What heat-resistant tomato varieties should be planted in the south of Russia in 2022

The regions of Russia differ significantly in their climatic conditions. Therefore, when choosing tomatoes for planting in the south in 2022, they give priority to heat-resistant, zoned varieties and hybrids. Domestic and foreign breeders offer dozens of types of tomatoes that are resistant to elevated temperatures, drought, and pest diseases.

  • Tomato varieties for winter growing in greenhouses
  • The catalogs provide descriptions of varieties with photos, but the heat resistance indicator is not always indicated. Experienced gardeners have already identified the most suitable tomatoes for themselves, having tested them in practice. But every year new species appear, more productive and easier to care for.

    Features of the region

    The climate in the south of Russia is divided into temperate continental and subtropical. Moderate weather conditions are established on the continental territory. Along the Black Sea coast, climatic conditions acquire subtropical shapes. The weather conditions of the southern part of the Russian Federation allow most vegetable crops to be grown in open ground. Weather by season:

    • winter is relatively warm. The weather is unstable, but the frosts are not severe, and the soil does not freeze deeply. There is more precipitation in mountainous areas than in plains. The average air temperature ranges from +5°C to -20°C;
    • spring is early and warm. In March the snow begins to melt abundantly. In April, daytime temperatures reach +15-18°C, which allows seedlings to be planted in open ground under temporary shelters. Often suffers from floods in early spring;
    • Summer begins not in June, but in May, and lasts until mid-September. The weather is hot. Unstable circulation of air masses often leads to showers, thunderstorms, and hail. The maximum temperature reaches +40°C. To grow vegetables, you need to select heat-resistant tomatoes and install irrigation;
    • Autumn is warm, the beginning of September is more like summer. Harvesting for winter storage is carried out until November.

    Interesting fact! Until the 18th century, tomatoes in Russia were considered poisonous.

    Useful tips for gardeners

    The gardening season for southern summer residents begins in the last winter month. Compared to other regions of the country, it is easiest to grow good fleshy tomatoes here, since the soil is rich in black soil and the warmth lasts most of the year. However, despite these positive aspects, 2 serious problems need to be overcome - heat and drought. Local gardeners share their experience in growing crops and recommend:

    • When growing tomatoes in open ground, install a shading net or any other fabric cover. They will be effective against the aggressive sun at midday and protect leaves and fruits from burns. Do not use film: condensation will accumulate under it, and high humidity increases the risk of infection with fungal spores;
    • do not use foliar watering. If you water the seedlings with a hose, the drops of water remaining on the leaves will attract the sun, which will damage the plants;
    • Carefully loosen the soil after watering. Good air exchange is necessary for the development and nutrition of the root system;
    • mulch the soil with sawdust, hay, straw. To protect the soil from drying out, lay a thin layer of mulch after watering. It retains water in the soil, and a hard, airtight crust will not form on the surface;
    • pinching the stems. This concerns indeterminates, since plants often become fattened. Trimming excess stepsons will only increase the yield;
    • Carry out regular feedings, the interval between them should be 10–14 days. During the entire growing period, 3-4 times are enough. At the beginning of the season, use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, and subsequent times for fertilizing, choose potassium, phosphorus and complex additives;
    • treat plants against pests and diseases 1-2 times during the entire growing period. Even if the crop is resistant to fungal and viral diseases, periodically spray the bushes with fungicidal and insecticidal agents for immunity. This reduces the risk of infection to zero.

    On a note!

    Harvest ripe tomatoes in season regularly. If you do not remove them from the bush in time, the fruits will become overripe and prevent the formation of new ones, causing fruiting to decrease.

    Tomato varieties intended for cultivation in the south are considered one of the most successful. They rarely get sick, are distinguished by early ripening and excellent rich taste. They are often planted in different areas, but because they are thermophilic, they are planted only in a greenhouse or greenhouse. If you carefully care for the crop, the plants will reward you with an early and generous harvest, which will be enough for pickling and salads.

    The best varieties for open ground

    In the South, most vegetable products are grown for domestic consumption. Warm climatic conditions allow early harvests of all crops. Tomatoes are cultivated over large areas by both households and farmers. To collect a large number of tasty fruits, you need to choose a stable, productive variety of tomatoes. Tomato varieties for the South are suitable, both indeterminate and determinate.

    Indeterminate varieties

    Tomato selections with unlimited growth are high-yielding. The disadvantage is constant care. If you do not tie up and shoot in a timely manner, the yield of fruits decreases.


    Tomatoes for Kuban were bred by seed. The bushes are indeterminate, the root system is powerful, which will allow the plants to absorb moisture and beneficial microelements from the lower layers of the soil. The growing season is 110-115 days from germination. Plants tolerate long periods of drought. The fruits are round in shape, weighing 100-150 g. The skin is colored rich red. At the genetic level, resistance to blossom end rot and cracking of vegetables is instilled.

    Tomato varieties for winter growing in greenhouses

    Thanks to the warm, mild winters in the south, it is not difficult to grow large crops of tomatoes in greenhouses equipped with heating systems. Farmers and simple gardeners cultivate tomatoes this way. In winter, there is a high demand for tomatoes, the price is higher, so the occupation is profitable, although it requires some effort and financial investment.

    Tomatoes are grown in extended rotation:

    • Gilgal - in greenhouses, the F1 hybrid produces up to 33-35 kg of fruit per square meter. The tall bush grows up to 1.8 meters in closed ground conditions. Up to 7-8 clusters are formed on the plant. Tomatoes weighing 250-300 g, with slight ribbing, with fleshy pulp;
    • Amigo F1 is a hybrid from the innovative project Grinomics. It is characterized by a powerful root system, large leaf plates of rich green color. The tomatoes are round, dense, and cherry-red in color when cut. The skin is bright red, glossy. The fruits weigh 200-220 g, the taste is excellent. These tomatoes have an increased content of lycopene in the fruits;
    • Malika is a productive F1 hybrid from the beef tomato group. Ripens in approximately 107-110 days. The tomatoes are flat-round, ribbed, with a large number of nests. They weigh 250-300 g and are resistant to cracking. According to reviews from farmers who grow fruits for sale, this hybrid is distinguished by its resistance to temperature changes, high taste and commercial characteristics. From 1 m² up to 30-35 kg of tomatoes are harvested;
    • Simona F1 is a short, first-generation hybrid beloved by gardeners in the south. Produces large, up to 200-300 g, rich red fruits. Each tomato has 4 nests, the flesh is dense and juicy;
    • Shelf F1 is a tomato from the group of long-lasting varieties (LSL), American selection. The fruits are stored for up to 50-60 days after harvesting. Belongs to the determinant type, ripens in 100-106 days. A very leafy bush, grows up to 60-70 s. The fruits are dense, weigh 200-250 g, tasty;
    • Drive F1 – carpal type, early maturing. The first tomatoes are harvested after 85-95 days. The fruits are round in shape, weigh 130-140 g, without a green spot. Sets fruit well at high temperatures, a very heat-resistant tomato. Resistant to verticillium, tomato mosaic virus, root-knot nematodes;
    • Manon F1 is a hybrid, produces up to 22 kg/m². Mid-early appearance, with elongated, elongated fruits. The weight of each is 150-180 g. The structure is dense, inside there is sweet pulp with a slight sourness. The main purpose is for salads;
    • Bokele is a universal type tomato, produces fruits weighing 80-100 g. The skin is pink, dense with gloss, the flesh is juicy. The taste is sweetish with a slight sourness. Resistant to most diseases, the Bokele F1 tomato is suitable for extended cultivation indoors.

    On a note! Bokele is demanding when it comes to watering and requires regular irrigation of the plantings.

    In the climate of the southern regions of Russia, which is favorable for planting the crop, tomatoes bear fruit abundantly. But in order to avoid problems with plants and obtain consistently high yields of fruit, it is necessary to choose heat-resistant varieties and hybrids, follow agrotechnical rules, and do not forget about the characteristics of each variety.

    Varieties for greenhouses

    The southern part of Russia allows you to grow tomatoes all year round. In autumn, winter and early spring they are cultivated in greenhouses. The warm climate allows you to save on heating greenhouses, so growing tomatoes is profitable. Tomatoes for winter cultivation are no worse in taste than those collected in an open garden.

    Academician Sakharov

    A productive variety with unlimited growth. The bushes reach 2 meters. It is necessary to form 1-2 stems. Tomatoes are red when fully ripe. The pulp is juicy and fleshy. The skin is glossy, the stalk is ribbed. Weight reaches 200-350 g. The plant exhibits resistance to common nightshade diseases. Productivity per bush is 5-5.5 kg. The average ripening period is 110-120 days from germination. According to the state register, it can be grown in protected and open ground.


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    Common mistakes when growing tomatoes

    Tomatoes are not unpretentious plants. To grow a rich harvest, you will have to put in a lot of effort and time. Common growing mistakes:

    It may be interesting When you can pick tomatoes in April 2022 according to the lunar calendar Which heat-resistant tomato varieties should be planted in the South of Russia in 2022 Let's grow a “Balcony Miracle” tomato

    1. Incorrectly selected seeds. Greenhouse varieties will not give the same results in an open garden bed as in protected ground.
    2. Pay attention to the seeds you collect yourself. If the planting material was collected from hybrids, then next year you will not get a harvest from the sown seeds.
    3. Form the bushes according to the recommendations from the originator. If there are no such tips, they are not indicated on the packaging.
    4. Do not pull the stems of tall tomatoes when tying them to the support.
    5. Trim the shoots when they do not exceed 3-4 cm. If you do not trim on time, the plant will begin to waste its energy on their growth, which will lead to a decrease in yield.
    6. Untimely feeding and treatment against pests and diseases leads to the death of vegetable crops.
    7. You can't water tomatoes every day. Irrigate plants at the root once or twice a week.

    The list of heat-resistant tomato varieties for 2022 includes crops with high yields and disease resistance. Grow vegetables in compliance with agricultural techniques in order to obtain the harvest declared by the originator. Each variety has its own characteristics. To avoid growing errors during the entire growing season, familiarize yourself with the detailed breeding characteristics. Reviews about heat-resistant varieties are mostly positive.

    The best tomatoes for the south of Russia are heat-resistant

    In 2022, early, mid-season and late types of tomatoes are suitable for planting. The fruits ripen gradually, so the harvest is obtained throughout the summer season.

    On a note! The line of tomato varieties for the south of Russia includes varietal and hybrid forms for 2022, grown for sale on an industrial scale, as well as on the plots of amateur gardeners.


    Tall varieties require mandatory formation. The descriptions indicate how many stems it is advisable to leave on the bush. They are grown with supports, since the stems have no growth restrictions. Pinching the tops - according to indications (weather, ripening time).


    • Pink giant is a productive variety, ripens in approximately 112-115 days. The bushes are tall, with potato leaves. The fruits are round, sometimes flat, weigh 280-400 g, rich pink. Mainly used fresh, as well as for making juices and sauces. Included in the catalog of the State Register of the Russian Federation (2001);
    • Mikado - indet up to 1.8 meters high, ripens in 95-106 days. Refers to tomatoes for fresh consumption. Tomatoes are round-flat, pink, with tender pulp flowing with juice. From 1 m² up to 10-12 kg of fruits are collected;
    • De Barao black is one of the best late-ripening species, ripens in 120-125 days. Forms a small “cream”, when ripe it is red-brown, almost black. The taste is sweet. The fruits weigh 45-60 g, are dense and do not crack. Usually they grow a bush with 1-2 trunks;
    • Scarlet caravel is a mid-season tomato that ripens in about 110 days. The fruits are red, with a glossy skin and a dense structure. They weigh 100-130 g. The hybrid has high taste characteristics and resistance to various infections;

    • Elf is a hybrid of unlimited growth. Part of the cherry tomato group. Suitable for harvesting with brushes. The tomatoes are small, up to 20 g, collected in tassels of 12-15 pieces. The color when fully ripe is deep red. Regular removal of stepchildren is required. The taste of the fruit is sweet, sugar content is 6.8%;
    • The bell is indefinite and grows up to one and a half meters. Productive, produces elongated tomatoes, weighing 180-200 g. Inside there is very juicy tender pulp. The taste is good, there are few seeds. It has a shelf life, tomatoes can be stored for up to 20-25 days
    • Maestro is an indeterminate hybrid with tall leafy bushes. Recommended for the south of the country, resistant to high temperatures, does not tolerate a decrease in performance. Tomatoes are raspberry-colored, spherical, weighing 40-500 g. They are most often formed into one trunk, the crop ripens at the same time.

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    This group of plants has limited stem growth. Tomatoes are planted in open ground, and the shoots are promptly removed. They are distinguished by their uniform yield of fruits, resistance to diseases, and adverse weather factors. Determinate tomatoes for the south of the country (Kuban, Rostov, Volgograd region, Krasnodar region) are most often well-leafed and resistant to high temperatures.

    Most Popular:

    • the unpretentious and productive Azhur F1 will delight you with tomatoes weighing 250-400 g. The hybrid is durable and does not crack. Suitable for long-distance transportation. Ripening in 90-100 days. They dig partially, leading into 2-4 trunks;
    • Volgograd early ripening 323 - a low determinate bush reaches a height of 40-45 cm. Does not require a garter. Forms tomatoes weighing up to 100 g, shelf-stable, excellent tomato taste. It is characterized by increased resistance to high temperatures;
    • Gourmand - ripens in 80-85 days, tasty, productive. 6-7 kg of fruits are removed from the bush. It binds tomatoes well even in drought, and is resistant to temperature changes;

    • Zarnitsa is an unpretentious low variety for the southern regions. Tomatoes are round, weighing 90-110 g. Use: for salads, for processing. They have high taste characteristics;
    • Gift - a mid-season species, grows well in open-air beds. The bushes grow up to 70-80 cm, well leafy. 4-5 kg ​​of tomatoes are harvested from 1 m². The fruits are round, orange-red. The dry matter content in the pulp is 18-19%. They are valued for their disease resistance, the ability to store tomatoes for a long time, and their presentation.

    On a note! With increased soil acidity, Podarochny tomato fruits often crack.

    Gardeners in the south of Russia and tomatoes of southern varieties appreciated:

    • Leandra is a salad-type F1 hybrid. Fruitful, grown on an industrial scale. 347-370 centners of fruits are harvested per hectare. Belongs to the determinant type of plants, fruits 82-125 g, good tomato taste. Features increased heat resistance;
    • Finish tomato is grown on an industrial scale. The average yield is 280-600 c/ha. Resistant to major tomato diseases and temperature changes. Grows well in open ground ridges. Late variety, tomatoes ripen in 120-125 days. Plants are low, with little foliage. Weight of tomatoes – 70-80 g;
    • Ermak - also belongs to the late-ripening varieties. Bushes 50-55 cm high, medium leafy. Potato-type sheets, medium-sized. The tomatoes are oval-round, weigh 65-75 g. The skin is orange-red, smooth. Inside there are 3-5 nests with seeds. 4.5-7.4 kg are collected from 1 m²;

    • Titan is a time-tested variety bred by breeders at the Krymsk experimental station. Listed in the State Register (1986), recommended for cultivation in the south of Russia. Small, up to 40 cm bushes are strewn with numerous fruits during the ripening period. The variety is medium late, harvested 120-135 days after the first shoots. Tomatoes weighing 100-120 g, good taste, with few seeds;
    • Fat - forms fruits of 250-300 g. Fruitful, up to 80 cm high, with large tomatoes. Color – bright red. Used for preparing salads, processing into juice, sauces, pasta;
    • Bourgeois is a powerful determinate type tomato that ripens in approximately 105-110 days. The tomatoes are round, red, with elastic, glossy skin. They weigh 180-200 g, although some specimens reach a weight of 40-450 g. The taste is excellent;
    • Adeline is a heat-resistant variety with high yields. Recommended for cultivation in the south of the country; it is grown in open ground. The plants are low, up to 35-45 cm in height, well leafy. Fruits weighing 80-85 g, good taste;
    • Barin is a mid-season tomato that needs moderate pinching. The bushes are strong, up to a meter high, with large green leaves. Internodes are short. The brush contains up to 7 fruits of bright red color. It is distinguished by its friendly yield and keeping quality (up to one and a half months);
    • Otranto is a mid-early variety, part of the group of first-generation hybrids (labeled F1). The first harvest is harvested after about 90-95 days and is used for pickling and preservation. The tomatoes are fleshy, weigh 150-160 g, and have a round shape. 5-6 kg are collected from one plant;
    • Asterix F1 - grown on an industrial scale, suitable for mechanized harvesting. Belongs to the group of tomatoes with cube-shaped fruits, weight - 80-90 g. The bushes are powerful, with a large number of leaves, covering the tomatoes from the scorching sun. The tomatoes are smooth, red, with a dry matter content in the pulp of 6.2-6.5%. First fees – after 70-80 days;

    • Orpheus is an easy-to-care hybrid of the first generation F Early, ripens in 90 days. The fruits are orange-red and egg-shaped. On average, the weight of each is 70-90 g. The pulp is moderately juicy, with a slight sourness. Up to 7 clusters are formed on the bush, the number of tomatoes is 7-9 pieces (in a cluster);
    • Hector is a hybrid that produces fruits weighing 180-200 g. Designed for planting on ridges in the open air, it produces a harvest even in unfavorable seasons. Tomatoes weigh 200-250 g, the taste is excellent;
    • Golden Flow - produces bushes with a maximum height of 60-70 cm. 5-7 clusters are formed on the plant. The tomatoes are oval, weigh 60-80 g. The skin is dense, bright amber in color. The taste is excellent. Valued for its good keeping quality, resistance to temperature changes, and evenness of the fruit. In terms of timing - ultra-fast.

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    Spring round dance

    Spring Round Tomatoes are determinate plants. The variety is medium-sized with compact bushes, but they need to be tied up so that the tomatoes do not lie on the ground. The fruits ripen early; the first tomatoes are harvested already 80 days after planting.

    Characteristics of the Spring Round Dance:

    • growing season – 80-85 days;
    • fruit weight – 100-120 g;
    • the skin is strong and does not crack;
    • shape – round;
    • tomato color – red;
    • taste – sweet with sourness.

    Advantages of the variety:

    • early ripeness;
    • tolerates temperature changes;
    • flameproof;
    • yield - 10-12 kg per 1 sq. m.;
    • resistant to viral and fungal infections;
    • excellent presentation;
    • tomatoes do not spoil when transported over long distances;
    • The fruits are used in salads, hot dishes, juices, sauces, and ketchups.

    Features of the climate of the south of the Russian Federation

    In the southern regions of the country the climate is temperate continental with mild winters and hot summers. Spring in these regions is rainy and warm. There are no sudden temperature changes, the weather changes smoothly. Frosts come in December, winter is not harsh. The vegetables are harvested in October; there are no frosts in November.

    Table of average daily air temperatures by region:

    Stavropol region14-16°С19-20°С24-28°С26-30°С28-32°С
    Krasnodar region13-15°С18-21°С25-27°С27-32°С28-34°C
    Volgograd region13°C23-25°С28°C30-33°С30-31°С
    Rostov region14°С24-26°C26-27°С28-30°C30-32°С
    Astrakhan region15-17°С25-27°С30°С30-33°С32-35°C

    In the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the planting season opens in February, at which time seeds are sown for seedlings. At the end of May, the first harvest of early varieties of tomatoes is already harvested.

    The best varieties of tomatoes for hot summers

    Foresighted vegetable growers have tomato seedlings already growing. However, until the end of April there is still time to sow in separate pots

    special varieties that will certainly not leave you without a harvest in an abnormal summer. What if there is another heat wave or other disasters? Just in case, you should be on the safe side and set aside a place in the greenhouse in advance for resistant plants.

    Last season, many F 1 varieties and hybrids could hardly tolerate hot dry air, cracked soil, extreme


    Not only in greenhouses, but also in open gardens, the leaves on the bushes curled like a boat, the fruits were affected by blossom end rot,

    cracks furrowed. The result is low yield.

    F hybrids are almost completely insured against all these troubles: Botanik, Evpator, Torzhok, Russian size. What other hardships threaten nightshades? Flowers that bloom profusely on the branches may dry out and fall off, and

    the remaining ones do not form fruits.

    If the temperature in the greenhouse is above 35°C and the pollen on the flowers becomes sterile, F hybrids set good fruit: Aramis,

    Fantomas, Portland and varieties Mandarin, Parodist.

    Deep cracks near the stalk usually appear due to large differences between day and night temperatures, irregular

    or too cold water procedures.

    Tomatoes spoil while still on the vine, and even if they ripen, they are poorly stored and are not suitable for canning.

    The most resistant to fruit cracking are F hybrids: Samara, Pharaoh, Reflex, Vladimir, Virtuoso, Boheme.

    Verlioka plus, Kostroma, Margarita can withstand a variety of stress, sudden transitions from heat to coolness

    Prolonged heat above 34°C causes burns of leaves and fruits. Overheating of the soil leads to partial damage and death of surface roots and their burns. And here it’s worth choosing varieties of heat-resistant tomatoes specially created for the southern regions, such as Gazpacho.

    Zh. Agafonova, candidate of biology. sciences


    What heat-resistant tomatoes can be planted in the south of Russia in 2022

    The regions of Russia differ significantly in their climatic conditions. Therefore, when choosing tomatoes for planting in the south in 2022, they give priority to heat-resistant, zoned varieties and hybrids. Domestic and foreign breeders offer dozens of types of tomatoes that are resistant to elevated temperatures, drought, and pest diseases.

    The catalogs provide descriptions of varieties with photos, but the heat resistance indicator is not always indicated. Experienced gardeners have already identified the most suitable tomatoes for themselves, having tested them in practice. But every year new species appear, more productive and easier to care for.

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