On what days is it better to salt cabbage in 2022 according to the lunar calendar: September, October, November

When autumn comes, it’s time to salt cabbage and the lunar salting calendar will help housewives. After all, everyone wants their cabbage to be tasty, juicy and crispy for the winter.

Sauerkraut for the winter is a delicious snack for all occasions. As a rule, housewives begin sauerkraut for the winter in September, October and November. By this time, later varieties of cabbage, which have a juicier structure, ripen. Recipes for pickling cabbage are varied, but there are not many best days of the week or lunar month on which to pickle cabbage. On our website, today is the most favorable and unfavorable day of the month when you can ferment cabbage for the winter.

It is difficult to say exactly how many centuries cabbage has been fermented and salted for the winter. This delicacy has become not just food, but also a medicinal drug.

Sauerkraut has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, can suppress rotting products in the stomach and improve the digestion process, cleanses the body of toxins and feces. It is also believed that sauerkraut has powerful anti-carcinogenic properties.

The influence of the moon on sauerkraut

Our grandmothers also knew well that the phases of the moon affect the yield of many garden crops, so they carefully checked the time of planting and harvesting cabbage using the lunar calendar.

The same applies to sauerkraut: the success of preparation is largely related to the position of the night star in the sky. The phases of the Moon influence all earthly affairs; they are also necessarily reflected in the results of all ongoing biological processes, including lactic acid fermentation.

Prepared sauerkraut on time will delight you with its excellent taste and crunchiness all winter long; it will not disappear prematurely and will not become soft. For this reason, it is worth planning your home preparation time according to the lunar calendar.

Skeptics may disagree with this statement, but the moon has a relative influence on certain aspects of our lives. Therefore, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers always followed the movements of the moon and its influence on everything.

With the help of these observations, a special calendar was created. When can you ferment a winter snack, taking into account the phase of the moon? Favorable periods for this are the new moon, as well as the first week of the waxing moon. Under these conditions, you can get a juicy and crispy snack that can be stored for a long time.

What days are considered unlucky?

It is strictly not recommended to ferment cabbage during the full moon. And it is also better to refuse any canning in the initial days of the waning moon. A winter delicacy during this period may turn out to be too soft and unappetizing.

And there is also a risk of quickly expiring its shelf life. It is better to postpone canning food during the waning moon. At this time, there is a high risk that the jars will burst and the product will be tasteless.

As for our ancestors, it was customary for them to start fermenting after the Exaltation, that is, on September 27.

There is also a difference in what day you ferment cabbage. The worst day for pickling is the full moon. During this period, the vegetable softens, becomes wadded and very tasteless.

Salting and fermenting all vegetables except beets is prohibited these days. It is better not to do salting even when the moon is in the water signs: Pisces and Cancer, as well as Virgo, otherwise all preparations risk becoming moldy.

What is the difference between pickling and sourdough

Some people don't see the difference between sauerkraut and salted cabbage. And although there are indeed some similarities between these two processes, they also have a lot of differences.

To make salting, you need to stock up on a much larger amount of salt, but the process itself is reduced in time and averages 5-7 days. Pickled cabbage will be stored longer than sauerkraut. The fact is that salt in large quantities does not allow lactic acid to develop, and therefore the vegetable will not ferment. As for sourdough, it is usually done for 12-15 days, since cabbage contains a little salt. Eating sauerkraut is more beneficial for health than salted cabbage: it has less salt content, which makes it an approved food for heart patients and those suffering from kidney diseases.

However, please note that not everyone can afford to enjoy fermented cabbage. In particular, doctors call the following contraindications:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hepatitis;
  • ulcers in the stomach or intestines.

When to ferment cabbage in September 2022 according to the lunar calendar

Currently, there are few people left who would not adhere to the calendar of the location of the Moon and would not believe in the influence of this star on many things. Both living and non-living organisms are influenced by the celestial body, receiving a positive or negative charge.

In addition to the question of interest, when is the best time to pickle cabbage in September 2022 according to the lunar calendar, many housewives also want to know when is the best time to ferment cabbage.

For sauerkraut, only white cabbage is used. Salting and fermenting it for the winter begins in September.

To determine the most suitable date for work, use the lunar calendar. It indicates the days when you can work on preparations, as well as the dates on which you will have to wait a bit for the work.

When to ferment cabbage in September in 2022 - favorable days according to the lunar calendar (table):

Best dates13, 14, 15, 16
Lucky days4, 5, 6, 22 24, 25, 26

Salting and fermenting should be done during the waxing moon (starting from the fifth day after the new moon). This is the best time to start work. Any business started and completed will lead to success. Cabbage fermented for the upcoming month will definitely turn out tasty and juicy, will be stored for a long time and will not spoil.

The day of the week also plays an important role when choosing the time for fermentation. If you do this on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday (they carry masculine energy), the final product will be hard and crispy. Sauerkraut prepared on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday will turn out soft and tender.

In addition to favorable and bad days for salting, the lunar calendar also has neutral ones - Sundays. In September 2022, these are the 12th, 19th, and 26th. They are quite suitable for preparing pickles for the winter.

When to salt cabbage in September 2022 according to the lunar calendar

Traditionally, according to the lunar calendar, they do not ferment on the new moon and full moon. In September 2022 it is the 7th and 21st.

ON A NOTE. Some housewives believe that additional unfavorable times according to the lunar calendar are the day before the new moon and full moon and the day after the new moon and full moon. That is, on September 6, 8, 20 and 22 they also do not ferment.

How to choose the right vegetable for sourdough

Before fermenting cabbage, you need to decide on the variety, since the final result will depend on the taste qualities that the vegetable has. For this, cabbage with a high sugar content, a tight head of cabbage and a flattened shape is best suited. The crispiest fruit comes from white heads of late and mid-season varieties.

For winter preparations, varieties of white cabbage are perfect, the ripening period of which is over 115 - 120 days. During this growing season, the vegetable manages to accumulate a large amount of useful elements and acquire an excellent taste. Early ripening heads of cabbage have a looser structure and are completely unsuitable for sourdough.

Favorable days for pickling cabbage in October 2022 according to the lunar calendar

It is recommended to choose a day taking into account the phase of the moon and the constellation in which it is located. The best days to pickle cabbage in October 2022 are listed in the table.

Successful dates for pickling cabbage according to the phase of the moon1-2, 8-13, 21-25, 28-30
The most favorable days are when the Moon is in air and fire signs of the Zodiac21-22, 28-29

It is ideal to harvest cabbage when all factors are combined, but if this does not work out, then simply choose a day during the new moon.

Unfavorable days for salting

It is not advisable to ferment cabbage during the Full Moon. The taste will be low, and the leaves themselves will become limp. It is also recommended to avoid the new moon. The dish will turn out to be a bit dry, it will spoil quickly, and the vegetable will not crisp up.

Additional unfavorable days are considered to be days when a celestial body moves to a zodiac constellation:

  • Cancer;
  • Fish;
  • Virgos.

There are not many dates in October 2022 when you should not pickle vegetables. Prohibited numbers: 4-5, 16-18, 26-27, 31. If possible, avoid days that are called women's days.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How to cook cabbage so that it doesn't get snotty?

Salt mid-season and late varieties, use regular table salt, do not allow the temperature to exceed the temperature during fermentation, compact the workpiece well.

How finely should you chop vegetables?

In general, it depends on your preferences, but it is recommended to cut into medium strips.

When to salt cabbage for the winter in November 2022

During the period of the waxing moon, all processes associated with waiting are better. Vegetables grow faster and so does fermentation.

The less time spent on salting, the better the dish will turn out. It should be crispy and full of flavor. If you keep cabbage in the starter for too long, it will soften and lose its special taste.

In addition to the waxing moon period, there are several other favorable factors:

  1. Certain zodiac signs. If the moon is in the sign of Taurus, Aries or Capricorn, the preparation will be tasty and will be stored for a long time.
  2. Day of the week. Astrologers are inclined to believe that sourdough is best produced on “masculine” days. This is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

It can be difficult to independently determine when to ferment cabbage in November 2021 according to the lunar calendar. In November 2022, it is better to salt cabbage from the 16th to the 29th, when the moon is waxing. But among these days there are also the most successful ones:

Favorable days:

date Day of the week Zodiac sign Moon phase
16.11 Tuesday Sagittarius +
17.11 Wednesday Capricorn +
18.11 Thursday Capricorn +
24.11 Wednesday Aries +
25.11 Thursday Aries +
26.11 Friday Aries +

When choosing a favorable period, you need to focus primarily not on the day of the week, but on the zodiac sign. And the signs are in almost all cases positive.

Are there unfavorable days for pickling cabbage in November? November 2021 is an extremely successful month. There are no negative days that would be marked in red (the assessment is done based on the zodiac sign, moon phase, day of the week, as well as lunar day).

All dates are either neutral, positive, or very positive. Even without knowing how to properly ferment cabbage, many novice housewives will be able to cope with this task with the help of the lunar calendar.

September, October and November are considered the best time to prepare sauerkraut and salted cabbage in 2022. But December also has many suitable days for preparing this tasty and healthy dish.

The most suitable time for sourdough and pickling will be December 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31.

You should not take salted vegetables out of tubs on December 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.

What varieties are suitable for sourdough

Only cabbage forks that are cut just before the first autumn frosts are suitable for long-term storage and pickling. This is due to the fact that during such a long time in the garden the vegetable has time to fully ripen, and it also reaches maximum concentrations of beneficial compounds. Of the mid-season cabbage varieties, it is recommended to use the following:

  • Menza F1;
  • Present;
  • Belarusian;
  • Merchant's wife F1;
  • Glory 1305;
  • Anniversary F1;
  • Dobrovodskaya;
  • Midor F1;
  • Krautman F1;
  • Megaton F1;
  • Atria F1.

However, if you have the opportunity to grow or buy late-ripening cabbage, it is better not to use mid-ripening varieties for making pickles. There are certain late-ripening species that are almost always (subject to the preparation technology) tasty when fermented. These late varieties of cabbage, which are well suited for pickles, include:

  • Aggressor F1;
  • Kolobok F1;
  • Valentina F1;
  • Geneva F1;
  • Amager F1;
  • Mara;
  • Turkiz;
  • Snow White;
  • Kharkov winter;
  • Moscow late.

Early ripening varieties of cabbage are not used for pickling, since the delicate foliage of such cabbages contains very little sugar. If you use such raw materials, the finished pickle will not be crispy and overly soft. However, even if a suitable variety of cabbage is taken - late or mid-season, not every fork can be used for pickling.

Folk signs: when to ferment cabbage

There are two main points of view on signs when to salt cabbage at home. Both are associated with lunar rhythms. The first opinion is that it is necessary to salt only during the full moon.

The point of view is explained by the round shape of the heads of cabbage, reminiscent of the moon. Attention is drawn to the connection of the moon with the feminine principle. This vegetable is associated with the weaker sex, because its name is a feminine word. These folk customs apply to carrots and beets.

When working during the full moon, folk traditions recommend Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday for salting. Women's days are better suited to the energy of the full moon. Not everyone agrees with this point of view.

Another opinion about when to salt cabbage according to ancient traditions is the preference for the new moon. Experts say that when fermented during the period of the emerging moon, the product turns out crispy and tender at the same time.

During the growing month, folk traditions advise canning food on any “men’s” day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). According to other signs, cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers are preserved on “masculine” days, because their names are masculine words.

Important! According to both signs, it is forbidden to engage in conservation on the waning moon. Otherwise, the product will not crunch, it will turn out soft, viscous, and will turn sour. Sauerkraut made on the waning moon will not be stored for long.

Remembering when to salt cabbage according to folk wisdom should only be done when preparing for long-term storage. Folk traditions help keep the delicacy delicious for as long as possible. If you cook it to eat it right away, you don’t pay attention to the superstitions.

Women have long been careful in the process of preparing sauerkraut for long-term storage. The main folk signs about when to salt cabbage for the winter are associated with the Moon. This is explained by the fact that the shape of the vegetable resembles a night star. Moreover, it is considered most correct to prepare sauerkraut during the full moon.

There is another popular belief that the best time for pickling is the new moon. You need to prepare your favorite snack on men's days of the week - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

But even in age-old wisdom one can encounter contradictions. So, other folk signs for pickling cabbage say the opposite. Since this is a feminine vegetable, it should be fermented on the days of the week that have the corresponding name - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Sunday is considered neutral. In order not to violate any of the recommendations of our ancestors, it is better to ferment cabbage on the last day of the week.

It is recommended to ferment cabbage in 2 terms

1. September-October

First of all, varieties intended specifically for fermentation are fermented (there are usually instructions about this on the package with seeds). As a rule, these are mid-season and mid-late varieties. The leaves of this type of cabbage are white, juicy, thick, and it is more suitable for pickling.

Important! It is believed that it is best to salt or ferment cabbage after the onset of short-term frosts (they most often occur in the first days of October), since the sugar content in the heads increases.

Mid-season varieties of cabbage can be fermented as early as September, but such preparations should only be stored in a cold place.

2. November-December

Late-ripening cabbage varieties are more suitable for long-term fresh winter storage. But still, if there is a need to use part of the crop for pickling, it is better to do this in winter or 2-3 months after harvesting the heads of cabbage (that is, in November - December).

The peculiarity of most late-ripening varieties is that they do not “arrive” immediately. As a result of storage, more sugars and vitamins accumulate in them, and the leaves become juicier. For pickling, you can also use heads of cabbage that were slightly frozen by the first frost. They will not be stored, but for pickling - just right!

Important! Premature salting of late varieties can result in sauerkraut acquiring an unpleasant taste and smell. And early ripening varieties are not suitable for pickling at all. Such cabbage spoils quickly and, to put it mildly, is also not very good in taste.

The benefits of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut, provided that it is made correctly, is good, first of all, for its naturalness. When fermenting (necessarily without adding vinegar - with vinegar, marinades begin, not sauerkraut), natural fermentation occurs, the products of which are completely harmless to our body, and at the same time lactic acid is formed, which preserves the cabbage for months in advance. Fermentation significantly reduces the content of nitrates (if any) and preserves all useful substances: vitamins and minerals contained in fresh heads of cabbage - potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium. Sauerkraut lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system, reduces susceptibility to viruses and prevents vitamin deficiency. In addition, it improves appetite.

With homemade sauerkraut you can cook a lot of delicious and uncomplicated things. Here are our favorite simple recipes to enjoy once you have your winter supply of cabbage ready.

What is “snotty week”

Pickling sauerkraut traditionally begins in the autumn season, when the entire harvest has already arrived. This period begins on October 14 - the feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary (Orthodox calendar). But, when linking the timing of salting to the lunar calendar, it has long been noted that in the immediate period of the waning of the moon, the quality of the final product will be unsatisfactory.

This period is often called the “snotty week.” The number of days falling into the segment is more than seven, but cabbage pickled on such dates does not crunch and becomes covered with mucus. For 2022, the “snotty week” for cabbage according to the autumn dates will begin on October 21 and last until the 31st. But, even when choosing a favorable period, it is imperative to follow the cooking technology.

Conditions for salting

To get a high-quality product, most recipes indicate such additions as where to place the container with cabbage or whether pressure is needed on top. Such features are tied to recipe points. But, a weight placed on top of the chopped cabbage leaf is needed in non-brine cooking methods. If a saline solution is prepared for fermentation, then such a measure is not necessary.

Fermentation of cabbage begins after 24-48 hours. If the temperature is maintained at a level from 18ºC to 20ºC, fermentation will be completed on the 11-12th day. If the readings on the thermometer are from 20ºC to 25ºC, then the product is expected to be ready in 7-8 days. Accelerated or delayed fermentation greatly affects the taste of the finished sauerkraut, so it should be disturbed at normal temperature conditions.

How to make sauerkraut correctly

How to ferment cabbage in such a way that it turns out delicious? The best option includes the following ingredients:

  • cabbage – 10 kg;
  • salt – 200 g.

The selected vegetable is peeled, chopped or chopped, ground with salt, the required amount of carrots or other “flavor enhancers” is added and placed in a prepared container. Place the cabbage in small portions and compact it with your fist.

or a special wooden masher. This is necessary to ensure that there is as little air as possible between the layers. After the last layer has been laid, clean cabbage leaves are placed on top and covered with a thick cloth made of natural fabric.

A flat plate of the required size is placed in the container on top of the cabbage, and a pressure is placed on it - a liter or two-liter jar of water. If the vegetable is very juicy, the plate will immediately flood with the juice that has been released, which should not be removed.

Container for starter

Ferment cabbage in glass jars or wooden tubs. Containers made of plastic, aluminum, and stainless steel are not suitable . Interacting with cabbage juice and lactic acid, metal and plastic surfaces release substances hazardous to the body. Eating such cabbage is unhealthy.

Each housewife determines the volume of the selected container independently. Optimally - 3-liter jars. This amount of cabbage is eaten in a short time, so the product does not have time to sour or spoil.

It is convenient to store jars in the refrigerator or in the cellar of a private house. In a cool place, the fermentation process stops, sauerkraut retains its mild sweet and sour taste.

Best Tips for Cooking Cabbage

Each housewife has her own signature recipes for winter sauerkraut.
Each lady usually adds those ingredients that she and her family like. But you can still give a few examples of additives to the snack. To prepare a winter delicacy, in addition to cabbage and salt, carrots are useful. Carrots should be added to taste. Approximate proportions are 400 grams of carrots and 300 grams of salt. These proportions have been tested for a long time by many housewives. Beginner housewives are recommended to take this proportion as a basis.

And you can also add apples. They can be used whole or quartered. Antonovka is best suited. You can get another tasty snack if you add the following ingredients to cabbage:

  • plums (they should be quite hard);
  • lingonberries;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • celery.

If you want more flavor, you can sprinkle with cumin or parsley.

Cooking method

In order to pamper your family and friends with a delicious snack in winter, you need to prepare it correctly. First, you need to finely chop the cabbage with a knife. A grater may be suitable to speed up the process.

If speed is not particularly important, then with a knife everything will turn out much more aesthetically pleasing. You need to cut the head of cabbage into four parts, then chop from the center against the leaves. The chopped future snack should be placed in a basin, which is best prepared in advance.

Now you should work on other ingredients: cut apples, herbs, carrots and other products that should be fermented along with cabbage. After everything is cut and prepared, you need to raise the sleeves to elbow level and thoroughly mash the cabbage. Now you can place the winter snack under some weighting material and wait until it starts to sour.

What should be the ingredients and utensils?

We have decided what time to choose for pickling cabbage. Now it is recommended to find out which is better to choose dishes, salt, and the vegetable itself, so that the result is positive.

So, we choose ripe heads of cabbage. It is better to opt for late varieties. Lovers of crispy dishes choose the “Slava” variety. The late fruit differs from all others by its tight head. It's like it's stuffed with something. It is strictly not recommended to buy early heads of cabbage. They usually have a greenish tint and have a loose structure. The fermented dish does not turn out to be a particularly pleasant color.

In what kind of container can you ferment cabbage? The most popular containers are wooden barrels and tubs. It was in wooden dishes that our ancestors usually prepared winter dishes. If you can find such a container made of wood, then half the job is done. If a wooden container is not available, then a jar or enamel pan will do.

And you can also salt the heads of cabbage in plastic containers. It is strictly not recommended to make pickles in aluminum containers. In such dishes, the winter snack will acquire a grayish color and a metallic taste.

When choosing a seasoning, you should opt for coarse table salt. It is most suitable for the fermentation process. If you choose iodized salt, the cabbage will turn out soft. Therefore, it is better not to use iodized salt in this case.

Simple and tasty recipes with sauerkraut

Cabbage stewed in the oven

Sauerkraut – 1 kg Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons Meat (pork) – 500 g Carrots – 1 pc. Tomato paste – 0.5 tbsp. spoons Sugar – 2 teaspoons Flour – 2 tbsp. spoons Butter - 1 tbsp. spoons Peppercorns - 5 pcs. Bay leaf – 1 pc. Meat broth - 1 cup Salt to taste

Peel the carrots and onions, finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or finely chop into cubes. Heat 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil in a frying pan and lightly fry the onions and carrots in it. Cut the pork into medium pieces, fry in another frying pan in the remaining vegetable oil until golden brown. Place the meat, carrots, and onions in a baking dish, add sauerkraut, pepper, bay leaf, tomato paste, sugar, and salt. Heat the butter in a small frying pan and fry the flour in it, pour in the meat broth and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. The resulting sauce should have a consistency similar to liquid sour cream. Pour the sauce into the baking dish with all the other products and mix everything. Close the lid and place in a preheated oven (200 degrees). Simmer in the oven until cooked (40-60 minutes). You can also cook in a pot with a lid.

Cabbage with potatoes and sausages

Sauerkraut – 500 g Sausages – 300 g Potatoes – 3-4 pcs. (medium) Onion – 1 pc. Tomato paste – 1 teaspoon Meat broth – 1 glass Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons Bay leaf – 1 pc. Salt to taste

Peel the onion and chop finely. In a deep frying pan, heat half the vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and fry the onion until golden brown. Add sauerkraut, fry lightly to remove excess juice from the cabbage. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, heat the remaining oil in another small frying pan and fry the potatoes in it until golden brown. Add potatoes to cabbage and onions. Pour a glass of broth there and add tomato paste. Cover with a lid and simmer until done, about 10 minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add the sausages cut into slices, bay leaf, and stir. Add salt if necessary.

Shchi with potatoes and zucchini

Meat broth – 2.5 l (for beef – 700 g) Sauerkraut – 500 g Potatoes – 4 medium potatoes Onion – 1 pc. medium Zucchini – 200 g Pepper, bay leaf, dill, parsley Garlic – 1 clove Salt to taste

If the cabbage is too sour, then you need to rinse it or add fresh carrots to the recipe (1 medium, grated). Boil beef broth. Peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into cubes, finely chop the onion, peel the zucchini and grate on a coarse grater. Place potatoes into boiling broth and bring to a boil. Then add sauerkraut, zucchini, and onions. Let it boil, from the moment it boils, cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add finely chopped garlic, pepper, bay leaf, dill, parsley, and salt to taste.

How to ferment whole heads of cabbage in a barrel

To prepare whole pickled heads of cabbage for the winter, you should first prepare the barrels. They are doused with boiling water to disinfect them. Next, the delicacy is prepared in the following order:

  1. Select heads of cabbage of the same size.
  2. Remove the top leaves from the heads of cabbage.
  3. We fill the barrel with heads of cabbage and the gaps with removed leaves.
  4. You need to add seasonings to taste. You can add bay leaf and horseradish.
  5. Now you need to fill everything with brine (11 liters of water for 0.5 kg of rock salt).
  6. Cover with any cloth, top with a lid and a weight.

You can enjoy cabbage after five days, and store it using this method for no more than six months. This dish is popular not only in winter in Russia, but also in many other countries.

Which cabbage is undesirable to salt?

In general, an experienced housewife can pickle any cabbage. But it is better not to use such instances:

  • Young small heads of cabbage. Such specimens are not yet hard enough. They will give little juice.
  • Early cabbage. Same problem. It will be very difficult to achieve sap flow.
  • Varieties intended for storage. But here, on the contrary, the leaves are too hard, which will break, but will not give juice
  • "Green" varieties. White cabbage varieties are best suited for sourdough.
  • With a bitter taste. The vegetable should be slightly sweet and juicy. This will further ensure that the same recognizable taste of the product. If the head of cabbage is bitter, then nothing good will come of it.
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