At what temperature should you open a greenhouse with tomatoes?

Keen gardeners often wonder whether to open a greenhouse for the winter. Even if it is thoroughly washed in the fall, this does not always mean that absolutely all pests and pathogenic microorganisms will die there. How to protect plants next year?

Is it worth keeping the greenhouse with the doors or windows open all winter? This question does not have a clear answer. It all depends on the climate of the region, on the design of the greenhouse itself, as well as on the presence of insect pests in your “plant house”.

Let's take a closer look at all the nuances of this important issue.

Why ventilate a greenhouse?

When starting the process of growing tomatoes, it is recommended to find out in advance why you need to ventilate the greenhouse. This is due to the fact that not all gardeners install ventilation systems. Not all greenhouse structures are equipped with vents or their number does not allow for optimal ventilation. To attract additional air flow, you also need to open the door during the day. If a high greenhouse is chosen for growing, then you need to remove the film in warm weather. The circulation of air flows will allow you to regulate the temperature inside the greenhouse, eliminate excess moisture and condensation, and also remove mold and mildew.

Arguments for an open door

Frosty air disinfects the inside of the greenhouse.
Some gardeners believe that there is no need to close the greenhouse door for the winter. At the same time, the internal space and equipment must be properly prepared for wintering.

This opinion is supported by facts:

  • During natural frosts, the room is completely disinfected, harmful microorganisms die
  • frost prevents the appearance of condensation and mold;
  • Over the winter, the greenhouse becomes ready for the new season of planting crops.

In the fall, after harvesting, plant residues are removed and weeds are removed from the beds. They remove other garbage and burn it along with the floral remains.

Soil cleaning is carried out in 2 ways:

  • remove only the top layer of earth in boxes to a depth of 10 - 15 cm;
  • completely remove the soil from the beds and add it again in the spring.

The remaining soil inside is dug up and sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate so that with spring warming, harmful microbes and bacteria do not penetrate into the greenhouse. In winter, in the cold regions of Russia, strong winds and snowstorms are observed, so in the fall the integrity and condition of fences and roofs are monitored. If the structures are not strengthened, snow and wind will damage the finish and render the greenhouse unusable.

Before opening the greenhouse, the wooden frame parts are treated with antiseptic agents to prevent rotting from excess moisture on snowy days.

Polycarbonate on the roof requires special attention, since disinfectants can destroy the protective layer from ultraviolet radiation.

Features of proper ventilation

In order to properly ventilate and not cause harm to the plants, it is recommended to take into account the specifics. Agricultural technology suggests that you should not open the door if watering has been done recently. It should take about 0.5-1 hour. During this time, the moisture will be well absorbed into the soil. Plants will be able to receive nutrients and adapt to a gradual decrease in temperature. If it is not possible to wait in the morning, then it is recommended to water in the evening, and in the morning all that remains is to open the greenhouse door. Ventilation allows you to maintain humidity levels at the same level. Opening the doors helps create optimal conditions for pollination of plants growing indoors. If the humidity levels are too high, the pollen sticks together, resulting in no ovary formation.

When the air inside the greenhouse is too dry, pollen does not germinate, which also leads to the absence of ovaries on the bushes. The recommended humidity level in the greenhouse is 60-70%. To monitor the indicators, you should hang a regular hygrometer in the greenhouse.

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Monitoring and maintaining temperature readings is another reason to ventilate. Tomatoes are heat-loving plants, so this indicator is very important for them. Ideal conditions for proper development during the daytime are air temperatures within 20-25 degrees. Night values ​​should not fall below 16 degrees. Such indicators guarantee a high yield and absence of diseases in plants. If the weather is hot outside (from 28 degrees), then ventilation with an open door is a must. Moderate drafts do not cause diseases in tomatoes. On the contrary, they help create an ideal microclimate for the growth and pollination of flowers.

Timely opening and closing of doors to the greenhouse helps prevent rotting of ripening or developing fruits. Their protection from diseases and some pests is also achieved through proper air circulation.

Preparing the greenhouse for winter

It doesn’t matter whether you decide to leave the building closed, open, or sometimes open it slightly, it is worth carrying out a number of works in it before the onset of winter. After all, you need to prepare the greenhouse for wintering, since otherwise it will be completely unprepared by spring, and you will need to spend more than one month before you start growing something in it.

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And the first thing you will need to do is thoroughly clean the structure and sweep out all the debris. Then the greenhouse will need to be carefully inspected in all corners for the presence of insects that should be poisoned or removed in some other way. You will also need to wipe the structure from the inside and wash all the sides with soapy water.

But the wooden frame will need to be treated with an antiseptic, which will prevent it from rotting and disinfect it. It would also be good to disinfect the entire room by spraying it with a bleach solution or fumigating it with sulfur. But this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the protective layer, which provides reliable protection against ultraviolet rays.

When should you open it for ventilation?

The process of opening and closing greenhouse doors for ventilation depends on environmental conditions. If the daytime temperature is warm (from 24 degrees) and there is no wind, then a draft should be created in the early morning. If the street is cloudy and raining, then ventilation is not carried out or only vents are used for this purpose. The reason is that if the door is opened, moisture will penetrate inside and settle on the walls. As a result, the humidity level will increase. Excessive amounts of it can provoke late blight and fungal diseases.

Cons of an open greenhouse

However, you should not think that leaving the room open will only bring benefits. Unfortunately, this action also has several negative consequences that you should be aware of.

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  1. If there are strong gusts of wind in winter, the frame of the building will break because of this, and it may fly across the site if it is poorly secured.
  2. Since polycarbonate becomes very fragile due to sub-zero temperatures, as soon as a serious problem occurs, the greenhouse will be completely damaged.
  3. The open space attracts uninvited guests - cats, dogs, mice and hares, who can enter there and leave “gifts” that will greatly “delight” the owners later in the winter.

Ventilation rules

Like any other agricultural activity, ventilation has a number of rules that must be followed. This will allow you to get a good harvest and avoid various kinds of problems in the process of growing crops:

  • If the design involves the presence of vents, then they need to be opened at the top on each side. This way you can remove excess condensation that accumulates on the walls and roof of the greenhouse.
  • Warm air will escape faster through the upper vents.
  • If it is not hot outside, then it is recommended to open the door for only 1-2 hours.
  • At temperatures below +20 degrees, ventilation by opening doors is not carried out, so as not to overcool the tomato bushes.

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Temperature is the main factor for a good harvest. Ventilation must be carried out on a regular basis so that the bushes do not overheat. You can start with short air procedures, leave for several hours when the outdoor readings cross the +20 degree mark. If it is raining outside or there is a period of high humidity, then ventilation is not carried out. You can only open the window.

Installation of windows with automatic opening

Window with automatic opening
Transoms with periodic automatic opening are used in greenhouses in winter. This is an improved vent model. The system will require an electrical power source.

When the temperature rises to the set value, the sensor and thermostat activate the engine. The motor, using a system of levers, moves the sash. When the temperature drops, the automatic device also operates, the lever lowers the transom, and the window slams shut.

The machine is selected depending on the square footage of the greenhouse and the dimensions of the window sash:

  • For heavy transoms installed on the roof, a powerful unit is purchased, since it is difficult to lift such a structure; for this purpose, hydraulic oil-type engines are used.
  • For side and not too heavy ceiling sashes, pneumatic units are chosen.
  • The opening of light side windows can be controlled by a drive based on bimetallic plates.

A certain number of transoms are required for ventilation to be successful in winter. To do this, there is one opening opening per 2 linear meters of the greenhouse walls. It is better to place them in a checkerboard pattern on both sides.

The total area of ​​the opening sashes should be one fourth of the glazing area. If the greenhouse is divided into parts by partitions, ventilation is organized in each of them.

Fresh air for photosynthesis

For photosynthesis it is necessary to maintain constant air exchange.

In a greenhouse, vents make up only 20% of the total area. Provided there are warm and windless nights, the windows can be left open at night, and during the day it is possible to leave the doors open so that more fresh air can flow to the seedlings. There is one drawback: if heat-loving specimens that are afraid of drafts grow in a polycarbonate greenhouse, they can get sick when the doors are open.

Plants need carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis. If air exchange is slow, then crops will not consume the amount of carbon dioxide they need. That is, in addition to the need for regular ventilation, it is necessary to establish proper air circulation.

Pollination of greenhouse plants

It is important to provide insects with access to the greenhouse.

Wind in nature helps pollination. But indoors there is no natural wind; ventilation creates artificial air currents, which contribute to their pollination. This is the main rule when caring for self-pollinating crops. If a gardener sees that vegetables and fruits are not bearing fruit, then it is necessary to increase air circulation.

Ventilation has a beneficial effect on plants, strengthening their stems and root systems.

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Air exchange in a greenhouse

A variant of an automatic device for ventilating a greenhouse.

Ventilation is required in a greenhouse. Why?

  1. Artificial lighting and heating negatively affect the root systems of plants and their growth. If you do not ventilate the room, then bacteria and plant diseases and insect pests arise in a closed environment; in a greenhouse, plants can fade from overheating and subsequently die.
  2. It is important to remember that when purchasing a polycarbonate greenhouse, you need to find out how many doors and windows there are and whether it is possible to install additional ones. Since ventilation mainly passes through the side vents, it is necessary to install them to fully ventilate the room. This will allow the plants to receive more air.
  3. It is worth remembering the air temperature, which rises at a high speed in a greenhouse, so additional ventilation will never be superfluous. Advice: to protect the gardener from unnecessary work, an automatic device has been invented that will open and close the windows even when the owner is away.
  4. Ventilation is needed so that the air does not stand still and so that various crops can be hardened. Seedlings grown in a greenhouse adapt to open ground conditions much faster due to constant ventilation of the room. If, shortly before planting seedlings, you ventilate at night, the plants become stronger and can easily withstand changes in temperature. But you should definitely remember that a strong draft can destroy seedlings that are grown in greenhouses if you leave the door open at night. Therefore, you need to know what kind of night it will be. If it is calm and warm, you can safely leave the door open - the seedlings will not be harmed.

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When and how to plant tomatoes in open ground


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