Wooden pyramid: useful properties, how to build on a country plot

There is an opinion that a pyramid with a certain geometric shape is capable of accumulating energy. It has a beneficial effect on the human body, helps fight various diseases, and improves the functioning of the immune system. The same positive energy is endowed with products that are stored for some time in a magical structure. It is quite possible to build such a pyramid on a site with your own hands. To do this, you need to study the features of the technological process and prepare the necessary tools and building materials in advance.

An energy pyramid is a pyramid-shaped structure that is capable of accumulating or converting cosmic energy Source teplica-exp.ru

Space effect

The properties of homemade pyramids have not been fully studied. But many consider this structure to be a kind of antenna that is capable of collecting space energy in a certain place. According to reviews from numerous users, after spending some time in such a building, their well-being changed pleasantly: illnesses receded, mental state improved.

Alternative medicine actively uses various pyramidal structures for medicinal purposes. There are many specially equipped places where you can take a course in visiting the pyramid. If desired, it is easy to build such a device yourself, and then test its effectiveness through personal experience.

A pyramid, oriented with its base edges to the cardinal points, turns into an accumulator of cosmic energy Source allpowr.su

“The Secret of the Higher Mind”

That's what this bonus is called.

This book is by Elena Perepelkina. She is a contactee. And she knows firsthand about UFOs, aliens, extraterrestrial civilizations, Drums, the soul, the Universe, Pyramids, etc.

I promise you that after reading this book, all your knowledge and understanding in this area will be turned upside down. In this book you will learn a lot of new things about UFOs, aliens, extraterrestrial civilizations, Drums, the soul, the Universe, about heaven and hell, poltergeists, all-seeing and psychics, about the higher mind. Shocking eyewitness accounts. ONLY TRUTH!!!

From the book “The Secret of the Higher Mind” you will learn:

  • Four types of my “acquaintances” Barabashka. Crap. What is the soul, who does it belong to? The first “bell” from the macrocosm. Space Brotherhood.
  • A chapter written after 5 months of sustained contact, and slightly edited to reflect what I know after 6 years. My clinical death. Immaculate Conception.
  • Why did I end up at the epicenter of the explosion? Who am I and what am I?
  • The structure of the universe. Black holes. Physics. Chemistry. Parallel Worlds. Time Machine. Poltergeist. The accident that destroyed the Phaeton.
  • Olympus. Christianity. The trap of humanity. Renunciation. Revolution. Lenin's daughter. Space AIDS. Koschey the Immortal and Baba Yaga. Adam and Eve. Lucifer. Devil and Satan. "Chromosomal genius."
  • What is stuffed inside us? Auras.
  • “That Light.” "Heaven and hell". A breed of “supermen”. Gynecologist in captivity. Multi-level madhouse. My “flights”. Space money. The greatest brothel in the universe. The owners’ “favorite” activity.
  • Biocomputer “All Rus'”. Logic block failure. Biological codes. Physiology and morality. Resetting information and the “mechanism of staying alive.” “Procedure for remission of sins.”
  • Possibility of arrival of guests imagining themselves as hosts.
  • Do presidents dream about cows?
  • Do we have relatives in space?
  • There are miracles there, there are suckers wandering around.
  • These mysterious pyramids are the wonderful and healing properties of the pyramids, the secrets of the pyramids.

“Do-it-yourself healing pyramid”

Features of accommodation

The pyramid does not have strict dimensions and does not require a specific area to be located on the site. Some believe that the higher the structure, the more effective it is. Others even create small buildings, the dimensions of which resemble a tourist tent.

When constructing a pyramid on your own in a dacha, it is important to follow these rules:

  • One of the sides of the structure should have a north direction.
  • It is unacceptable to use metal elements as a building material.
  • The best installation location is on a hill, away from railways, power lines, and radio towers.
  • It is desirable that the building be as tall as possible.

Important! In the process of building a pyramid, it is necessary to strictly adhere to construction technology.

The higher the pyramidal structure, the more benefits it can bring to users Source na-dache.pro

The Legend of Queen Semiramis

Sources also know another legend about the appearance of the Gardens of Babylon. And, in fact, the name will help us figure it out. The wonder of the world, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, was created by the Queen of Assyria, Babylon, but she herself was from Babylon. And her name was Shammuramat. But not everything is so simple, ancient authors describe Semiramis as follows, she was already a completely different person.

Semiramis queen

In ancient times, within Syria there was a city called Ascalon, there was a temple of the goddess Atargatis. Not far from him, this goddess fell from the sky into a lake, where a fish saved her; in gratitude, the goddess placed a constellation of fish in the heavens. Aphrodite was angry with Atargatis and made her fall in love with a simple villager. The goddess had a daughter, but she did not want to put up with such a marriage and killed her own husband. The goddess left her daughter named Semiramis, and she herself left in an unknown direction. Then the pigeons took care of the girl. One day, the shepherds heard crying and discovered the baby. The chief caretaker of the royal herd adopted the girl.

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Semiramis queen

She grew up to be a very beautiful and smart girl, others could not help but notice this. The king's first adviser, Nina, fell in love with her and asked the charming woman's hand from her father. They got married and had two sons. This woman was not only beautiful, but also quite smart, so she was the head of the family, and her husband was in complete power.

Semiramis queen

The war came, it became known about the offensive of the Bactrian troops, Semiramis and her husband went to war. She put on a dress in which no one could understand her gender and see whether she was a woman or a man. The troops of King Nin tried for a long time to conquer the capital of Bactria, but the defense fought back. Semiramis suggested that where the wall’s defense was best, there would be fewer enemies; she herself led the detachment and was able to justify the risk. The city was captured. It was then that the king noticed her. He forced Onnes to give him his wife. So Semiramis became queen. She was later able to get rid of her husband and become the sole ruler and regent for her son.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon photo


All existing pyramidal structures can be built on your own. To do this, you just need to prepare a drawing and think in advance about a convenient location on the site.

The most famous pyramids are:

  • Classic. It comes in various sizes and is easy to manufacture and install.
  • Pyramid of Milev. It is built on the basis of a frame, at the highest point a special antenna is installed, containing a radiator and various branches.
  • Frame. It is erected using wire and small diameter iron pipes. There are also more complicated options with a ball or hole.
  • Pyramid of Hunger. Its main difference is that the height of the structure is twice the length of the base.
  • Bulgarian. Small-sized, the sides are made of modern plastic, the internal space is filled with sand.
  • Pyramid of Proskuryakov. Easy to construct, characterized by a directly proportional ratio of the height and length of the side of the building.
  • Bipyramid of Slavnikov. Contains two similar pyramidal structures with triangular bases. The latter are connected to each other.

Important! The most powerful energy field inside the pyramid is located above 1/3 and below 2/3 of the height. It is advisable to take this fact into account when using useful internal space.

The main difference between the Pyramid of Hunger is that its height is twice as large as the side of the base. Source ad-cd.net

Great Sphinx of Giza

The Great Sphinx in Giza
Not far from the Temple of Khafre there is a unique sculpture - the Great Sphinx, which, according to some evidence, has facial features similar to the same pharaoh, but has the body of a lion. The material of the sculpture is limestone, which was used for the construction of tombs and other structures. The statue is truly huge: its length is 73 m and its height is 20.

According to ancient Egyptian mythology, lions were guardians at the gates of the world of the dead. Therefore, it is believed that the Great Sphinx guards the pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the entire necropolis.

Dimensions and material of manufacture

Before you start building a pyramid on your summer cottage, you need to calculate its dimensions. They will largely depend on the availability of suitable territory located in open areas. The latter is extremely important, since there should be no obstacles in the path of space signals. Based on the area of ​​free space, the length of the side of the building is determined. If this value is divided by 1.6, the height of the structure is obtained. Moreover, at its base there will be an equilateral polygon.

Attention! When a pyramid in a country house is being built for personal use (people will stay in it), its parameters should be chosen to be significant.

Increasing the internal angle of the pyramid increases the intensity of its internal field, and decreasing its external angle softens the intensity of the influence of the external field of the pyramid Source i0.wp.com
The construction market offers a huge variety of affordable materials from which any structure can be built. It is allowed to use the following as building materials for the pyramid:

  • wood;
  • polycarbonate;
  • plastic;
  • plexiglass.

The easiest to use are plastic panels and wood. Combining different building materials is not recommended at all.

Advice! It is undesirable to erect a healing pyramidal structure from metal elements: they do not contribute to the accumulation of cosmic energy.

The polycarbonate pyramid is highly durable, easy to install, and lasts for a long period of time Source i.pinimg.com


Where are the Gardens of Babylon? According to some sources, it is indicated that the wonder of the world, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, was located in Babylon on the territory of Iraq. Nowadays, not far from this place stands the city of El Hill. According to other sources, it is indicated that they were located on the territory of Assyria in the capital - Nineveh.

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I am interested in hiking and traveling, photography and videography. I have been going hiking since childhood. The whole family went and went - sometimes to the sea, then to the river, to the lake, to the forest. There was a time when we spent a whole month in the forest. We lived in tents and cooked over fires. This is probably why I am still drawn to the forest and, in general, to nature. I travel regularly. About three trips a year for 10-15 days and many 2 and 3 day hikes.

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How to build an energy pyramid

The process of erecting a pyramid on a summer cottage consists of the following stages: selecting a suitable area, drawing up a drawing, making a frame, installing the selected covering, and installing it in a permanent place.

Frame making

The first step is to prepare wooden blocks intended for constructing the sides of the structure. To create a stable foundation, you will need beams and boards.

Required tools:

  • jigsaw or file;
  • measuring corner;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • fasteners;
  • pencil.


  • Using a special adhesive or wood fasteners, assemble the base.
  • In a similar way, attach the frame of the pyramid walls to the base.
  • Wait until the glue dries.

If the structure has holes, they must be made initially.

Attention! Since wood is afraid of moisture, it is advisable to cover the finished frame with a protective layer of varnish or paint.

The frame of the energy pyramid should not contain metal elements, including fastening elements Source wilmont.eu

Covering installation

Plastic or polycarbonate panels are often used as finishing material for a wooden pyramid. They have excellent technical characteristics, making them best suited for covering such a structure.

The main advantages of polycarbonate:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • fire and frost resistance;
  • high light transmittance;
  • practicality;
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • a huge variety of shades and sizes.

When compared with other materials suitable for covering the pyramid (for example, plexiglass), the cost of polycarbonate is lower.

Solar Boat Museum in Giza

Solar Boat Museum
On the Giza plateau is the Solar Boat Museum. Actually, there are two such rooks. These are rowing ships hidden in hiding places near the Pyramid of Cheops, their construction date is around 2550 BC. e. The first boat was found in the middle of the last century, and the museum was organized to study it and so that travelers could see the amazing find. The second boat was discovered much later; excavations were completed in 2011.

The purpose of these boats is clearly ritual and is directly related to burials. They follow the shape of regular Egyptian reed boats, but are made from Lebanese cedar.

Methods of application

A correctly constructed pyramid helps to quickly restore vitality. If you feel unwell, even a few minutes spent inside a medical building will be enough to improve your condition. For some people, complete restoration of strength occurs in just half an hour.

To enhance the healing effect on a person located in the energy pyramid, it is allowed to use clean water and all kinds of herbal infusions. Under such conditions, they will be much more beneficial for the human body. Any drinks that have absorbed cosmic energy have a more beneficial effect on health. Sometimes food is stored inside pyramidal structures. Food prepared from them is considered much healthier due to the additional filling of cosmic energy.

Pyramids are used not only to treat people and restore their vitality. They are perfect for charging seeds on the eve of planting, growing seedlings, and various plants (for example, strawberries).

A pyramid-shaped bed is ideal for growing strawberries, any greenery, and low-growing flowers both in an open area of ​​the garden and in a greenhouse Source na-dache.pro

Covering material options: polyethylene or cellular polycarbonate

Polycarbonate for a greenhouse allows the sun's rays to pass through and the temperature in the greenhouse does not drop for a long time, even on a cool evening.
You can start by covering the pyramid greenhouse with bubble wrap. This film is characterized by the important advantages of films for soil protection and has some advantages over others:

  1. It easily transmits the sun's rays and maintains temperature with the help of bubbles with dry air. In this case, the heat emanating from the heated soil is reflected into the greenhouse. This protects plants from sudden temperature changes.
  2. The light stabilizer introduced into the film slows down its destruction due to the influence of sunlight and significantly increases its service life (about 3 times).
  3. A special additive introduced inside the film for hydrophilicity allows accumulated moisture to flow down evenly rather than drip onto the plants.
  4. There is also a means of protection against harmful radiation in the form of a phosphor light-forming additive.

Air bubble film retains ash by storing dry air in the bubbles.

Over time, the pyramid-shaped polyethylene covering on the greenhouse begins to sag and stretch. If possible, it is better to immediately cover such a greenhouse with cellular polycarbonate or change the film to it during operation of the film greenhouse. This will eliminate the hassle of annual repairs and add aesthetics to the structure. Panels with air cavities inside are made of a material such as cellular polycarbonate. It is quite flexible and durable. Thanks to the air layer, its ability to accumulate and retain heat is no less than with double glazing. When the weather is too hot, polycarbonate panels do not allow the scorching rays of the sun to pass inside the pyramidal greenhouses. The cellular polycarbonate coating is fireproof, resistant to toxic chemicals and has an attractive appearance.

Practical application in the development of brain activity by training willpower:

If you want to feel the enormous potential of your physical, emotional and mental strength, then you need to place yourself in a pyramid and even sleep in it, building it above your bed.

The bed should be square, not very soft, where you can simultaneously perform relaxation, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation, and also study the works of various philosophers, scientists and adepts of the past and present.

It is in such places that shamans and magicians develop beyond the capabilities of the human personality, and to this day, all their abilities to penetrate into the past, present and future have been developed in certain poses, and in certain places the pyramids, heading north - it was possible to find out the future, the so-called northern star, this is how the Magi recognized the appearance of Jesus Christ when there was a supernova explosion.

Caring for strawberries in a pyramidal bed

Strawberries grow on a pyramid in the same way as with regular planting. However, there is one important nuance of care. The garden bed needs to be watered and fertilized more often. The soil is loosened periodically, preventing a film from forming after watering. There are no problems with weeds. Sometimes they sprout from grains blown by the wind or preserved in the ground. Any weeds that appear are immediately removed to prevent their roots from growing.

It is better to fertilize with liquid fertilizers, which penetrate more intensively into the soil. For the growth of green mass, nitrogen is added. During budding and fruiting, strawberries need phosphorus and potassium.

If you make a bed for strawberries in a pyramid, then you immediately need to think about the irrigation system. Simply pouring water into the cells from a watering can is inconvenient. If you overdo it a little, excess water and soil will flow to the lower tiers. It is optimal to build drip irrigation for the garden bed. You can buy perforated hoses or make them yourself by piercing holes with an awl in the right place. The hose is laid out between the strawberries. One end of it is closed with a plug, and the other is connected to a water source, for example, a storage tank.

Advice! Homemade drip irrigation can be equipped with droppers that allow you to regulate the intensity of watering.

For the winter, the pyramids are covered with agrofibre or other insulation. You cannot use film, otherwise all the strawberries will freeze. If the bed is small and has wheels, then it is rolled into a barn, but still covered for safety.

Structure care

In addition to proper watering and regular control of pests and diseases, it is also necessary to carry out other measures to care for the pyramid. Thanks to these actions, strawberries produce a generous harvest of sweet berries, and the plants develop normally.

Basic care recommendations:

  1. After each watering, the surface of the soil in the beds should be loosened to a shallow depth - this improves the air permeability of the soil and facilitates access of water to the roots of the plants.
  2. When weeds appear, they need to be pulled out - they take moisture and nutrients from the strawberries.
  3. During the entire growing season, the bushes are fed 3 times with fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In the spring they are applied in a ratio of 3:1:4, during fruit set - in a ratio of 2:1:4, and after harvesting berries - in a ratio of 2:1:3.
  4. If necessary, trim the mustache and green vines of plants - this procedure is carried out to ensure that all the berries receive a sufficient amount of sunlight and ripen on time.
  5. To increase the service life of the pyramid, it is necessary to build a reliable shelter for it in the winter - bury the structure with earth, and then cover it with a layer of hay or spruce branches.
  6. Every 3–5 years, the soil in the pyramid is completely replaced - the old soil is significantly depleted during this time, which leads to a decrease in yield.

Where are the Pyramids of Giza located on the map of Egypt?

You can see the location of the pyramids in Giza on the map. Geographically, Giza is a separate city next to Cairo, but for a long time one city smoothly flows into another and tourists will not notice the border. For example, these two cities have the same taxi fares and the Cairo metro goes to Giza. Therefore, it is often said that the pyramids are located in Cairo.

You can enter the territory of the pyramid complex from 2 entrances.

  • The northern ticket office for the pyramids (or northeastern) is located at the intersection with Al-Haram Street
  • The southern ticket offices (or eastern) are located next to the Great Sphinx. This is the old entrance and this is where most tourists come. There are more queues here.

It is planned to open another, third, entrance to the complex.

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