to its unusual combination of black shiny skin with red juicy pulp. After heat treatment, the originality of the shades is no longer so noticeable.

In temperate climates, the heat-loving variety takes root only in closed ground.

Black elephant

Mid-season tomato bushes grow up to one and a half meters high. Under the 8th large leaf, the first inflorescence appears, in the place of which tomatoes are set. When ripe, they acquire a flat-round shape and brown color. The size of the fruit corresponds to the name; the weight of individual specimens exceeds 400 grams. Tomatoes are grown in seedlings. Gardeners highly appreciate the sweet and sour taste of tomatoes.

Black sugar

An indeterminate variety with a medium ripening period is distinguished by compact bushes up to 1.4 meters tall. There are about 6 fruits per cluster. Ripe tomatoes have a great taste with fruity notes. The fleshy tomato weighs up to 400 g and is used for making sauces and juices. The variety is different:

  • amicable maturation,
  • good transportability;
  • resistance to heat and drought.

A whole bucket of dark brown tomatoes is harvested per square meter. Seeds for seedlings are sown in the last month of winter.

Black woman

Many gardeners do not plant tall tomatoes because they need to be tied up and pinched, but these varieties have excellent yields. Negro grows well in greenhouses and in open ground, and pleases with beautiful brown tomatoes. They have a rich fruity taste, weigh from 200 to 400 g, are used for making juice, and do not spoil for a long time during long-term storage.

Chocolate block

The variety is distinguished by powerful bushes growing up to 1.5 m in height. Tomatoes are planted to obtain early fruits. The first purple-brown tomatoes ripen in less than 3 months and are large in size; the branches break without tying them up. The weight of individual copies of the Chocolate Block approaches a kilogram, but on average the weight of the fruit is 300 g.

Farmer black

This variety of tomatoes in Russia is not included in the State Register, but gardeners grow it in open ground and harvest a decent harvest of red-brown tomatoes from medium-sized bushes; during storage, the fruits acquire a darker shade and have a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Kursk black

The mid-season indeterminate tomato was created not by breeders, but by an amateur. The variety takes root in different climate conditions and is distinguished by its beautiful bush shape. When ripe, round tomatoes acquire a dark brown hue, and the flesh becomes cherry; the fruits weigh up to 400 g.

Black raspberry

Tomatoes are grown in open ground only in the south, but summer residents like the variety because the bushes are easy to care for and there is no need to be afraid that they will get late blight or root rot. Black raspberries are immune to fungal and bacterial infections. Dark brown tomatoes transport well, are stored for a long time without cracking, but are very small.

Black cherry and small-fruited varieties

Small tomatoes have become very popular in recent decades. And they cost much more than large-fruited or medium-sized ones. And black cherry tomatoes sell well on the market and are purchased by cafes and restaurants. Due to their attractive appearance, you don’t even need to add them to a salad - just cut them in half or serve them whole, garnished with herbs.

Many housewives have adapted to canning small tomatoes. In order not to spoil the workpiece, you need to put less vinegar and salt per liter of water. True, the color of chokeberries is not very attractive after heating, but the taste remains excellent.

Black bunch

A unique tomato, not included in the State Register, hybrid F1. Its fruits are purple, almost the same color as eggplants, with a high content of anthocyanins, round, two-chambered, weighing 40-50 g. The clusters are beautiful, each consisting of 10-12 tomatoes.

The taste is ambiguous; gourmets claim that it contains plum notes with pronounced sourness. Tomatoes ripen well indoors.

The bush is indeterminate, the ripening period is medium, fruiting is long. Productivity per sq. m in open ground - 5-6 kg, for greenhouses - 6-7 kg.

Cherry black

A tomato selected by Gisok-Agro LLC, included in the State Register in 2008. It can be found under the name Black Cherry. Indeterminate, for open and protected ground, mid-season.

Tomatoes are really similar in shape to cherries - round, smooth, shiny, weighing from 16 to 23 g, burgundy-brown, but unevenly colored. The peel is thin, the flesh is tender, and transportability is poor. The taste is rich, sweet. Each bunch contains 15-18 tomatoes. Productivity per sq. m – 7-9 kg.

Black chocolate

Cherry variety created by Agrofirm Poisk LLC. Year of inclusion in the State Register - 2015. Indeterminate, early (which is very rare for the group), intended for open and protected ground. Forms a strong bush with a thick stem, short internodes, small fruits, grouped in clusters of 10-12 pieces.

Tomato Dark Chocolate is part of the “Vkusnoteka” series – a collection of the most delicious varieties from all over the world. In sweet fruits, the sourness is barely noticeable, the aroma is strong and fruity. The weight of the tomatoes is 20-25 g, the color is brown with a purple tint, the shape is round. The pulp is tender and juicy.

Black Moor

Tomato from JSC NPK NK, included in the State Register in 2000. Mid-season, indeterminate, recommended for private farms.

The fruits are regular egg-shaped, smooth, brown-red. The pulp is dense, and the peel is quite durable, weight – 30-50 g. Each brush contains 7 tomatoes or more. Productivity is average - up to 5-6 kg per square meter.

The taste is excellent, with a refreshing sourness. Tomatoes are stored for a long time and transported well. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing.

After forming 7 brushes, it is recommended to pinch the top.

Chokeberry varieties for greenhouses

Tomatoes with unusual colors are gaining popularity among gardeners every year. In the middle zone, tomatoes have to be grown in a greenhouse, but breeders have tried and developed varieties for indoor soil.

Black Prince

To grow in temperate climates, summer residents buy seeds of a Chinese hybrid, which combines:

  • ease of care;
  • excellent productivity;
  • original fruit color.

Tomatoes have thin skin but firm flesh and come in shades ranging from red to deep purple. About half a bucket of fruit weighing 200–400 g is collected from the Black Prince bush. The tomatoes ripen early, do not lose their taste after processing, but are not stored for a long time.

Black Moor

This semi-determinate variety of tomatoes is planted with pleasure by summer residents; even in a greenhouse its height does not exceed one and a half meters. Clusters containing up to 10 plum-like fruits are formed above the 8th leaf. When ripe, tomatoes acquire a dark red hue and become sweet. The presence of thick skin allows them to be used for preservation.

Black icicle

In a tall, medium-ripening variety, Ukrainian breeders managed to combine the intricate shape of the fruit with an amazing taste. To get a good harvest:

  1. The bushes are tied to a support.
  2. Stepchildren are regularly removed.
  3. 3 stems are left on the plant.

The Black Icicle tomato is immune to disease and can withstand temperature changes. Ripe tomatoes look like oblong cream, have a cute sharp nose, brown color, and are covered with shiny skin. The dense fruits weigh 100 g and are stored for a long time.

Black pear

The name of the tall, indeterminate variety fully conveys the shape and color of the tomatoes. The tomato is characterized by extended fruiting and is valued for its high yield. On the bush, and it is formed into 2 stems, several brushes are formed, on which the ovary appears.

When ripe, Black Pear tomatoes acquire a sweet taste and dark burgundy color, weigh about 100 grams, have a thick skin, and do not crack during transportation and heat treatment.

Black bunch

The indeterminate variety, created more than half a century ago by Dutch breeders, is still popular today. A tall tomato bush has thick stems and strong shoots. About a dozen tomatoes are formed on the bunches, which when ripe change from green to purple. The weight of the fruit ranges from 30 to 70 g. They do not spoil for a long time, but have a specific taste.


One of the representatives of tomatoes with an unusual color is a determinate plant with a powerful trunk. Large fruits are formed on the branches, the weight of which when ripe exceeds 300 g. About 6 kg of tomatoes, decorated with longitudinal stripes, are harvested from the Chernomor bush per season. They store well because they have thick, dark skin.

See also

Step-by-step technology for growing tomatoes on the balcony, the best varieties with descriptions



The heat-loving variety, named for the dark blush of the fruits, is grown indoors, and only in the south is it planted in a field or garden bed. The tomato has a high yield, loves hot sunny weather, and does not tolerate cold weather. Under favorable conditions from 1 sq. m collect about 2 buckets of dark burgundy tomatoes.

Japanese truffle black

The indeterminate variety, which appeared several years ago, is not known to many gardeners, but those who planted one of the latest new selections were satisfied with their choice. Japanese truffle has an average yield, but practically does not suffer from diseases and is not affected by pests. The pear-shaped fruits have a very beautiful brown color and glossy skin. They look original in a jar and are valued for their excellent taste.

Black Russian

The Black Russian tomato will grow up to 1.5 m in a greenhouse, is attached to a support, and forms up to 6 clusters on the bush. The variety is immune to diseases and tolerates lack of light. Ripe fruits are chocolate-colored and weigh about 300 g. The fleshy and juicy pulp contains a lot of sugar and organic acids.

Black Emperor

An indeterminate yielding tomato, bred in South America, is distinguished by spreading bushes with strong shoots. The clusters bear up to 6 fruits, which ripen within 3 months after germination. Elongated tomatoes have 4 chambers with seeds. The fruits are burgundy in color, covered with glossy skin, and have juicy pulp with a sweetish, delicious taste.

Black Frankenstein

Some summer residents grow Frankenstein Black tomatoes in a greenhouse. The variety of American selection is valued for its high yield and large fruit size. Fleshy tomatoes have granular, juicy pulp, weigh up to 500 g. They are colored purple, almost black.


The Black Cherry tomato is distinguished by tall and powerful bushes dotted with clusters of fruit. The variety is demanding of heat and sun, needs watering and fertilizer, but is rarely affected by cladosporiosis and leaf wilting. With proper agricultural technology, up to 5 kg of black-purple fruits with a diameter of 30 mm are removed from one plant. The aromatic tomatoes weigh only 20 g and look very original.

Cherry black

Belongs to early ripening varieties. The bush is indeterminate, grows up to two meters in height. For this reason, the plant needs to be tied to a trellis or support. It begins to bear fruit on the 110th day after the appearance of the first shoots. Productivity – 7 kg of vegetables per square meter of plantings. The fruits are small, round, dark purple in color. They have a sweetish taste and a pronounced aroma. When overripe, tomatoes may crack.

The culture does not like sudden changes in temperature and is demanding of sunlight. For irrigation, it is recommended to use exclusively melt water at room temperature.

Black cherries are suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for whole-fruit canning.

The sweetest

The fruits of tomatoes growing under the rays of the sun in open ground are saturated with sugars, have a pleasant smell and are tastier than those ripening in a greenhouse.

The following varieties delight with sweet tomatoes and productivity:

  • Black Goddess;
  • Chocolate;
  • Viagra.

In regions with a cool climate and short summers, tomatoes have to be planted under cover. Among the greenhouse varieties, the Ashkelon F1 hybrid has the most delicious fruits. They have a round shape, glossy dark burgundy skin. Sweet miniature tomatoes from Japanese truffle.


A high-yielding variety with medium ripening periods, bred by domestic breeders. The seedling method is mainly used for cultivation. The skin of tomatoes is dense and does not crack. The fruits ripen well outside the bush, acquiring a richer taste.

Related article:

The best low-growing tomatoes for open ground


  • ease of care;
  • keeping quality;
  • transportability.

Chernomor has an increased sensitivity to air humidity, so watering is carried out at the root or using a drip irrigation system.

The most productive

The long clusters of the Black Moor variety bear up to 18 tomatoes. When ripe, the weight of each dark cherry fruit reaches 45–50 g; up to 6 kg of them are collected from the bush.

The yield is pleasing:

  • Negro;
  • Brown sugar;
  • Chernomor;
  • Japanese truffle;
  • Gypsy.

All these tomatoes are tall, tied to a support, resistant to diseases; one bush ripens from 4 to 8 kg of dark-colored tomatoes.

Black pineapple

The tomatoes are large and have an amazing aroma. The taste is unusual - sweetish, with citrus notes. The pulp is sugary, there are practically no seeds.


  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • fruit resistance to cracking;
  • keeping quality;
  • transportability.


  • increased sensitivity to humidity and temperature fluctuations;
  • difficult care (the need for pinching, fertilizing).

Early ripening

Summer residents plant vegetable crops with different ripening periods. Early varieties are grown even in difficult climate conditions; they do not have time to develop late blight. Early ripening varieties of tomatoes include:

  • Black bunch;
  • Chocolate cream;
  • Congo F1.

Tomatoes of the short hybrid Nergo Pragna are picked 80 days after planting. They have a beautiful purple color, elongated shape, individual specimens weigh 150 g.

Indigo Rose

This is an American hybrid of black tomatoes, which appeared in Russia relatively recently. Before planting, seeds are pre-soaked in potassium permanganate for disinfection purposes. To obtain a large, stable harvest, the crop is subjected to pinching. The bushes are strong and compact, the height of the shoots does not exceed one meter. The fruits are dark purple in color, the flesh is pink. They have a thin skin, so they are not suitable for canning.


  • amicable maturation;
  • productivity;
  • excellent taste (with a predominance of sweetish notes);
  • resistance to fungal and viral diseases;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • Suitable for pickling and preservation.

Resistant to late blight

Black cream tomatoes are grown in regions with cool climates. The variety can withstand low temperatures and is immune to most diseases. The fruits ripen early and are covered with a shiny, dark cherry-colored skin. They do not suffer from late blight Black bunch, Vranac F1, Chocolate bunny, Japanese truffle.

Striped chocolate

A high-yielding variety that produces up to 7-8 kg of fruit from each bush. Striped Chocolate has a very unusual coloring - red-brown with green stripes. The pulp is multi-chambered, fleshy. The average weight of one tomato is 400-500 g.


  • large fruit;
  • productivity;
  • the ability to collect fruits throughout the season;
  • resistance to drought and low temperatures;
  • original taste;
  • immunity to tobacco mosaic virus, rot and late blight.

How to Grow Black Tomatoes

Exotic tomatoes, like classic varieties, love fertile, loose soil and good lighting. To speed up the ripening time, seedlings are first grown.

Soil preparation

To make the soil light, porous, and retain moisture, leaf soil is mixed with peat, sand, humus, and perlite or sawdust is added. The soil for tomato seedlings is disinfected by steaming, freezing or watering with boiling water.

Seed preparation

Seed material collected independently is sorted to identify empty and weak grains that will not sprout. The seeds are soaked for 12 hours, after which they are placed in a growth stimulator - aloe juice or ash solution. Before planting, the seeds are wrapped in gauze and placed in the refrigerator for hardening.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing

Expanded clay or small pebbles are poured into the bottom of the boxes for growing seedlings to create a drainage layer. Then lay out the prepared or store-bought nutrient soil. The soil is watered, furrows are made every 4 cm, in which the seeds are planted, and sprinkled with soil. The distance between the seed should not be less than 20 mm. The box is covered with film and taken to a room where it is light and not lower than 22 °C.

When sprouts appear, the temperature is reduced to 18. Seedlings should be regularly sprayed with water and watered once every 2 weeks, fed with an ash solution, and illuminated with phytolamps. When 3 leaves appear, the seedlings are plucked.

Paul Robson

A mid-season variety bred by Russian breeders from St. Petersburg. It has a long fruiting period. The bush is indeterminate, moderately spreading. The tomatoes are fleshy and large, red-brown in color and flat-round in shape. The skin is thin but dense. The collected fruits are well stored.

Paul Robeson is picky about feeding. It demonstrates resistance to major diseases, but is susceptible to attack by insect pests (spider mites, aphids and others).

Aftercare for tomatoes

Grown tomato bushes are sent to the garden bed or greenhouse when warm weather sets in and frosts are no longer expected. 10 days before planting, they are hardened in the fresh air. Caring for black tomatoes involves:

  • bush formation;
  • removal of excess shoots and stepsons;
  • fastening to a support.

Usually, no more than 3 trunks are left on tall tomatoes. Water them every week and thoroughly loosen the soil. Pepper blossoming black tomatoes are sprayed with an ash solution. For fertilizing, universal fertilizers are used; when fruits appear, superphosphate and potassium salt are added. It is necessary to shape tomatoes, regardless of whether they grow in a garden bed or in a greenhouse.

To prevent diseases, bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or urea. When pests appear, they resort to treatment with biological preparations.

Ivan da Marya

An early ripe hybrid with high yield and unusual fruit color. Very popular among summer residents. Adapts well to any weather conditions. The growing season lasts 90-110 days. The bush is indeterminate and can grow up to 2 meters in height. Requires a mandatory garter. Up to 15 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one square meter. The fruits are dark in color with thick skin. They are stored for a long time and are suitable for long-term transportation. The plant demonstrates resistance to the main diseases of the nightshade family.

Tomatoes Zephyr in chocolate

For lovers of sweet tomatoes, breeders have developed a variety of Zephyr in chocolate. In the southern regions it can be planted outside, while in other regions tomato plants are planted in greenhouses and greenhouses. The harvest takes 110 to 120 days to ripen. 5-6 kg of fruits are collected from a bush per season. Zephyr is an indeterminate type hybrid, therefore it exhibits high resistance to pests and diseases and is not affected by late blight, powdery mildew, or root rot.

During ripening, the tomatoes have a marketable appearance: their shape is round, without flaws, the color of the peel is brownish-burgundy, very beautiful. The cut flesh is dark, and its taste is distinctly sweet without any signs of sourness. One tomato weighs 150 g, they are convenient to use for canning and for fresh consumption. Chocolate covered marshmallows have the following advantages:

  • high taste qualities;
  • high yield;
  • resistance to viruses and fungal spores;
  • marketability.

However, gardeners say that Zephyr is not suitable for long-term storage, since ripe fruits quickly deteriorate.

Use in cooking

Black tomatoes add a special piquancy to fresh vegetable salads and are interesting for decorating various dishes. They are also excellent when pickled, especially when topped with sweet marinades (including those with spicy cloves or carrot tops).

You can also get very tasty juice. Salad preparations made from a mixture of multi-colored vegetables placed in jars in contrasting layers look beautiful and appetizing. Black tomato jam has an original taste.

Cherries are dried to produce a product that resembles raisins.

Distinctive features of black-fruited tomatoes

Chokeberry varieties stand out among other tomatoes with a special color, piquant taste and a specific set of useful substances.

Anthocyanin color

The intense dark shade of the fruit is given by special organic pigments - anthocyanins. Modern science suggests that these natural substances have biological activity and may be beneficial to human health.

Photo: Variety De Barao black

Benefits of anthocyanins:

  • improve the barrier functions of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce its inflammation;
  • reduce the risk of developing tumors of the esophagus, intestines and other organs;
  • have a positive effect on the prostate gland and men’s health in general;
  • have a beneficial effect on vision;
  • reduce oxidative damage to cells and blood vessels.

It is likely that eating natural foods rich in anthocyanins slows down the overall process of human aging. In addition, dark fruits contain a large set of vitamins, organic compounds and mineral elements typical of all tomatoes (vitamins A and C, lycopene, rubidium, etc.).

Potential Harm

The benefits and harms of black-fruited varieties are a studied issue. The danger rarely arises only for people prone to allergies.

Their body (especially children’s) can react negatively to both anthocyanins and the toxic glycoside solanine, which is present in small quantities in unripe tomatoes. Ripened fruits are less allergenic.

Specific taste

Photo: Variety Kumato
Most black-fruited varieties have a different ratio of organic acids and sugars (glucose, sucrose) than other tomatoes. They are especially sweet, with a fruity and spicy aftertaste.

To some this seems unusual, but to others it delights.

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