Black roses: the best varieties and rules for combining with other plants in garden decor

"Black Magic" and other black-flowered varieties

It should be noted that roses do not have completely black flowers, but there are some species and varieties whose coloring is as close as possible to this color.

The most popular of them, the description of which is known to both domestic and foreign gardeners, are absolutely undemanding and make garden design as decorative as possible.

ViewVarietyOriginating countryBushCharacteristics of flowers
Hybrid tea variety"Black Lady"GermanyMedium vigor bush with good foliageBlack-red rose with double, slow-opening, very fragrant flowers
Hybrid tea variety"Night"IrelandIt has practically no thorns, has thin shoots and dark green color, glossy foliageBlack-raspberry, velvety type, with a moderate aroma of Damask rose
Hybrid tea variety"Nigrette"GermanyMedium vigor, with matte, medium green foliage and reddish growthBlack and burgundy color, graceful in shape, with curled corners of the petals
Hybrid tea variety"Black Magic" or "Black Magic"GermanyThe plant is vigorous, elongated, erect, with dark green leaves and bronze-colored young growth.The buds are dark, almost black, and the blossoming flowers are black and red, with dark scarlet centers
Hybrid tea variety"Perle Noire"FranceMedium foliage plant with matte medium green foliage, powerful, strongClose to black colored buds bloom into black and burgundy lush flowers
Chinese/Bengal rose"Louis XIV"FranceThe plant is small in size, branched, with crimson young foliage and relatively sparse foliage.Relatively small double flowers with a rich, black-purple hue and black shadows between the velvety petals
Shrub"Midnight Blue"AmericaThe plant is dense, compact, with semi-glossy, light green leaves.Dark purple flowers with a black tint and moderate doubleness, with a clove aroma
Repairable hybrid form"Black Prince"Great BritainBushes of medium vigor with inexpressive classic foliageVery dark burgundy-raspberry color, fragrant flowers with a velvety black shimmer
Hybrid tea variety"Black Baccara"FranceThe plant is medium-sized, with few thorns and green foliage with a subtle red tint.The buds have a distinct black color, and the dark burgundy velvety flowers have a black tint
Hybrid tea variety"Black Beauty"FranceMedium vigor bush with average foliage indicatorsVelvety type, dark red color with a black tint, densely double classic flowers
Spray rose"Black Jack"AmericaThe plant is erect, compact, with dark green, shiny, ovoid foliage.Dark red flowers with magenta and black shades, consisting of wavy petals

Step-by-step instructions: how to paint a similar color?

It is not easy to purchase an original black rose, but, if desired, it can be easily obtained by painting.

Choosing a variety for painting

  • The rose must be fresh.
  • The buds must be closed.
  • The stem is long and straight.
  • It is preferable to choose white roses for painting. As a last resort, a good result is obtained by using cream or light yellow flowers (learn about yellow roses here).
  • The Vendela variety is considered ideal for painting.
  • Warm water.
  • Any convenient container (glass, vase, etc.).
  • Sharp knife.
  • Dye. It can be absolutely anything (black ink, food coloring, gouache, marker pen), but it is preferable to use specialized paint for flowers. This way the painted rose will not lose its presentation much longer and will look more natural. However, you can rarely find such paint and only in special online stores.

It should be borne in mind that painting a rose takes a long time (from 15 to 28 hours).

  1. When painting, the leaves on the stem will also change color. Therefore, it is recommended to cut them off before starting work.

  2. Thoroughly dissolve the selected dye in a container of warm water. The color of the water should be as dense and saturated as possible.
  3. Add a little sugar to the solution so that the dye is absorbed better.
  4. Using a knife, cut the stem diagonally (the distance from the edge is approximately 1 cm). It is recommended to make the cutting area as large as possible for better hydration.
  5. Immediately after pruning, it is recommended to hold the cut under running water to remove small air bubbles.
  6. Place the rose in a container with the solution and keep at room temperature for at least 15 hours. The longer the flower is painted in this way, the richer the resulting color will be.
  7. Once the petals are sufficiently colored, place the flower in a container of clean water.

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Choosing seedlings correctly

Each seedling should be carefully inspected before purchase. You need to pay attention to the following:

  • The shoots should ripen well. To check the degree of ripening of the shoot, you need to press on the side thorn - it should be well separated from the stem;
  • the bark of the stems should have a lively shine and be juicy;
  • The roots should not be damaged, and when cut they should have a whitish color with a yellowish tint.

Usually, rose bushes that are at least 2 years old are planted in open ground. Bushes with wrinkled shoots and a completely dry root system should not be used for planting.

It is best to buy seedlings and plant them in early autumn

Meaning and symbolism

The history of roses is the history of all species and varieties of the genus Rosehip , which have been cultivated by man since ancient times. A significant part of rose varieties were developed as a result of long-term breeding work based on repeated repeated crossings. The legend of the black rose is associated with the Turkish city of Halfeti. The flowers that grew there had the only external difference from classic roses - the jet-black coloring of the petals. This original coloring was due to the soil composition on which the rose bushes grew. The soil had increased acidity levels precisely at the flowering stage of the ornamental crop. The black rose was classified as an endangered species after the Euphrates flooded the city of Halfeti.

Experienced amateur flower growers, as well as domestic and foreign breeders, are very well aware of the fact that the natural method of obtaining rose varieties with full black coloring of flowers is absolutely impossible, which is due to the specific absence of blue pigment. In addition, upon closer and more careful examination of the Halfeti rose, you will find that the petals of the flowers of this plant are not full black, but a very deep, dark burgundy-violet color.

The meaning of a rose has some differences depending on the country and the mentality of the inhabitants. The history of the symbolism of the magnificent flower not only has very ancient roots, but is also not at all as clear as it seems at first glance. If in Christian society the rose symbolizes the suffering of Christ and the sign of the Virgin Mary, then according to Kabbalistic knowledge this flower represents the mystical center and heart of creation.

Black roses stand out. Such flowers are usually associated with deep sorrow, despondency, sadness and mourning. However, recently, more and more often, bouquets of flowers with such an unusual shade are purchased for good luck, and according to many florists, black roses carry a positive charge, setting them up for a change of scenery or new promising endeavors. It is also interesting that in the Japanese art of ikebana, black roses are the most popular type of admiration for a person’s vitality and his indestructible fortitude.

Dollar tree propagation

You can grow a tree from any part of the plant, but you will have to be patient, since the germination process is very slow.

On a note! The first leaves appear after the development of the root system, that is, after 1-1.5 years.

The flower can reproduce in the following ways:

Rooting a leaf. Large well-developed leaf plates are cut with a knife and left for 2 hours. Then the cut is treated with Kornevin and deepened into the ground by a third. Reproduction by branch. A healthy branch is cut off, treated with a root formation stimulator and placed in water with potassium permanganate. As soon as the sprouts appear, the branch is transplanted into the ground. Tuber division. To successfully divide a plant, you need to carefully remove it from the pot and clean the roots from the soil. Then you should find parts with a separate tuber

You need to separate the roots carefully; it is advisable to treat the sections with activated carbon

Tuber formation takes from 2 to 6 months

How to make a black rose from a white one

If it is not possible to grow a black rose, then you can try to make such an unusual flower with your own hands at home. For this purpose, a classic white or red rose can be used.

Technology for making black roses yourself:

  • during the dyeing process, the foliage also changes its color, so you can cut off all the leaves from the roses, leaving only the trunks and the flower;
  • prepare a flower vase or any vessel of sufficient height that needs to be filled with warm water;
  • to tint water, you can use either special dyes of the required color or simple gouache or ink;

  • It should be noted that flowers painted using chemical and very aggressive dyes are short-lived and can fade very quickly;
  • cut off about a centimeter from the stem part and about another half a centimeter diagonally, which will significantly improve the rate of hydration;
  • You need to trim the stem part with a sharp and clean knife, under running water.

At the final stage, the prepared rose must be placed in a vase with a coloring solution and kept at room temperature for about a day. As practice shows, red-flowered roses are painted faster and more evenly, while coloring white-flowered varieties may require a longer time. Using the same principle, white-flowered roses can be colored blue in varying intensities. Fully colored flowers should be placed in a vase filled with clean water.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Bride flower. photo indoor campanula, garden perennial, seeds, care

The flower is distinguished by its hardiness, long flowering and frost resistance, so these points must be taken into account when choosing a place for planting


Young bushes are planted in open ground in the spring. There is no need to pre-prepare the soil: just clean it of debris and dig it up.

Did you know? Rose Bonica is a Floribunda, and this class of roses does not tend to emit fragrance. All flowers have no scent or emit a subtle apple aroma.

Selecting a location

For a lush and long flowering period, the plant needs sunlight. Even light partial shade can lead to the cessation of flowering, so there should be no buildings or plants around the rose bed that can provide shade. In addition, the space should be open, since the flower does not like stagnant air: it provokes the appearance of black spots on the leaves.

The soil should be light and low acidity, the fertile layer should be at least 0.6 m thick. The bush takes root well on loamy soil. But there should not be too much clay, because it makes the soil heavier. To make it more loose, you should add sand. If there is a lot of sand, then it needs to be diluted with clay. Swampy soil is absolutely not suitable.

Important! If it is not possible to choose another soil, adding sand, clay, turf soil and lime will help correct this

Step by step planting process

Before you start planting a plant, you need to choose the right seedling.

It is better to buy it in specialized stores, making sure that it meets the following indicators:

  • bare roots - such a bush is planted in autumn or spring;
  • a seedling with three stems is the highest category, with two - average;
  • root collar with a diameter of up to 100 mm;
  • healthy and developed root system;
  • the roots are in a container or wrapped in paper or polyethylene with soil.

Video: rose floribunda bonica

You can plant bushes in groups or alone.

This procedure is carried out like this:

  1. If you plan to plant in groups, then you should adhere to the 70x95 cm pattern; if in a row, then with an interval of 65 cm.
  2. The holes are dug several days before the planned planting and filled with water.
  3. Prepare the soil: mix the soil with compost and peat (1:1), add fertilizers for roses.
  4. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the hole, and part of the prepared soil is sprinkled on top of it. Sandy soil does not need drainage.
  5. The seedling is carefully inspected for damaged roots. If their length is more than 0.3 m, then the roots need to be trimmed. The purchased seedling in the container is carefully removed with the soil. Its shoots are pruned, leaving the three strongest ones, and they are pruned so that three buds remain.
  6. The finished bush is lowered into the hole. Its root system is straightened and sprinkled with soil on top. The soil is compacted, and at this time the seedling is slightly raised up so that the earth can fill all the voids. If the seedling has a graft, it should be buried 50 mm.
  7. The bush is spudded and watered abundantly.

Did you know? In 2003, the Bonika rose was awarded as

The most favorite rose in the world

Combination with other plants in garden decor

Landscape and interior designs with roses have become especially relevant and popular in our country in the last decade. The widespread use of roses in garden decoration is due not only to the extraordinary attractiveness of this culture, but also to the long flowering period. The most effective option is to create a rose garden on your personal plot from several varieties of this decorative crop. A bright “cocktail” mixed from contrasting colors of flowers also looks very impressive.

If you need to create a colorful hedge, it is recommended to plant roses fairly close to each other. But we should not forget that such plantings require mandatory competent and timely formation. Single or solitary plantings are especially popular. The place for such planting should be as noticeable as possible, which will allow the black rose to fully express all its extraordinary beauty against the backdrop of green lawn grass.


Most often, problems arise due to frequent watering or stagnation of water in the soil. Rose roots may begin to rot

Therefore, it is very important to follow all the rules of care. You can periodically treat the plant with special preventative agents.

Sometimes "Black Magic" can infect with powdery mildew or rust. These diseases should also be treated with special medications.

Aphids, spider mites, and click beetles can attack a rose. These insects very quickly destroy the plant. Therefore, urgently take measures to treat the rose with medicines. In any case, at the initial stage the plant can almost always be saved.

A magnificent rose with a bewitching name will be an excellent decoration for your garden. You can create original compositions, just like landscape designers do. In garden plots, roses can be planted next to other plants. It is best to plant a rose in the center of flower arrangements.

When purchasing seedlings, be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the stem and root system. A bouquet of roses given for a celebration will be an excellent gift and will be remembered for many years

Ad vocem[edit]

speak sub rosa (lit. “under the rose”, that is, in private, and without disclosing)

In meeting rooms, it means secrecy and discretion. When preparing a feast, the owner hung a rose over the table - a reminder that unnecessary chatter should not be allowed

Later this custom spread to official institutions. lat. sub rosa, lit. “under the rose” as a sign of secret Roman knight lovers gave roses to the ladies of their hearts as a sign of a secret conspiracy.

Pot aux roses (translated from French, literally “pot of roses”) is a secret, a mystery.

Fr. nouveau soleil - new Sun; Noel - Christmas; that is, the etymology can be clearly traced.

"Oh! There are no more roses left in their full beauty; people have given them all away to their loved ones!” (“The Dream of Silver Salome” by J. Slovatsky).

“What blooms most beautifully in nature, such as roses, lilies, violets, fades faster than others; like the most beautiful flowers, human life passes especially quickly” (“History of Nature” by Pliny the Elder).

According to Omar Khayyam, “Roses grow best where a certain king has shed a lot of blood.”

“Greetings, rose from the gardens of the Prophet! Flowering of Edenic beauty among the infidels! (“Poetry” by A. Groza, Polish poet).

Proverb: There is no rose without thorns; whoever plucks roses gets scratched...

“We are not afraid of frost, if only we had the smell of roses!” (“Fun” by K. Wyspiansky).

To follow a path strewn with roses means to live a full-blooded life, enjoying good and well-deserved fame, and to be absolutely happy.

“The remarkable beauty of the rose, its enchanting scent, and its entire appearance have turned the flower into a symbol of happiness and prosperity in all world cultures. The rose also symbolizes the most beautiful time of the day, which is why the Ionic poet called Eos (the goddess of the dawn) “rose-fingered” (Friedreich).

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