Types of fertilizers: what are they, what benefits do they provide and how to increase the yield? Organic, mineral, bacterial and growth stimulants

The centuries-old practice of using fertilizers has proven their beneficial effects on the soil, improving the taste of the crop and restoring an environment in the soil favorable for plant growth. Many centuries ago, the only fertilizer was manure, which is still successfully used in the agricultural sector today. But technology has stepped forward and now various types of soil fertilizers are available in an assortment. Let's consider the classification of fertilizers and recommendations for their use.

What are fertilizers?

Plants extract from the soil the elements they need for growth and development. These are micro- and macroelements that play a certain role in the development of plants. The deficiency of any element, be it cobalt, phosphorus, manganese or potassium, affects the well-being of the crop. Many novice gardeners are interested in why and what fertilizers are needed for.

The soil cannot always provide all the necessary elements. This can happen due to soil depletion, poor crop rotation, and regional scarcity of soil cover. It is necessary to artificially improve the condition of the soil, but for this you need to understand what fertilizers are needed.


- substances used to improve plant nutrition, soil properties, and increase yields. Their effect is due to the fact that these substances provide plants with one or more scarce chemical components necessary for their normal growth and development.

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