Growing strawberries in PVC pipes: horizontally and vertically

Year-round cultivation of strawberries in a greenhouse pays off only with high yields, and they require decent areas. A horizontal structure made of PVC pipes will allow you to reduce the area allocated for strawberries without losing efficiency.

Growing strawberries (garden strawberries) in pipes is suitable not only for those who do it for profit, but also for ordinary summer residents. After all, a structure made of pipes takes up almost no space and is easily transported, which means it becomes an additional bed without taking away precious meters, of which there are already few in a standard dacha.

Features of beds made of PVC pipes

To a gardener without experience, growing strawberries in pipes may seem like a strange solution. However, this method has been known for a long time. This design is easy to maintain, it is compact and can serve a decorative function.

The beds are made using PVC pipes, mostly sewer pipes. Straight parts can be easily combined into a larger structure using shaped elements. Using corners, crosses and tees, you can build a high pyramid from several pipes. They can be installed vertically and horizontally.

The resulting bed does not occupy a large area, so it can be placed even in a small area. It is important to clarify that not every variety of strawberry can be grown in PVC pipes.

Strawberries grown in a classic garden bed and those planted in PVC pipes require the same care. However, on dry days, the beds will have to be watered more often due to the small amount of soil. With the onset of winter, it is worth taking care of insulating the beds.

Irrigation system

As previously mentioned, watering can be done automatically or simply by gravity. Gravity feeding does not require much expense or effort. The container with water must be installed above the bed, the irrigation hose coming out of it is attached to the irrigation system inside the pipe. Both hoses are attached to each other with wire. This system can be used if the bed is small.

To water several pipes, it is better to use automated irrigation. In this case, the irrigation hose is attached to the pump and lowered into a container of water. It is important to monitor the water level in the tank; if the water does not completely cover the pump, it may burn out. Water is pumped several times a week.

A relay and timer can be used, then you can set the watering time and the pump will turn on automatically.

Fertilizer is added to the water once every ten days.


The advantages of this method include:

  1. Allows rational use of free space on the site.
  2. The structure is light weight, due to which it can be placed in any place.
  3. When picked, the berries remain clean.
  4. No need to worry about weeding.
  5. It is convenient to water and feed the crop.
  6. Strawberries are protected from pests and diseases.
  7. Originality and well-groomed appearance.

Strawberries in a tube are beautiful, impressive, original.

Harvest and storage

Harvest in the usual way, following some recommendations for better preservation:

  • if the berries are intended to be transported, then they should not be fully ripe (about half of the fruit should not yet turn into the color characteristic of the variety, remaining pale);
  • Fully ripened fruits are selected for table or processing;
  • collection is carried out in the morning after the dew has dried;
  • the stalk is pinched off, being careful not to touch the berry;
  • sort immediately, placing fruits of different ripeness and quality into separate containers.

Fresh strawberries can be stored for no more than 1 week. For better preservation, the berries are left unwashed in the refrigerator, placed in a plastic container or fruit box.


However, this method also has some disadvantages:

  • Strawberries in tubes should be watered regularly (at least once every 3-5 days).
  • The soil in PVC beds requires regular feeding.
  • Strawberries planted using this method are not frost-resistant and may die in winter. In such a situation, the vertical structure is laid in a horizontal position and covered.

How to make a horizontal bed: step-by-step instructions

In order to understand what a structure is, you need to understand its features and find out how it is assembled.

How to make a horizontal bed for strawberries in PVC pipes, recommendations for the device:

  1. You need to decide where the garden bed will be located. For horizontal beds, a flat surface is ideal.
  2. Next, determine how many ribbons the structure will have (there may be several). It is better to locate them from north to south - this will reduce the likelihood of possible drought.
  3. The permissible gap between rows of strawberries grown horizontally in PVC pipes should not be less than 70 cm.
  4. The distance between seedlings should be 15-25 cm (this largely depends on the crop variety).
  5. To prevent strawberries from growing in the row, it is important to periodically remove the shoots.
  6. If a two-line planting is chosen, then the gap between the rows should be about 90 cm, and between neighboring strawberry bushes - 30 cm.
  7. If the location for the horizontal bed is chosen in a lowland where water stagnates, you will need to organize an additional embankment. Their height should be at least 30 cm, and their width should be from 60 cm to 100 cm. In this case, it is better to choose a two-line planting with an interval of 25-30 cm.
  8. The row spacing should be at least 30-40 cm, this will make caring for strawberries much easier.

When preparing horizontal pipes, the following should be taken into account:

  • Plugs or plugs are placed at the ends of the pipe; instead of standard ones (if they are not available), homemade ones made from polyethylene film are also suitable.
  • Planting holes for seedlings are not made over the entire area of ​​the pipe, but in one or two lines.
  • A regular pump is also suitable for watering, but the most common method is gravity watering. The container with water is attached above the watering pipe; it must be connected to the main structure.

Preparatory work

Holes are made along the pipe at a distance of fifteen centimeters from each other into which strawberry bushes will be planted. Diameter - at least ten centimeters. Plugs are installed at the ends, then a hole is also made in one of the ends for a thin hose. The purpose of this design is to remove excess moisture. A thin hose is lowered into the ground or into any container.

Small holes are also made in the pipe intended for irrigation, as with drip irrigation. To avoid clogging the holes with soil, the pipe is wrapped in burlap.

The irrigation pipe should be twenty centimeters longer than the main PVC pipe. One end of it is plugged, the other is attached to a water source, or simply lowered into a container of water.

One end of the main pipe - the beds - is plugged, and into the second, expanded clay or fine gravel is poured into a third of the entire space, so that the filler is located at the bottom. Before filling the beds, the filler can be treated in a weak solution of vinegar, this way acidification of the soil can be avoided.

It is also advisable to etch the soil substrate before adding it to the pipe. It is recommended to spill with potassium permanganate or boiling water.

It is necessary to ensure that the soil is located tightly without the formation of voids inside the pipe. When the pipe is 80% full, a thin irrigation pipe is inserted into it. Afterwards the soil is filled to absolute density.

When all work on preparing the bed is completed, you can proceed to planting seedlings. It is important here not to damage the root system and not to bend the roots.

How to make a vertical bed

This type of bed made of plastic pipe would be appropriate for a small summer cottage. When there is very little free space, this design allows you to rationally use the space intended for growing strawberries.

Features of vertical design:

  • The shape of the beds can be absolutely any, but most often you can find multi-tiered structures of a square shape.
  • The height of the tiers should be 10-15 cm, and the width should be 20-30 cm. The gardener can select these parameters individually, since much depends on what variety of strawberries will be planted.
  • Strawberries grown vertically in PVC pipes are more susceptible to the negative effects of weather. It is advisable to install arcs on the structure; if shelter is needed, polyethylene film is stretched over them.

The structure is easy to build if you follow the recommendations:

  • Markings are made on the PVC pipe, along which it is then cut. Most often they choose a size from one to two meters. A plug is needed at the bottom of the pipe.
  • A pipe of smaller diameter for irrigation is left 10 cm longer.
  • Small holes are drilled in the inner pipe; they should be located opposite the larger diameter holes.
  • A narrow pipe is wrapped with non-woven material, after which it is fixed around the entire perimeter.
  • In the wide pipe you also need to make holes in a checkerboard or other order, leaving 20 cm at the bottom.
  • A narrow pipe is inserted into a larger diameter pipe. The space is filled with expanded clay and covered with soil.

The first stage - components

Usually the necessary components can be purchased at a building materials store. You will need:

  • Plastic sewer pipe diameter 15 cm;
  • Pipe end caps. The quantity depends on the installation of the structure; if horizontal placement is planned, then two plugs will be needed, if vertical – one;
  • Pipe for irrigation installation, not large in diameter;
  • Plug for irrigation - thin pipe;
  • A small fragment of an irrigation hose to remove excess liquid;
  • Tank or other reservoir for water. When using an automatic irrigation system, a pump and a timer are purchased, or it can also be a vacuum pump;
  • Universal prepared soil, drainage - in the form of expanded clay, seedlings of remontant strawberries.

In order to save money, you can replace some components with improvised means. For example, end caps can be replaced with dense pieces of polyethylene, and automatic watering can be replaced with a structure where water flows by gravity from top to bottom. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself, using sand, garden soil, humus, and instead of expanded clay, lay a layer of fine gravel.

In the process of making the structure you will need burlap, a drill and some other tools.

Racks or supports for pipes are made based on the parameters of the location, at the discretion of the gardener. The options may be different, racks, racks or stairs.

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes

You can grow strawberries in pipes for different purposes, but it is important to know how to plant and care for the crop.


Growing strawberries in tubes can be profitable if you choose the right varieties. It is recommended to choose:

  • Yellow Miracle;
  • Albion;
  • Diamond;
  • Homemade delicacy;
  • Gigantella;
  • Temptation.

The listed species are famous for their early ripening of berries, are resistant to pests, and will provide a one-year harvest. The ampelous varieties, which are classified as garden strawberries and have long mustaches, also take root well in plastic pipes.

The above-mentioned species allow you to harvest a large harvest; they can be distinguished by their appearance. The bushes resemble a cascade of foliage and shoots with a large number of berries and inflorescences.

Planting seedlings

After assembling the structure, it is time to plant the crop:

  • small holes (about 10 cm) are made in pre-prepared soil;
  • seedlings should be prepared in advance for planting (leaved for a day in the solution to stimulate root growth);
  • the seedlings are planted in prepared holes, the roots should be evenly distributed and then sprinkled with soil;
  • newly planted bushes need to be watered and left in a shaded place for the first week;
  • it is necessary to adhere to the general planting schedule, since if you are late, the bushes may not take root in the new place.

Growing and care

Strawberries in PVC pipes also require proper care, which is as follows:

  • moisten the soil in a timely manner as it dries out;
  • as soon as the first berries appear, mulching will be required (it is better to take dry sawdust to eliminate the possibility of rot), you can repeat the steps in the middle or end of October;
  • for preventive purposes, it is recommended to treat the bushes, this will avoid the appearance of pests (Karbofos is a good product for this);
  • Regardless of which method of growing strawberries is chosen, the crop requires sufficient sunlight, and this also helps prevent the appearance of centipedes, snails, slugs and other pests.


Before planting seedlings, you first need to prepare the soil. You can use purchased soil or make it yourself (turf soil, garden soil and peat, at a ratio of 1:1:1).

Important! The substrate where tomatoes, potatoes or raspberries used to grow will not suit strawberries.

You can improve the soil with dry sawdust or fine sand. You can also add wood ash to the soil to protect the root system from rot.

Strawberries love acidic soil. Before planting, the soil can be shed with water with the addition of vinegar in a ratio of 10 ml of essence per liter of water.

Seedlings are chosen young with a powerful root system. Before planting, all bushes are placed in a cool room for a week, then treated with fungicides and planted in moist soil.

Seedlings must be planted carefully so as not to deepen the root collar, and the root system must be placed in the ground strictly vertically, without bending it.

After all the seedlings are planted, it is better to shade the pipe for several days so that the plant takes root faster and is not damaged by direct sunlight.

Important! To prevent pests from spoiling strawberry bushes, you can place marigolds, marigolds or nasturtiums in the lower holes.

To obtain a rich harvest, one planting is not enough; it is necessary to provide the plant with proper care.

Preparing pipes for winter

By winter, the beds must be insulated, otherwise the strawberry roots will simply freeze. The mobile structure can be brought into the barn. If year-round harvesting is planned, then the beds are sent to a greenhouse.

If the structure cannot be moved, it is insulated outside. To cover horizontal pipes, use spruce branches or straw, and vertical pipes are insulated with clothing or agrofibre, and covered with waterproof material on top.

Tips for gardeners

In order for the result of the work done to be positive, you need to adapt to the non-standard technology for growing strawberries. Advice from experienced gardeners will help you avoid mistakes:

  • suitable temperature for strawberry development is 18-23 degrees;
  • the chosen place for the beds should be well lit, and the humidity level should be at least 70%;
  • watering the soil depends on its condition;
  • water the bushes at the roots; water should not get on the foliage;
  • vertical beds, provided they are properly organized, can even be placed on balconies;
  • An excellent solution would be to install the structure near the fence.

Initially, it may seem that the design of PVC pipes is quite complex. However, those gardeners who have become familiar with this technology can no longer imagine any other way of growing strawberries. If the berry is grown for sale, then a more ideal option simply cannot be found.

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