Northern grapes: shelter for the winter. Expert's view

The use of different shelters depends on the variety, age of the vine, climatic conditions and the capabilities of the gardener. Coating materials must provide heat retention, breathability and moisture protection.

Experienced winegrowers recommend covering even frost-resistant grapes in the central zone for the winter. Because the tufts are flexible, they can be easily bent to provide shelter for the plant and help it survive the worst of frosts.

The climate in central Russia is variable: 30-degree frost can be replaced by a prolonged thaw. Simply covering with snow can cause icing and frozen branches. Frost will cause the bark to crack, the root system to freeze, and frozen buds will not produce a harvest the next year. Excessive humidity will cause the plant to dry out. To protect grapes from all natural threats, good shelter is necessary.

Role of winter cover

The grapes must be covered to protect them from unfavorable conditions:

  • the first severe frosts in the absence of snow cover;
  • Temperature fluctuations;
  • very coldy;
  • long thaws with melting snow and high humidity.

Information! Young plants and shrubs that have produced a large harvest require additional care.

What's really important when covering grapes for the winter is the weather. If it rains, the grapes cannot be covered - under the cover they will become damp. Therefore, it is better to wait a little until the weather clears and the soil dries out.

How to properly cover grapes for the winter

How to cover grapes for the winter. Remove the vines from the stakes, twist them into a ring, place them on the ground and weigh them down with 3-4 bricks. Place some pine brush on top. The height of the shelter should be 20-30 cm.

Pros . Thanks to this protection, even in a snowless winter, the vines can withstand temperatures down to -32°C without serious losses - more than 70% of the buds survive!

If moisture gets under the shelter during the winter thaw, it’s not a big deal: spruce branches provide rapid aeration of the soil, so the vines don’t get wet.

Less: . This method is not suitable for sandy soils, since spruce branches protect the shoots well from frost, but are not able to protect the roots. They are small on sand, and a strong drop in temperature will simply kill them.

How to cover grapes for the winter. As with the pine branches, lay the vines on the ground, press them down with bricks and lay mats on top of them in (required!) layers - these are sold at DIY stores or can be ordered online.

Plus . Reed mats 100% protect the vines even from severe frosts - the reeds in the mats are hollow, with air inside, which is an excellent insulator.

Minus . The main disadvantage of this shelter is the price. A single-layer rug measuring 100 x 50 cm will cost about 600 rubles. You will need two for each vine. Therefore, protecting the grapes will cost a significant amount of money. And the service life of such a rug is short - a maximum of 3-4 years.

This method is a little more troublesome, but it is reliable on any site, even sandy ones.

How to cover grapes for the winter. A film is placed on the ground (mandatory, otherwise the sawdust will be saturated with moisture from the soil and will be of no use), a vine rolled into a ring is placed on it, 20 cm of sawdust is scattered on top, and slate is placed on it (to protect it from moisture).

Pros. With this option, the grapes can withstand any frost. And, most importantly, the vine will always be dry, which means it will not wither during the thaw.

Generally speaking, lower temperatures affect the vine, and the plant's roots will die if it drops below minus 7. More experienced winemakers know that there are very few varieties that can survive temperatures below minus 30.

Application of film

Experienced gardeners try to cover grapes with film. Its advantages are its durable structure and good heat conductivity. The following types of film are available:

  • Most often, polyethylene film is used for covering. It can hold 5 degrees of heat. With medium strength, it has a high level of water retention. But condensation can form inside, which soaks the vine. Therefore, for better protection, it should be placed under materials such as straw or dry leaves. They absorb moisture while also insulating heat.
  • Reinforced polyethylene is more durable and retains up to 8 degrees of heat. Provides good protection from cold weather. Increased strength makes the material more resistant to mechanical influences.
  • The film has an air-bubble appearance. This is very high quality and interesting material. Its advantage is that it retains 11 degrees of heat. Using such a film, you will not need to use a water-absorbing layer.

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The films help retain heat quite well and prevent water from entering. But most of it will require a water-absorbing layer, which is sometimes difficult to accomplish. Therefore, there are ways to use other covering materials.

Pruning and shaping the grapevine for the winter

For most varieties, preparation for the upcoming cold weather begins in the spring. For those who have no idea about growing grapes, this statement may seem strange. However, timely removal of winter cover will protect the plant from repeated frosts in early spring and give it the strength necessary for ripening and flowering.

It is also worth paying attention to the number of bunches: overloading the bush will significantly weaken it.

In order for the bush to survive the winter without problems, it is necessary that the shoots fully ripen. Unripe shoots, even if they are well covered, will not survive the spring. Those varieties that ripen well in the fall will do just fine without the help of a winegrower. However, for those who do not do this, it is necessary to trim off immature shoots.

This should be done at the end of summer, in August. Before frost sets in, do the following:

  • Soil that is watered in the fall freezes much less than soil that is dry. Therefore, the soil in which the grapes are planted must be moistened so that the roots are also moistened;
  • Vines fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in early autumn will be able to survive severe frosts;
  • After all the leaves have fallen, special attention should be paid to autumn pruning of grapevines. In this case, all unripe shoots are removed from the bush in accordance with the rules for the formation of the vine. Each shoot should have 2-3 additional buds. Shoots should be pruned in warm weather, since when frost occurs the vine becomes fragile and does not cut, but breaks. First year vines are not pruned;
  • After pruning, the vine is treated with preparations that protect the vines from fungi.

Before using the covering material, it also needs to be prepared: throw away the unusable material and disinfect the new one.

It is important to do this in a timely manner. If you cover the vines earlier, the buds may die due to dormancy or become infected with fungal diseases. In autumn, an active process of accumulation of nutrients occurs in the roots of grapes. This will help the plant survive all the hardships of winter. That’s why every day is important—there’s no need to rush to get everything done. In practice, the first frost on the soil is a signal to begin work.

When to remove insulation

They begin to remove the covering material in mid-April - early May, after the snow has melted. First of all, when the temperature reaches around 5ºC, remove the film protecting from moisture. Since night temperatures during this period are often negative, a temporary greenhouse should be built over the vine from arcs and covering material. You need to gradually accustom the vine to the sun, first removing the spunbond for several hours on cloudy days, and always covering it from frost at night. You can completely remove the shelter when the temperature is positive and no night frosts or recurrent cold are expected. For additional stimulation of the kidneys and warming up the root system, the grapes are shed 2-3 liters once. water heated to 30ºC.

Preparing the vine for winter

Oddly enough, this begins in the spring. Timely removal of the cover will protect the plants from spring frosts, thanks to which the grapes will retain all the strength necessary for flowering, harvest formation and ripening of the vine. This will also be facilitated by the complete and timely implementation of cultivation activities.

Putting too much stress on the vine can weaken it significantly.

One of the conditions for successful wintering is a fully matured vine. No matter how you cover immature shoots, you will not be able to keep them alive during the winter. Therefore, it is important to take care of this in advance. There are grape varieties that fully ripen in the fall even without the participation of the winemaker. In other cases, it will need to be tended to and all green shoots trimmed back in August to reach full maturity before frost sets in.

There are a number of important measures that need to be taken before frost sets in:

  • dry soil freezes much more strongly, so watering the grapes in the fall is mandatory, the soil must be saturated to the entire depth of the roots
  • fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in September will increase the frost resistance of the vines and allow them to ripen faster
  • After the leaves fall, prune unripe shoots in accordance with the rules of vine formation;

    Remember to leave 2-3 extra buds on each shoot and only prune when temperatures are above freezing, otherwise the vines become brittle and break easily. First year vines should not be pruned.

  • treat the vines with an antifungal agent, such as copper sulfate, as recommended;
  • remove the vines from the trellis and tie them into loose bunches.

The covering material also needs to be prepared: it is disinfected, the one that has become unusable is thrown away and a new one is purchased.

You can watch the video on our website to see how the case is made.

Transplanting grapes for the winter

Seedlings obtained in the fall do not need to be stored in the manner described above, but can be planted before winter. With this method of planting grapes, only the roots develop, and the bud sleeps in the spring, then the grapes will immediately begin to grow, without wasting time on rooting.

  • Planting should begin in early October and continue until frost;
  • Gravel drainage is placed in holes with a diameter of 80 cm;
  • Soil with mulch and sand is laid on top;

  • Cut young shoots at a height of 3-4 eyes;
  • Soak in a solution of Guthero auxin or a mixture of cowpeas and clay;
  • Plant the plant in the prepared substrate;
  • Cover half the plant with soil;
  • Consolidation;
  • Watering;

  • After watering, cover the seedling with a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off and fill it with soil up to the neck to protect it from frost;

  • The top can be covered with resin paper, straw, thick fabric, spruce branches, etc.

Before you start preparing grapes for winter, you need to find out how frost-resistant a particular variety is. Winter-hardy varieties do not require such preparation.

Carefully. If you want to wrap or cover the grapes with film, remember that it does not allow air to pass through, and on warm days condensation will form under the film. Therefore, grapes should be covered only after the onset of frost and in the absence of hope for warming.

Choosing timing based on geographic location

The time of warming depends on the regional growth of the crop:

  • Moscow region and Leningrad region. The average daily air temperature should be no more than -2 °C, so the work process is carried out after November 20 and before December 10. Preparations should begin in late September.
  • Ural and Western Siberia. Preparatory activities are carried out from late August to early September. Shelter period is from October to early November.
  • Central Russia. The vine takes shelter 20-30 days after the leaves completely fall off, i.e. in mid-November.
  • Ukraine. These are relatively warm regions, where the timing of grape warming shifts towards winter, especially with the late onset of “Indian summer”. The optimal period is November, in the south of Ukraine – December.

Ways to cover grapes for the winter

Is it possible to cover grapes with film?

As mentioned above, it is not recommended to use film, since in the warm season condensation forms under it and the vines get wet.

However, now you can buy plastic film that has a breathable structure. To make it durable, choose a medium-thick film and stretch it over the arches installed above the bent vine.

How to cover grapes with snow

In regions with snowy winters, snow is a good shelter, the layer of which above the vines should be at least half a meter. In the fall, the vines should be tied up and bent down, and then secured to trellises or boards. As soon as the snow begins to fall, it will fall on the branches and become compacted.

This is good because you won't have to bother with cleaning it in the spring. However, in winter, during a thaw, the snow may melt.

Don’t know how to cover grapes for the first winter? This is almost the same as for adults, and sometimes even easier because the vines are small and do not need to be removed from the trellis or pinned to the ground. Simply build small, rigid cones around the seedlings using thick wire, chain-link chain, or regular stakes, then fill the cone with any breathable mulch and tie fleece or foil insulation around the top.

Execution of work

In regions with a temperate climate, both full earth cover and half-cover with film can be used, since both methods give approximately the same effect. In this case, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. When covering with soil, simply dig a small hole in the immediate vicinity of the plants and place the bush in it, covering it with soil. The thickness of the soil layer can vary from 15 to 50 cm, depending on the age of the shrub and the size of its root system. The soil should be collected in such a way as to avoid exposing the roots of the vineyard, otherwise it will become even more vulnerable. Alternating layers of shelter are allowed when, in addition to soil, dry leaves and straw are used, which is especially important for areas with harsher and longer winters. To facilitate the opening procedure, these areas are marked with wooden or metal pegs.
  2. In warmer latitudes, you can use film cover for the vines. To do this, an auxiliary arc made of a metal rod or thick wire is installed above the bush, and a thick plastic bag is put on top of it. The lower part of the plant is covered with a thick layer of soil with a small depression to ensure air circulation and prevent the development of fungus. With the onset of the first frost, the depression is completely covered with earth to prevent the access of cold air.

If desired, you can experiment with materials using denser glassy fabric, greenhouse film, slate (when completely covered with earth) and other universal construction waste.

How to cover young grapes for the winter

Don’t know how to cover grapes for the first winter? Well, it's easy, just like the mature variety, and sometimes even easier because the vines are small and don't need to be removed from the trellis or nailed to the ground. Simply build small, rigid cones around the seedlings using thick wire, chain-link chain, or regular stakes, then fill the cone with any breathable mulch and tie fleece or insulated foil around the top.

alt=”Grape seedlings” width=”460″ height=”340″ />

If you choose an airtight covering material, be sure to leave 1-2 holes in it so that air can flow to the plant.

To cover grape seedlings for the winter, you need to do the same, but you don’t have to cover each vine separately - you can place arcs over the entire bed.

For autumn feeding of grapevines, you can use this composition:


The disadvantage of using slate to cover vines for the winter is that it is not always available on the farm. There is no point in buying it specifically just to preserve the vineyard in winter. Slate can break with use, its remains are of an inconvenient size and can clog the soil. To insulate the vine, additional material is required, for example, burlap. Using this method to cover a grapevine, proceed as follows:

  1. dig trenches to the depth of a spade bayonet along the grape bushes;
  2. wrap the vine in burlap;
  3. lay grapes in trenches;
  4. covered with slate;
  5. cover it with earth.

Grapes covered with slate

Features of sheltering young grapes for the winter

Before warming young grapes, pruning is not carried out, but only the tops are cut off to thicken the wood. This is the main difference between pre-winter measures and adult grapes. Watering stops in August.

Features of isolation of young grapes:

  1. Remove leaves if there are any left.
  2. Dig a shallow trench.
  3. Roll the vine into a ring.

Watch a video on how to prune young grapes:

More details on

Dry grape cover

I recommend that all gardeners cover grapes for the winter in the Volga region with a dry shelter. The basic principle is this: the vines lie completely dry in an isolated but ventilated air space. It should not get wet and should not thaw.

  • When the young grapes have shed all their leaves, water them generously. Water them very intensively.
  • With the arrival of the first frost, the grapes are covered. Place dry boards next to the vine, carefully place the vine on them and cover it with film. The edges of the film should be pressed tightly, but not pulled together, the improvised greenhouse should be ventilated (there should be no moisture inside).
  • If the winter is cold but with little snow, sheets of resin paper, fiberglass, or fabric should be placed on top of the film. The general rule of thumb is: the more snow cover, the less cover. Snow is an excellent natural insulator.
  • During prolonged thaws, the shelter should always be ventilated so that the grapes under it do not wilt.
  • When spring comes and the sun begins to warm the ground, open the ends of the shelter.

PS: You can lay a film on the arches from the summer greenhouse, firmly driven into the ground (it should last until the next layer of snow). This will create a kind of wind tunnel. Place the roofing felt on top of the foil.

© Ilya Vladimirovich | 2016-11-09 Amateur gardener

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Spruce spruce branches

To construct a shelter, the grape rows are covered with a protective layer of pine needles. Its height depends on climatic conditions: the colder the winter, the more spruce branches need to be laid. The minimum layer of pine needles should be 10–15 cm. Place the vine on top and cover it again with a dense “cushion” of pine branches.

Grapes under spruce branches

To prevent moisture from penetrating the vine, the spruce branches are covered with plastic wrap and pressed down with stones (bricks, boards). The good thing about this method is that it requires a minimum of material and labor costs. Rodents do not live in spruce branches; the needles prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. Natural material for covering the vine creates an air “cushion”. The structure can be easily disassembled in the spring.

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