Fitosporin for strawberries - simple instructions for use and tips on when and how to use the drug (100 photos + video)

Fitosporin is a drug whose scope of application is wide. However, today we will look at Fitosporin for strawberries.

Instructions for using this substance, tips on its use will make it possible to get a good harvest of berries, regardless of weather conditions and other difficulties that gardeners face from season to season.

First of all, let’s answer the question: what is phytosporin for strawberries, the use of which is of interest to gardeners?

First of all, this is the name of a substance that combines a group of bacterial fungicides. It can be produced in the form of a liquid, gel, paste, or even powder.

The active ingredient of Fitosporin is Bacillus subtilis. the concentration of this substance for each form of drug can reach up to 2 billion in 1 ml. Most often used for treating street and indoor plants, fruit trees, shrubs, etc.

Previously, we talked about the drug Fitoverm for processing strawberries.

Purpose of the drug

Fitosporin for strawberries and berries is available in several forms: liquid, gel, paste, powder. The effectiveness of the drug is ensured due to the presence of Bacillus subtilis in the composition.

The biofungicide is used for:

  • preventive treatment or control of fungal diseases;
  • preparing cuttings and seed material in the spring;
  • creating the most comfortable conditions for the crop, including in order to increase the duration of storage;
  • soil treatment during planting strawberries.

Due to its qualities, the agrochemical is successfully used throughout the warm season of the year and is able to maintain quality parameters and effective effect at temperatures ranging from -20°C to +40°C.

Reviews from gardeners

Alexander, Kurchatov

Do not forget that this is still a moderately dangerous drug, and no one has yet canceled personal hygiene. I recommend.


Natalya, Orenburg

I buy a paste with gumi. The effectiveness of the drug is enhanced by the elixir of fertility - humic acids, which is an additional nutrition for plants. The cost of this drug in our local seed stores is 85-100 rubles. per package.


When to use

With the help of Fitosporin, you can treat soil, seeds and cuttings at all stages of development - during the growing season, during flowering and fruiting.

The first manipulations are usually carried out in the spring days before planting in the ground. To do this, a mixture of the drug is used, in which the strawberry root system is placed for a while. For dilution, dissolve 50 drops. products for 1 liter of water.

In diluted form, the biofungicide is also used for watering plants. You need to take 110 ml of product per 10 liters of water. Such a supply will help process at least 300 bushes. For the growing season, a gel-like substance diluted in water is suitable. The product is used to water the beds. A package of 200 g is used for a plot of 1 sq.m. You can also water plants with agrochemicals in the fall.

If the plant is exposed to diseases, then a solution is prepared for treatment in a ratio of 1:20. In difficult cases, the concentration is increased to 1:2. Usually 10 sq. m uses 1 liter of mixture. Spraying treatment should be carried out at intervals of 10 days.

Suitable soil for strawberries

Regarding soil, there are three main factors to consider when choosing soil. Acidity, location and friability. You should consider each point in more detail in order to understand.

Soil acidity. This indicator directly determines how many nutrients and minerals the berry will receive. If the acidity of your soil is not within favorable values, then there is a risk of encountering several side effects and problems.

The main example is various diseases that can lead to the death of your flower. According to acidity, the soil is divided into three sections.


Fitosporin has a number of advantages compared to agrochemicals used by summer residents:

  • Being a growth stimulant, the drug helps increase productivity;
  • due to the naturalness of the components, environmental safety is ensured, for example, it is allowed to treat strawberries with phytosporin during flowering;
  • if the rules for preparing and using the solution are followed, the taste of the berries is completely preserved;
  • possibility of use at different stages of plant development and in combination with other fungicides;
  • affordable prices for the drug.

Buying seeds

Strawberries are a fairly common and cheap type of seedlings that can be purchased at any gardening store. The question is which variety of strawberry is better to choose in order to grow a lot of tasty and large berries.

The most popular option is Asian seeds. These seeds require little watering and are quite resistant to sudden climate changes. You can experiment and buy the variety of seeds you want to try.

Features of preparation and use

To treat beds with Fitosporin, it is advisable to choose cloudy, but not rainy days. Dilute the powder the day before use - several hours before spraying or watering. The paste is usually infused for up to 3 days.

When preparing the solution, it is advisable to use water collected after rain or boiling. A well will do. It is not advisable to use ordinary tap water due to the presence of a chloride component in it.

Strawberry care

As mentioned earlier, strawberries are a very whimsical and special berry that requires painstaking care. The first thing you need to monitor is regular watering. This is necessary, because the berry must receive the required supply of nutrients in a timely and constant manner.

It is recommended to water twice a day, morning and evening. The interval should not exceed twelve hours. This period is enough for the berry to absorb all the necessary nutrients and mineral salts.

Also, the procedures for caring for seedlings include cleaning the area where strawberries grow, clearing the beds of weeds that interfere with the growth of the berries. In addition, it is worth periodically spraying a special solution on the leaves, which gets rid of various parasites, mites and other pests.

Phytosporin powder

Suitable for a solution that will be used in spring and autumn when processing greenhouse objects, soil, and compost. The mixture has proven itself well when spraying both plants and seed material.

You can treat the roots and counteract diseases. Depending on the purpose of use, the dilution proportions change:

  • For preventative soaking of seeds for 2 hours before planting in the ground - 1/2 tsp. for 1/2 cup of water.
  • Treatment of seedling material before planting - 10 g of product per 5 liters of water. The root system is kept in the solution for 2-3 hours.
  • Prevention and treatment of diseased bushes - spraying with a solution of 10 g of the drug per 5 liters of water. The procedure consists of 2-3 courses with an interval of 10-12 days.
  • Preparation of beds in a greenhouse and soil for sowing - 5 g per 10 l.

Slightly alkaline soil

The content of the above-mentioned substances is within normal limits in such soil. The main thing to consider is that the content of such an important substance as phosphorus is low.

If you think that phosphorus is an unknown chemical element that cannot in any way affect the nutrition of your seedlings, then this is an erroneous judgment. Phosphorus contains a large amount of minerals that strawberries need to grow and eat normally.

In such soil, it is necessary to artificially replenish the reserves of such elements using special fertilizers. This is the only way out if you want to grow a fertile crop on slightly alkaline soil.


It is used when preparing a solution in high concentration - the ratio of components is 1:2. From the resulting mixture you need to prepare a solution, which you can then spray the seeds or seedlings with on the eve of planting. Solutions have a disinfecting effect, and their use also depends on the purpose:

Treating strawberries with Fitosporin for disinfection – 4 drops. concentrated substance per 1 glass of water. Roots or seeds are immersed in a container with the product.

Watering and spraying of beds - 3 tsp. concentrate per 10 liters of water.

Treatment of soil or compost in order to disinfect them - 1 tbsp. l. concentrated component per 10 liters of water, which will be enough for an area of ​​1 m2.

  • Preparing strawberries for winter
  • How to use potassium humate for strawberries: using fertilizer for the garden. Composition, instructions for use and application methods (115 photos + video)
  • Strawberry Roxana - 85 photos, description, reviews, planting and growing a productive variety

Prepare the product correctly

Option 1. Powder
Read the information on the packaging. Observe all recommended proportions for different processing options.

To boil water . Cool until warm and only then use. You can also use rainwater; this is also an excellent option for all types of compositions.

Keep in a dry place . Opened packaging must be tightly covered. For example, press the edge with a clothespin so that the composition does not become damp

Option 2. Liquid product
Read the instructions for use of this drug. This is a concentrate that is very important to dose correctly. The tightly sealed packaging makes it easy to store.

Purchase a suitable option . Liquid products can be special - for flowers, storage, etc. In our case, the most convenient option is the universal option.

Option 3. Paste or gel
Before use, the concentrate is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:2. The liquid is mixed well until smooth.

Use the solution when preparing . All proportions are indicated specifically for it, and not for paste.

It is best to choose options that are enriched with nutrients . They act both as a protective agent against fungal and bacterial diseases, and as a fertilizer for vegetable crops.


The drug is effective when watering and spraying for preventive and therapeutic purposes. When using the product, you must follow the instructions and comply with the minimum safety requirements - use gloves and non-food-grade containers, wash your hands after work. These rules apply to manipulations with Fitosporin in any form.

Neutral soil

This is the most versatile and suitable type of soil, which is chosen by the lion's share of gardeners and gardeners. Such soil contains everything that is needed for optimal and quiet growth of seedlings.

If you water in a timely manner, you can do without additional accessories and bait. You only need to resort to them if you notice that watering does not help the plant grow and it begins to die.


It does not always turn out that the berry grows perfectly without additional artificial support. In such situations, you need to resort to the use of various supplements and vitamins. The most popular options are phytosporin and classic compost fertilizers.

Compost fertilizer is known to everyone and it has stood the test of time, proving itself very well. An artificial supplement called phytosporin is worth considering.

What does it represent?

Fitosporin M refers to bacterial fungicides and biological pesticides containing billions of living cells and spores. The latter includes a live spore bacterial culture of Bacillus Subtilis.

By activating its vital activity when applied, the fungicide actively combats diseases of fruit crops, including mites and whiteflies, nematodes, rot, powdery mildew, bacteriosis, brown and black spot, cercospora blight, pink mold, etc.

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In addition, the instructions for use state that this drug also has a powerful anti-stress, growth-accelerating, and immunostimulating effect, which becomes especially important when weather conditions worsen, the quality of care and the lack of fertilizers.

Thus, it is possible to treat strawberries with the drug even to prevent illnesses and improve the quality and quantity of the harvest. It is absolutely harmless to plants themselves, animals and humans.

You can purchase the fungicide in a variety of forms - powder, paste, gel or ready-made solution. The latter is very convenient to use when spraying, and it is better to make a solution for spraying from the powder. However, they do not differ in efficiency, but only in convenience and price.


Fitosporin has a hazard class of 4 for humans (may cause mild irritation of the mucous membrane upon contact with the drug or solution) and a hazard class of 3 for bees (border protection zone for bees is 4-5 km). Non-phytotoxic, harmless to beneficial insects.

Security measures

Perform processing using gloves; avoid smoking, drinking, and eating while working. In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, rinse with water; if it enters the digestive tract, drink 3-4 glasses of water, induce vomiting, and take several tablets of activated carbon.

Store the drug in a dry place, optimally from -20 to +30°C, separately from food and medicines, in places inaccessible to children and pets. Shelf life 4 years. Storing the working solution is permissible at moderate temperatures, in a place protected from the sun.

My opinion

I used Fitosporin on my plot for the whole spring-autumn season and saw excellent results from its use - the harvest was a quarter larger due to the fact that the plants did not get sick, there were no spoiled berries even after prolonged rains and cold snaps, the strawberries remained fresh and were stored 2 times longer in the refrigerator. I have personally verified that the drug is very effective and completely safe.

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Best regards, Rostislav Malyavko!

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Two pillars in protecting strawberries from enemies

Unfortunately, such strawberry metamorphoses are not uncommon. Especially in those gardens where, having opened the berry after wintering, they release it to free production, believing that it will be born healthy anyway. But it’s not like that. Everyone loves care and attention, and the strawberry is no exception.

Strawberries require attention and care - only then will they show all their best qualities

Without care, the crop weakens, is affected by specific diseases and becomes easy prey for various insects: from microscopic mites to centimeter-long flower beetle weevils. Is it possible to fight them effectively? Undoubtedly! And it’s not just possible, but necessary.

There are two pillars that need to be relied upon in this matter:

  • prevention of diseases and application of preventive measures against pests;
  • treatment of a process that has already begun.

Moreover, as you know, treatment is always more difficult than prevention. And, if there is an opportunity to avoid treatment, then you should definitely take advantage of it. If drastic measures cannot be avoided, then they must be implemented wisely and with caution.

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