The name fully justifies itself - a miracle greenhouse “Successful Harvest”, made with your own hands

Retail demand for greenhouses for gardening and vegetable gardens is high from late March to July.

Because our people are close to the land, they love home-grown vegetables and know how to grow them where the summers are short and cold.

Uralkhoztorg supplies greenhouses that are purchased for gardens, balconies, loggias and window sills. The assortment is enough to build a product line in a garden store and meet the needs of the buyer.

Greenhouses "Harvest weaving" are simple and inexpensive designs

, which are bought by everyone who wants to have light and mobile crop protection on their plot. Even if there is a permanent greenhouse in the garden, the owner will definitely have an additional greenhouse. Therefore, the demand for this product is stable.

Popular wired greenhouse for open ground

A greenhouse is an inexpensive way to protect seedlings from temperature changes, sun, precipitation, insects and birds, and to create the necessary microclimate for plant development.

They buy them

as an addition to permanent greenhouses, or as independent structures.

The following are grown in greenhouses:

● seedlings of garden crops;

● vegetables, berries;

● ornamental plants and flowers.

In areas with a mild climate, without sudden temperature changes, greenhouses are used almost all year round. In regions with harsh climates - from May to September.

Small in height - up to 1.5 m on average, they warm up quickly and retain heat well. If necessary, they can be easily opened to ventilate, remove condensation or normalize the temperature.

Description of the greenhouse

“Lucky Harvest” didn’t get its name for nothing. This is a building that not only fulfills its immediate task: protects seedlings, but also promotes productivity growth .

In recent years, there has been a huge demand for the sale of such garden structures. And this despite the fact that their manufacturers do not bother developing large-scale advertising campaigns.

It’s just that gardeners, having seen a similar creation on a neighboring site, and having become convinced of its effectiveness, purchase it for themselves.

Reviews from experts

Mini-greenhouses are praised by both ordinary buyers and agronomists and experienced summer residents. First of all, people highlight the quality of materials and the availability of devices.

“I read that the greenhouse awning is made of agrotex.
I surfed the Internet and found out that this material can withstand heavy loads, protects against excess ultraviolet radiation and can last 3-4 years. I ordered Urozhayny for testing and now I don’t regret it at all...” Sergey Petrovich, experienced gardener

It is convenient that you can choose the length of the greenhouse (from 3.5 to 6.5 meters). No need to overpay for unnecessary space.


In the photo below you can see the “Successful Harvest” greenhouse disassembled and assembled, as well as examples of its placement:

Benefits, where to buy

In customer reviews, it is more common to mention that a greenhouse can significantly increase productivity (2 times). In addition, people highlight resistance to temperature changes, protection of vegetables from the scorching summer sun, mobility (easy to rearrange) and affordable price.

The Urozhayny mini-greenhouse can be ordered on the manufacturer’s official website. Filling out an application is very easy - you need to fill out the table (name, phone number) and wait for the operator to call. No one requires any prepayments or personal data (passport details, bank card number). So you don't have to worry about possible deception.


“Lucky Harvest” is available in three versions:

  • 4 meters long with five arcs;
  • 6 meters long with seven arcs;
  • 8 meters long with nine arcs.

Advantages of the design

  • the store sells completely ready for installation , which does not require the purchase of additional components; you can assemble a miracle greenhouse with your own hands;
  • the weight of a 4-meter set is only 2 kg . It fits easily even in the back seat of a car;
  • the covering sheet will serve for at least five years;
  • seedlings in a greenhouse are perfectly protected from sudden frosts, insect pests and heavy rainfall. It adapts well inside the greenhouse and grows stronger;
  • a favorable climate is created inside the structure, prolonging the growing season;
  • The kit is convenient to store and transport from place to place, it is installed in five minutes and does not take up much space in the area reserved for the garden.

IMPORTANT! For all its advantages, the greenhouse is sold at a low price. Even a gardener with modest financial resources can afford it.


Strong and rigid plastic pipes with a diameter of 20 mm are used for the frame.

They make arcs 80 cm high and 120 cm wide. They bend freely and are quite light in weight . Their number depends on the length of the product.

The frame does not rot or rust, resists heat well, and does not collapse in the cold. It is easily and quickly installed on the ground.

The arches are firmly sewn into the covering material. The cover is a thermally bonded non-woven fabric with a density of 40 g/m2, which can be easily moved, which is very convenient for watering seedlings. The greenhouse is made of high-tech materials. This allows you to wash it even at home;

REFERENCE: Most often, the German SUF-42 canvas acts as a shelter. It is widely used in agriculture. The structure of the fabric is porous, so moisture does not pass inside and air exchange is not disturbed.

Greenhouse properties and dimensions

The Urozhayny greenhouse design has several sizes to choose from: 3.5 m; 4.5 m and 6.5 m in length.

The design itself consists of high-tech covering material Agroflex, arches made of weightless and durable polypropylene and fixing clips.

The 3.5 m kit includes 4 arcs of 2.4 m and a thickness of 1.6 cm each. The 4.5 m long structure includes 5 arcs of similar sizes. The Urozhayny greenhouse, measuring 6.5 m, has 7 arched supports included.

A productive mini-greenhouse creates a favorable microclimate for plants, close to tropical conditions. The design reliably retains heat and moisture, but at the same time has the ability to allow air to pass through. This allows the plant to breathe, prevents the formation of condensation and eliminates the risk of developing fungal diseases.

According to reviews from gardeners and the assurances of the manufacturer, the Urozhayny greenhouse reliably protects vegetables from the following negative factors:

  • Freezing down to -5 degrees . The canvas canopy of the mini-greenhouse is made from nano-technological agrofibre, which accumulates and retains heat inside during the day, creating a favorable microclimate for plants.
  • High humidity . The agrofibre of the awning contains special pores that regulate the humidity inside the greenhouse. This in turn prevents the development of fungal diseases.
  • Sunburn . Vegetables receive a sufficient amount of light and heat, thanks to the unique material of the awning, but are not damaged by ultraviolet radiation. This property is especially important for such a delicate crop as sweet pepper.
  • Hail . The Urozhayny greenhouse reliably protects plantings from heavy rainfall. Even during heavy hail, agrofibre is not damaged.
  • Drought. The design creates a favorable microclimate inside and controls soil moisture. This allows you not to water the plants for a longer period, even in heat of +30 degrees and above. This is especially true for summer residents who cannot visit their garden plot every day.
  • Pests and diseases . The design reliably protects vegetables from the Colorado potato beetle, slugs, armyworms and aphids, which can be carriers of certain types of phytopathologies.

The manufacturer of the Urozhayny greenhouse is the agricultural company Moy Mir.

What plants is it suitable for growing?

Even if a person has never been involved in gardening, it will not be difficult for him to install a greenhouse and get high-quality seedlings with its help.

It is quite possible to grow lettuce and radishes in a greenhouse. And, of course, it is mainly intended for growing cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes.

Excellent greenhouses for vegetables are described in detail on our website: Agronomist, Snowdrop, Zucchini, Cabriolet, Hacienda, Dachny, Breadbox, Novator, Snail, Dayas, Cucumber, Accordion, Beautiful Dacha.

Conditions for using a mini-greenhouse

You should buy a “Harvest” greenhouse in case of sudden climate changes. Many gardeners are familiar with the situation when plants planted on time freeze due to unexpected cold weather.

Judging by customer reviews, a mini-greenhouse saves you from:

  • pests (Colorado beetle, aphids, slugs);
  • excessive loss of soil moisture (drought);
  • frost (sudden cold snap);
  • overmoistening (the awning allows the vegetables to “breathe”).

It is important that it is made from environmentally friendly materials, so you don’t have to worry about soil contamination.

Installation method

Any gardener who does not have special construction skills can install the structure. To do this you need to act step by step:

  1. Open the package. Try to act carefully so as not to spoil the covering fabric.
  2. Stretch the folding greenhouse along the ridge in the chosen direction.
  3. Secure its end parts. This needs to be done with a little tension.
  4. Next, install the pegs at the ends of the arcs.
  5. Push the pegs firmly into the soil and compact it loosely.
  6. Secure the material at the end of each arc with clips to make it convenient to water the seedlings and hill them.

How to install

Even a child can easily handle the installation of the Urozhayny greenhouse. All a gardener needs to do is perform a series of simple steps:

  • Stretch the structure over the bed.
  • Place arcs up to 1.5 m wide.
  • Insert frame arches to a depth of 10-30 cm.
  • Secure the covering material to the arches with clips.

The structure is also easy and simple to assemble at the end of the season. A productive mini-greenhouse will not take up much storage space.

How to make a polycarbonate greenhouse at home

When ordering a greenhouse structure Harvest PC, the manufacturer sends all the parts in packaged form. The disassembled greenhouse comes with instructions, which makes it easy and quick to assemble the structure with your own hands. However, before assembly, it is necessary to understand the issue of the foundation and prepare all the details.

Equipment for the greenhouse “Harvest PC”

Selection of foundation

The Harvest PC greenhouse made of polycarbonate can be installed without a foundation. This option is possible during summer operation. In cases where the greenhouse is not planned to be assembled for the winter or there is a desire to initially strengthen the structure, it is recommended to build a foundation - this way the structure will be more durable.

Read more about the features and choice of foundation for a greenhouse.

The foundation is installed as follows:

  1. Dig 10 holes around the perimeter: 4 in the corners of the greenhouse, 1 in the center of the end walls and 2 on the side walls. The optimal parameters of the pits are width and length of 0.5 m, depth of 0.6 m.
  2. Pour sand into the bottom of the dug holes.
  3. Pour the pre-prepared cement solution onto the sand bed.
  4. Attach a frame made of 50x150 mm timber to concrete pillars around the perimeter of the building.

A simpler design involves the use of T-shaped fasteners. They are driven into the ground instead of concrete posts.

Greenhouse assembly instructions

Installation of the structure occurs after unpacking all the parts and cutting the polycarbonate sheet for the end walls according to the above drawing. When all the elements of the greenhouse are ready, you can begin assembly.

Collect the greenhouse PC Harvest according to the following instructions:

  1. Install the V-shaped steel frame for the end walls according to the drawing.
  2. Attach the arched frame of the ceiling and walls with a crossbar.
  3. Attach the cut polycarbonate to the end frame with M4 nuts and M4×14 and M4×25 screws.
  4. Secure the top covering to each arched opening with clamping ties.

Important! Install cellular polycarbonate outward only on the side that is protected from ultraviolet exposure.

Video: Greenhouse made of V-shaped profile Urozhay-PK-4, assembly

Advantages and disadvantages

It should be noted that the greenhouse-greenhouse of the “Harvest” series is a miracle, good both in terms of design and construction. Besides:

  • At the slightest contamination, you can remove the covering, wash it in a washing machine and return it back.
  • It is possible to order a covering made of cellular polycarbonate.
  • The design itself is durable due to the simple and flexible frame.
  • When collected, the miracle greenhouse does not require special skills or tools.
  • The labile fastening system allows you to change sizes according to your wishes.

The only disadvantage of the miracle greenhouse is its lightweight design. It is necessary to take care of the foundation or reliable fastenings so that a gust of wind does not blow it off the garden bed.

Greenhouses of the Urozhaynaya Sotka brand

The brand's greenhouses combine high-quality covering materials and frame structures made of HDPE arcs and metal in a PVC shell.

We have our own and contract production of greenhouses in Russia

and abroad. In 2022, we launched an extrusion line for the production of arcs in Yekaterinburg. If previously only part of the work related to sewing was carried out, now we have in our hands the entire production cycle of stitched greenhouses.

Contract manufacturing is subject to a system of multi-level inspections. Quality control begins from the stage of selecting a manufacturing plant and auditing the batch production process at the factory to delivery to our warehouse and verification of compliance in our company.

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