Types of prefabricated greenhouses: forms, materials and functionality

A familiar and sought-after detail of country life, prefabricated greenhouses and greenhouses can surprise you with their variety of forms and functionality. This article describes the features of choosing a prefabricated greenhouse on a metal frame. The information presented below gives an idea of ​​the differences between greenhouses and greenhouses, covering and frame materials, as well as popular forms. You will learn what to look for when choosing a greenhouse and get acquainted with the average cost of common models.

Always at hand Source th.aviarydecor.com

Features and differences of greenhouses and greenhouses

Planting plants in open ground in early spring is not possible in all Russian regions; Changeable climatic conditions make gardening a risky endeavor. Therefore, dreaming of a good harvest, a zealous owner must think about purchasing a greenhouse or greenhouse. Both structures help create favorable conditions for the crops grown, however, they have certain differences. A traditional greenhouse can be characterized by the following parameters:

Mini-greenhouse Source sadovodspb.ru

  • Application

    . It is convenient to grow seedlings in greenhouses in early spring, until external conditions allow the plants to be planted in open ground. They are rarely used for growing adult plants, only as temporary shelter.

  • Design Features

    . The building is not equipped with doors. To gain access to the seedlings, open or remove the top (side) part.

A greenhouse is a structure that has the following qualities:

  • Size

    . The optimal height for a suburban or dacha plot is considered to be about 2.3-2.5 m, sufficient for a comfortable stay for people and the comfort of plants.

  • Device

    . They differ in design and covering material.

  • Method of operation

    . Structures installed on private property are heated primarily by the heat of the sun's rays, but there are examples of artificial heating with automatic microclimate regulation (not only the desired temperature is maintained, but also humidity).

Greenhouse Source home.co.id

  • Application

    . Thanks to a variety of heating sources that warm not only the air, but also the soil, the greenhouse can be used all year round. Unlike a greenhouse, a full cycle of growing plants can be organized in a greenhouse.

  • Design Features

    . They differ in design and covering material, and can be used for growing various crops, as well as seedlings, cuttings or potted plants.

Based on the characteristics of greenhouses and greenhouses, the main differences are determined as follows:

Fits into any environment Source neoshop.lv

Greenhouse covering materials

There are two types of models on the market; Some of them can be used year-round, others - during the season. Seasonal models are most often made of PVC; They are distinguished by a simple design and quick assembly (the arcs are often stuck into the soil and covered with film). A durable prefabricated greenhouse, which is supposed to be used in winter, has a more complex frame, and the covering material is often polycarbonate. Products offered by manufacturers can be classified according to the covering materials used.

Greenhouses under film

Film greenhouses (made of polyethylene film) are the most common structures loved by summer residents and gardeners. Despite almost half a century of history, they are not going to lose their position and are still valued due to their attractive performance characteristics:

  • Budgeting

    . Film (including multilayer varieties with increased strength) remains the most inexpensive and therefore accessible material for households with any income level.

Greenhouse under film Source mirtep.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer metal structure installation services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

  • Ease of use

    . The construction of a simple greenhouse can be completed in a short time without tools or special skills. To do this, it is enough to build a frame from several arched rods stuck into the ground and cover it with film. The film is easily stretched onto a frame of any shape, and is also easily removed when winter comes.

  • Good physical parameters

    . The film is a lightweight material with good light transmittance and resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

  • Limitation

    . Polyethylene film has only one significant drawback - it is not durable and requires periodic replacement (every season), but, unlike many consumables, this does not greatly affect the family budget.

Ventilation of seedlings Source festima.ru

Polycarbonate greenhouses

In recent years, the trend of using frame greenhouses for summer cottages made of polycarbonate has intensified. The choice of material is not random; its operational characteristics make it possible to achieve an ideal microclimate and perfectly meet the requirements for greenhouse structures:

Polycarbonate protection Source yandex.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installing winter gardens. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Preparatory stages

Not only its efficiency, but also the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the crop directly depend on the choice of location of the greenhouse and compliance with installation rules.

You can choose one of the types of structures, based on the tasks assigned to you:

  • according to the period of use - spring-summer and year-round;
  • by type of design - arched and hangar, block and tunnel;
  • by construction method - rack, hydroponic or ground;
  • by purpose - seedlings and vegetables;
  • by type of coating used - polymer, glass or film;
  • according to the material from which the frame is made - wooden, aluminum, plastic, galvanized.

After you decide on the type of structure, you need to choose the most suitable place for its installation, focusing on the cardinal directions . In this regard, there are two main positions:

  • latitudinal: the sides of the structure are oriented in the north and south, the facades are oriented in the east and west;
  • meridional: the side slopes face west and east, while the greenhouse facades face north and south.

The location for installing the greenhouse should be sunny. Ideally, choose an area where the snow cover melts earlier.

The area allocated for the construction must be carefully prepared:

  • it needs to be cleared of debris;
  • check that there are no holes in the ground;
  • the surface must be flat: the presence of a slope will inevitably lead to distortion of the structure.

If it is not possible to find a completely flat area, a foundation for the greenhouse must be laid. You can use various materials: timber , blocks , concrete .

Prefabricated greenhouse frame

The frame, the main element of greenhouses and greenhouses, is made of the following materials:

  • Tree

    . A traditional material for greenhouse construction, used for many years due to its low cost and availability. A frame made of timber or boards is pleasant and familiar in appearance, quite strong and durable. The main disadvantage of natural material is low moisture resistance. If your greenhouse is made of wood, it will require additional care to protect it from rot, mold and wood-boring insects.

  • Aluminum

    . Metal is ideal for outdoor structures - it is lightweight, durable, does not rust and has a long service life. The disadvantage is the high cost of the aluminum profile; the frame will be two to three times more expensive than a metal (steel) frame. There is also the danger of becoming a victim of a raid by metal hunters.

  • Metal-plastic

    . A frame made of plastic frames with a metal profile is suitable for small structures. A small prefabricated greenhouse with plastic frames, covered with polycarbonate, will be distinguished by its lightness, reasonable price, high level of heat conservation and neat appearance.


This material is gradually being replaced by other more modern ones - resistant and durable. However, the main frame of a greenhouse made of wood with decorative elements in combination with glass fits perfectly into most styles of garden plots and summer cottages. Additional advantages are: low material cost and ease of processing. This makes it possible for even a less experienced craftsman to build a wooden frame for a greenhouse with his own hands.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the need to periodically treat wood with antiseptic preparations. Even despite this, high humidity and indoor temperature create an ideal environment for rot and fungus to damage the frame material, which significantly reduces the durability of the structure.

Wooden greenhouse frame made of polycarbonate (roof) and glass (walls)

Video description

About the Teremok greenhouse in the following video:

  • Metal profile

    . The frame is made from a corner, a square section profile or a rolled sheet profile; such a structure will serve you for many years and will have a relatively low cost. The metal frame has the added benefit of being lightweight, providing stability in strong gusts of wind. To ensure that the greenhouse lasts a long time, choose a galvanized profile or paint the frame.

In gardens and household plots you can find several forms of prefabricated greenhouses, which include:

  • Arch

    . A practical, snow-load-resistant design whose neat, streamlined appearance will fit into any landscape. The shape is quite complicated to make yourself. Products offered on the market are equipped with flaps for ventilation and access to plants.

Arched shape Source seimersteel.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer landscaping services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

  • Complex

    . The shape of the greenhouse resembles a drop or attic roof (with one or two broken slopes). The upper part of the structure is deliberately made acute-angled; this prevents snow from lingering on the surface and loading it. Pitched varieties of greenhouses are not much easier to manufacture and cheaper than arched ones.

Drop-shaped Source ogorodnica.com

Greenhouse in the form of a hemisphere Source teplica-nn.ru

  • Classical

    (single or double slope). Most of the prefabricated greenhouses, which can be purchased on specialized websites, are based on a metal frame. Such products are durable and have a long service life.

Gable greenhouse Source znaem-gde.ru

This might be interesting!
In the article at the following link, read about greenhouses with covering material.

Choice: what to look for

The performance characteristics and ease of use of a greenhouse are influenced not only by the quality of materials and the shape of the structure, but also by some additional parameters, which include:

  • Frame reliability

    . A high-quality frame is the basis for the rigidity and strength of the entire structure. The ability to withstand wind and snow loads depends on the thickness of the polycarbonate and the spacing of the sheathing (the more frequent the spacing between the arcs, the stronger the structure will be). High-strength arch-shaped models with a galvanized steel profile of a suitable cross-section are designed for a snow load of 180-240 kg per 1 m2, drop-shaped models (more streamlined) - up to 360 kg per 1 m2.

  • Ventilation system

    . You can’t do without it in the middle of the day, when the air temperature under the film is no longer comfortable for plants. The system is implemented differently on different models; most often the structure is equipped with doors or a removable/movable roof. In greenhouses with covers, air circulation is carried out through special openings with zippers.

Film Bonding Methods

All methods of film gluing can be divided into hot and cold .

Hot . You need to prepare a soldering iron (or iron) and fluoroplastic tape.

  • We place the film sheets on top of each other. The overlap width should be 1-2 cm;
  • Using an iron or soldering iron tip, slowly pass it over the surface through fluoroplastic tape.

Most likely, it won’t work out right away, so it’s better to practice first.

There is another method that involves using a blowtorch and wide strips of metal (5-10 cm).

  • We place two sheets of film between a flat surface and strips of metal so that an overlap of 1-1.5 cm is obtained;
  • Using a blowtorch, heat the joint.

Note! It is important not to overheat the metal, otherwise the film underneath will simply melt!

Cold. It is suggested to use various adhesive compositions, such as BF-4 , BF-2 , “Moment” . Before starting work, the areas of intended gluing on the surface of the film are treated with chromic anhydride (a 25% solution is suitable).

If you use polyamide film, PK5 . But after gluing, the seam will need to be additionally ironed with a heated iron (approximately up to 50-60C).

You can also use special superglue for gluing plastic film. In this case, the seam will be not only strong, but also even.

Note! Hot melt adhesive is not suitable for gluing seams!

Video description

About the new generation material in the following video:

  • Hinge quality

    . Folding elements must be mounted on durable hinges made of stainless or galvanized steel.

  • Polycarbonate for high yields

    In addition to the standard one, Nano
    (Nano in the model name). The new material has a light pink color and increased density; a special coating prevents the formation of condensation inside the sheet. The light passing through such a coating is shifted to the red spectrum, which helps to increase crop yields.

  • Easy to assemble

    . Self-assembly of the arched model will take the gardener about 2 hours, the “breadbox” model (a combination of a rectangular base and an arched folding part) will take about 3 hours. A professional installer will assemble the greenhouse in 40-60 minutes.

Model Nano Source yasna24.ru

This might be interesting!
In the article at the following link, read about the design features of the Butterfly greenhouse.

PVC pipes

The greenhouse frame made of PVC water pipes has many limitations in use:

  • It is used only seasonally; it must be dismantled for the winter. The material does not tolerate temperature changes well and will become covered with cracks;
  • Not suitable for any type of polycarbonate coating. The sheets have greater rigidity than the frame;
  • When covering with polyethylene, problems with fastening may occur.

The use of PVC pipes for constructing frame greenhouses is due to the ease of assembly, high maintainability and low cost of the material.

Do-it-yourself mounting diagrams for the main frame components for a greenhouse made from PVC water pipes

Types and prices

A mini-greenhouse is considered a useless design for a professional gardener, but a convenient and practical design for a beginner. Compact dimensions (usually up to 0.7 m in height and an area not exceeding 1x1 m) allow it to be transported assembled in a passenger car. Compact mini-greenhouses are also equipped with an opening lid (or doors). Many models have the ability to connect several greenhouses into one structure.

Manufacturers offer an alternative to cellular polycarbonate - a greenhouse cover made of reinforced film. The design equipped with a cover has the following advantages:

  • Easy to use

    . The case is a finished product; if necessary, it can be easily removed and put on the frame.

  • Heat preservation

    . The reinforced film consists of three layers: one reinforcing layer (made of strong fishing line) and two light stabilizer layers. The material serves as a complete replacement for cellular material.

  • About the reinforced film case in the following video:

Video description

  • Life time

    . Lasts 3-5 years without loss of shape and transparency. The reinforced cover is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and is designed for a range from -40 to +90°C.

Prefabricated stationary structures offered by manufacturers are varied in parameters, but are significantly superior to home-made structures, in which it is difficult to create an optimal microclimate for heat-loving plants. The range offered by the market includes certified and compliant prefabricated greenhouses. You can buy high-quality and inexpensive products in Moscow and the region by contacting organizations that have their own production. The average cost of greenhouses fits into the following ranges:

  • Mini greenhouse. Size 1x0.7x0.7 m

    (length-width-height) - 3.7-4.1 thousand rubles, polycarbonate.

  • Mini greenhouse under film. Size 2.5x1.2x1.2 m

    — 1.8-2 thousand rubles.

  • Mini greenhouse under film. Size 4.1x1.2x1.2 m

    — 2.8-3.1 thousand rubles. (frame - PVC pipe).

  • Mini greenhouse under film. Size 0.6x1x0.6 m

    — 2.9-3.5 thousand rubles. (China, profile - aluminum corner, 1 window).

Mini-greenhouse “breadbox” Source trubogib-sm.ru

Case made of reinforced film Source designdachi.ru

This might be interesting!
In the article at the following link, read about a cottage on a hillside in a pine forest.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a greenhouse under film

Step 1 We carefully prepare the area allocated for construction. Compact the soil well. We strengthen the box of boards in the corners with reinforcement.

Step 2 We fix several reinforcement rods along the perimeter of the foundation. It is important that they are at an equal distance from each other. A structure with an area of ​​3x6 m will require about 35 rods.

We dig the rods into the ground to a depth of half a meter and carefully strengthen them.

Please note: the height of the rods must be at least 0.6 m above the ground.

Step 3 After the rods are strengthened, you need to put PVC pipes on them (cut in advance). This will allow you to connect the reinforcing bars located opposite each other.

Step 4 Using a screwdriver, fix the PVC pipes with metal loops.

Step 5 We carry out additional strengthening of the structure using timber (a section of 50 x 50 mm is ideal)

Step 6 We strengthen the corners of the structure with timber. This will significantly increase its reliability.

Step 7 We connect several PVC pipes together. It is important that their total length is equal to the length of the greenhouse. The next step is to fix the long pipe to the transverse arches of the frame.

Step 8 Cover the finished structure with film. You can use any of the methods described in this article (section “Methods of attaching film to the greenhouse frame”)

Step 9 We cover the front and back parts of the frame with film.

In the place intended for the doorway, the film is adjusted inside.

Step 10

  • We take measurements of the doorway;
  • We knock down the beam, according to the data received;
  • We fix the film and trim off its excess;
  • We fix the door to the greenhouse frame using metal hinges;
  • We install the windows in the same way.

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