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Pollination of strawberries in a greenhouse - we get a good harvest

“How to make people happy? We need to give them joy, love and some jam." Carlson

And it is desirable that the jam be made from a juicy, aromatic, beautiful berry - strawberry, which among many peoples is considered the berry of lovers. According to Japanese legend, a double berry should be divided in two and treated to one half of the chosen one - mutual love will never leave you.

How are strawberries pollinated?

Basically, gardeners have the basics of caring for strawberries. To do this, you must remember from time to time: dig up and replant bushes, trim the mustache, protect the plant from weeds, diseases and pests.

In a closed environment, the plant requires pollination . The function should be performed without the help of others. During flowering, it is necessary to ensure artificial pollination of the bushes.

There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Use a fan for pollination. Due to gusts of air, pollen will be transferred. Using a fan can ensure even transfer of pollen from flower to flower.
  2. Pollination of each individual flower without the help of others using a soft brush. This method is suitable for pollinating a small plantation.

For pollination in a greenhouse, you can use a fan or a soft brush.
The flowering of garden berries is influenced by such factors as lighting . To help strawberries bloom indoors, it is necessary to provide the crop with artificial light for 15 hours a day.

Bushes that already have buds begin to bloom in 10 days. Flowering lasts about 10-14 days.

The flowers bloom unevenly, within 1-4 days. In order for the crop to produce large berries, it is recommended to cut off the first flower stalks .

In the open ground

In open ground, pollination is achieved by wind and insects that deliver pollen to the plant. For large plantations, it is recommended to place the hives near the garden plot .

For example, one family of bees or bumblebees can pollinate up to 0.1 hectares of land.

Pollination indoors

Caring for fruit and berry crops in hidden heated hangars and greenhouse structures has long been practiced all over the world.

For manual pollination you will need:


  1. The flowering period directly depends on the variety of strawberry . During this period, any flower should be pollinated three times. This can be created using a fan on cool mode (without heating). You should turn on the device to the weakest mode and point it at the strawberry plantation. Leave the fan on for 45 minutes. If the air flow does not affect all the bushes, then after the allotted time it is necessary to move the device in the other direction.
  2. Pollination with a brush is a long and labor-intensive process . The brush must be chosen with soft bristles. She needs to go over any flower personally. The function must be done with the flowers open. It is best to carry out pollination early in the day, repeating it any three days. Along with a soft brush, you can use cotton wool wrapped on a stick.

Using a fan you can pollinate strawberries indoors

Strawberries all year round - today is no longer a dream, but a reality!

Cultivation of strawberries in central Russia brings one harvest per season, and its quality is greatly influenced by external natural factors. Rainy, cold summer brings all expectations to naught. The berries grow unsweetened, watery and small. In recent years, growing this heat-loving crop in greenhouses and greenhouses has attracted more and more attention from both amateur gardeners and farming business professionals. You can grow strawberries in greenhouses in the summer or all year round. In the second case, the berries are usually grown for sale. Agricultural technology in a greenhouse differs from open ground in some ways, which are determined by the growing region, time of year and confined space.

How to pollinate berries grown in greenhouses

If the greenhouse or hangar is quite large and it is difficult to pollinate with a brush, then you can organize the conditions so as to be able to bring bees into the room . Enough for 1000 sq.m. 1st hive.

To grow a decent harvest of berries, you need to pay proper attention to the choice of seeds. Only a few varieties are suitable for growing in greenhouses.

It is advisable to choose:

  • pollinated or repair varieties;
  • early ripening;
  • neutral day.

The shorter the ripening time, the better . Even with very dense planting of bushes, the repair variety will provide a guaranteed harvest. You can place up to 80 bushes per square meter at once.

In addition, day-neutral strawberries require less constant light and grow well.

To avoid the risk of not receiving a harvest, it is recommended to take several types at once in the form of seeds .


Growing a rich harvest of berries in greenhouse conditions is not an easy task; in this case, the choice of seeds plays a leading role. Few varieties can bear fruit in greenhouses.

The choice of variety is also influenced by the purpose of cultivation. Remontant varieties are capable of providing crops for a long time of the year. Growing for sale means taking into account quality features (berry size, density, resistance to transportation).

Large, fragrant fruits with bright colors are produced by varieties that bear fruit only for one rather short period. There are also lovers of small-fruited berries. Conclusion - you first need to decide on your intentions, and only then plant the seedlings in the greenhouse.

What fee can be collected

From the 1st bush

In order for the berries to be large, it is necessary to choose a high-yielding variety . There are varieties that yield several kilograms per bush.

These varieties include:

  • Chemora Kurusi;
  • Mutant 120;
  • Dynamite;
  • Queen Elizabeth;
  • Temptation;
  • Evi 2;
  • Capri.

Old varieties can yield up to 500-1000 grams from 1 bush. On average, with proper care and proper complementary feeding, you can get 400-700 grams per bush .

With proper care and feeding you can get 400-700 grams per bush

From one hundred square meters

A weaving is a plot of land measuring 10 by 10 meters. Depending on the variety, how many can be harvested from 1 acre: 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 kg of strawberries .

Not all varieties of berries given to us are suitable for such dense planting. Varieties Elizabeth-2, Marshall, Winona, Honey can be planted densely. Accordingly, the collection will be richer.

From the 1st quarter meters

From 1 square meter you can harvest from 15 to 50 kg of strawberries, depending on the variety planted and the method of feeding.

It is necessary to take into account planting density, age, soil composition and other conditions that increase the fertility of the plant. On average, you can get 0.5-1 kg of strawberries from 1 bush.

The better the variety, the larger the size of the berries it produces . One berry can weigh 10 g, or can reach 50 g.

From 1 square meter you can harvest from 15 to 50 kg of strawberries, depending on the variety

As you can see, growing berries every year is accessible to anyone and does not require huge costs . The main thing is to properly care for the plant and pollinate it in time.

Difficulties with pollination may appear only if large plantations are being fed; for this, it is recommended to install several hives.

Plant care

Year-round cultivation of strawberries requires proper care of the bushes. It consists of watering (usually a drip irrigation system is installed), weeding possible weeds, fertilizing (depending on soil depletion), replanting plants and trimming old leaves and unnecessary tendrils.

An important step is spraying greenhouse bushes against parasites and lesions. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, care and climatic conditions must be observed. Bushes should be periodically treated with preventative agents. So year-round growth of berry crops will give a good harvest.

What can help us in growing

The following reasons are important:

  • Variety You can choose strawberries in the form of seeds or seedlings, but it is better to ignore remontant varieties.
  • Priming. It does not have to contain harmful fungi, viruses and microbes.
  • Development of feeding. You can plant strawberries in bags, boxes or in open ground.
  • Feeding.
  • Availability of light (both daylight and artificial).
  • Solve the issue with ventilation in the room.

In the natural environment, virtually all of the above happens {by itself}. Naturally, feeding and cleaning the soil from pests require separate actions, but at home everything becomes more difficult. In individuality, therefore, artificial pollination is required.

Strawberries in a pot on the windowsill - tasty and beautiful

Some grow flowers at home, while others are looking for something more useful and dream of growing strawberries on the windowsill. Perhaps now is the time to move from dreams to their implementation. To do this you will need:

  • Strawberry seeds or seedlings;
  • One or more pots. Even the simplest or, on the contrary, exclusive, unusual ones will do;
  • Warm and well-lit window sill.

You don't even have to wait for a certain time of year, because... At home we maintain an optimal temperature for living, which suits the strawberry plant quite well. However, it is still worth taking care of additional lighting.

Especially important at home is the desire to grow remontant strawberries, which bloom throughout their “life cycle”, i.e. several times a season. Unfortunately, growing such a berry takes a lot of time and effort, and the plant itself works at the maximum of its capabilities. It is much easier to grow berries in a pot over the seasons. For example, one pot ripens in autumn, another in winter, etc. This way, you will regularly receive fresh berries, and you don’t have to cook strawberry jam for the winter, but prepare it fresh.

In fact, to grow strawberries in a pot you only need a few basic steps:

  1. Prepare suitable pots for the plant. There are no special requirements, so choose those that you like and will fit on the windowsill;
  2. Take care of drainage, so that water will not stagnate in the soil after watering. Place the drainage in a thin layer on the bottom of the pot. Mix the soil with sand, if it is not already included in the soil mixture, this will make it easier for water to pass to the bottom;
  3. Fill the pots with potting mix over the drainage, leaving about 1/3 to 1/4 of the pot empty;
  4. You know how to plant seeds, so if you have already passed this point, start planting seedlings. You should not dig the stems too deep into the ground, but the root system should be completely covered with soil;
  5. Compact the soil mixture a little around the seedlings and add soil to the top of the pots, but not in a heap, otherwise the soil will constantly spill onto the windowsill.

Source: dacha.yarfotograf.ru

Artificial pollination

During flowering, artificial pollination of strawberries is required. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Using air flow. The wind is able to transport pollen even in natural conditions. Place a fan near the flower stalks - air currents will distribute pollen to the flowers.
  • Hand pollination. In this case, you will have to process any flower manually. Use a soft brush for this, just transfer the pollen from one flower to another.
  • Bees. You can place bees in the same place where you grow strawberries. The most effective way, but here you will also have to take care of insects.


You can also pollinate strawberries using a fan. The air should be directed towards the peduncles. In this way, you will create almost natural conditions, and your strawberries will be pollinated by the wind.​

1 step

​In the case of growing strawberries at home, the plant is deprived of natural pollination, so it must be done independently in order to ultimately get a harvest.​

Step 2

In order to significantly simplify growing strawberries at home, experienced gardeners give the following advice:

Advantages and disadvantages of all methods

Any of the above methods is considered ineffective if associated with growing outdoors. Let's take a closer look at any of them:

  • Air flows. In order for the wind to pollinate all the plants, you need to be truly lucky. After all, the flower is small and a lot of pollen will fly away and end up on the walls and other things. This way you will lose a lot of pollinating material. In other words, the fee will be very low.
  • Pollination by brush. The most effective method, because pollen will not fly away. You can move it yourself to where you need it. But here another difficulty arises - imagine how much time you will spend on this. Especially if you grow a whole plantation of berries. You will have to give up your personal life and always focus on pollinating strawberries.
  • Bees. Surely the best option in terms of yield. This way you can save time - the insects will do the work for you. But the difficulty is that you will have to take care of the bees separately, and keeping unsafe insects at home is not the best idea.


If you plan to grow berries for sale, you need varieties with dense, transportable berries. Another important parameter of a “commercial” variety is the evenness of the berries in size. It’s easier to sell identical medium-large berries than giant berries in half and small change.



It is better to plant strawberries in autumn and spring, but at other times of the year it is also possible, you will still create artificial conditions. As for care, this means replanting from time to time, weeding, watering, a little fertilizer and every year renewing with young seedlings. My opinion is that it is better to grow in boxes; there is not enough space in the pots for roots and cuttings.



Sometimes in winter I buy imported ones, but the prices for them, of course, and most often the taste and smell are boring, so I just got excited about the idea!

Dolgopolova Alena


Growing strawberries has attracted people since ancient times. Currently, agricultural technologies make it possible to do this year-round. And both amateur gardeners and agricultural professionals can succeed in this matter.

What should I choose?

It all depends on you. If you don’t need a lot of strawberries, you can choose the fan method. If you have a lot of free time (for example, you are retired) and you do not grow entire strawberry plantations, manual processing is suitable for you.

Bees are an effective method if you have the space and ability to keep insects. Remember, the extreme method is the most effective and will allow you to grow entire plantations.

In any case, the method of pollinating berries depends only on your abilities.

How are strawberries pollinated?

Lovers of sweet strawberries are looking forward to the season. But in order to grow a good harvest, you need to arm yourself with certain horticultural knowledge on caring for berries . For example, being aware of how strawberries are pollinated.

The collection can be obtained annually in the greenhouse hangars or on the balcony. In closed conditions, berries need to be pollinated without the help of others.

Basically, gardeners have the basics of caring for strawberries. To do this, you must remember from time to time: dig up and replant bushes, trim the mustache, protect the plant from weeds, diseases and pests.

If the berry harvest is planted outdoors, it does not need pollination. The same cannot be said about strawberries in greenhouses or greenhouses.

In a closed environment, the plant requires pollination . The function should be performed without the help of others. During flowering, it is necessary to ensure artificial pollination of the bushes.

There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Use a fan for pollination. Due to gusts of air, pollen will be transferred. Using a fan can ensure even transfer of pollen from flower to flower.
  2. Pollination of each individual flower without the help of others using a soft brush. This method is suitable for pollinating a small plantation.

For pollination in a greenhouse, you can use a fan or a soft brush.
The flowering of garden berries is influenced by such factors as lighting . To help strawberries bloom indoors, it is necessary to provide the crop with artificial light for 15 hours a day.

Bushes that already have buds begin to bloom in 10 days. Flowering lasts about 10-14 days.

The flowers bloom unevenly, within 1-4 days. In order for the crop to produce large berries, it is recommended to cut off the first flower stalks .

In the open ground

In open ground, pollination is achieved by wind and insects that deliver pollen to the plant. For large plantations, it is recommended to place the hives near the garden plot .

For example, one family of bees or bumblebees can pollinate up to 0.1 hectares of land.

Pollination indoors

Caring for fruit and berry crops in hidden heated hangars and greenhouse structures has long been practiced all over the world.

Pollination by bees will not work in a closed space. Therefore, in this case you will have to use the methods listed above.

Strawberry delicacies

People grow berries, fruits, and vegetables for consumption. Every nation has interesting recipes for preparing and storing preparations: preserves, jams, marmalade.

Whipped cream with the addition of fresh berries is also a pleasant and understandable dish.

Not everyone has even heard of pickled garden strawberries, but lovers of this delicacy admit that this is an original and tasty dish.

More exotic recipes for preparations are also known. For example, a juicy sweet fruit combined with seafood, or game and cheese, a berry with green onions and cucumber. The most original dish can be considered fried strawberries. For this purpose, take butter, fry the sweetness and add black pepper.

Since the plant is distributed throughout the globe, the attitude towards it is different. In some regions, strawberries are considered a luxury, a symbol of wealth. In an American restaurant in the state of New Orleans, a dish of cooked berries with cream with the addition of mint leaves will cost $1.4 million. This dish comes with a gold ring with a 5-carat diamond.

Gardening and horticulture are finding an increasing number of supporters. This is an interesting activity that heals the soul, strengthens physically and sometimes provides tangible financial support. An exciting activity can develop into a profitable business. Definitely, you should not rush without consulting a specialist - weigh the pros and cons.

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