A Swedish family has turned their home into a huge greenhouse, the life in which will be the envy of not only tomatoes


Marie Granmar, Charles Sacilotto and their son have lived in the greenhouse since 2015. But in addition to cucumbers and tomatoes, their entire HOME is located in this greenhouse. This type of designing your own home has been implemented more than once in Sweden and Germany, and using the example of the Marie and Charles family, we will tell you what advantages lie on the other side of 4 mm glass.

And no, it’s not hot there, like in a steam room, and it’s not stuffy - fresh air and a constant good mood of its inhabitants reign in this house.

Savings on heating services and warmth all year round

In Stockholm, winter lasts about 9 months (and there are 12 in total!), so everyone wants to get extra warm time, but only our heroes succeed. For example, at the end of January it can be -2C° outside, but in the greenhouse it’s +20!

According to Marie, the average family in Stockholm turns on the heating around mid-September and doesn't turn it off until mid-May or so.

A greenhouse allows you to reduce the number of months required to heat a house from 9 to 6 months and, accordingly, reduce the amount of electricity consumed for all kinds of heaters and so on. Any additional warmth the family needs is provided by the sun and firewood.

In the future, Marie and Charles plan to install a solar energy system.

Top coating

When the frame is ready, it's time to cover the greenhouse. You can use plastic film, it is the cheapest, but will not last more than a season. You can also use more durable reinforced film or PVC film, which can last up to three years.

Another option is to cover the greenhouse with sheets of cellular polycarbonate from 4 to 10 mm. The sheets can be simply cut with a knife and mounted on the frame.

Greenhouse covered with cellular polycarbonate sheets

Possibility to grow fruits and vegetables that do not grow in Sweden

The greenhouse that the couple has surrounded the house exceeds its size, so there is also room for a garden, where, due to the conditions attractive for all kinds of vegetation, it is possible to grow things that would not withstand the harsh climate of the surrounding Stockholm: for example, figs, grapes and various herbs. And also cherries and apples. How can you not take advantage of this?

In addition to exotics, they naturally grow cucumbers and tomatoes and other simple food products, using waste as fertilizer.

Greenhouse house

People's desire to be closer to nature at home leads architects to bold, completely unexpected projects. They create greenhouse houses - open, light, equipped with modern technologies. Let's get acquainted with four amazing houses.


This house is Sliding House

from the architectural bureau
in British Suffolk consists of three separate modules - a residential part, an extension and a garage between them.

The bright red cube of the garage is shifted to the side relative to the central axis, and the rest of the buildings are placed along the same line. The living part of the house is completely glass and looks like a two-story greenhouse. A special feature of the house is a sliding structure of walls and roof that covers the glass house, patio and extension like a cover. The 20-ton roof rests on railway rails on a special platform. It is driven by a powerful electric motor. A sliding roof can completely cover all parts of the house, open one thing, or vice versa - move completely and open the whole building. The owners plan to make a pool in front of the house: for this, the rails will be lengthened and the roof will move further. Please note that the architecture of the house is very simple: squares and triangles, no protruding parts, otherwise the project would be impossible to implement. HOUSE BETWEEN HOUSES

The whole world is complaining about dense development, which disfigures historical centers, but it is a rare architect who offers a truly beautiful solution to the problem. French bureau with a funny name 2 pm architects

has created a three-story polycarbonate house that is simple and mobile, which can be built almost anywhere. According to the architects, due to the translucent material and its visual lightness, it will fit into the unoccupied space and connect the buildings to the right and left of it. This is an experimental project for a competition for eco-hostels in the Bordeaux area and it exists only in a 3D model, but it may find a response from investors. One of the tasks of architects is to draw attention to the democratic and functional polycarbonate from which garden greenhouses are usually made. Noble architecture can also be created from such base material.


Finnish architects bureau Avanto

They have come up with and implemented many large projects, but all over the world they are recognized thanks to their small and charming greenhouse cabin.
The team created a modular house-shed Green Shed
, which can be supplemented with different parts, completed and turned into a gazebo, a utility unit for storing tools, or a secluded dwelling with an area of ​​10 square meters.

m. Or even all of this together. The glass structure, which does not require a foundation, is ideal for those who want to comfortably spend time in nature while escaping the city. Look at the photo - isn’t it a dream: to wake up under the sky, surrounded by trees and grass and feel like part of the world. And I don't care about the rain. The booth should also be used for its intended purpose - for growing plants: you can regulate the temperature and humidity in it, install shelves and beds with plants. In the 1970s, Swedish architect Bengt Warne

proposed a wonderful idea - to enclose wooden houses in a glass frame.
The result was a house within a house, inside of which the temperature was constantly maintained at about 20 C and it was possible to grow plants, as in a real greenhouse. Despite the fact that several such houses were built in Sweden and Germany, and Varne
lived in
Nature House
with his family, the project was not widely implemented and was forgotten.
But recently the young studio Tailor Made arkitekter
and has already covered one of the Swedish houses with a custom dome, and also built the
Nature House
. In addition to the fact that glass walls provide additional space and warmth, they extend the life of wooden ones, protecting them from adverse environmental conditions.

Fresh air all year round

During the warmest periods of summer, the glass roof of the greenhouse automatically opens to prevent it from becoming too hot and stuffy inside.

In summer it can be hot for several days in a row, but this is not a problem because we open the windows and enjoy the warmth. We like the sun!

The couple also installed a rainwater harvesting system to avoid purchasing it. Additionally, plants that thrive in their home purify the air and provide more oxygen.

What kind of double glazing is it?

We are talking about a regular plastic double-glazed window, similar to the version for insulating and sealing a living space. Consists of several glasses connected by a metal frame.

There is dry air in the crotch, thus creating a package design. It is precisely because of this that such a system perfectly retains heat and creates sound insulation.

Important: Double-glazed windows can last up to 40 years, but subject to proper installation and operation. There are versions with one, two and up to five cameras.

Design features that create special comfort

A favorite family hangout is the roof terrace. Because of the glass ceiling, they didn't need a roof, so they removed it to create a large space for sunbathing, reading, gardening, playing on the swing with their son, and even riding bikes.

Marie says she is almost immune to the winter blues that many of her friends experience in cold weather. Come rain or snow, she can sit on her balcony or rooftop terrace and watch the stars or glimpses of sunlight.

This is a philosophy of life - to use nature, sun and water to live in another world.

Features of winter growing on a windowsill

The germination of crops and their yield completely depend on the preparatory stage. The basic requirements apply to almost all plantings at home.

Selecting containers for seedlings

Containers for seedlings and pots should be deep, preferably equipped with lids to create a greenhouse effect. For these purposes, many experienced gardeners use ordinary plastic bags, which are removed immediately after the first shoots appear. Forcing vegetable crops can be done first in small plastic cups and after 5-6 leaves, transplant them into deeper containers.

On sale you can choose special greenhouses with controlled air exchange

You can use a cake container to germinate seeds, but be sure to ventilate the seedlings during the daytime

Eggshells are often used for planting seeds.

What you need to know when choosing soil

The next stage is preparing the soil for seedlings; it is advisable to use a special substrate - it is already filled with all the micronutrients necessary for the first time. If you bring soil from your summer cottage or dig it up in the yard, there is a high probability that the seedlings will be damaged by larvae, which can also infect indoor plants. In any case, the independently prepared soil must be spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate or calcined in a moistened state on a baking sheet in the oven.

Fill the container ⅔ full with soil, water it and plant the plants. Add soil as they grow

All containers must be signed in order to choose the most fruitful variety next year.

Instead of soil, you can use peat tablets for germination.

How to water seedlings

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare a container for watering young seedlings. It is advisable that it be a watering can with a thin long spout or nozzle, and you will also need a spray bottle to maintain humidity around the greenhouses.

A watering can with a shower head will gently moisten the soil and will not damage weak seedlings

It is imperative to periodically loosen the top layer of soil for good air exchange.

You can do drip irrigation yourself; to do this, insert a plastic tube into a pre-made hole in the cap of a plastic bottle.

Lifehack for high-quality growing of a winter garden - foil

The next tip will surprise many, but it significantly speeds up germination and also simplifies the care of shoots. You need regular foil, which is used for baking. It needs to be secured to the plants: on one side of the pots there will be a window and natural light, on the other there will be foil, it reflects ultraviolet rays, and the shoots will not lean towards the glass. If you do not use it, the containers will have to be periodically turned towards the sun.

Choosing lighting for greenhouses

In winter, daylight hours are very short, and seedlings do not have enough natural light. It is imperative to make additional lighting and turn it on during the day in cloudy weather and in the evening. Fluorescent sources or special phytolamps are suitable for this. You also need to install a thermometer to monitor the temperature during the day.


  • https://homeli.ru/dvor-i-sad/teplitsy/dom-v-teplitse.html
  • https://twizz.ru/shvedskaya-semya-prevratila-svoj-dom-v-ogromnuyu-teplicu-zhizni-v-kotoroj-pozaviduyut-ne-tolko-pomidory/
  • https://zen.yandex.ru/media/epoha_zastroya/a-chto-esli-pomestit-dom-v-bolshuiu-teplicu-nepogoda-budet-ne-strashna—5f2e6953bce0585924d5962e
  • https://dwgformat.ru/2020/04/23/doma-teplicy/
  • https://stroysam.news/semya-postroila-dom-za-polyarnym-krugom-vnutri-teplitsy-v-vide-kupola/
  • https://garden.hozvo.ru/dom_v_teplice_ekonomiya_na_otoplenii_i_svezhie_produkty_kruglyj_god-102371
  • https://fininstroy.ru/avtomaticheskaya-teplitsa-dlya-kvartiry/
  • https://homius.ru/zimnie-teplitsyi-v-kvartire.html

Stages of self-production

First you need to choose a suitable place, and then you can figure out how to make a double-glazed greenhouse with your own efforts. If this condition is met, then we go in order:

  • Reliable drainage is created. A suitable foundation is laid, in this case the tape version is suitable, since it is resistant to precipitation and retains heat well even in the most severe frosts and becomes an insurmountable barrier for rodents.
  • The frame is created on the basis of a metal profile, steel or aluminum is used, wooden beams or industrially produced elements are suitable. The main thing is to ensure accurate and even connections without distortions or deformations that can create stress on the glass.
  • The greenhouse is covered with double-glazed windows of the required size. But it is worth considering that temperature changes can change the shape of the glass. Therefore, small gaps remain in the rubber gasket.

Typically, a single-chamber version of the double-glazed window is used. In central Russia, a two-chamber greenhouse is allowed. In the north, you may need a three-chamber or more reliable version, it all depends on the purpose of operation and year-round weather conditions.

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