How to heat a greenhouse - possible options

A heated greenhouse is an opportunity to get a good and abundant harvest all year round. When considering heating industrial greenhouses, owners cannot always apply the methods in private households. Let's figure out what devices will be appropriate in small-format greenhouses suitable for placement on your own lands, and what equipment is suitable for heating large areas. We will also consider the step-by-step installation of various types of heaters with the ability to do the work yourself.

Option 3 heating with gas

The main advantage of gas is that it is more stable in terms of supply, but the final cost of products from the greenhouse can surprise.
Therefore, if heating a greenhouse with gas in winter lasts only a few weeks, then it is not necessary to pull it from a residential building and purchase expensive pipes for this. It will be enough to take a couple of cylinders for this purpose - they will last for a long time. It is only important to remember that excess carbon dioxide can negatively affect the condition of plants, and therefore such a greenhouse must be well ventilated. And to remove combustion waste, it is necessary to use an exhaust device to ensure a constant flow of oxygen into the greenhouse. And so that the lack of oxygen does not lead to the cessation of the combustion process and the release of gas into the air, it is advisable to use heating devices with an automatic protective device - the sensors will immediately operate as soon as the gas supply to the burner stops

And so that the lack of oxygen does not lead to the cessation of the combustion process and the release of gas into the air, it is advisable to use heating devices with an automatic protective device - the sensors will immediately operate as soon as the gas supply to the burner stops.

Heating a greenhouse with water heating

When growing a large volume of commercial products, when there is economic benefit, it is advisable to use water heating in the greenhouse.

Water heating in the greenhouse allows the structure to be used all year round, supplemented with sodium lamps to compensate for the short duration of daylight hours.

The hot water boiler is selected based on the area of ​​the greenhouse and the volume of air in the room, and then installed in the vestibule so that flue gases do not enter the greenhouse. Heating pipes are located longitudinally, along walls, under shelving, under the roof, etc.

Heating pipes can pass under a layer of nutrient soil, for example, in pit-type greenhouses. A layer of sand 10 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the pit, and pipes for hot water are laid on it. They are covered with 10–15 cm of sand on top, and a 25 cm layer of nutritious soil is poured onto the sand.

Layout of beds and arrangement of a greenhouse

After the construction of the greenhouse is completed, you can begin planning the location of the beds.

There are 3 main types:

  1. Standard narrow rows . Between them there is space for the movement of people or vehicles.
  2. Multi-tiered beds or racks . This option allows you to effectively use the interior space of the greenhouse. The plants are located one above the other on different tiers so that the upper bushes do not block the light of the lower ones. This layout is mainly used for growing seedlings or strawberries.
  3. Hydroponics . In this case, there are no rows - the plants are grown in an artificial base (water mixtures, porous structures, etc.), and they receive nutrition from watering. This method allows you to harvest a good harvest with minimal consumption of water and nutrients.

Did you know? According to some sources, the first greenhouses appeared in Ancient Rome. True, they bore little resemblance to modern ones. Gardeners planted bushes on small carts with soil, which were taken out into the sun during the day and driven into shelter at night.

Variety of metal stove models

The range of stoves for greenhouses is large, but first of all, their thermal power and functionality are taken into account.

The following products are most popular among consumers:

  1. "Vesuvius mini" This inexpensive and compact potbelly stove has a simple design; it runs on wood. Its productivity allows you to heat a greenhouse whose volume does not exceed 80 cubic meters. The body of the product is made of steel. Its surface can be used as a stove for heating water, humidifying or watering.
  2. "Cinderella". The small unit is made of heat-resistant steel. It is equipped with side convectors that distribute warm air. A power of 6 kW will be enough to heat a greenhouse with an area of ​​60 square meters. There is a glass window in the door of the combustion chamber, thanks to which you can observe the process of burning wood. On the upper surface there is a burner for heating water. Wood or garbage is used as fuel.
  3. "Teplodar Pechurka Plus" It has a power of 5 kW, sufficient to heat 50 “squares” of area. The product is small in size and weight, it is equipped with a casing with convection holes that promote uniform release of thermal energy. There is a burner on the surface, the fuel used is firewood.
  4. "Normal". The stove's power of 6 kW is enough to heat 60-80 square meters of the greenhouse. The sides of the unit are protected by casings that have convection holes, and therefore they do not warm up to temperatures dangerous for plants. A tightly closing door prevents smoke from entering the room. Thanks to the convenient ash box, it can be collected and used as fertilizer.
  5. "Klondike NV-100" is a bulerian with a capacity of 6 kW. The unit is capable of heating a room with an area of ​​60 square meters. The combustion chamber consists of two chambers and operates as a gas generator. The walls of the firebox consist of hollow pipes. In the first chamber, firewood is burned, and in the second, combustion gases are burned. Cold air moves from below, heats up and is discharged through the top of the buleryan. Due to constant air exchange, it does not overheat. It is possible to connect air ducts to pipes. The stove has a long burning mode for 10 hours.
  6. "Breneran AQUATEN." The stove is equipped with a water circuit and, with a productivity of 6 kW, can heat up to 60 square meters. m. The water jacket of the unit is located along the walls of the firebox. The device operates like a gas generator, and has compact parameters and high efficiency. Works on firewood, wood waste, branches, etc.

Small drip irrigation systems for amateur gardeners and gardeners

Tired of greenhouses, beds and greenhouses, gardeners and gardeners are studying drip irrigation:

  • create drip irrigation systems with your own hands (for example, instead of droppers for irrigation, medical droppers are used);
  • buy boxed versions for greenhouses and greenhouses.

Small systems use

when it is necessary to organize drip irrigation of specific crops in the structure of greenhouses / greenhouses, which changes annually. These are usually manual, gravity-fed annual systems. They are made from low quality materials and are designed for 1 – 2 seasons. They can be purchased inexpensively and installed quickly.

For capital greenhouses of more than 30 m2 or for the industrial production of vegetables (greenhouse complexes from 500 m2), it is irrational to use boxed solutions, and more often it is simply impossible.

For beginning farmers and greenhouses

It is worth paying close attention to the design of long-term professional irrigation systems in order to quickly achieve profitability due to high yields.

Installation of heating systems

Having decided on the choice of heating system, you can proceed to installation work. Below we will look at how to make heating in a greenhouse.

Water system

There are two ways to make water heating. Let's look at the first one.

As a heater, you can use an old fire extinguisher, the top of which is cut off. At the bottom you need to install an electric heater with a power of 1 kW, for example, from an electric samovar.

Then the electric heater is filled with water, and two water pipes are connected to the fire extinguisher using nuts and rubber seals.

Now let's look at the second method, which requires a 40-liter boiler and a 2 kW electric heater.

The operating principle is as follows: the water, gradually heating up, rises through the pipe into the expansion tank, then passes through a pipeline located along the perimeter of the greenhouse structure at a slope.

The boiler can be a large-diameter pipe, to the end of which the bottom must be welded.

The expansion tank can be made from pipe scraps. Tank volume – no more than 30 liters. In order to connect the boiler and riser, you need to weld couplings on both sides of the tank.

You also need to make a hole in the tank through which water will be added.

The boiler must be grounded, for which a three-core wire of at least 500 V is used. Two wires are intended for the heater phase, one for the boiler.

The key point of water heating is the ability to use solid fuel boilers, which can be located in the greenhouse or in another separate room.


If boilers are placed separately, a significant portion of the heat coming directly from the boiler is lost.

Such boilers are economical and fireproof; they are often used in industrial greenhouses.

Air system

Organizing air heating for a greenhouse is not difficult.

To do this, you will need a metal pipe with a diameter of 55 cm and a length of 2 m, one end of which is inserted into the greenhouse, and a fire is built under the other.

It is the constant maintenance of the fire that is a big disadvantage.

Due to the fire, the air in the pipe is quickly heated, which penetrates into the structure.

Heating with solar batteries

For this system, you need to make a solar battery, the power of which is calculated in advance.

To do this, you need to dig a hole 13-14 cm deep in the greenhouse and cover it with thermal insulation material, for example, polystyrene or other material with good thermal insulation properties.

Then you need to lay polyethylene for waterproofing, and cover it with wet sand on top. Finally, the hole is filled in on the ground.


Such a system will provide round-the-clock heating of the greenhouse, but still cannot be the main method of heating due to the small number of sunny days.

Furnace system

To build a stove, the vestibule of the greenhouse must be lined with bricks, and the chimney must be laid along the entire length of the structure. The location of the stove should be 30 cm from the end of the greenhouse.

There is another way to construct a furnace. The calculation for it is as follows: you need a barrel with a volume of at least 3 cubic meters, in which you need to make holes for the chimney and stove. The oven base is then inserted into the hole.

Now you need to remove the chimney from the container and place a 5.5 m high pipe on it outside the greenhouse.


Then an expansion tank is installed on the barrel, and heating must be made from a profile pipe by welding and the pipes must be laid on the ground in increments of one meter.

If you follow the instructions, there will be no difficulties during installation of the stove.

Thus, you can do any greenhouse heating with your own hands, having projects in front of you to work on. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and observe safety precautions.

Heating of industrial greenhouses: air, do-it-yourself, main types and advantages

Industrial greenhouses made of polycarbonate are designed to promote crop growth in the warm season. As for the winter period, the issue of heating industrial greenhouses arises. In order for heating in such greenhouses to be organized correctly, it is necessary to equip the heating system with a fan, the main task of which is to distribute heated air around the perimeter of the entire room.

The main components of a hydronic heating system in a greenhouse.

According to the rules, heating of such structures should begin in mid-spring, which will make it possible to safely begin planting crops. The creation of heating systems during this period allows you to harvest up to three harvests. If tropical plants are grown in a greenhouse, heating must be maintained constantly.

Many people mistakenly think that heating of industrial greenhouses should be implemented only for winter greenhouses. This is not true, because even high-quality materials are not always able to protect plants from sudden cold.

Heating in a greenhouse should allow the greenhouse to function even in the most severe winter cold. The choice of the current heating system is determined by the area of ​​the room that needs to be heated.

Heating system for large greenhouses.

As a rule, in industrial greenhouses, where certain plant crops are grown en masse, they do not skimp on choosing a modern system. Heating in a greenhouse should be done by a professional. This is due to the fact that many people make one common mistake when placing heating equipment in a specific location in the room. This will lead to the fact that the heated air will not circulate properly; there simply will not be enough of it for all the greenhouse plants. To solve this problem, you need to use a powerful fan. However, heated air rises very quickly, which causes it to cool. This problem is also easily solved: in the greenhouse you need to use a pipeline with warm water. These preemptive “blows” allow the heated air to reach the polycarbonate less quickly.

Gas and electric convectors are also used as the main unit for heating air in a greenhouse. The choice of convector may depend on the acceptable financial costs used to heat the greenhouse. This is due to the fact that electrical appliances for heating a room per hour will require less than 3 kW of energy, which can significantly hit the pocket of the owner of such industrial facilities.

An example of an industrial convector.

The most common is a special multi-circuit room heating system. The circuit has a specific purpose:

  1. The under-trough heating circuit is responsible for ensuring snow melting during heavy precipitation.
  2. The overhead heating circuit regulates the temperature in the upper part of the greenhouse, completely eliminating the penetration of cold air into the growing zone during sudden drops in temperature and brief openings of the curtain screen.
  3. The lower process heating circuit is needed to create a certain thermal regime.

Hot water is chosen as the coolant, the calculated temperature value of which is in the range from 50 to 95 degrees Celsius.

Components of the heating system

A modern heating system for industrial greenhouses consists of:

  • control unit for supplying coolant to the main;
  • main pipelines;
  • pipelines of three heating system circuits;
  • control cabinets for electric drives of pumps, mixing valves.

The temperature regime is set in accordance with the clear requirements of the agricultural technology for growing a particular crop. Using temperature control units, you can achieve distribution of warm water supply. All control falls on a modern automated indoor climate control system.

It is important to remember that proper heating of industrial greenhouses will significantly affect the crop and the speed of its ripening.

Heating winter greenhouses: basic information

  • The decision on how to heat a shelter in winter depends directly on the region in which you live.
  • The inside of the greenhouse will be much warmer if it is not tinted or mirrored. You also need to ensure that the surface of the greenhouse walls is clean. Thus, visible light passes through transparent surfaces better.
  • A vegetable grower who organizes heating of a greenhouse in winter must know that the best heat insulator is air. To arrange the shelter, choose double glazing, which will retain heat. Air mixing (convection) has a bad effect on growing seedlings. There is a constant movement of warm and cold layers. That is why, instead of conventional film for heating a greenhouse in winter, it is better to use cellular polycarbonate.
  • The air should not dry out. Otherwise, the plants will begin to wither.
  • The air supply should be from top to bottom and slowly. This will allow the heat to remain in the shelter longer.
  • The heating design should not be expensive for the budget, but at the same time practical and easy to use. Give preference to one that will be convenient for use by both an experienced farmer and a novice vegetable grower.

Elements of a drip irrigation system

Drip irrigation systems include:

  • Pump for supplying water
    (submersible, surface) from wells, open reservoirs and containers. Power from 20 to 350 m3/hour and pressure from 2.5 atm.
  • Solution unit (mixer)
    for preparing a nutrient solution. The most expensive node.
  • Filters
    (sand-gravel and mesh, disk for fine cleaning). Ensure the durability and reliability of the drip irrigation system, protecting drip tapes and droppers from fine sand, insect residues, algae and anything else that can clog drip tapes and droppers.
  • Tanks for storing water
    for irrigation, drainage water, solution with fertilizing.
  • Drippers for direct supply of water
    to the root of the plant. There are two types: compensated and uncompensated. When the pressure in the system drops below a certain level (usually 0.7 bar), a compensated dripper stops the flow of liquid through itself, which allows you to precisely regulate the amount of solution supplied to the roots of the plant. For uncompensated drippers, performance directly depends on the pressure in the system, but it is cheaper.
  • Drip tapes and dosing units
    : tubes, hoses, pipelines.
  • Accessories and fittings:
    bends, pressure regulators, valves, tees, valves, angles, connectors, fasteners.

Winter greenhouse design

In many ways, design requirements depend on the region. In areas with a mild, warm climate, where the temperature in winter rarely drops below zero, a polycarbonate greenhouse does not need to be insulated; it is enough to install temporary heating sources in it and use them as needed. Polycarbonate itself retains heat quite well due to its internal cavities, and while heating up during the day, the greenhouse does not have time to cool down to critical temperatures for plants.

Thermal insulation properties of cellular polycarbonate

End caps for polycarbonate

In areas with temperate and cold climates, the thermal insulation properties of polycarbonate are not enough to maintain a stable positive temperature in the greenhouse, and they have to be equipped with a constant heating source. In addition, to improve the thermal insulation characteristics, it is necessary to make a number of changes to the design of a standard greenhouse.

Heating a greenhouse using a gas burner

Insulation from cold winds

To do this, the greenhouse is located in the direction from north to south, a main wall is installed at its northern end, or, even better, a vestibule made of bricks, blocks or timber. The entrance to the greenhouse is made through the vestibule, and the southern end wall is made solid. The design of the vestibule makes it possible to prevent the greenhouse from blowing out through the cracks in the doors and vents. In addition, it acts as a thermal curtain: when the doors are opened, the plants will not be affected by the flow of cold air.

Insulated greenhouse wall

In the vestibule you can mark out heating equipment - a stove, a boiler. In this case, the chimney is brought out through the north wall, and the polycarbonate will be insulated from the hot chimney pipes and possible sparks. When heating with electricity, an electrical panel is placed in the vestibule. In addition, the vestibule can be used as a storage room.

Foundation and insulation of the blind area

The greenhouse is placed on a strip foundation, concrete or made of blocks, and an insulated blind area is made around it. This will protect the soil inside the greenhouse from freezing.

The blind area is made as follows.

  1. The turf around the foundation is removed to a width of 50 cm and formwork is made from boards.
  2. Cover with a leveling layer of sand.
  3. Insulation is laid - polystyrene.
  4. Fill the blind area with concrete over a reinforcing mesh or lay paving stones on a layer of sand.

Insulation scheme for the blind area

Soil insulation

Insulating the soil from below allows you to isolate the fertile layer in the greenhouse from the colder underlying layers. At the same time, heating will be more efficient and heating costs will be reduced.

A popular method of soil insulation.

Scheme for insulating beds in a greenhouse

Step 1. At the site of future ridges, make a pit with a depth of at least 60 cm, and pour a 5 cm thick layer of sand on the bottom.

Step 2. Lay the insulation boards, aligning the grooves at the joints.

Step 3. A layer of expanded clay about 10 cm thick is poured on top of the slabs. It acts as drainage and at the same time protects the polystyrene from damage when digging.

Step 4. Fertile soil is laid on top or a warm bed is arranged.

The bottom of the greenhouse is made of blocks

Installation of metal units

Installation is carried out in stages:

  1. A solid foundation is built from paving slabs, bricks or well-compacted soil. It is better to place the stove in the center so that the greenhouse heats up evenly. Units with a heating circuit are installed where it is convenient, but observing the fire safety distance specified in the passport.
  2. The stove is placed on the finished base, check how convenient it is to load fuel and remove ash. When there is a main wall, the unit is mounted to it with its rear wall.
  3. Chimney pipes of a certain diameter are connected to the smoke pipe using heat-resistant sealant. Install the chimney according to the diagram, avoiding its narrowing.
  4. If necessary, connect a water or air circuit. Units with a water heat exchanger must not be heated without filling the system with coolant, as this will result in damage.

Types of infrared heaters

Infrared heaters of the following types:

  • light;
  • long wave.

In IR light heaters, the surface heats up to 600 degrees. This equipment is suitable for very large greenhouses. Long-wave devices heat up much less and are better suited for small greenhouses.

Infrared devices can operate from:

  • electricity;
  • gas;
  • liquid fuel.

Infrared heaters for greenhouses are able to heat a greenhouse with an area of ​​18 square meters. m. When operating on gas, only two cylinders of liquefied gas are consumed during the winter.

The shape of such heating devices is different. They are produced in the form:

  • lamps;
  • film (tape) panels.


In addition to solid fuel boilers, there is another way to use solid fuel in greenhouses - these are various stoves made of metal or brick.

Advantages and disadvantages

Brick is more difficult to heat, but it also loses heat more slowly than steel. This will make it much easier to maintain a stable temperature in the greenhouse. A brick oven does not dry out the air, and its humidity is extremely important for plants. You can compensate for the shortcomings of an iron stove by installing an additional circuit of registers or radiators inside.

Metal heating devices also have a strong side - they are preferable for greenhouses operating in spring and summer:

such structures can be installed for a short time;

  • there is no need for a complex foundation;
  • the oven takes up relatively little space;
  • the cost of the product is less than that of the brick version;
  • all work can be completed without turning to professionals.

Selection and installation of the furnace

The chimney system of a metal stove must be installed at an angle of at least 15 degrees. This step increases the heating power. The pipe must be made of metal; it does not need to be insulated, except at the intersection with the roof or wall, since protective boxes are installed there. Before installing stoves, you need to consider their stability - if the stove tips over, the greenhouse may be damaged, and in the worst case, a fire will start.

There are many different designs, but the Vesuvius-mini potbelly stove is deservedly considered one of the best. This is a compact and cheap stove, the design of which is simplified as much as possible. Using a device with a thermal power of 4 kW, you can warm a greenhouse with a total area of ​​up to 25-30 square meters. m. Wood is burned inside the steel body, and water can be heated from above. It is also possible to use Vesuvius-mini as a stove.

“Cinderella” is also a compact device, made of an alloy that is resistant to strong heating. With the help of side convectors, the distribution of hot air is improved, the total thermal power is 6 kW, the heated area can be up to 60 sq. m. m. Control of the stove operation is facilitated by a viewing window in the door; a burner for heating water is installed on top. Firewood or household waste is placed in the oven.

The advantages of the “Normal” system are increased energy production (it warms up greenhouses with dimensions of 60-80 sq. m), as well as special protective covers that prevent the side walls from warming up to dangerous values. The designers took care to securely lock the door to prevent smoke.

In turn, if you choose the Klondike NV-100 stove, you can ensure a long-term supply of heat to the outside - up to 10 hours in a row. And those who want to heat a greenhouse with wood processing waste or cardboard should take a closer look at the Breneran Aquaten design. This is a gas generator furnace with a water circuit.

For your information: of course, no stoves work with waste oil. But heat guns can quite use it.

Whatever the owners choose, it is necessary to prepare a strong foundation, for which they lay sidewalk tiles, bricks, or simply compact the earth. The best place to install stoves is in the middle of the greenhouse, as this makes heating more uniform. If there is a main wall, the back wall of the stove should be leaning against it.

Who invented it and why

The Israelis were the first to use drip irrigation in the 60s for growing crops and landscaping the urban environment. Three factors contributed to the creation of the system:

  • hot climate;
  • water scarcity;
  • insufficient amount of microelements in the soil.

It was necessary to create an irrigation system that would ensure an even supply of water to each plant, reduce moisture loss to a minimum and prevent fungi from developing. Fungus and disease are a common problem in crops under rain or spray irrigation systems.

The creator of the drip irrigation system is considered

water resources engineer Simcha Blass (1897 – 1982). He made the first drip devices for water supply, and in 1965 he became one of the founders of NETAFIM, which today supplies irrigation systems around the world.

Israel is the cradle of drip systems, so Israeli drip irrigation systems are valued throughout the world for their outstanding performance and reliable performance in harsh desert conditions.

In Russia and the CIS

Drip irrigation systems are widely used by summer residents, amateur gardeners, farmers and large greenhouse farms. The principle of operation of capital irrigation systems of any size is similar, but building the correct irrigation network for industrial greenhouses is a complex and responsible task even for an experienced specialist.

We rarely use drip systems for landscaping the urban environment.

What fuel to heat a greenhouse with and how to choose a boiler

Two options - water and air heating - involve the use of some kind of boiler. But you have to choose, first of all, fuel. There is nothing to talk about here for a long time. Choose the type that is most accessible to you. Both in terms of price and delivery.

Now about choosing the boiler itself. If you plan to heat with wood, then an ordinary boiler, although relatively cheap, will constantly have to be near the stove: you need to add firewood every 2-3 hours (and this is in the best case with good thermal insulation). It makes more sense to consider purchasing or manufacturing a long-burning boiler. In some options, firewood needs to be added once a day or even less often, but these are very expensive boilers. If the idea interests you, you can make a long-burning stove yourself. For example, “Bubafonya” or one of its variants “Slobozhanka”.

The homemade long-burning wood-burning stove “Bubafonya” is unpretentious in appearance, but the fuel in it burns for a really long time. One such unit can heat a small polycarbonate greenhouse

For those who decide to use a solid fuel convector, we can advise you to take a closer look at “Buleryan” or similar stoves such as “Fire Battery” or “Student”. Don’t even doubt about the “Buler” - the stove is very economical and, with proper placement, will heat the greenhouse quickly and without burning: hot air comes out of the pipes only in the active mode. In operation, the case temperature is around 40 oC, and the air is heated to 45-50 oC. Thanks to its unique design, the stove takes in the coldest air from below, so the greenhouse will be warm, especially in the domed one. Moreover, “Buleryan” can be made with your own hands, but you will need a qualified welder.

These are tanks for diesel fuel. The supply should be substantial, preferably for the whole winter

The luckiest ones are those who have main gas nearby. The connection will, of course, be expensive, but today it is still the cheapest heating. Although, if the price rises at this rate, we will soon look for an alternative.

By the way, about the alternative. The second after gas in terms of cost per kilowatt of heat is pellet heating, or briquette heating. Pellets require a special burner, but briquettes can be placed in a regular solid fuel boiler. At the same time, their combustion duration is longer; a kilogram of fuel releases more heat. There is almost no ash, and what is there is an excellent environmentally friendly fertilizer: from the boiler to the garden bed.

You can make briquettes yourself, using a homemade or purchased press and various combustible waste - from waste paper and sawdust, to hay and seed husks. By the way, the best fuel is obtained from the husk of the sunflower seed. Its heat capacity is greater than that of the best dry firewood, and even some brands of coal.

Pellets and briquettes are an unconventional choice for our country. It is good because you can make briquettes from waste yourself

Don’t discount pellets either, because it’s not for nothing that they are popular in pragmatic and tight-fisted Europe. Automated dedicated pellet boilers are expensive, but there are models that can run on diesel, gas and pellets. The fuel is changed by replacing the burner. Universal units - use whatever you have. In general, combination boilers are an excellent option. They just cost a decent amount.

And another alternative solution is the use of solar energy - solar collectors. This, of course, is an expensive option to install, but quite comparable in cost to water heating and floor heating. But if there are a large number of sunny days a year, you will save a lot on heating costs.

Another alternative way to heat a polycarbonate greenhouse is solar collectors.

An option for heating using electricity is possible. The choice of heating devices here is wide, but the electricity bills will be impressive. Moreover, most likely you will need not a single-phase, but a three-phase connection, and this is a lot of money. Then it’s definitely better to take a closer look at solar heating.

Industrial greenhouses: advantages in size

Industrial greenhouses allow you to grow various crops. Industrial greenhouses differ from standard ones in that they are much larger in size; they can be equipped with a heating system, thanks to which they can produce crops several times a year. Small greenhouses are not able to maintain crops all year round, unlike the industrial version. Greenhouses of this type, as a rule, occupy a large area not only in width and length, but also in height. They are very popular in agro-industrial complexes. In addition, such structures can have several tiers, and the walls are constructed from building materials. The useful area of ​​an industrial greenhouse can be up to several thousand square kilometers.


Installing a heating device is an important step for a greenhouse. Heating most often occurs by circulating hot water through steel pipes. Circulation is a forced process and is carried out using pumps, the power of which is calculated based on the area of ​​the greenhouse.

In large industrial greenhouses, a contour system is used.

So the upper circuit is used to regulate the temperature in the upper parts of the greenhouse and not allow cold air to pass through, creating an air “cushion”. The lower circuit plays a major role in heating the room and maintaining the desired temperature.

Large industrial greenhouses use a contour heating system

In addition to the two above-mentioned circuits, there are also the following types:

  • Under tray heating;
  • Zone heating;
  • Substrate heating.

Temperature control is carried out by an automated system. Hot water is used as a coolant, and the design temperature is from 50 to 90 degrees. Temperature indicators

Each heating system has distributors (temperature control units) through which the heat supply is distributed.

The nodes also consist of:

  • Circulation pump;
  • Mixing valve;
  • Pipelines;
  • Instruments for control and measurement.

Frames for industrial greenhouses: 3 varieties

For industrial greenhouses, a durable frame is used, most often it is an arched installation or a gable structure.

There are 3 main types of frames:

  • Hat;
  • From a profile pipe;
  • From the corner.

The hat frame is installed simply and quickly, but this design is not designed for the heavy weight of snow. Frames made from profile pipes are more durable; they are used to build farm greenhouses. Such a frame is usually welded, and the pipe has a round or square cross-section. Metal structures are becoming more popular. Although the design is stronger than a hat frame, it will also not be able to withstand heavy loads. An alternative is a frame made from a corner. This design does not require welding and is assembled using bolts. The entire profile is galvanized, so it can be used by more than one generation.

For industrial greenhouses, you can use one of three types of frames

The corner frame can withstand up to 100 kg of weight, which means that the pressure of snow in winter will not break it.

If there is a need to create additional reinforcement of the structure, you can use anchor bolts or fixed studs. It is not recommended to use aluminum as a material, since under the influence of heat or snow, the structure will be prone to deformation.

Construction of industrial greenhouses: where to start

Building an industrial-type greenhouse is not an easy task; film coverings are not suitable here. This issue should be approached thoroughly and each point of preparation should be dealt with.

Where to start construction:

  • From choosing a location;
  • To make a plan;
  • Select the necessary material from which the frame will be made, most often it is made of metal or wood;
  • Organize heating and irrigation system;
  • Decide on a curtain system.

In order for the yield to be maximum, it is necessary to properly position the greenhouse.

The best location for the greenhouse is the area south of the latitude of 60 degrees from north to south. As for the northern part of the country, it is better to place the greenhouse from the western to the eastern part.

Before building an industrial greenhouse, you need to choose a location for it

The greenhouse must be equipped with lighting; lamps or LED lamps will not be amiss. The construction of an industrial greenhouse should begin with the selection of a site. It should be as level as possible, without tilting. If there are strong gusts of wind in the area of ​​construction, it is necessary to take care of additional fences or shields that will help reduce its speed. It also depends on the correctly selected area whether the foundation of the greenhouse will be flooded, since melt water from snow or rain will drain, and this is not desirable. Tackle the soil. As for the soil, it must be fertile and ready for various types of fertilizing, including anthracite.

Once all the points have been provided, you can start selecting and preparing the project. To do this, you need to decide what exactly will be grown in this greenhouse in summer and winter. With the right approach and compliance with all construction rules, you can build a greenhouse that will serve for many years.

Specialized enterprises in Russia can provide dozens of schemes according to which you can construct a greenhouse; in addition, you can purchase all the components and organize independent installation. You can also use the services of the manufacturer, who offer their mounting and installation services. Israel and Holland can offer excellent greenhouse options; the sale of their venlo-type products is very popular. And Dutch hydroponic greenhouses can satisfy any farmer, because they can produce large yields. The greenhouses from this manufacturer are of the highest quality, and their production does not take much time.

Projects and drawings of industrial greenhouses: where to look for them

The work on the project cannot be called typical; it all depends on what technology will be chosen. At the moment, there are a lot of special photos, magazines, books or tips that can be downloaded on the Internet in dwg format completely free of charge; they can offer ready-made diagrams of industrial greenhouses. They are always accompanied by a diagram of upcoming expenses, income, as well as instructions for construction. All that remains is to make a choice, the use of materials and coating, the use of film or glass.

In this case, you need to know that choosing a project from the above resources is not ideal. Such options always need improvement. The book is only part of the work on the project.

In addition to the literature, there is a special program that, taking into account all the parameters, will help calculate and create the necessary drawing. You just need to enter all the necessary dimensions, you will also need the height and expected shape of the roof, possible loads, and the result is a finished building that takes into account all your wishes and features.

Projects and drawings for industrial greenhouses can be found on the Internet

A question appears. If there are all kinds of programs, books and magazines, why do we need specialists? The thing is that it is almost impossible to construct an industrial greenhouse on your own, since it is a complex cycle that is equipped with many systems, such as heating, ventilation, watering and lighting. Since this is a largely automated process, greenhouse construction requires human presence for constant monitoring.

In order for all the shortcomings to be taken into account during the design, engineering, constructive and agrotechnical solutions are required. Only in this case will the greenhouse be able to generate the necessary income.

To ensure that the drawing meets your expectations, pay attention to the following points:

  • Decide what will be grown in the greenhouse. Will it be one specific type of crop for sale or only seasonal seedlings for personal consumption;
  • The size of a future industrial greenhouse should be determined based on the area used;
  • Correct selection of building materials. An important detail to remember is that the thinner the polycarbonate sheet, the more often it is necessary to use the lathing;
  • It is best to use metal pipes as a frame. Sometimes wooden materials are created, but they are not designed to last long.

Once a clear image of the future greenhouse has been created, you can begin design and construction. Farm greenhouses require maximum responsibility, because it is in them that all the necessary crops are grown.

Industrial greenhouse: winter design, its differences and requirements

If there is a winter industrial greenhouse on the site, this indicates that an experienced person is taking care of the farm. Despite the harsh Russian climate, such greenhouses make it possible to grow roses; the Krasnodar region is famous for its special harvests.

Greenhouses that are used all year round have their differences from summer options.

These include:

  • Complexity of design, glazing;
  • Increased structural strength;
  • Availability of foundation;
  • In such greenhouses, plants feel comfortable in any season.

A winter-type greenhouse must be equipped with a ventilation system

Every winter-type greenhouse must be equipped with ventilation. It must be provided for when creating the project.

The most important requirement for an industrial greenhouse is the organization of the heating system and the creation of tightness. If all the necessary details are taken into account, the crop can be harvested even in winter. Winter greenhouses made of polycarbonate are very often used in agriculture, as well as in the production of crops on a large scale. But it should be remembered that the organization of such greenhouses is not always capable of growing crops by a private individual; most often, a factory can do this.

DIY industrial greenhouse: projects and construction (video)

What conclusion can be drawn and what can be said about industrial greenhouses? It is quite difficult to create a structure with your own hands, but after watching the training video, you can get to work and get a greenhouse that fulfills its intended purpose. This option helps to increase production and obtain year-round vegetable harvests while using small areas. Greenhouse conditions allow even flower seeds to germinate. The quality of the resulting harvest does not depend on external weather conditions, which makes agricultural technologies for soil more in demand. It is this quality that makes the design more popular among users.

Details: industrial greenhouses (photo examples)

Attention, TODAY only!

Heating system

reduces costs

Electric heating in a winter greenhouse

  • When heating electrically, it is not advisable to use air heaters, since the heating of the area will be uneven. In this case, it is better to lay the cables in it when laying the foundation, which are used to install heated floors. In this way, it is possible to ensure uniform heating of the entire room and provide additional heating of the soil;
  • however, if necessary, especially if there is no other heat source, air heaters can be used, but it is better to install them under shelves with plants. In this way, the seedlings will not be exposed to a direct flow of hot air, and it will be the soil that warms up, albeit slightly.


  • You can also use convectors; several devices with heating coils will evenly heat the entire greenhouse room;
  • This way the soil does not heat up, which is a disadvantage.

Water heating

  • when installing water heating, a pipe system is created through which warm water circulates;
  • pipes are laid inside the greenhouse along the walls or under the floor, which allows the soil to be heated;
  • For this heating system, both metal and plastic pipes are used;
  • plastic pipes are preferable because they are more affordable, do not rust and are easier to install;
  • the pipes are heated using gas boilers, or can also be done using electricity;
  • It is undesirable to use metal pipes to heat the soil, since they are susceptible to damage by corrosion;
  • this type of heating ensures uniform heating of both air and soil;
  • is not always popular due to the complexity of installing the pipe system and often the high cost of the heating itself;
  • Such heating requires constant monitoring.

Considering the fact that energy resources are not cheap, consumers have recently been paying attention to infrared heating. Infrared lamps and heaters are used for greenhouses

Infrared heating of greenhouses

  • It is not the air that is heated, but the plants and the soil themselves; heat is transferred from the soil to the entire room;
  • if the heater is equipped with a thermostat, it turns off periodically;
  • it turns on only to maintain the desired temperature, which significantly saves electricity;
  • Infrared heaters and lamps are considered harmless to both people and plants.

One of the most economical ways to heat a greenhouse can be wood heating using a Buleryan stove.

Wood heating

  • It is best to place the stove in a kind of hallway in front of the greenhouse, and run chimney pipes throughout the room with exit to the outside on the other side;
  • the greenhouse is heated in this way, and carbon monoxide escapes through the chimney;
  • however, the downside may be the fact that adding firewood needs to be done on average every 4 hours, which is not very convenient at night;
  • There are also wood boilers for heating.

Air heating system

  • one of the simplest and most affordable ways to heat a greenhouse;
  • with its help, mainly only the air is heated, and the soil remains at the same temperature; this type of heating is best used in combination with others;
  • for air heating, you need to lay pipes inside the greenhouse in such a way that its end faces the street, near the outer end of the pipe you need to light a fire so that warm air can flow through the pipes into the greenhouse;
  • this type can be considered as an alternative, since it requires regular monitoring and laying of firewood.

It should also be taken into account that for winter greenhouses it is recommended to install a double layer of polycarbonate, glass or film. This also serves as an additional method of insulation.

Heating system options for greenhouses

Greenhouse heating is provided not only in buildings for year-round use, but also where it is planned to plant flowers, vegetables and other vegetation early.

In this case, the following heating options for this room can be used:

  • stove heating using liquid coolant or air;
  • a water circuit in which an electric, gas or solid fuel boiler is used to heat the coolant;
  • heating the air using a gas gun;
  • electric heating (convectors or IR panels);
  • heating the soil through water heating or heating cables.

On a note! Combined heating can be used, that is, a stove can be used as the main heat source, and a heating cable can be used as additional heating.

Water heating systems for greenhouses are convenient because soil heating can also be done using water. To do this, connect another circuit consisting of pipes laid in the soil. Using a gas gun to heat a greenhouse is quite beneficial because the unit does not take up much space, uses fuel economically, quickly heats up the greenhouse and is easy to operate.

If electric heating is chosen, it is recommended to use infrared heaters as the main heat source. They do not dry out the air and warm the soil and plants. When using a convector, hot air rises, so the temperature at the roots of plants is much lower than under the ceiling of the greenhouse. In this regard, convector heating devices are suitable for use as temporary heating.

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