Picking tomato seedlings - step-by-step master class with photos

Between sowing tomato seeds and planting grown seedlings in the ground, it is important not to forget about such an important process as picking seedlings. In order not to harm the plants when replanting, but, on the contrary, to stimulate their growth, you must follow some rules, which we will tell you about today.

Picking is transplanting seedlings from a common container into individual containers. As a rule, this procedure is carried out after the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves, because at an early stage of growth, seedlings tolerate picking better. In tomatoes, this stage occurs approximately 10-14 days after emergence.

Remember: it is better to plant seedlings sooner rather than later. It is important that the tomato seedlings do not overgrow. Tomatoes tolerate transplantation well, so there is no need to be afraid that their small sprouts will not take root in the new container. On the contrary, tomatoes do not like cramped spaces, so picking correctly and on time can only benefit them.

Why is it needed?

Thanks to picking, the plant’s lateral roots develop better, which increases the supply of nutrients. The seedlings receive more light, do not interfere with each other’s development, and are better ventilated. As a result, plants are less susceptible to diseases and do not become stretched. Picking is needed in order to help the seedlings adapt to new living conditions after transplanting them into open ground.

After picking, plants receive more nutrients

Choosing the right container

The essence of the picking procedure is to increase the nutrient soil and space for root development.

Eggshell flour for strong seedlings: how to make and use correctly

You cannot put sprouts into small glasses. Each plant should be provided with 0.5-1 liters of soil.

When to pick tomatoes

Tomato seedlings can be plucked as soon as the first two leaves appear on the seedlings. It’s not possible before, because the root system is still weak. Late picking of seedlings can cause tomatoes to take root poorly and be susceptible to diseases. There are a number of signs indicating that tomatoes need to be picked:

  1. The tomatoes have reached the required age. Such seedlings have a developed root system to withstand picking.
  2. Tomatoes are planted too densely. The optimal distance between seedlings is 5 cm. When planted densely, the plants interfere with each other and do not receive the required amount of nutrients and moisture.
  3. Plants are stretched. If they have too thin stems and a small number of leaves, then picking helps to save the situation. This usually happens when there is a lack of light.
  4. The seedlings have a depressed appearance. In cramped conditions, it lacks natural light, moisture and nutrients. These plants have too thin stems.
  5. Signs of illness appear. The most dangerous disease for tomato seedlings is blackleg. Its spread slows down the development of seedlings, resulting in the death of tomatoes.

Do I need to pinch the root?

There is no consensus on root pinching. Because, as a rule, there is not much space for tomatoes to form a root system deep into their first pot.

On the other hand, if you develop lateral branches from the root well, the tomato bush will bear fruit better due to the fact that it will stop wasting energy on extra upward growth in time.

The main rule to follow is to never cut off the main root. He needs to carefully direct the lower third upward. You can secure it with an elastic band or, for example, thread.

Caring for seedlings before picking

From the moment of germination to the picking of tomatoes, 10–14 days pass. To obtain healthy and strong seedlings, sufficient illumination and optimal air humidity are important. During this period, seedlings should be kept in a cool and bright place. During the day, in sunny weather, boxes with seedlings can be taken out onto a glassed-in balcony. To prevent plants from stretching out, it is important to provide them with sufficient lighting. For this purpose, additional lighting (LED lamps) is installed. In the first 3 days they illuminate around the clock, then use the backlight only in the morning and evening hours and on cloudy days. To ensure uniform light flow to all plants, the boxes are turned the other way every 2-3 days. If necessary, the air in the room is humidified or ventilated.

How often to water seedlings before picking

After all the seedlings have appeared, watering is stopped for four days, then watered depending on the humidity of the air and soil, after about 3-7 days. At high humidity, the plants become very elongated, the root part of the stem turns black and rots, and the disease “black leg” occurs. The soil should not be allowed to dry out; the soil should be slightly dry before the next watering. You need to water so that the water does not wet the leaves. Water for irrigation is used that has settled for 1–3 days and heated (20–22°). Watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate once every 7–15 days gives a good effect, while feeding and disinfection are carried out. Compliance with the rules of watering and lighting prevents the seedlings from stretching, which is very important during this period.

How to choose a favorable day according to the lunar calendar in 2022?

Picking, like most other agrotechnical techniques related to tomato seedlings, is carried out during the waxing moon.

IMPORTANT! Try not to pick during the dying moon phase. This procedure is very stressful for plants, so it is necessary to provide the seedlings with the most favorable conditions.

When to pick tomatoes in March 2022, suitable days

In March, picking tomatoes is carried out mainly by those summer residents who live in the warm southern regions or plan to grow the crop in a greenhouse.

Favorable days will be in the middle of the month and at the end. The moon will wax from the 3rd to the 17th.

Favorable days to pick up tomato seedlings will be:

March 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31.

Please note that we have not specifically indicated the numbers that precede and follow the full moon and new moon.

The most successful days for picking are the days when the moon is in the constellations of Scorpio, Taurus and Libra. Therefore, in March 2022, it is best to pick tomato seedlings on the 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 13th.

When to dive in April 2022

In April, good days for planting seedlings from a common container will be:

3, 4, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27.

The most favorable days are April 3, 4, 8, 9.

Unfavorable days for picking tomatoes in 2022

But it is not always possible to pick tomatoes. When you can’t pick tomatoes after germination, we’ll tell you below.

The full moon and new moon phases are the worst times for picking. Moreover, this applies not only to tomatoes, but also to any other seedlings.

In 2022, it is not recommended to pick young tomatoes:

  • 1, 2, 3, 18
  • 1, 2, 16, 29, 30
  • 16, 29, 30, 31

How to do a pick correctly

Proper picking of seedlings is the key to a good harvest in the future. You can start diving when 2 main leaves appear on the seedlings. The diving procedure is carried out in the following order:

  1. 2 hours before the start of picking, water the seedlings in containers; this will make it easy to remove the plants from the ground.
  2. Remove the seedlings using a wooden stick or spatula, pinch off the central root.
  3. Fill the seedling pots two-thirds full with soil, make a small depression, place the sprout in it down to the very bottom leaves, carefully straighten the roots and sprinkle with soil.
  4. Pack the soil tightly around the stem and roots.
  5. We place the seedlings in a shaded place and water them 1-2 times a week.

After the seedlings take root, they are placed in a sunny place. In order for the seedlings to harden, the room is periodically ventilated. The optimal ambient temperature is 15–18 degrees.

Video: tomato seedlings from germination to picking

What kind of land is needed for picking tomatoes?

Grown seedlings need more nutrition, so the soil mixture must be saturated with useful components, balanced and fertile. The volume and quality of the future harvest depends on the composition of the soil for picking.

Composition of soil for picking tomatoes:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • garden soil;
  • mullein;
  • sawdust;
  • wood ash;
  • chalk;
  • mineral fertilizers.

Recipe for picking soil for tomato seedlings:

Mix equal parts of turf, rotted sawdust, humus and peat. Add 1 cup of ash, 1 tsp. urea, 3 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate.

How to cultivate the land

The ground prepared for picking must be treated with disinfecting compounds. This will prevent the occurrence of seedling diseases, remove fungal spores, pest larvae and pathogenic bacteria, which in the future can prevent tomato seedlings from developing properly.

Potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide are effective for disinfecting soil. It is important to prepare the solution correctly to avoid disastrous results.

Potassium permanganate solution for treatment : 1 gram per 1 liter of water. If the solution is saturated, add more water.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide : 4 tsp. for 1 liter of water.

Where do tomatoes have two true leaves?

When a seed germinates, the first two cotyledon leaves appear. Then real leaves appear, for example, in tomatoes they are carved.

The true leaves of a tomato appear after the cotyledons.

The principle of pinching the root when picking

When picking tomatoes, pinch off the central root by about one-third in order to stimulate the growth of additional lateral roots. This procedure slightly slows down the growth of the plant; the seedlings stretch less and do not outgrow.

Pinching stimulates the formation of lateral roots

How to pick tomatoes planted in tablets

Growing tomato seedlings at home can also be done by planting seeds in peat tablets. They are convenient because they save space when grown in an apartment. There is no need to select soil for seedlings, since the tablets already contain microelements and growth stimulants.

After 3-4 true leaves appear, I transplant the seedlings into 0.5 ml cups with fertile soil.

Holes are made at the bottom of the glass to drain excess water. Then 2–3 cm of soil is poured onto the bottom, the peat tablet with the sprout is placed in a glass and covered with soil almost to the cotyledon leaves. Water the soil with water with the addition of potassium permanganate and place it in a cool, shaded place.

Video: picking tomatoes planted in tablets

Picking tomato seedlings into two roots

There is a way to grow tomatoes on two roots, which allows you to increase the nutrition of the bush and get a larger harvest. For this picking, take two plants and transplant them into a container at a distance of 5–6 cm from each other. When the plants take root and get stronger, they begin to graft. Using a blade, remove the skin from both seedlings in an area of ​​approximately 2–3 cm. Then connect the exposed sections of the stems and wrap them tightly with film tape.

Shortly before planting the seedlings in the ground, select a plant that has developed less well and pinch it at a height of 3–5 cm above the grafting site. Such a plant will develop quickly, as it has a powerful root system.

One bush on two roots gives a larger harvest

How to pick tomatoes without soil

You can grow tomato seedlings without soil, this allows you to save space and keep your apartment clean. To do this you need to prepare:

  • strips of plastic film (or plastic bags);
  • toilet paper;
  • bottom of a 5 liter plastic bottle.

Lay out the plastic film, lay a layer of toilet paper on top and moisten it with water. After this, place the seeds at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Place another layer of toilet paper on top and also moisten it with water. Cover with film tape and roll into a roll, not too tightly. To prevent the resulting “snail” from falling apart, you can fasten it with an elastic band. We put the finished rolls in a tray from a 5-liter bottle, pour water into it. Now it is important to ensure that the paper does not dry out. After germination, the containers are placed in a well-lit place.

Picking such seedlings is not difficult at all: unroll the roll, carefully separate the plant and replant it in cups with soil.

This method saves time and allows you to keep your apartment clean.

Picking tomatoes without true leaves

Picking tomato seedlings can also be done at the cotyledon stage. Especially if the seedlings are stretched, they must be picked without delay. The roots are not pinched, the plants are carefully separated and planted in separate containers. The seedlings are taking root well. After transplantation, leaves begin to appear after about 5–6 days.

Second dive

How many times to pick tomatoes depends on their variety. If tall varieties of vegetables are grown for seedlings, then they need to be picked again. This is done 3 weeks after the first transplant. These varieties of tomatoes grow very quickly, and very soon they will not have enough space in the pots.

The second picking at home is carried out by the usual transfer of an earthen clod. New dishes for growing are chosen so that their capacity is approximately 2 times larger than the old one. During the second picking, the root is not pinched.

Caring for tomatoes after the procedure

In order for plants to quickly take root and develop well after picking, they need proper care. It is important to comply with the necessary conditions: lighting, temperature, hardening, watering, fertilizing. Plants are gradually accustomed to sunlight, trying to prevent sunburn. During the day, the seedlings are taken out onto a glassed-in balcony, the recommended air temperature is + 16–18 C. At night, they are kept on the windowsill with the window open (air temperature + 14–15 C). Hardening increases the resistance of seedlings to temperature changes.

How often to water

Watering is carried out once a week with settled warm water. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out; it is recommended to periodically lightly loosen the soil.

What to feed

The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after the dive, subsequent ones with an interval of 2 weeks. To do this, use ready-made fertilizers, diluting them in a consistency of 1 cap per 1 liter of water, as well as mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus. There are ready-made fertilizers for tomatoes in stores.

Preparatory stage

Before digging up the bushes, you should prepare all the tools and containers so that the tomatoes are in the open air for as little time as possible. A couple of days before the sowing procedure, you should water it generously - moist soil will make the extraction process easier, and it will not be so painful for the seedlings. If it was not possible to irrigate the seedlings in advance, then you need to do this at least a couple of hours in advance.

It is important to make drainage holes in the containers in advance - the soil should not become waterlogged. To do this, you can buy special containers or carefully make holes with a hot nail. Before starting the procedure, you need to fill 1/3 of the container with soil in order to immediately place the seedling in the soil.

Necessary tool

You don’t need any special equipment for picking - just prepare a few long devices that can be used to pry up the seedling. Best to use:

  1. toothpicks or sandwich skewers;
  2. knitting needles;
  3. pencil;
  4. a pointed stick;
  5. an ordinary spoon.

You can purchase a special small spatula, but you need to use it carefully so as not to damage the measles system.

Special diving set

Suitable container

Any small container that can comfortably accommodate a separate bush can be suitable for planting seedlings. If picking occurs at the stage of 2 leaves and you plan to repeat the transplant again, then it is better to take containers with a volume of 100-150 ml, and if the next transplant will be carried out directly into the soil, then the containers should be larger - 800 ml or 1 liter. The following containers are best suited for picking:

  1. plastic cups;
  2. cans;
  3. tetra packs cut to half;
  4. peat pots;
  5. cut plastic bottles.

The height of the container should be 10-15 cm, and its diameter should be 8-10 cm. Most often, simple plastic cups are used - one seedling fits perfectly in them, holes can be easily made in the bottom for drainage and the container can simply be moved if necessary.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! It should be remembered that the roots of the tomato must fill the entire container, otherwise a fungus may develop in the unoccupied soil due to moisture and kill the plant.

How to cultivate the land

For tomato seedlings, it is best to purchase ready-made soil - it is a high-quality mixture of several types of soil, which allows the tomatoes to receive maximum nutrients during growth. But even to ready-made soil you should add:

  1. superphosphate;
  2. potassium sulfate;
  3. vermicompost.

When preparing the soil, be sure to water it with a solution of potassium permanganate - it will kill all bacterial cells and insect parasites that may live in the soil. For disinfection, the soil is spilled with a solution in a concentration of 0.5 g of manganese per 10 liters of water.

See also Stolypin tomatoes: description and yield of the variety

Determining the deadlines

Since picking takes place at room temperature or in a greenhouse, there is no point in being guided by the weather or temperature outside. The appropriate time for planting is determined by the condition of the seedlings.

Picking should be done only after each seedling has expelled a pair of true leaves - usually this happens 9-10 days after sowing. Each seedling should already be 6-7 cm in height. If for some reason the bushes have not yet formed and are too weak, then it is better to plant them a little later - 14-16 days after sowing.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! Planting should not be carried out later than 20 days after sowing - by this time the seedlings may be tightly intertwined with their roots, and their separation will damage the stems.

Why don't seedlings grow after picking?

Incorrectly carried out picking is one of the most common reasons leading to the stopping of seedling growth. There are several reasons for the death and poor growth of tomato seedlings:

  1. Errors during transplantation. The root is incorrectly located in the hole or damaged; the ground is not covered tightly enough. The presence of air bubbles prevents the development of the root system.
  2. Lighting. Direct sunlight often causes burns on seedlings, which negatively affects their health and growth.
  3. Diseases, for example, blackleg. Develops due to watering tomatoes with cold water.
  4. Pests, such as spider mites.
  5. Irrigation errors and drainage problems. Stagnation of water causes rotting of the roots of seedlings, and watering with cold liquid causes the development of a disease, the so-called black leg.
  6. Poor quality soil with low mineral content. For example, a lack of iron causes yellowing and dying of leaves, as well as a significant slowdown in seedling growth. Low nitrogen content is indicated by excessively thin stems and limp leaves.
  7. High indoor temperature. If excessive moisture is added to it, putrefactive processes occur in the soil. As a result, the root system and the entire plant suffer.

Preparing the soil mixture

There are probably slightly fewer options for a self-prepared soil mixture than there are for gardeners. Most people do not dispute that it is correct to use a purchased substrate for sowing, but many prepare or improve the soil for picking on their own. It should be:

  • loose;
  • moderately fertile;
  • water- and breathable;
  • neutral or slightly acidic;
  • do not contain larvae and overwintering adults of insects, harmful microorganisms, and other undesirable impurities.

Most often, the ingredients of the soil mixture are:

  • humus;
  • sand;
  • garden or greenhouse soil;
  • additional doses of fertilizers;
  • peat;
  • ash;
  • turf land.

These are the right supplements. But you need to consider:

  1. Humus can only be taken when it is well rotted, aged 3 years or more. Otherwise, he will simply burn the seedlings. In addition, fresh contains too much nitrogen, which will cause the tomatoes to stretch.
  2. Only waste products of horses or cattle can be used. Bird droppings or pig feces are strictly prohibited.
  3. Sand to improve the substrate should be coarse-grained. If the fraction is too fine, it itself will cause soil compaction. When a gardener doubts whether the sand is coarse enough, it is better to replace the component with perlite or vermiculite.
  4. You can take greenhouse soil that has just been imported. When vegetables have already been grown on it, it is better to refrain - there are probably pathogenic microorganisms there. Even if sanitization was carried out. For adult plants, this is not as dangerous as when picking tender seedlings.
  5. It is prohibited to use garden soil from nightshade crops. You can take some soil from the beds where onions or herbs grew.
  6. If humus was used when preparing the soil mixture, nitrogen fertilizers cannot be applied.
  7. As a source of potassium, it is recommended to add a glass of ash to the substrate bucket.
  8. When there are combustion products of coniferous wood, then the problem with phosphorus can be considered solved at the same time. Otherwise, you will have to use quick-acting chemicals and superphosphate extract. As an option, prepare a soil mixture in the fall with the addition of bone meal. Then it will have time to act, and will not be unnecessary ballast.

It is recommended to bake all components in the oven, hold them over steam, or disinfect them in some other way. Even packaged purchased soil is placed in a bucket, carefully poured with boiling water, covered with a lid, and left until it cools completely.

Why do seedlings die?

The causes of death of tomato seedlings after picking are often various diseases. The most common of them are the following:

  1. Rot. The cause of the disease may be overwatering or too low air or soil temperatures. In this case, diseased plants cannot be saved. Seedlings that remain healthy must be urgently transplanted into a new container.
  2. Blackleg. With this disease, the plant stem becomes thinner at ground level and becomes like a thin brown thread. The result is the death of the seedlings. The disease can develop as a result of waterlogging of the soil, lack of lighting, heat, or too dense planting. You can save seedlings only at the very beginning of the disease. To do this, water the soil with potassium permanganate and loosen it. In case of dense planting, seedlings are planted more rarely.

This is what blackleg disease looks like

Why do seedlings fall after picking?

Tomato seedlings are very sensitive to growing conditions; they require a certain temperature, lighting, and watering. Therefore, if the seedlings begin to fall, you must first eliminate the unfavorable factors.

  1. First of all, you should not plant plants too close to each other. When diving to transplant to a new place, choose the strongest seedlings. Weak and lagging sprouts should be discarded immediately; they still will not produce a good harvest.
  2. If you prepare the soil for picking yourself and take a plot of it, it is necessary to treat it against possible disease damage. This is done by freezing the earth and frying it in the oven. After this, water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. In addition to the soil, it is useful to treat the seeds themselves, also using a solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are placed in the mixture for half an hour, then dried a little and sown in the prepared soil.
  4. To grow healthy seedlings, it is important to provide young plants with sufficient sunlight. If there is a lack of natural light, install additional lighting.
  5. Another necessary condition for growing healthy seedlings is proper watering. It is better to do it early in the morning, water it infrequently, but abundantly.

If seedlings grow in comfortable conditions, but still fall, the reason may be various tomato diseases.

Fusarios is a fungal disease. This disease often occurs if the seeds were not treated (for example, with potassium permanganate) before planting. The fungus begins to develop on the roots, gradually rising to the top of the plants. The seedlings fall and look as if they have not been watered for a long time. In this case, the plants need to be transplanted into uninfected soil (buy special soil for tomatoes).

Blackleg is a disease that affects tomatoes if they are not properly cared for. It occurs when watering too frequently and moisture stagnation. This disease is easy to notice when examining the plant: the tomato stem turns black, then the roots die, and the leaves wither. In this case, you need to spill the ground with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, loosen the soil well and add wood ash to it.

Common Mistakes

The most common flaws when performing a dive are failure to comply with deadlines and the procedure itself:

  1. If transplantation is carried out ahead of schedule, this leads to damage to the immature seedlings.
  2. If tomatoes are transplanted too late, it will take more time to adapt to new conditions.
  3. Due to damage to the roots, the plant stops growing. You will have to wait about a week until the seedlings begin to grow further. This will delay the harvest.
  4. If you don’t deepen it enough, then with further cultivation it will continue to stretch out.

To make it easier for young plants to tolerate diving, you can spray them with a solution of Epin or Zircon a day before. During replanting, do not shake off the soil too much. You need to try as hard as possible to keep the earthen lump undestroyed.

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