Everything about greenhouses with covering material: functions, selection and installation + photos

The article contains all the basic information about what a greenhouse with covering material is. You will learn why such structures are used, what they are made of, what types of greenhouse elements there are and what materials they are made from. Descriptions of the most popular models of arcs are given, and you can also familiarize yourself with the manufacturing technology of such devices. After reading the article, anyone will be able to choose the best greenhouse with covering material.

A greenhouse will help you protect your beds from adverse factors Source bayplus.ru

Greenhouse design made of arcs with covering material

This device for growing vegetables is characterized by its extremely simple design. It consists of a frame made using metal arcs, covered with a special coating. Most often, polyethylene film or dense non-woven fabric is used for these purposes. The height of the greenhouse is measured by the distance from the ground to the top point of the first arch. Most often it ranges from half a meter to one hundred and thirty centimeters.

Most often, greenhouses are low, fairly compact, but long structures Source it.aviarydecor.com

On average, the width of greenhouses ranges from 0.6 to 1.2 meters. This indicator depends on the height and thickness of the arcs. The length is selected based on the number of arches and the step between them. The most common models are 4.6-8 meters long. Most often, all parameters are standard.

If you plan to order an individual design from a private workshop, then you can develop any project, and it will be completed for a relatively small fee. Just remember, if you choose a greenhouse that is too high, it will be susceptible to overturning by gusts of wind. At the same time, the most unstable are greenhouses with polyvinyl chloride arcs.

A country greenhouse with covering material is not always completely primitive. Often structures are developed with a large number of supports and braces, which simplifies their operation and makes the device more stable and reliable.

Fedorov's greenhouse is a structure with many load-bearing elements Source de.aviarydecor.com

Is it possible to get fruits at home?

With proper care, an ungrafted tree can bloom in 6 or more years. The grafted plant blooms for 2 years, most often in early spring.

The fruits ripen 3-3.5 months, and sometimes 6 months after the flowers wither. The taste qualities of the parent tree may not be transferred, since at home it is very difficult to provide the plant with the necessary microclimate.

Mangoes grown from seeds most often serve decorative purposes. In order for the plant to bloom and most likely bear fruit, grafting is required.

It is carried out in the second year of the tree’s life, when the mango’s trunk reaches the diameter of a pencil. The best time for vaccination is mid to late summer.

To do this, take a bud from a fruiting mango, which is cut off with a sterile knife along with a piece of bark and wood. On a tree grown from seed, a T-shaped cut is made in the lower part of the trunk, the bark is bent back and a bud is placed there. The grafting site is wrapped with tape or tape.

The grafted tree is covered with a bag, with holes made in it for ventilation, and transferred to a bright and warm place.

Leaves and shoots below the grafting site are removed when it is clear that the grafting has been successful.

You can also graft mangifera with cuttings. In this case, the top of the tree and the base of the cutting are cut at the same angle, the cuts are aligned and fixed with electrical tape, tape or grafting tape. The cutting can also be inserted into the split.

After successful grafting, the mango bears fruit within 2 years. If flowering begins earlier, the buds are removed, since early fruiting weakens the tree and has a bad effect on further harvests.

Scope of application of greenhouses with covering material

Such a device can perform a number of tasks, depending on its size and design. Let's figure out what you can use it for:

  • In some areas, the temperature regime does not allow the cultivation of certain plant varieties. In this case, greenhouses with covering material come to the rescue, making it possible to cultivate heat-loving species in any natural zone. Care should be taken to ensure that adult plants can fit inside the structure. In this case, the film is fixed with special fittings designed to allow you to quickly disassemble the entire system and get to the beds.
  • Another function of such greenhouses is the adaptation of seedlings to external conditions. The fact is that it cannot be immediately planted in open ground, but it must be given time to harden. If you buy covering material for a greenhouse with the right characteristics, then even very young seedlings will not be afraid of night frosts and sudden temperature changes. Also, good material will protect the beds from ultraviolet radiation, which has a detrimental effect on plants. After all crops have acclimatized, the greenhouse can be removed without damaging the seedlings.

When the weather becomes warmer, the polyethylene can be rolled up Source yard.hozvo.ru

  • In the spring-winter period, the soil is not yet warm enough to sow even the most unpretentious crops. But under the protection of a greenhouse, you can always grow radishes or herbs for yourself.
  • Even the simplest structures with an arched frame are often used by gardeners to stimulate seed germination. When planting carrots, the first shoots appear no earlier than after 25 days. Greenhouses significantly reduce this period. On average, seeds germinate three times faster under polyethylene.
  • Arched structures with film coating help protect beds from mass destruction by harmful insects. After the threat disappears, it will be possible to quickly and easily dismantle the entire structure and remove it from the garden.
  • In addition, greenhouses can protect your beds from birds and animals. They are most often used for these purposes during the strawberry harvest, when birds cause enormous damage by pecking at the berries one after another. Any covering can create an obstacle for them, which will protect the plants.

No pests will get inside such a structure Source grand-master.org
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It is worth noting that the installation of such a structure requires a short period of time. You can assemble it in just half an hour. Any manufacturer must include in the kit the pegs necessary to stretch the greenhouse by attaching frame elements to them. The film or material itself is fixed using clamps, which should also be included in the kit.

But it is possible to purchase a greenhouse, the frame of which is firmly fixed to the canvas in advance. This solution makes the assembly and installation process even simpler and clearer. You just need to unroll the material in the garden bed and stick the bases of the arcs into the ground.

Operating rules

A number of requirements apply to the location of the greenhouse. It should be located where:

  • the soil is leveled and compacted so that the greenhouse frame does not undergo deformation;
  • fruit trees do not grow, the fruits of which can fall and tear the material of the structure;
  • there will be no strong wind blowing that can tear off the covering material and displace the arches (behind a fence or barn).

A greenhouse can be used for several vegetables at once. For example, some have adapted to plant radish seeds in the ground under covering material in mid-April, harvest in early May, and then plant tomato seedlings in the empty space.

In the greenhouse, created back in April, seedlings can be placed directly in containers, if they are large. In such conditions, plants can be cared for until frost. With the onset of warmth, tomatoes are planted in the ground.

On a hot day, the material on the greenhouse can be removed from the sides

To prevent the heat accumulated during a hot day from disappearing inside the greenhouse on a cool night, it is recommended to lay an old blanket or burlap over the covering material in the evening. It is necessary to prevent these materials from falling from the greenhouse - put wooden beams on them. You can also use a tarpaulin with loops to retain heat in a structure made of arcs. It is supposed to be thrown over wooden posts inserted into the ground. The sides of the greenhouse, covered with a tarpaulin, should be insulated with mats with wire braiding.

There is no need to completely tear off the material from the greenhouse before watering the plants. It is enough to lift the canvas on one side of the structure. It is customary to irrigate cucumbers or other vegetables in a greenhouse with water from a watering can or hose with a fine-mesh sprayer. Otherwise, the soil around the plant root system will be washed away.

Types of metal arcs for greenhouses

The number and type of elements included in the kit depend on the size and purpose of the particular greenhouse. But all the components are sold separately in stores, which makes it possible to extend or adapt a ready-made greenhouse made of covering material for any purpose. Also, if you are thinking about buying a greenhouse, it is better to first compare the prices of individual elements and the entire set. You may find that you save money by putting the kit together yourself.

You can always increase or decrease the number of arcs in such a design Source specagro.in.ua

Before you buy additional items, you should think about what type they should be. So, let's find out what arcs for greenhouses are:

  • There are arches made of tight and durable wire covered with a sheath of polyvinyl chloride. Such elements are reliably protected not only from corrosion, but also from various mechanical damage.
  • There is an option using steel tubes with a diameter of 10-12 mm, also covered with a PVC sheath. Such elements are characterized by increased rigidity and stability.
  • There are also cheaper frame elements consisting of plastic tubes with a cross-section of 20-30mm. But they are less reliable and durable, and often break due to gusts of wind.

This frame made of metal tubes with a PVC shell is durable Source pinkandposh.net
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To select the most suitable materials and components for a given case, you need to pay attention to their characteristics and operating features. This is a necessary condition in order to make the right decision.

Metal has the greatest strength of all options. An instant greenhouse with steel arcs can be called the easiest to operate and the most reliable. The fact is that any metal is very easily stuck into the ground to a sufficient depth. Increased rigidity and resistance to any impact will prevent the frame from deforming. And the polyvinyl chloride coating will prevent the harmful effects of moisture on metal parts.

Steel greenhouses are more practical Source polikplast.ru

The final price of the greenhouse largely depends on the strength and quality of the materials. Plastic frames always cost much less than steel frames.

The advantages of plastic arches include the fact that they are highly flexible. With this quality, you can always give any shape to the structure, because you will have the opportunity to manipulate the width, height and radius of curvature. But you need to make all adjustments with extreme care so as not to break the tubes when bending. The disadvantage of plastic is that it is quite difficult to stick it into the ground, so you just need to use additional pegs. You can also strengthen such a frame using reinforcement and thick wire.

Plastic arcs for a greenhouse should be bent very carefully Source fermerslife.ru

To fasten the covering material to the frame, plastic or metal clips are used. They can always be found in hardware stores, and if you add extra accessories to your greenhouse, this will only benefit it. To fix the coating to the ground, pegs with clamps are sold. They must be used so that the wind does not undermine the canvas.

Landing rules

Make a small hole on the surface of the soil into which the seed is placed, root down. If it has not been previously germinated and the root is poorly defined, plant it with the long side (rib).

It is considered correct not to bury the seed completely, but to leave about a third outside, as in the photo

After planting, water the soil and place the pot away from direct sunlight - they are detrimental to tender seedlings at the initial stage of growth. To speed up the germination process, greenhouse conditions are necessary: ​​high humidity and constant temperature. To do this, cover the container with plastic wrap or a glass jar (seed only). The cover is removed regularly, every other day, for 15 minutes for ventilation.

As soon as a shoot with real leaves appears, the “greenhouse” is removed

The tree grows quickly. On a thin shoot, long leathery green leaves appear one after another, although the very first of them first have a purple tint.

Different types of greenhouses and their prices

In addition to the individual components for constructing a greenhouse, you can also purchase a ready-made kit with the required number of parts and elements. In stores you can buy greenhouses made of non-woven material and greenhouses with polyethylene coating. This option will help you get rid of unnecessary worries about selecting and purchasing individual parts of the structure. The type of kit and the number of parts in it depends primarily on the area on which you are going to deploy this device.

This is what a kit for assembling a greenhouse with a plastic frame looks like Source orgtorg.org

Please note that factory greenhouses do not require any additional measures for their installation, because the kit already includes all the elements necessary for this. But there is one problem: it will be almost impossible to improve the finished product, so you should choose in advance a design that fully meets your requirements. This is especially true for greenhouses with a combined frame and canvas. Let's look at the different types of greenhouses so that you can choose the one that suits you best.

Clamps from a hose or plastic pipe

You can make such devices yourself from scrap materials. For a small greenhouse, a piece of an old hose is suitable, which needs to be cut lengthwise and divided into pieces of the required length.

For large structures, the workpiece may not be rigid enough. In this case, use plastic pipes of suitable diameter. They are cut into pieces of 4-7 cm. On each workpiece you need to cut off the side part. The cut must be large enough to allow the rigid clamp to be attached to the greenhouse arc. To prevent the edges from tearing the film, it is recommended to sand them with sandpaper.

Types of fastenings to the arches

Video description

This video contains all the basic information about the Dayas greenhouse

Greenhouse "Agronomist"

This greenhouse is also simple and similar in many respects to the previous model. The frame is also made of metal tubes coated with polyvinyl chloride. For installation, the kit also includes pegs, 20 cm long.

The agronomist greenhouse is very easy to install on any soil, thanks to its metal frame Source cs.aviarydecor.com

The height of the Agronomist is not much greater than the Dayasa. Most manufacturers make such arcs so that the entire structure is 0.9 meters from the ground. But you can adjust this parameter by manipulating the arches. The use of a sectional design allows you to adjust the length of the greenhouse. Standard kits include materials for building a 4 or 6 meter greenhouse, and they cost from 800 to 1000 rubles.

To create such a greenhouse, high-quality and durable Agrotex 42 fabric is used. It has proven itself well and has received recognition from gardeners throughout Russia. If you are going to lengthen the structure, then you can buy this kind of covering material for a greenhouse, the price of which is notable for its affordable price.

Safety precautions when working with Roundup

Although Roundup is considered a low-toxic drug for insects, animals and people, certain safety precautions should still be taken before processing. Firstly, it is advisable to wear comfortable protective clothing with long sleeves and cover your hands with gloves. Secondly, to avoid inflammation of the mucous membrane, protective glasses are put on the eyes and a scarf is tied around the head (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Basic safety precautions when working with the drug

Other safety measures relate directly to the preparation of the working solution. Mixing chemicals with water is strictly prohibited in food containers: separate containers should be provided for this. Directly during spraying, you should not eat, drink or smoke, so that the drug does not accidentally enter the body. After completing the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your hands, face and the inside of your nostrils with clean water.

If the substance accidentally gets into your eyes, you must first wash your hands thoroughly with soap and then rinse your eyes with plenty of clean water. If ingested, drink as much water as possible.

After use, herbicide packaging must be burned at the maximum possible distance from residential buildings or sources of drinking water.

More information about weed control on the site is presented in the video.

Technologies for the production of greenhouses from arcs with covering material

The construction of a greenhouse has its own subtleties and secrets of mastery. The most difficult thing is to make the correct arches and securely attach the canvas to them. To make arcs, tubes with a diameter of 20-25 mm made of plastic or metal are purchased. Also, for these purposes, many use steel wire with a cross-section of 10 mm. There are also possible options for a frame made from irrigation hoses with threaded rods.

Such a greenhouse made of plastic tubes does not take up much space, but can provide you with herbs or radishes Source otomate.ru

Before you start creating a greenhouse, be sure to determine the dimensions of the future product. The width and length depend on the available space, but the height of the arch will be influenced by what plants you are going to plant in the greenhouse.

Next, a wooden box is made from a board or timber, which will be the basis for the entire structure. Most often its height is 15-20cm. The size of such a foundation must correspond to the size of the bed that is planned to be covered with a greenhouse. The species most resistant to fungal diseases, such as larch or oak, are best suited for creating a wooden base. Then the finished box is placed in the place where it will perform its functions.

A rafter board base is perfect for any greenhouse Source bayanay.info

Is it possible to grow a mango from a seed at home, what conditions does it need?

The best time to plant mango seeds is summer. In order for a plant to grow and develop, it needs to create suitable conditions, and summer is ideal for this. The plant requires a lot of heat, light and space at any time of the year.

In summer, the tree is placed on a south-facing window sill, balcony or terrace. If possible, it can be taken outside. In winter, an additional light source, for example, a fluorescent lamp, is installed near the plant. Daylight hours for good mango growth should be 14-16 hours.

The air temperature at any time of the year should be 20-26 degrees Celsius.

The container for planting the plant is spacious so that the roots can develop and grow freely. If necessary, the tree is replanted.

The soil in the container should always be moist. It must not be allowed to dry out. The tree is watered regularly. In summer, the leaves of the tree are additionally sprayed with a spray bottle.

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