How to properly use a sulfur bomb for a cellar

In order not to be left without supplies for the winter and to preserve the harvest for a long time, it is necessary to take care of protecting the basement or cellar from rodents, harmful insects, and dangerous bacteria. The sulfur bomb for the cellar has become widely known due to its ease of use and high effectiveness of the product.

This method of cleaning a room is cheap and effective, but requires careful adherence to the instructions for using a sulfur bomb for a cellar, due to the high toxicity of the smoke released during combustion. The processing is carried out in a completely empty room - no products should be left in the cellar. Hermetically sealed jars must also be removed. To answer the frequently asked question: is it possible to treat the cellar and the vegetables there with a sulfur bomb? It should be recalled that the gas released during smoldering is poisonous.

Attention: sulfur compounds deposited on vegetables left in the cellar poison the products, making them completely unfit for consumption.

What is a sulfur bomb and how it works?

Usually it is a yellowish cylinder with a wick. The active substance, consisting of 80% sulfur, when burned, emits caustic toxic smoke, which is harmful to rodents, destroys insects, bacteria and all types of mold. It is able to penetrate into the narrowest crevices. In this way, cellars, basements, greenhouses and greenhouses, warehouses, and vegetable stores are disinfected.

Using a sulfur bomb in the cellar is very simple; it is placed on a flat, non-flammable surface, and the wick is set on fire. It starts smoking after 2-3 minutes, this time is enough to leave the room. The cylinder slowly smolders for an hour, filling the room with smoke, which completely disinfects the basement or cellar. It will take 24-36 hours to complete the process, after which time the room is opened and thoroughly ventilated. Each package is designed to process a certain area; before processing, calculate the required number of checkers. Usually one cylinder is enough to process 5-10 square meters. m.

Consumption rates

  • for disinfection of greenhouses, hotbeds, sheds, greenhouses sulfur bomb Climate (Green Belt) – 300 g per 20 m3
  • for the disinfection of greenhouses, hotbeds, sheds, conservatories, sulfur bomb FAS - 60 g/m3
  • for disinfecting cellars, sulfur bomb Climate (Green Belt) – 300 g per 10 m3
  • for disinfection of cellars sulfur block FAS – 30-60 g/m3

When to treat

Fumigation of greenhouses, hotbeds and greenhouses can be carried out in the fall, after harvesting and cleaning of plant debris.

You can also treat greenhouses in the spring, when the ground has warmed up enough for planting, before planting seedlings, or immediately after sowing the seeds (strictly before germination).

The lower the soil temperature, the stronger the absorption of sulfuric acid. Therefore, the optimal processing time is when the soil temperature is about 10 degrees or higher.

If you use a smoke bomb in the spring, before planting, it is advisable to subsequently spill the soil with phytosporin to restore beneficial microflora.

Chemical properties

When products burn, they release sulfur dioxide into the air. White smoke causes a sore throat and suffocation. When mixed with water in the air, sulfur dioxide forms highly toxic sulfuric acid.

This is why jars under metal lids should not be left indoors. Sulfuric acid causes severe corrosion of metal. Sulfur dioxide has a water-removing effect; in addition to complete disinfection, it significantly reduces humidity in the treatment areas. Toxic substances are completely removed from the room after thorough ventilation.


The use of sulfur bombs is preceded by a preparatory process, which is as follows:

  1. Seal all through cracks by any means to prevent toxic smoke from entering the environment. Felt material or specially moistened waste rags are most suitable for these purposes.
  2. If possible, remove from the room being treated all objects made of any metals, otherwise corrosion may occur.
  3. If it is not possible to remove all metal objects, then they must first be treated with oil products or special protective antiseptics.
  4. Remove all food products from the premises, including canned ones, since after treatment with sulfur dioxide they will be consigned and unsuitable for consumption.

When and why is a smoke bomb used?

The use of this disinfectant allows you to quickly, effortlessly get rid of harmful bacteria and fungi that enter the cellar or basement with soil and form at high humidity, reducing the quality of stored products and causing enormous harm to human health.

Under its influence, cockroaches, various types of aphids, fleas, woodlice, and slugs, which often live in basements and vegetable stores, die. Moles, mice and rats leave the room, and after treatment they are afraid to settle in it. The action of sulfuric anhydride, as the smoke released is called, is effective in combating various pests; It also destroys bedbugs, fleas and wood-boring beetles.

After treatment, the basement becomes safe for a long period. Disinfection is carried out in the fall, before storing the crop. For the destruction of all types of fungus, sulfur bombs for the cellar are especially effective. Smoke bombs for mold in the basement destroy not only mold on the shelves, floor and ceiling, but also spores that are necessarily present in the air. In addition, they protect for a long time from insect pests that often inhabit crop storage areas.


Many people have already tried using similar checkers and formed their opinions about them, which they share below:

  1. Edward: “For more than three years we have been using sulfur bombs to fumigate granaries; they not only effectively remove all insects and rodents, but also help get rid of fungus on the walls. We chose them because this method is the easiest to process large rooms, and the checkers have never failed. One caveat: you need to worry about safety in advance and leave the premises as quickly as possible. The smoke is really very caustic, it seriously corrodes the eyes and lungs; the first time, due to inexperience, we almost got poisoned by it.”
  2. Vyacheslav: “Ticks multiplied in the old village chicken coop, a neighbor shared sulfur bombs, after which not a single parasite remained. True, before this I also treated the room with insecticides about three weeks before using the checkers, so it’s difficult to say what exactly killed them, but I think the combined use enhanced the effect.”
  3. Anna: “At the dacha near Taldom there are two main troubles - mole crickets and moles, they spoil everything they can, and it is very difficult to get rid of these pests. Sulfur bombs became a real salvation, as stated in the instructions, I placed them directly in the holes that I could find. True, the smoke from them is very toxic, the smell has not gone away for several days, but there is still enough time before planting vegetables, I hope that everything will fizzle out.”
  4. Alexander: “I started using such checkers not only in greenhouses and barns, but in living quarters on a summer cottage, since it was possible not to go there for almost a week. I really liked both the result and the application process itself. The insects were gone immediately, there is no need to wait for the product to start working, and there are no problems or additional waste of time and effort, as with other drugs that need to be diluted or a place to be found for treatment. If you follow all the safety rules and do everything in accordance with the instructions, then no problems arise, there is nothing complicated here, I succeeded the first time and without any side effects. A good remedy for those who want to get rid of all kinds of parasites in the shortest possible time.”

Pros and cons of use

To understand whether it is worth using this particular product to clean your cellar or basement, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the product. The undoubted advantages of processing are:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • complete disinfection of the premises.

Treating the cellar with a sulfur bomb makes it easy to get rid of the unpleasant presence of fungi and bacteria that are dangerous to human health and significantly reduce the shelf life of products.

The benefits of using this cleaning method are obvious, but you need to be aware of the disadvantages and take them into account:

  1. The main disadvantage of such disinfection is the inability to treat an already filled cellar. When storing potatoes and other vegetables, even in hermetically sealed jars, it is strictly prohibited to treat them with a sulfur bomb.
  2. The product is poisonous, you must use a respirator, protective gloves and leave the room immediately after making sure that the wick is burning normally.
  3. When using a checker, you must pay attention to fire safety.
  4. They are not used for processing cellars located in a private house or cottage. If there is a need for treatment, you should leave the house for several days, taking your pets, and then thoroughly ventilate all areas of the house.
  5. The use of this method of disinfection in apartment buildings is strictly prohibited.
  6. Products must be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children and pets.

Of course, the choice is always up to the consumer. When using the product, be careful and careful, follow the instructions for use exactly.

Remember: using a sulfur bomb in an apartment is prohibited and entails criminal liability.

Harm to humans

Sulfur dioxide, formed when burning a Fas bomb, is very toxic and can cause serious poisoning of both internal organs and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Processing should not be carried out without special protective equipment. Goggles are required to protect your eyes, rubber gloves are required to avoid contact with sulfur, and a respirator is required to avoid inhaling fumes.

It is best to carry out the processing together. The first one goes inside and sets fire, the second one is outside and controls the process.

In case of vapor poisoning, first aid should be provided:

  • Remove to fresh air;
  • Rinse your mouth with a soda solution;
  • Drink activated carbon;
  • Call a doctor.

Disinfection of a greenhouse is one of the effective methods of preventing plants from various diseases and attacks by harmful insects. For these purposes, a sulfur bomb is often used - a fairly inexpensive method of fumigation, which allows you to achieve a good result without much effort and expense.

Before using it, you need to read the instructions for use and safety rules in detail.

What are sulfur bombs?

A sulfur block is a set of tablets, the main active ingredient of which is sulfur. Its amount is within 750 g/kg.

When a smoke bomb for greenhouses smolders, it releases sulfur dioxide, which kills viruses, fungi, bacteria and harmful insects.

The sulfur bomb also has a depressing effect on rodents and repels them almost instantly.

Why are they needed and where are they used?

The presence of bacteria, microorganisms and harmful insects adversely affect the harvest. To avoid this, a smoke bomb is used for the greenhouse.

This is an affordable product that is used to sanitize greenhouses against diseases, rodents and harmful insects.

Effective destruction is possible thanks to the smoke released during the combustion process. It is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places and crevices.

In addition, disinfection with this product can be carried out in cellars, basements, storage rooms, warehouse complexes, as well as in industrial or manufacturing enterprises.

Disinsection with a sulfur bomb is prohibited in premises intended for human habitation.

How it works: device and principle of operation

To treat the room, take the required number of tablets, light it with a wick and leave the checker to smolder. As a result of this process, a lot of smoke is generated, which fills all rooms.

Smoke from a smoke bomb penetrates into all hard-to-reach places: joints of polycarbonate, frame elements, cracks in garden bed fences and foundations - where pests and pathogens accumulate.

When combined with drops and vapors of moisture, the anhydride forms toxic sulfurous acid, which gives a disinfectant effect that disinfects the soil and walls of the greenhouse.

You can get the maximum benefit from this product if you do the right treatment.

  • Carry out a thorough cleaning of the greenhouse.
  • Be sure to wear personal protective equipment.
  • If possible, make the room as airtight as possible.
  • Moisten all surfaces well with water.
  • Place sulfur blocks on bricks, flat stones, metal sheets (at the rate of 50-150 g per 1 m3).
  • Set fire to the checker by placing paper under it or using pure kerosene.

Combustion occurs over several hours (2-3) and may vary depending on the humidity level in the room.

Active substances released as a result of sulfur combustion remain effective for 1-3 days. After three days, the greenhouse must be opened and ventilated well.

If the area of ​​the room is large and requires the use of several checkers for disinfection, it is not recommended to install them in one place.

It is better to distribute them evenly over the area of ​​the greenhouse.

Existing types

Smoke bombs are divided into two types: tobacco and sulfur.

Sulfur bombs are divided into four more types according to the active substance:

  • Sulfur. The substance is effective against fungi, mold, rot, bacteria, as well as against ticks, slugs, aphids, whiteflies and other insects.
  • Didecyl-dimethyl-ammonium bromide. A component that has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect, in addition, destroys all types of insects.
  • Hexachlorane. This substance is a contact-intestinal insecticide that effectively affects all types of insects, except herbivorous mites. Useless in the fight against fungi and bacteria.
  • Permethrin. Kills not only all types of insects, but also their larvae.

The main active ingredient in tobacco sticks is nicotine, which is poisonous and deadly to all insects. The effect of nicotine on their larvae, fungal and bacterial infections is negligible.

When choosing a checker, you should take into account the direction of the active substance, the material from which the greenhouse is made and the processing time.

There are some restrictions:

    Sulfur bombs can be used in polycarbonate greenhouses, since sulfur dioxide leads to the destruction of wooden structures and promotes corrosion of metals.

They are used for preventive disinfection two weeks before planting seedlings.

Sulfur bombs disinfect a greenhouse much more effectively, but the harm to humans and plants is quite serious.

Tobacco sticks can be used in greenhouses made of polycarbonate, wood, galvanized and others, since nicotine does not have a negative effect on the materials.

Treatment of the premises can be carried out during the growing season of plants. Nicotine does not harm plants; moreover, it enriches the soil. Tobacco bombs are less effective than sulfur bombs, but are absolutely safe.

Reviews on the use of smoke bombs for greenhouses: pros and cons

According to users, sulfur bombs have a number of advantages:

  • High efficiency.
  • The product is inexpensive and its use is justified.
  • Manufacturers have provided for the safety of using the checker (the time from lighting the wick to the smoke of the checker is approximately 2 minutes).
  • Metal structures that are poorly treated before disinfection oxidize under the influence of sulfur smoke.
  • Many fungal spores remain in the soil.
  • Old, deep-seated mold is poorly removed by a sulfur bomb.
  • The substance released during smoldering is quite toxic. If all safety precautions are not followed, severe intoxication can occur.

How to use a cellar checker

The cellar is processed approximately 2 weeks before storing a new crop. First, the cellar is cleared of remaining supplies, leaving empty shelves, drawers, and baskets for storage. If a metal frame for shelves is built in the cellar, all metal parts must be lubricated with grease to protect against corrosion.

For the smoke to be effective, all cracks must be plugged to eliminate the possibility of fresh air flowing in. The cylinder is placed on a flat, non-flammable surface; bricks and sheets of metal are often used; if the floor is earthen and there are no flammable objects near the cylinder, you can place it stably on the floor. It is convenient to place the sulfur checker in an old metal basin, then there will be no trouble even if the checker accidentally falls. Sometimes the manufacturer completes the product with special stands.

Do not place it on wooden or plastic surfaces.

Before starting work, be sure to wear a hat to protect your hair, safety glasses and gloves, and a respirator. The checker is firmly placed, the wick is set on fire and, making sure that it has begun to smolder, they leave the room, carefully closing the cellar lid and doors.

If the area of ​​the basement or cellar is large and there are several checkers, those farthest from the entrance are set on fire first, moving towards the exit, they set fire to all the others, close the room, change clothes and wash their face and hands.

After 24-36 hours, you can ventilate the room. This takes up to 2-3 days, there should not be even the slightest smell of sulfur.

Basic safety rules

  1. You need to use a smoke bomb very carefully.
  2. The product is stored separately from food products, out of the reach of children and pets, in undamaged original packaging.
  3. It is strictly prohibited to use it in multi-apartment residential buildings.
  4. Before installing the checkers, the cellar is emptied of all products stored in it.
  5. All items that may ignite are removed from the premises.
  6. The smoke released during combustion is very toxic. It is necessary to tightly plug all the cracks and leave the room immediately after installing the checker and lighting the wick.
  7. The cylinder is installed on a non-combustible base. This will prevent a fire from starting, even if the checker falls.
  8. Before storing food, thoroughly ventilate the room. It is necessary that the smell of sulfur disappears completely.

Instructions for using sulfur bombs

Each checker is sold in a package and contains detailed instructions for use. It is necessary to use the product strictly following the advice of specialists. Remember that it is unacceptable to use the product simultaneously with other disinfectants.

To protect the respiratory system, use a gas mask or respirator. A regular protective mask is not enough.

After installation, you should change clothes and wash your face and hands thoroughly.

Two people are required to perform the installation. In this case, one person installs the cylinders, and the second can come to the rescue in case of an unforeseen situation.

Symptoms of sulfur poisoning:

  • pain in the eyes and lacrimation;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • irritation of mucous membranes and nosebleeds;
  • the occurrence of severe coughing, wheezing and chest pain;
  • nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness.

It is necessary to take the victim out into fresh air. Inhalation with a 3% saline solution neutralizes the unpleasant effects. If there is no improvement, you should contact a medical facility.


The use of sulfur bombs is contraindicated:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • when chickens are up to 7 days old;
  • when used with other disinfectants.

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